by SOTT Focus
02 November 2008

The month of October came and went leaving more
panic about the global economic situation - evidence of a Shock Doctrine
strategy necessary for the installment of a
New World Order. The US election
show is following its course, ready for the "grand finale" in just a few
days, while behind the curtain US troops are being called back home to take
care of any possible civil unrest.
Meanwhile, the sun is still taking some time off, more fireballs are
lighting the sky, and we were surprised by an early arrival of extreme cold
weather. Flu pandemic scares came with it, but we believe they are not
really related to the weather. There is also an increase of reports of UFO
sightings and cold-blooded acts by pathological individuals.
But hang on, because there is always hope!
Welcome to the New
World Order
The first thing we need to understand is that this global economic crisis is
not going to be solved with government bail-outs. Adrian Salbuchi is an
Argentinian analyst who lived through the crisis in his country, so he knows
what he is talking about.
He writes:
19 September 2008:
Henry Paulson, Bernard Shalom Bernanke and
Cox (chairman of the Securities & Exchange Commission - SEC) submitted to
Congress an urgent 3-page Bail-out Plan (similar in style to Argentina's
"financial armouring" of December 2000 which paved the way for 2001's total
financial meltdown), to the tune of US$ 700 billion which is supposed to
stop further banking and financial failures in the US and worldwide.
urgency of the matter could be read in their panicky faces nut the bill
crashed in the House of Representative which rejected it on 22-Sept-08. It
has since then grown to a 450-page dossier, now approved by the Senate and
being resubmitted to the House.
Paulson and Bernanke seek "superpowers" from Congress, similar to the ones
that former economy minister Domingo Cavallo wrenched from Argentina's
Congress in 2001, which led to total collapse. In various declarations,
president George W Bush stressed time and again the dire situation of this
"national emergency". When asked how the amount of US$ 700 billion was
arrived at, Bernanke replied that it represents 5% (!!!) of mortgages that
have become non-performing. Independent analysts, however, reckon that this
5% is insufficient to cover all bail-outs and that we need to look at 10, 15
or 20 percent of non-performing mortgages, which would turn bail-out figures
into unfathomable amounts.
Rejection of the bail-out plan on "Bloody Monday"
led to a collapse of the Dow Jones Industrial Index by 778 points (more than
7%) and a 16% fall for financial institutions. Not surprisingly, in their
21st September edition the London newspaper The Daily Telegraph pointed out
that we may be edging towards a US Government default on its entire US$ 13.5
trillion debt.
Even Bernanke suggested that we were heading for a recession and at some
point in September he said they had "lost control". In fact, it is bizarre
that the tone of the remarks is so grim; if they want the crisis to be
solved, shouldn't they be speaking a bit more optimistically? But no;
IMF was actually speaking of a global meltdown.
The message seems to be that
we all need to panic.
So the leaders of the Group of Seven industrial nations met to come up with
a 'solution'. In short, they announced that they will be holding a global
summit that promises to be a New Bretton Woods and reshape banking.
President Nicolas Sarkozy declared that it should lead to "a new capitalism"
and UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown spoke of,
"very large and very radical
changes" and urged "globally accepted standards of supervision and
regulation [be] applied equally and consistently in all countries."
It's starting to look like we have all been had with a
Shock Doctrine style
maneuver. They created the problem, and now they will offer us a 'solution':
Something that we would not have accepted without a crisis like we are
seeing now. They will argue that the new technocratic, centralized and
authoritarian measures are "painful but necessary", that it's good for us
all, and that we don't have any other option anyway.
As SOTT economic
Donald Hunt and Simon Davies wrote recently:
We believe that the current 'crisis' is just one group of shocks in a series
that will occur over the days, weeks, months and even years to come. There
is a discernible direction in which we are being led. Gordon Brown, Nicholas
Sarkozy and George Bush have been busy promoting the need for a "New Bretton
original "Bretton Woods"
agreed in 1944, in secret and after two
and a half years of planning, established the framework for the post war
economic order that we see today; an order that was fundamentally
inequitable in conception, has concentrated vast wealth in the hands of a
very few and has resulted in untold suffering, starvation and death for
those outside the privileged economies of the west.
The essential tenets of
this order were dictated by the US as ultimate victor in the Second World
War, Europe having been utterly devastated physically and economically. Free
trade and free markets were the order of the day as was a 'pegged' currency
system with the US dollar as de facto global reserve currency.
