by John Humphries
Cassiopaea Website
Part 1
In December 1980, Colonel John
Alexander published an article in the US Army's journal,
Military Review, "The New Mental Battlefield", stating that
telepathy could be used to interfere with the brain's electrical
This caught the attention of senior Army generals who
encouraged him to pursue what they termed "soft option kill"
technologies. After retiring from the Army in 1988, Alexander joined
the Los Alamos National Laboratories and began working with
Morris, the Research Director of the US Global Strategy Council (USGSC),
chaired by Dr Ray Cline, former Deputy Director of the CIA.
As it happens, in the same year that John Alexander went to work for
the USGSC, in October of 1988, a program called UFO Coverup? Live!,
produced by Michael Seligman in cooperation with William Moore,
aired interviews with two "government informants" calling themselves
by the code-names Falcon and Condor. The "informants" were
interviewed behind screens, and with their voices electronically
disguised in order to "prevent retaliation by the government."
During the course of the interview, Falcon claimed that something
called the
MJ-12 group had its headquarters at the Naval Observatory
in Washington D.C. and that the U.S. Navy had "primary operational
responsibilities of field activities relating to MJ-12 policies."
Falcon also informed the viewer that
extra-terrestrial was a guest of the U.S. government at the time,
and that the aliens had a secret base at
Area 51 in Nevada. The
mysterious figure named "Condor" provided the interesting tidbit
that the aliens liked "Tibetan music and strawberry ice cream."
A year later, in 1989 according to Dr Armen Victorian journalist for
Lobster Magazine, Moore announced
at a US MUFON convention at Las Vegas that the 1988 program
contained a substantial amount of disinformation, although some of
it was true. He then startled his audience:
Bill Moore stated…. at (MUFON) on July 1 1989 in Las Vegas, how he
was promised inside information by the senior members of the AVIARY
in return for his obedience and service to them. He participated in
the propagation and dissemination of disinformation fed to him by
various members of the AVIARY. He also confessed how he was
instructed to target one particular individual, an electronics
expert, Dr. Paul Bennewitz, who had accumulated some UFO film
footage and electronic signals which were taking place in 1980 over
the Manzano Weapons Storage areas, at Kirtland Air Force Base, New
Mexico. As a result of Moore's involvement, coupled with some
surreptitious entries and psychological techniques, Bennewitz ended
up in a psychiatric hospital.
Well, of course one wonders why Bill Moore would shoot himself in
the foot in this way in front of an audience. Not only was he
setting himself up to be considered untrustworthy by his MUFON
peers, he was betraying his "masters." The only reasonable
conclusion to draw from this is that the entire "revelation" was
orchestrated exactly as it developed, and was, in fact, part of the
disinformation process. What is curious about the whole affair is
that the AVIARY has now achieved status similar to "MJ-12" even
though, in the beginning, the only real connection between all of
the members was the fact that they were all known to William Moore.
In 1990 Howard Blum mentioned the Aviary in his book
Out There which
identified “The Falcon” and named Paul Bennewitz and
Richard Doty.[2]
Throughout 1990 the USGSC pushed its agenda, the result being the
creation of a Non-lethality Policy Review Group, led by Major
General Chris S. Adams, USAF (retired), former Chief of Staff,
Strategic Air Command.
In 1991 Janet Morris of USGSC issued a number of papers on the
concept of non-lethal weapons. Shortly afterward, the US Army
Training and Doctrine Command at Fort Monroe, VA, published a
detailed draft report on the subject, titled "Operations Concept for
Disabling Measures". In a memorandum dated April 10, 1991, titled
"Do we need a Non-lethal Defense Initiative?", Paul Wolfwitz, Under
Secretary of Defense for Policy, wrote to Defense Secretary Dick
"A US lead in non-lethal
technologies will increase our options and reinforce our
position in the post-Cold War world. Our Research and
Development efforts must be increased."
In 1991, Fate magazine became one of the
major vectors of disinformation, naming the Aviary and the
involvement and or activities of Doty, Bennewitz and
Fate Magazine's current "chief disinformant" is
Rosemary Guiley.
In mid 1992 investigations by member of UFO groups in the USA
purportedly revealed a shadowy organization known as “The Aviary”
comprising of ex military or intelligence civilians and officers. ”.
The purpose according to early reports of the Aviary was to de-bunk
UFO investigations or feed disinformation and to encourage
investigators to follow the wrong path.
first reliable mention of this group on Usenet indicates it was
disclosed by Don Allen in about 1992 using it as a NSA keyword
Don Allen was active in the MUFON groups as well as being involved
in a group known as Ovotron.
Ovotron was a conjunction of
UFO/Conspiracy/New Age collectives nestled in the mountains of North
Carolina. Ovotron continues on under the guidance of Kortron and
Solinus in the same North Carolina backwoods pyramid. Last mention
of Don Allen appears to be some Tesla Coil experiments carried out
in Colorado.
