by Catherine J. Frompovich
August 27, 2018
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Taos, New Mexico
August 12, 2018
An all-day symposium on 5G was held in Taos, New Mexico on Sunday,
August 12, 2018.
Arthur Firstenberg
discussed the history, science,
and description of 5G, including 5G from satellites in space, and
its expected effects on all living things.
Click on below media, to access Arthur Firstenberg's 34:23 minutes of
amazing facts about the relatively unknown and probably
deliberately-withheld information about,
This research is regarding adverse health effects from 5G
millimeter wave radiation streaming down from thousands of
ionosphere-placed satellites, plus 5G cell towers parked outside
your homes, e.g., front doors or bedroom windows, with your not
being able to protest them, nor have them removed!
We did not evolve with microwaves;
they are foreign to us.
After listening to Arthur's remarkable knowledge based upon
decades-long research after his having been forced to leave medical
school as a result of becoming electromagnetically sensitive, cell
phone users and 'smart' technology addicts.
They ought to realize there is
a 'universe' of unknowns regarding human health, environmental
impacts and other damaging issues that will materialize as
a result
of 5G not being studied carefully and
fully, but being fast-tracked
by the inordinate use of devices we lived without until less than 25
years ago, plus a restrained non-disclosure of 5G capabilities, which
the U.S. military uses as "directed energy weapons".
Fox News Admits Government Using Lasers
Directed Energy Weapons
Statistically, electromagnetic hypersensitivity is a global health
problem, which will increase exponentially when there are 20,000
satellites sending down millimeter wave frequencies that no one
really knows neither how to deal with nor how to protect you from
their negative health impacts.
"Tinfoil hats"
will be of NO help!
There will be nowhere to hide or to find relief from millimeter
frequencies research has shown will make our bodies feel like we
have perpetual horrible sunburn and activate our sweat glands to
work overtime, plus induce severe eye damage.
Are those currently
'anonymous' health risk factors for microwave tech users really
worth cell phone and microwave use polluting the Planet, humankind
and the environment?
There's the greater possibility of everyone probably contracting
some form of cancer, since microwaves break DNA strands - a cause of
Neither the human body, nor anything else on Planet Earth,
has been subjected to man-made microwaves in the millimeter ranges
of 24 GHz and upward toward 90 GHz...
Remember, one GHz is equivalent to one BILLION Hertz (frequency
oscillations of energy per SECOND).
Now, do the math and try to envision how your body will react to
gajillions of such frequency oscillations hitting it every second of
the day - just to be able to play a game on a 'smart' device.