by Iain Mackenzie
March 2008
TheCanadian Website
Have you ever contemplated why there appears to
be a substantive lack of political will to redress worsening global problems
in general?
Perhaps you might have also thought of the origins of very
specific tragedies in the world.
Why, for example, did
United Nations
agencies, various national governments, and large private organizations turn
their back of the mass human suffering of the Rwandan genocide?
Why is history being allowed to repeat itself in Darfur, Sudan, and in
diverse parts of Africa where rape has become a specifically organized part
of contrived tribal warfare in Africa?
What is the Iraq War all about anyway?
If the target is in fact, terrorists,
why are supposedly freedom-fighting U.S. backed militaries using
Uranium dirty bombs?
These documented “dirty bombs” have caused hundreds of
thousands of Iraqis, and tens of thousands of U.S. military personnel to die
from cancer and other medical complications. Over one million innocent Iraqi
civilians have already died as a result of a U.S. military elite endorsed
Why is poverty globally, and in specific cities from Victoria, Regina,
Vancouver and Toronto in Canada, to places in other countries like in St.
Louis, Washington D.C., Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, Pittsburgh, Los
Angeles in the U.S., to many other cities like London in the United Kingdom,
to Soweto in South Africa, now worsening as elites seem to get more and more
commercially prosperous?
Why is the vital natural heritage of our planet Earth being apparently
willfully destroyed, and in the process, ruining the quality of living of
billions of people on Earth?
It is apparent that Eugenics is the common thread of premeditated
instigation and willful negligence that is associated with much of Earth’s
current problems.
Practitioners and promoters of the Eugenics “super religion”, believe that
society advances in a social Darwinian context of the “survival of the
fittest”, and they also view war, as “necessary”. In the view of the
Eugenics religious doctrine, war kills weak races, and ensures that the
remaining scare resources are left for the racially stronger “victors”.
Eugenics practitioners believe in the inherent superiority of groups that
resemble the “Aryan” gods, and in the relative inferiority of other groups.
Adolf Hitler, an apparent contactee of documented Manipulative
Extraterrestrials with white skin complexions and blond hair, had sought to
make Earth a sacrifice to the “Aryan gods” that he sought to worship
Rwanda’s genocide, in the view of Eugenics practitioners, for example, was
the expression of the will of Aryan gods against “inferior races. Also, in
the view of Eugenics practitioners, helping the poor though social programs
and public healthcare results in a weaker races from the “breeding” of
“inferiors, who are improperly using up “scarce resources” that would be
better used by “racially” superior groups.
Also, in the view of the Eugenics religious doctrine, for example, it is
“good” if Global Warming and pollution cause the death of races who are
“shown to be” “inferior“, if they are less able to survive “Climate Change”.
Much of right wing ideology is Eugenics in disguise.
Many so-called “left
wing” people organizations, operate as “fronts” for Eugenic agent
The so-called “left” leaning political parties in Canada like the Liberals,
the New Democrats (NDP), and the Bloc Quebecois appear to have
been taken over by Eugenics practitioners that have sought to consort with
the Eugenic-inspired elites of the Conservative Party of Canada.
collusive support for perpetuating Canada’s role in the unethical continued
military Occupation of Afghanistan, and support for the development of the
similarly eugenic inspired Security and Prosperity Partnership North
American Union (SPP-NAU) agenda, has been inspired by Eugenics
Links of Canada’s presiding political party elites with Eugenics-inspired
Foundations, think tanks, and other such organizations, are apparent and
The U.S. Presidential race of 2008 was very much dominated by Eugenics
practitioners who have sought to conceal the SPP-NAU agenda.
Indeed the idea of “right” and “left” wing, is an elite
trick to further
divide humanity from uniting to defend human decency against the Eugenics
agenda of elites.
Eugenics can be appreciated as a very ancient “super-religion” that has been
practiced in oppressive and exploitative Empires that have ruled in various
places on Earth.
What is the apparent origins of Eugenics on Earth?
The learned research of
John Lash on the Gnostics suggest that
Eugenics is in fact an “alien religion” brought to Earth by
Manipulative Extraterrestrials, that have
been seeking to disseminate their “anti-spirituality” through organized
These organized religions apparently include
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Dr. Lash referred to the
context of a “super religion” as “the doctrine of the aliens”.
Herein is an apparent specific example of the apparent Eugenics-inspired
subtext that is consistent with John Lash representation of the “doctrine of
the aliens”:
“...For unto every one that hath shall be
given, and he shall have abundantly: but from him that hath not shall be
taken away even that which he hath. And cast ye the unprofitable servant
into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
-- Matthew 25:14-30. (Bible)
Arguably a meta message of this Parable is that
people who are poor and people who are “rich” represent an expression of
“God’s” will. The supplementary message is arguably that people who are
“rich” have been “given abundance” by a decree from God, and those who are
poor, are poor as a decree from God.
This is exactly the apparent Eugenics-inspired mentality associated a lack
of political will to redress fundamental social injustice and related human
Michael Salla’s research documents,
Earthbound elites having been infatuated by greed and power, as also
developing what Dr. Salla refers to as an “Extraterrestrial-Military-
Industrial” complex, that has derailed the fruition of humanity’s destiny as
an empathetic custodian of our planet Earth, so that it now descends into
callousness and violence toward each other.
Gnostics present the Bible as having been substantively written by
Eugenics-inspired Manipulative Extraterrestrials, and as being fashioned in
the image of these Manipulative Extraterrestrials.
The presentation
of sexuality as a sin, for example, is a Eugenics inspired notion. Sexuality
is viewed in a Eugenics context, as supporting an atmosphere or irreverence
and rebellion that Eugenics practitioners seek to repress. Indeed,
researchers have suggested that HIV-AIDS is a biological warfare agent, that
is a creation of collaboration among Eugenics practitioners, motivated by
their desire for “depopulation” and for the demonization of liberated
sexuality which functions as a basis of social rebellion.
Indeed, the very interests that have turned their back on genocide in
Africa, and other quality-of-living issues, are also indicating that they
have “no resources” to help many millions of people who are being allowed to
perish from HIV-AIDS, while these governments have trillions of dollars to
spend on spreading the destructiveness of the military-industrial complex.
Eugenics is the apparent “super religion” of
world’s elite, who are operating behind religious facades which
include Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and also
Buddhism and Hinduism.
John Lash’s research suggests that the masses have been duped into
worshipping exploitative and oppressive Manipulative Extraterrestrial
“Gods“, that have used Eugenics to spread seeds of destruction against
Earthbound humanity, and that are promoting a “divide and conquer” agenda.
This is the same “divide and conquer” agenda
that has been a persistent theme in undermining the ability thus far of
humanity to resist the operations of the apparent aspiring alien conquerors.