THE Aviary membership was expanded in print in June 1993 in the
British para-political magazine The Lobster as mentioned above. The
author, Dr Armen Victorian was writing an article on
Non-Lethal Warfare. His focus seems
to have been Colonel John Alexander. Victorian mentioned the names
of several ex-intelligence officers, civilian scientists with
military clearance and military officers, where where each of these
officers worked, and described their involvement in numerous their
varied fields.
Armen stated:
Alexander and C.B. Jones are members
of the AVIARY, a group of intelligence and Department of
officers and scientists with a brief to discredit any serious
research in the UFO field. Each member of the AVIARY bears a
bird's name.
What seems to be the connecting
principle is a
background of Remote Viewing or psi type activities
by most of the members with some only interested in UFO research and
others somehow blending the remote viewing/UFO exercise. It also
appeared to be disproportionately represented with physicists. The
question is, of course, what are they looking for with their remote
viewing and what do they plan to do with it with their physics?
Victorian’s original Aviary list was as follows.
OWL - Dr Harold Puthoff –
Parapsychologist, Ex NSA ( Later found to be false)
FALCON - C.B.Jones -
Parapsychology/psychotronics, Navy Intel, DIA, MUFON (1989)
as a consultant.
PENGUIN - John Alexander -
Former Army Intel on the board of Psi-tech.
PELICAN - Ron Pandolphi –
Physicist CIA.
BLUEJAY - Dr Chris Green - CIA.
RAVEN - Dr Jack Verona – DIA DoD
HAWK: Unnamed
Later this list was extended a little.
The best source for information I have found has been
Brother Blue and
Doc Hambone sites. Coincidently
both sites have lapsed, one being taken over by SAIC corporation -
coincidently staffed by several ex CIA and NSA types[6] and
benefactor of SRI remote viewing research. Fortunately both sites
have been mirrored by enthusiasts.
Brother Blue describes the Aviary as an:
An ad-hoc dysfunctional family of
disparate military/intelligence spooks who share an interest in
UFOs and parapsychology yet often work at cross-purposes and
frankly don't even get along with each other all that well.
Extremely weird birds.
His circa 1998 list is as follows .[7]
Christopher "Kit" Green, MD, Ph.D; Chief, Biomedical
Sciences Department, General Motors, former head of the
CIA's UFO files at the "Weird Desk."
PELICAN - Ron Pandolfi,
Ph.D. (physics)., CIA Deputy Director for the Division of
Science and Technology and current custodian of UFO files at
the "Weird Desk."
Smith, civilian UFO research/volunteer liaison among sources
within the Central Intelligence Agency, the Congressional
Intelligence Committees and civilian UFO researchers. Smith
continually exchanges information and networks with key UFO
researchers, serves as their interlocutor and shares their
findings and his own with his sources at the CIA and on
Capitol Hill
Jacques Vallee,
Ph.D., formerly an astrophysicist working with Paris
Observatory and the Space Committee (nothing to do with
UFOs), later moved to U.S. as principal investigator with
Defense Department computer network projects; worked with
famed astronomer and dear friend Dr. J. Allen Hynek who left
and denounced the military's Project Blue Book as a
disinformational smokescreen; prolific author on UFO
PENGUIN - Colonel John
Alexander, Ph.D. (Death Science!), U.S. Army Intelligence
and Security Command. Currently involved with NIDS.
OWL - Hal Puthoff,
Ph.D.(Physics), ex-NSA/SRI physicist with the Institute for
Advanced Research in Austin, Texas. Ex-OT III scientologist.
Scott Jones, Ph.D. (International Studies), USN (Ret.),
former officer with the Office of Naval intelligence and
other agencies; 30 years service in U.S. intelligence
overseas; involved in government research and development
projects for the Defense Nuclear Agency, Defense
Intelligence Agency, Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency, and other organizations; former aide to Sen.
Clairborne Pell, who has had a long-standing interest in
UFOs and the paranormal and has tried to arrange
Congressional hearings on UFOs.
SEA GULL - Bruce Maccabee,
Ph.D. (Physics), research scientist in optical physics and
laser weapons applications at the U.S. Naval Surface Weapons
Lab, Maryland; MUFON physics/photo-interpretive consultant.
HARRIER - Dale Graff,
Defense Intelligence Agency who fought to keep Pandolfi out
of the DIA "RV/psi" loop.
BUZZARD - Gordon Novel,
friend of Alexander and the "Forrest Gump of Conspiracies"
is rumored to be the grassy knoll's "Umbrella Man" at the
time of the JFK hit and subsequently stymied the Garrison
investigation into the affair, singlehandedly "brought the
entire CIA to it's knees for a day," degaussed many of
Nixon's Watergate tapes and most recently is said to have
filmed (via FLIR) Janet's Waco holocaust from a friend's
Cessna. His relationship to the Martians, however, remains
unclear at this point.
