by Mike Adams
May 27, 2016
NaturalNews Website
Spanish version

After decades of denials and attacks by
the media which called people concerned
about cell phone radiation
"tin foil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists," a massive, multi-year
study funded by the federal government now concludes that yes, cell
phone radiation causes brain cancer.
The study is entitled, "Report of Partial Findings
from the National Toxicology Program Carcinogenesis Studies of Cell
Phone Radiofrequency Radiation in Hsd - Sprague Dawley SD Rats."
"The findings, which chronicle
an unprecedented number of rodents subjected to a lifetime
of electromagnetic radiation, present some of the strongest
evidence to date that such exposure is associated with the
formation of rare cancers in at least two cell types in the
brains and hearts of rats," reports
Scientific American.
The researchers found that as the
thousands of rats in the new study were exposed to greater
intensities of RF radiation, more of them developed rare forms
of brain and heart cancer that could not be easily explained
away, exhibiting a direct dose-response relationship.
Some of the rats had
glioma - a
tumor of the glial cells in the brain - or
schwannoma of the
Furthering concern about the
findings: In prior epidemiological studies of humans and
cell phone
exposure, both types of tumors have also cropped up as
associations. In contrast, none of the control rats - those not
exposed to the radiation - developed such tumors.
Consumer Reports also authored
this story published on Yahoo Finance, which states,
"The tumors found were gliomas (in
the brain), and schwannomas (of the heart)."
That same story goes on to report:
[T]he current study, which found the
same types of tumors in rats that the earlier epidemiological
research found in humans, was a controlled clinical trial.
It was specifically designed to
simulate the exposures of cell phone users, and all of the
important parameters were tightly controlled and carefully
Rats and mice were exposed to the
same kinds of
used in cell phones, for roughly nine hours each day, spread
over the course of the day.
Another government
cover-up shattered
In other words, the cell phone
industry can no longer claim it's "bad science."
This is rigorous science, and it shows a
clear, dose-related causative link between exposure to
phone radiation and the development of brain and heart tumors.

For decades, the government has actively conspired with industry to
downplay any evidence linking cell phones to cancer.
We see this
across the federal government,
of course, with,
the EPA downplaying the risks of
the FDA
downplaying the risks of pharmaceuticals
the CDC downplaying the
risks of vaccines
the USDA downplaying the risks of
engineered crops
The entire federal government as it
operates today is little more than the science propaganda and
marketing arm of private industry. (Corporate-government collusion,
by the way, is better known as economic Fascism.)
In all this, the role of the government-controlled media has long
been to ridicule anyone who questions the official science
propaganda on all these topics.
Except that now the truth is being exposed on all these fronts.
Now, even the government's own
study shows that
cell phone radiation causes cancerous tumors of the brain and heart.
At the same time, independent science is increasingly exposing the
harm of,
The CDC, for its conspiratorial part, yanked warnings about cell
phone radiation from its website. (It's the Ministry of Truth, you
see, and preventing the public from learning the truth is always the
CDC's No. 1 priority...)
As Consumer Reports says in
its story:
The results of this large, long-term
study could dramatically shift the national debate over cell
phone safety.
The NTP's website says that the results may be
used by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the FTC in
determining how best to protect consumers from the potential
harms of radiation that comes from cell phones.
The CDC might also consider reinstating the cautions it pulled
from its web site. (We've reached out to the agency for comment,
and will update our story once we hear back from them).
Likewise, the cell phone industry may have to alter its stance.
The wireless association trade group CTIA has maintained that
cell phones are completely safe, and has fought to block San
Francisco from passing laws that would require electronics
retailers to notify consumers about the proper handling of cell