For more details on what this New Bretton Woods may represent for us, make
sure to read
Hunt and Davies' latest analysis.
Among other interesting
points, they observe that:
We have an apparent building of differing philosophical camps; Europeans
want what their predecessors wanted at Bretton Woods, a regulated
interventionist capitalism and the Americans wanting business as usual, free
markets, free enterprise and free trade.
The US position will win although
there will be a sop to the European position which will not control the
powerful but will further reduce the freedoms of normal people. There will
be further restrictions, intrusions and limitations into our private
Indeed, it is interesting to see how these changes are disguised with
There is one theme that has appeared repeatedly in several
publications, and that is that
Karl Marx was right after all, and now
governments of the world are behaving like 'socialists', because they are
intervening in the banking system.
Marx may have been right in pointing out
that the logic of capitalism implies recurrent crisis, but rest assured that
no socialism is coming our way - not if you define socialism as the sources
of wealth and the means of production belonging to the people.

Cartoon Communism Capitalism
© Bennet / The Christian Science Monitor
What we are witnessing, in fact, is a process by which the biggest financial
institutions swallow the smaller ones, becoming thus larger and larger, not
unlike what we call monopolization.
At the same time, governments are also
engaged in assimilating segments of the financial world, all the while
planning to create some sort of supra-national entity that blurs the line
between states and banks, and which oversees all money related matters for
everyone. In other words, this is a process of concentration of wealth and
power in a few hands.
It is ironic, because the sort of communism that the world has ever known -
think of Stalin - bears little difference with the extreme form of
capitalism which goes together with fascism.
The extremes meet, as in a
The wealth, the power of decision, the military, the means of
production: they all land directly or indirectly on the hands of
the pathocrats, whether they are dressed in red or blue.
Does it really matter
if the elite is called state, government, bank, the People's Party, or
something else?
This time, however, is on a global scale:
the New World Order.
A bit of speculation
Gordon Brown argues that "we need an early warning system for the world
That is the excuse: we don't want these things to happen again. So
first they will offer a series of financial measures designed to regulate
banks and stop speculation, and everybody will nod in agreement.
As time goes by though, they may wish to extend their warning system, not
just to the brokers of the world, but also to the masses. After all, the
common people take a part in the collapse or booming of an economy,
depending if they invest their money or hide it under their mattress.
given the right conditions and after a few more months or years of recession
and gentle conditioning, they may come up with an argument like this:
"Banks have been in danger because of greedy 'loose cannon' speculators. We
have taken care of them as best as we can, but we have now realized that the
masses in panic can also bring the system down if they decide to get their
cash out all at once. If everybody had confidence and discipline, there
would be no problem and the system would go on nicely.
But we cannot leave
things to the whims of the masses anymore. We need a system that will not
allow for everyone to make silly moves at the same time. We cannot trust on
people taking care of their own cash cause it hurts the system, and
therefore it hurts everyone. On top of that, we already see that many banks
are having trouble getting enough cash to cope, and in spite of the
bail-outs they are collapsing.
"But what is cash anyway, if not an invention of human beings? It is merely
an artificial representation of material goods.
So we can solve the problem
simply by reinventing cash in a controlled fashion. We have now the
advantage of technology to do so. So we can create a single global
computerized system based on e-money, with a centralized conglomerate of
banks, or a single bank authority backed by the world governments, which
through virtual intelligence technology will guarantee that individual
bankers, financial speculators and the masses don't make waves in the
Besides, we have tried everything else already and we are still in
recession. At this moment this is our only option and if we don't do it,
lots of people are going to lose all the money in their accounts and we will
be back in the Middle Ages.
And then, after some time of living almost exclusively with e-money, they
may add:
"This new system poses practical problems, such as people having to rely on
plastic cards for all their money and therefore risking loss, theft or
fraud. To solve this, we can offer people to have their accounts linked to
implants, tattoos or fingerprints. It will not be compulsory, of course, but
that will be the trend from now on and we expect everyone to join sooner or
You may think: So what? If money is just artificial representation, what
difference would it make if it is on paper or electronically?
A big one, we
think. We would be immersed in a control system in which every transaction
would be under surveillance and registered somewhere. We would not really be
owners of our money, but we would rather be 'allowed' to use a technological
system over which we have no control. Except that there would not be any
opting out - unless you are ready to starve. Would you be brave enough to
dissent under such conditions?