Shandera, a small-time Hollywood film producer who at one
time apparently served as a media-arm.
FALCON - Sgt. Richard
"Dick" Doty, USAF (Ret.); Special Agent, Air Force Office of
Special Investigations.
CONDOR - Capt. Bob
Collins, USAF (Ret.); Special Agent, Air Force Office of
Special Investigations. Spotted often in 1997 on various
USENET saucer-nut groups spouting delightfully absurd tales.
HAWK - Ernie
The Doc Hambone site describes
the Aviary as follows:
I believe the term "Aviary" was
first coined by ufologist and self-described government
informant William Moore, to include the agents he supposedly
dealt with, who were often codenamed after birds. Victorian and
others, like psychiatrist and ufologist
Richard Boylan, have
claimed that the Aviary is the official codeword, and that they
have met with various agents.
The individuals involved expanded
to include almost anyone that supports or debunks UFO research
that is in any way connected to the government. Michael Persinger has been included, as well as
Susan Blackmore for
interviewing him. It has degenerated to the point that it's now
an inside joke on the newsgroups, with people giving each other
codenames like Pigeon and Dodo Bird.
So what are we to think?
It does seem
that there is something going on. There is a lot of smoke and
mirrors but we don't seem to be able to find the fire all in one
place. Can we track these sources of disinformation, this
Cosmic COINTELPRO? Where are they now and what are they doing and could
there possibly be other so-called Aviary members?
It appears so. To do so, one has to look at the organizations that
these individuals are in and at the same time examine other
individuals in the periphery. It appears to be, that there is not
one organization such as the Aviary, but several organizations
forming a network, the designated Aviary being only one of these.
The influence and scope of the individuals is far reaching as has
been described in the Adventures Series.
Basically, it breaks down into 6 organizations which are part of
from what shall be referred to from now on as the The Star of
Sorcerers. The reason the author has designated the term sorcerers
goes along the line of argument as expressed on the
Brother Blue
site. Sorcerers take on different guises throughout time to the
establishment in power at that time, whether they be clairvoyants in
the middle ages, Enochian magicians in Elizabethan times, or
physicists and remote viewers in this intel-backed information age.
What has happened with this group of sorcerers is that it appears
they have broken away from the ties of establishment in power at the
time and formed their own separate organization of power although
there still remains close ties to the one Time Master, in this case
being the US military and intelligence machine - The
Industrial-Military Complex - a Consortium.
The six main organizations that the Star of Sorcerers are
with are as follows.
The Aviary: Using Brother
Blue's analogy an ad-hoc dysfunctional family of disparate
military/intelligence spooks…..
NIDS: Privately funded
research organization dealing with UFO’s and Paranormal
Jack Sarfatti’s Stardrive mailing list:
An open mailing list dealing with physics and the
applications it has on interplanetary propulsion systems as
well as time.
The Institute of Noetic Science:
Organization set up by astronaut Edgar Mitchell researching
and teaching consciousness studies and human potential.
The Warrior’s Path: A
collective of fringe scientists, remote viewers
The Axiom Faculty: Composed
of scientists, researchers, mystics, shaman, pundits, seers,
healers - exceptional teachers showing us new maps of
When one maps these six groups one ends
up with a Star of David configuration with offshoots from this
network. It looks something like this:

Part 2
See Also:
Timeline of Secret Government Projects
As the first article in this series explains , "The Star of
Sorcerers" is a group of ex military officers, spooks,
and remote viewers (more than likely a combination of these).
A fellow member of the
Quantum Future School and I had an exchange
which I thought pertinent to share. It raises some questions about
this collective with answers.
----- Original Message -----
From: "xxxx"
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 9:41 PM
Subject: article: the star of sorcerers
> Hello,
> I think the 'The star of sorcerers' article needs a
little updating,
> because I got a incorrect impression when reading the
final part of:
> Sorcerers
> that says about the Aviary:
> "Basically, it breaks down into 6 organizations which
are part of from
> what shall be referred to from now on as the The Star
of Sorcerers."
> To me it is not clear from the article WHY these 6
organizations are
> linked to the Aviary; how did the writer reach that
conclusion (just
> one explaining line would be enough)? If it is because
some suspect
> persons are related to the organization that is not
enough to label
> the whole organization as 'suspect' as looks to be
implied by the star
> diagram. And 'related' doesn't have to mean
'infiltrated'. From the
> article it is not clear if the 'Star of Sorcerers'
refers to the
> 'infiltrators' or the organizations themselves.
There will be more, I wrote the
article as the first part of a series.
