by Nicholas West
September 19, 2013

Mind control was once reserved only for
the farthest corners of conspiracy research. No more...
The establishment has re-named mind
control as neuroscience, and it is receiving massive funding through
initiatives such as
BRAIN project.
It is a comprehensive plan to map the human brain for purposes of
determining how degenerative conditions arise, how thoughts are
formed, and how behavior can be reverse engineered to the source of
its gestation.
Once determined, scientists intend to
intervene and control the mind through a variety of methods, both
direct and indirect.
The Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies
(BRAIN) Working Group has now issued its "Interim Report" in a
search for continued funding through 2014.
It is appropriately titled, as we have
arrived at a critical juncture where the arrival of full-fledged,
broad-scale direct mind control could become part of our future. Or,
the vast complexities of the human brain could be revealed as an
insurmountable task to decode, regardless of the amount of funding
or wishful
thinking of transhumanists and technocrats alike.
There certainly have been a plethora of advertised advancements
released in the scientific community indicating that the brain can
be altered in very significant ways.
So far, the animal research is out in
the open, but every announcement is freely coupled with the plan to
apply these findings to humans once legal and ethical concerns are
overcome. Now might be the time where the public is being
conditioned to see the totality of what is being suggested as not
only inevitable, but desirable.
First it is important to refer to the
very latest that has been revealed by would-be mind control
scientists. The following chronology covers a span of just more than
two months.
These articles clearly show that the
theoretical has become quite practical, and it's ramping up:
July 11, 2013:
New Video Game Helps Map Your Every
July 16, 2013:
How 'Smart Dust' Could Spy on Your
July 29, 2013:
Secret DARPA Mind Control Project
Revealed: Leaked Document
July 31, 2013:
Brain-to-Brain Control Established
Between Humans and Animals at Harvard
August 8, 2013:
Hardware and Software Combining to
Replicate the Human Brain
August 10, 2013:
The DNA Nanobots Have Arrived
August 21, 2013:
DARPA Issues Request For Information
to Create a Computer Brain
August 28, 2013:
Remote Controlled Humans Via Internet
Now a Reality
August 29, 2013:
Mind Control and Narrative
September 13, 2013: Mind
Control Scientists Find New Keys to Unlock Memory
With these developments as background
information from our own reports of where we stand, let's have a
look at what the BRAIN project has issued as their 9 core research
priorities to be funded in 2014.
There is a bit of technical language used here, but pay particular
attention to the recurring assertion of theoretical applications in
humans, as well as the repeated language about circuit manipulation.
That "circuit" is the wiring of your brain and, they hope, your
thoughts and behavior.
Generate a Census of Cell Types
It is within reach to
characterize all cell types in the nervous system, and to
develop tools to record, mark, and manipulate these
precisely defined neurons in vivo.
We envision an integrated,
systematic census of neuronal and glial cell types, and new
genetic and non‐genetic tools to deliver genes, proteins,
and chemicals to cells of interest.
Priority should be given to
methods that can be applied to many animal species and even
to humans.
Create Structural Maps of the
It is increasingly possible to
map connected neurons in local circuits and distributed
brain systems, enabling an understanding of the relationship
between neuronal structure and function.
We envision improved
technologies - faster, less expensive, scalable - for
anatomic reconstruction of neural circuits at all scales,
such as molecular markers for synapses, trans-synaptic
tracers for identifying circuit inputs and outputs, and
electron microscopy for detailed reconstruction.
The effort would begin in animal
models, but some mapping techniques may be applied to the
human brain, providing for the first time cellular‐level
information complementary to the
Human Connectome Project.
Develop New Large-Scale Network
Recording Capabilities
We should seize the challenge of
recording dynamic neuronal activity from complete neural
networks, overlong periods, in all areas of the brain.
There are promising
opportunities both for improving existing technologies and
for developing entirely new technologies for neuronal
recording, including methods based on electrodes, optics,
molecular genetics, and nanoscience, and encompassing
different facets of brain activity, in animals and in some
cases in humans.
