by Julian Rose
July 26,
JulianRose Website

Post industrial mankind's fascination with material progress has,
since the industrial revolution, played the dominant role in the
direction taken by Westernized societies.
'The machine', along with
the material and financial wealth necessary to own and operate it,
has steadily subsumed more human centered values that preceded its
Fascination with so called modern technologies of the present
day, represent an extension of the general obeisance paid to the
rising totem of technological 'advances' over the past three
It has led to the point where such innovations no longer claim to be
about 'lessening the work load' , but almost openly proffer the
claim of being convenience drugs without which much of Westernized
society could barely function at all.
Controversially, each step along the way to this point of
abstraction has involved leaps of imaginative thinking that draw
upon universal energetic principles.
The genius of
Nicholas Tesla being an example of such.
Yet, simultaneously, each
'advance' has brought with it a swathe of deficits to the health and
welfare of the natural environment, man, animals and insects;
threatening to undermine the very fabric of planetary
The synthetic microwave energy that has gained such prominence over
the past twenty years, has aped the rhythm and pulse of universal
energy, and in so doing it has offered mankind a parallel model to
live by.
synthetic reality, not our true
reality as spirit-energy led beings.
I am putting the question of whether such 'innovations' take mankind
- closer to or further from - the place which
our hearts call upon us to go? That
enlightened state which our deeper consciousness constantly calls
upon us to express and live by in the here and now.
If it takes us closer, then why is the incremental price being
played by people, plants and insects, so high?
Quite possibly so high as
to undermine the living fabric of the planet to a point where no
natural return is possible. To a state where planetary life becomes
a 'virtual' copy of the original. A gene modified substratum of real
The contradictions stare us in the face:
distort natural
ecological and human rhythms in order to reach some form of
technological enlightenment?
What in the West we call
'a high standard of living' now demands access to a whole range of
electromagnetic, microwave and electronic gismos that have exploded
onto world markets in the past two decades - creating a permanent
cloud of
electromagnetic smog - and fitting
neatly into 'the hidden hand of control's' preferred form of
imprisonment of mankind.
A key component of this take-over of the human brain is the
so-called 'singularity'
a cross-over point in
which computerized power overtakes the capacity of the sentient
human brain to exercise normal daily decision making procedures.
A place where genetic
engineering and nanotech synthetic realities become the norm, and
humans cross the red line that keeps humanity separate from being
subsumed into a race of technologically programmed cyborgs.
At which point the human
race will have lost touch with both its cosmic and earthly reality
Let's consider this straight-on.
How do you stand
with the cell phone/Ipod/Wi-Fi revolution of the past two
Do you own one of
these inventions? - I did, but I dumped it...
Where do you want
these 'oh so clever' technologies to take you?
Is it really
worth cooking your brains and interfering with the natural
rhythms of wave form universal energy, just to be a more
'smart' business man or woman?
Just to have
almost instant access to friends, family and associates?
Just to make it
possible to hold mindless conversations that achieve nothing
other than a vague sense of comfort - and are just about as
useful as the processed junk food in a typical supermarket
chain store?
For those dimly aware
that the electromagnetic microwaves that emanate from these gismos -
and from the sinister towers that provide their pulsed signals - may
also be disrupting the background resonance (Schumann
Resonance) that provides balance to the human brain and
heart, the flight of birds, bees and other insects, plant growth and
the very stability of the atmosphere itself,
Is it too much to
expect that those who possess these gadgets will work at
freeing themselves from their toxic convenience addictions?
Are we allowing
our lives to be dominated by a simulated electronic pulse
that is the perfect tool for mass mind control?
Or, are we
seeking to attune ourselves a natural pulse which is guiding
the subtle sensibilities of our very own hearts?
To which of these
do you give priority in your daily life?
The heart is not a
technological construct.
It operates on a
wavelength which is critical to the flowering of our spiritual path.
It responds to a Universal rhythm of which man is an integral part
and which is every individual's birth-rite.
Had we been consciously
operating on this
heart and spirit led frequency over
the past centuries, mankind and planet Earth would not be in the
perilous psycho-physical state of imbalance it is in today.