Basically there is a network of people who seem to be
inter-related with players on the fringes. Whether these people
on the fringes have been co-opted, co-erced or just plain duped
is still a point of debate.
> Are *all* the people involved in these organizations
> agents or just some. I ask this because I have some
books by authors
> associated with the Noetic Institute and the
Faculty. I also
> remember Ark talking admirably about Jack Sarfatti and
now his list is
> related to the Aviary - in what way? Is Sarfatti
himself suspect, and
> if so on what grounds?
Whose works do you have? I have
James Redfield, to be honest I was disappointed when I found he
was involved (even if it was only on the fringes).
Sarfatti has actually jokingly (?) put himself up for nomination
the Aviary as "Eagle".
I'd more say "Duck" as he seems to be have kept out of the main
"Eagle" could possibly be Edgar Mitchell and there will be
explanations along with this. Mitchell goes way back with Puthoff/Targ at
SRI with some research done on Uri Geller.
> And why specifically 6 (??) organizations? There are
other similar
> type organizations as well - if you look at the
subject matter: the
> 'Integral Institute' or the 'Esalen Institute', or the
> Studies Institute (http://www.inacs.org/)
could be looked into as
> having suspicious connections so that they could be
number 7, 8 and 9,
> forming a much nicer enneagram?
Perhaps it could be extended at this
stage there seems to be 6 main organizations in the "core", once
again with various sub organizations on the fringe.
Yes the Esalen Institute could be included, as could,
At this stage I'm sticking to the
main players within the network who seem to have a heavy leaning
Remote Viewing, consciousness studies and physics.
[NOTE: The list has been extended to 7 with the recent
addition of
The Majestic Team]
The criteria I have used seems to be at least five or six
members of one group can be placed in one or more of the other
organizations. Some are as high as ten.
How do you map a network? This is a problem I have encountered
when trying to complete some sort of diagram. Unlike a hierarchy
which is reasonably simple, you end up with a stack of little
boxes with lines all over the place. The simplest way so far is
with a six pointed star that will be extended over time.
I have a lot of information to collate and assemble in some sort
of order. I can e-mail you a table of people off list, if you
would like a clearer picture. It is pretty amazing when you see
all the common names.
[The list has been collated in an edited HTML table below]
> I find it interesting that
in the article Susan Blackmore is
> implicated as we recently talked about memes, but
being associated
> with Memetics and interviewing another suspect person
doesn't make
> someone suspect does it? If so you could implicate
almost everyone
> into a conspiracy.
If you read the comments by Doc
Hambone it makes light of Blackmore being implicated in
Aviary for merely interviewing Persinger who was suspected of
being a member (even though he has never be named as such)!
Hambone's observation mirrors the one you make above.
And this can be the trap, the old hoary "guilt by association".
However there is something going on, the recent thread on memes
and disinformation/A influences may take me somewhere in regards
to, "What are these people up to?"
> regards,
> Fxxxx
No Problem. Thanks for the critical
eye. It's my first attempt so go gently :-)
Here is the list compiled so far. The main organizations are as
National Institute of
Discovery Science (NIDS)
Sarfatti's Stardrive Mailing
List (SARF)
Majestic Documents Team (MJ12)
The Axiom Faculty (AXIOM)
The Warrior's Path Group (WARR)
The Institute of Noetic
Science (IONS)
The list includes both past and present
membership to the organizations. To make this list the criteria is
that a person be involved with at least TWO organizations.
As one can see IONS only has FOUR people being present on other
groups but as it was said to me when I showed someone this list,
"Gee, Ed Mitchell gets around a bit doesn't he?" There is a larger
list with pretty well ALL names including Ed's membership on the
Club of Budapest, which is heading towards conspiratorial
NWO material.
Joe Firmage also got around a bit until reality caught up with him,
whether he is still involved in ANY of these groups is unknown.
I know is Jack Sarfatti is giving him a real barreling wherever he
MJ12 |
John Alexander |
5 |
Harold Puthoff |
5 |
Edgar Mitchell |
Jaques Vallee |
3 |
Ron Pandolfi |
2 |
Scott Jones |
(4?) |
Bruce Maccabee |
3 |
Dan Smith |
2 |
Russell Targ |
4 |
Joe Firmage |
5 |
Fred Allan Wolf |
2 |
Eric Davis |
3 |
Jessica Utts |
2 |
Theodore Rockwell |
2 |
Bert Rutan |
2 |
John Mack |
2 |
Peter Russell |
2 |
Stanley Krippner |
2 |
Paul Ray |
2 |
Whitley Strieber |
2 |
MJ12 |
This series will be continued with
commentary on each organization and links to information on some of
the players.
Of course there are the links outside "The Star of
Sorcerers" which have been mentioned in "Something
Wicked This Way Comes" , the
Disclosure Project being one
example of this.