It would be like being forced to play Monopoly in order to pay for food and
shelter, except that the owner of the game makes up his rules at
convenience, knows everything about you, keeps your money for you while you
can only see your balance on a screen, and will not let you play anywhere
By the way, the propaganda is already underway:
IBM RFID Checkout in Supermarkets
It's not who votes that counts
The US presidential elections are upon us.
Since we only have to wait a
couple of days to see how things will turn out, we decided that we wouldn't
propose one most likely outcome. Instead, we will point out a few
interesting items of the month, because some of them will undoubtedly turn
out to be hugely important after the fact.
McCain's campaign is not doing very well. The Palin effect seems to have
died down at the end of the race, and things have turned worse for the
Republicans as they make one mistake after another and their images worsen.

McCain reacts as Democratic candidate Barack Obama speaks
during the
presidential debate on Wednesday.
He then headed the wrong way off stage
In an ideal democracy, it would be an entirely decided game by now.
we do not forget that the last two elections were lost and stolen by
current occupier of the White House. We do not know if history will repeat
itself, but we do know that at least some are already trying to make it
happen. The difference is that this time, the gap between
Obama and McCain
in the polls will make the story harder to sell.
The first problem, of course, is the electronic voting machines. That anyone
could propose them as a safe and fair method for voting - given that all
computers connected to a network can be potentially hacked or tampered with
- is beyond belief.
Indeed, as if taken from a Simpsons episode, some early
West Virginia voters have found that the voting machines have a preference
of their own.
"When I touched the screen for Barack Obama," a voter
complained, "the check mark moved from his box to the box indicating a vote
for John McCain."
Mark Crispin Miller, author and professor of media culture and communication
at New York University, explains how the election can be stolen, and who is
interested in stealing it:
Mark Crispin Miller: Well, basically, they use a kind of architecture that's
called Man in the Middle, and it involves shunting election returns data
through a separate computer somewhere else. This is something that computer
criminals do all the time with banks. Spoonamore explains that the Man in
the Middle setup is extremely effective and basically undetectable as a way
to change election results.
Now, the scariest thing is that Connell told Spoonamore that the reason why
he has helped Bush-Cheney steal these elections for the last eight years has
been to save the babies. See? We have to understand that there's a very
powerful component of religious fanaticism at work in the election fraud
conspiracy. We saw a little bit of that in Greenswald's film, where Paul
Weyrich was talking about how we don't want people voting.
Amy Goodman:
The conservative activist.
Mark Crispin Miller: Well, because the majority is a majority of
unbelievers. They're pro-choice. They're corrupt. They're evil. They don't
get it. It's therefore necessary to fix election results in order to prevent
the unjust and the unrighteous from taking over.
Notice the significance of religion!
As we have repeatedly warned, dominionist
Palin (and others) are ready to do anything for "God".
So when Palin declares that the
election result rests in God's hands, we
need to pay attention. Maybe she had a chat with the Big Guy and was
reassured that HE is doing the counting?
But voting machines are not the only trick available.
In Michigan,
Republicans are planning to use a list of foreclosed homes to prevent the
former owners from voting. This would most likely disproportionately affect
African-Americans, who more often receive subprime loans. It has also been
reported that Republican operatives are wielding new federal legislation to
systematically disenfranchise Democrats across the country. If the race was
close enough by election day, that would be enough to change the result.
According to Laughlin McDonald, the director of the American Civil Liberties
Union's voting rights project,
"there's more (attempts at voter suppression)
that's been going on in the lead-up to this election than any I can
As Crispin Miller explains in the interview linked above, a fraud needs a
If the election is stolen, people need to believe that it was
possible that McCain won legitimately. This seems to be the only purpose of
a recent AP poll that reported that Obama and McCain are head to head, when
all the rest of polls give Obama between a six and ten point lead. It is
also for reasons of narrative that television network executives decided to
refrain from projecting a winner based on exit polls on election day.
argue that they got it wrong with Al Gore and John Kerry - which is ironic
because they actually got it right.
But if they cannot provide a plausible narrative, then it is unlikely that
they will be able to get away with a third stolen election - but not
impossible. Without a narrative, anger would erupt all over the country, and
it would likely have a racial undertone.
This is why - in a country in which
Homeland Security has already assumed broad powers, effectively turning vast
swaths of it into "constitution-free zones" - it is unsettling that the
police are preparing for civil unrest if Obama loses. Considering that
Republican supporters are quite capable of intolerance and are being
channeled into a mob mentality, it is Interesting that the police is not
foreseeing civil unrest if McCain loses, isn't it?