If all technology had been kept to largely benign and human scale
proportions, it would have been inconceivable to have come up with
weapons of mass destruction our nations arm themselves with today;
or indeed the uranium fuelled nuclear power stations that provide
their fissionable materials.
As we stand today - at the eleventh hour of our demise or possible
reprieve - these issues stand starkly in front of us. Something has
to give.
The rapidly approaching threat of a
Wi-Fi 5G roll-out, with its
violent, volatile microwave transmissions tuned to almost exactly
the same wave length as the human neocortex, must serve as the red
line technology that simply cannot be allowed to happen.
For it quite literally
cannot be tolerated by our living organism:
psychologically, mentally or spiritually.
The entire animal and
plant kingdom, already battered by 2, 3 and 4G microwaves, cannot
survive any further bombardment and retain any chance of remaining
sentient, sensitive and truly alive.
All those who are aware,
however dimly, of the harm we are doing to ourselves, others and our
shared environment by carelessly adopting the latest pocket sized
weapons of mass destruction and the 'internet of everything' which
they plug into - have just a few months to join in a mass protest to
prevent the 5G horror from becoming reality.
We are at a turning point in the affairs of man.
A new 'awareness-energy'
is emerging within all of us; an energy which is the antithesis of
the synthetic variety. It is a God given energy, a gift which is
bestowed upon us as an integral part of our condition of being
Now is the time for us to use this gift and to turn the tide on our
A misadventure under the
jackboot of a centralized global cabal that cares not one iota for
the fate of our planet, other than the fact that it is held captive
and submissive.
However, it is a force
which pales into insignificance when compared with the full power of
awakened consciousness.
Yet it has nevertheless
been allowed (by us) to turn this planet into something approaching
an emotional, spiritual and physical desert. 5G is perhaps the
ultimate tool of repression, because it comes disguised as a seeming
technological break-through that the unknowing will adopt without
giving a thought of what it actually is.
5G is scheduled to be put into affect next year, 2019.
The plan is for more than
four thousand satellites to be launched into the
planet's upper atmosphere over a two year period. These satellites
are designed to blanket cover every square inch of the planet with a
Wi-Fi web of unparalleled output.
Nowhere will escape the
affects of the 360 degree microwave grid...
Meanwhile millions of new
'masts' will be constructed to transmit the extra short Wi-Fi pulses
to cities, towns and countryside locations throughout the planet.
2,3 and 4G transmissions
have already raised deep scientific worries about their affects on
humans, animals, insects and plant life; 5G is set to vastly
escalate existing concerns. It presents an almost unimaginable
danger to life on Earth.
Should such a scenario ever be fulfilled, mankind will have 'souled-out'
to a lethal technological toy whose only claim to fame is that it
will provide 'instant' access to fake news and mega volumes of
corporate enriching junk information.
Are we going to
continue to allow ourselves to be led into a world dominated
by a processed Wi-Fi microwave pulse tuned so as to directly
interfere with our natural communication channels?
Channels to and
from the Divine source of all life on this Universe?
Are we going to
completely submit our God given creativity to be
hacked by a 'smart' mechanical construct controlled by a
less than human corporate cabal?
Are we going to
continue to idly flirt with a Cyborg
Transhumanist agenda that
promotes a technology that 'does our thinking for us'?
Are we seriously
ready to abandon ourselves and our planet to the neutering,
sterilizing affects of the engineered electromagnetic
I ask all these questions
because that is the way it looks like going - unless a big wake-up
call swings humanity into a another trajectory.
That trajectory involves us seizing hold of the genuine creative
upsurge that fuels our quest for truth - and learning to align
ourselves with the synergistic harmony of our quantum universe.
The road of truth cannot be be walked by following the 'convenience
So kiss goodbye
to the toxic cell phone
Throw out the
mind control machine called television
Start the process
of saying bye bye to the corporate controlled energy grid,
...and start a new life -
while you still can.
Whatever you do, get involved in all efforts to
block 5G from gaining momentum
- or start your own initiative. As a precondition for the sanity of
human kind - it must be stopped.
Take back control of your destiny as an individual able to think
outside the box, and learn to retune yourself to the infinite
wavelength of conscious awareness.
Let it direct you out of
the godless prison so cunningly devised by our oppressors.