Develop A Suite of Tools for
Circuit Manipulation
By directly activating and
inhibiting populations of neurons, neuroscience is
progressing from observation to causation, and much more is
To enable the immense potential
of circuit manipulation, a new generation of tools for
optogenetics, pharmacogenetics, and biochemical and
electromagnetic modulation should be developed for use in
animals and eventually in human patients.
Emphasis should be placed on
achieving modulation of circuits in patterns that mimic
natural activity.
Link Neuronal Activity to
The clever use of virtual
reality, machine learning, and miniaturized recording
devices has the potential to dramatically increase our
understanding of how neuronal activity underlies cognition
and behavior.
This path can be enabled by
developing technologies to quantify and interpret animal
behavior, at high temporal and spatial resolution, reliably,
objectively, over long periods of time, under a broad set of
conditions, and in combination with concurrent measurement
and manipulation of neuronal activity.
Integrate Theory, Modeling,
Statistics, and Computation with Experimentation
Rigorous theory, modeling and
statistics are advancing our understanding of complex,
nonlinear brain functions where human intuition fails.
New kinds of data are accruing
at increasing rates, mandating new methods of data analysis
and interpretation.
To enable progress in theory and
data analysis, we must foster collaborations between
experimentalists and scientists from statistics, physics,
mathematics, engineering and computer science.
Delineate Mechanisms Underlying
Human Imaging Technologies
We must improve spatial
resolution and/or temporal sampling of human brain imaging
techniques, and develop a better understanding of cellular
mechanisms underlying commonly measured human brain signals,
...for example, by linking fMRI signals to cellular resolution
population activity of neurons and glia contained within the
imaged voxel, or by linking DWI connectivity information to
axonal anatomy.
Understanding these links will
permit more effective use of clinical tools for manipulating
circuit activity, such as deep brain stimulation and
transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Create Mechanisms to Enable
Collection of Human Data
Humans who are undergoing
diagnostic brain monitoring or receiving neurotechnology for
clinical applications provide an extraordinary opportunity
for scientific research.
This setting enables research on
human brain function, the mechanisms of human brain
disorders, the effect of therapy, and the value of
Meeting this opportunity requires closely
integrated research teams including clinicians, engineers,
and scientists, all performing according to the highest
ethical standards of clinical care and research (as if this
is somehow routine within these fields?? - N.W.).
New mechanisms are needed to
maximize the collection of this priceless information and
ensure that it benefits people with brain disorders.
Disseminate Knowledge and
Progress would be dramatically
accelerated by the rapid dissemination of skills across the
To enable the broadest possible
impact of newly developed methods, and the rigorous
application, support should be provided for training - for
example, summer courses and course modules in computational
neuroscience, statistics, imaging, electrophysiology, and
optogenetics - and for educating non-neuroscientists in
and full report)
The recent breakthroughs alluded to
previously, and this suggestive interim report, barely scratch the
surface as the pace increases toward the dizzying.
Add in a type of "living" transistor
that uses
DNA merged with graphene, plus the advent of quantum
computing applied to advancements in
robotics and artificial intelligence, and the architecture of
the genuine matrix is being designed before our very eyes... and
As the BRAIN project figuratively pauses for their interim report,
it would be wise for us to seriously pause and reflect about the
potential implications of these experiments.
For those who have genuine concerns
about the potential for abuse, as well as runaway consequences
similar to what we have seen with
GMO and
Big Pharma in general, it
is time to use any method possible to communicate that this research
must be put forth in the public domain for full scrutiny and review,
with proper limitations codified.
Already, as with all things science and tech related,
DARPA - the
military research arm of the U.S. government - has their tentacles
all over this research.
But, this time, even with their intent
to control and use this technology with historically less than
peaceful intentions, nanotech has the means to move beyond anyone's
The merging of the biological brain and
a nearly infinite computational overlay is indeed the final frontier
and must gain our full attention while we still have any wits left
of our own.
What are your thoughts?
Is it inevitable that science
will decode the human brain so completely that we will be at
the mercy of mad scientists to play us like a version of The
Or is humanity in fact greater
than the sum of its parts; non-quantifiable and forever as
free and boundless as it wishes to be?