If Obama's victory is accepted - whether immediately or eventually - there
are a few things we must be aware of.
Most remarkable are Democratic vice
presidential nominee Sen. Joe Biden's predictions for an Obama presidency:
"Mark my words. [...] It will not be six months before the world tests
Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy... Watch, we're going to have an
international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."
"I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might
originate," Biden said to Emerald City supporters, mentioning the Middle
East and Russia as possibilities.
"[...] This is more than just, this is more than - think about it,
literally, think about it - this is more than just a capital crisis, this is
more than just markets. This is a systemic problem we have with this
"[...] We're going to have to make some incredibly tough decisions in the first
two years. So I'm asking you now, I'm asking you now, be prepared to stick
with us."
Biden emphasized that the mountainous Afghanistan-Pakistan border is of
particular concern, with Osama bin Laden "alive and well" and Pakistan
"bristling with nuclear weapons."
It sounds like they have been given their script should they actually get
the role in the play!
That the
war of terror and the confrontation with
Russia are mentioned as part of the agenda for Obama serves as a reminder
that the corruption in the system is systemic.
Ultimately, it doesn't matter
who provides a face for the presidency, as the structure of power has
already decided the general direction to be followed.
Add to Biden's
declarations the fact that
Obama's team has been briefed by Bush staff after
warnings about a terrorist attack, and that Colin Powell ("there are WMD in
this satellite picture, really!!")
has endorsed Obama, and we cannot hope
for any real changes for the benefit of the people of the US and the world.
The most we can expect is that the empire will get a new facade.
Bring the troops back home - but not like that!

police state
© TSHansen
It cannot be stressed enough how significant it is that the First Brigade of
the Third Infantry Division (three to four thousand soldiers) has been
deployed in the US this October - and just in time for the elections.
army unit was the first to storm Baghdad, by the way, so they know how to
subdue crowds thanks to their experience with angry Iraqis.
Naomi Wolf has
been sounding the alarm, pointing out that this amounts to a coup d'etat,
but no one seems to care enough.
She quotes the latest official explanation for the presence of troops from
Northern Command (NorthCom):
Despite conspiracy theories that this could be a first step toward
law in the U.S., there won't be tanks on Main Street or active-duty troops
putting down demonstrations. That is barred by federal law banning the
military from being used on U.S. soil for domestic law enforcement.
Instead, the soldiers of the 1st Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division at Fort
Stewart, Georgia, have been training to back up civilian authorities in
providing medical care and dealing with chemical, biological, high explosive
or nuclear attack.
The first thing that Wolf notes is that this contradicts
The Army Times,
which initially reported that the First Brigade would handle domestic crowd
control and subdue 'unruly individuals' with 'lethal and nonlethal
Furthermore, she makes the connection with the election
irregularities discussed above, and reminds us of what has happened in other
In Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe sent troops to harass, arrest and even
kill voters during a closely contested election
In Sierra Leone, troops and
militias were both deployed by the contesting political parties to
intimidate, beat and arrest voters
The same thing happened in Azerbaijan
Bear in mind that all that may be needed for a bit of electoral harassment
is the physical presence of troops on the streets or around polling stations
- with the excuse of protecting people in that critical moment.
If you have
ever been in front of a man with a sub-machine gun, you know how
intimidating it is, even without any visible tension rising.
That is bad enough. But on top of that, the new NorthCom story argues the
possibility of attacks with weapons of mass destruction. This is not a
surprise, really, since we have been conditioned with terror scares of
various levels for at least the last seven years.
And that is the reason we
why is it now that they decide to deploy the troops?
Especially given
that there are already civilian branches of government perfectly capable of
dealing with emergencies, should there be any.
What if they gave a war and nobody went?
For years now, we have worried about Israel and/or the US bombing Iran. It
didn't take a genius to see that they were using the same disinformation
tactics used with Saddam.
The logical conclusion has been that they are
planning to do the same with Iran. However, while some are still warning
the possibility, it is true that the neocons seem to have lost their
enthusiasm for war, at least in public.
According to senior officials the
Bush administration will announce in
mid-November, after the presidential election, that it
intends to establish
the first US diplomatic presence in Iran since the 1979-81 hostage crisis.
This is not really a friendly move as much as it is strategic; embassies
provide the possibility of more in-depth espionage and political
maneuvering. But in any case, the decision does not suggest an invasion in
the near future. So if an attack on Iran is indeed off the table - at least
for the moment - what made them change their minds when they seemed so
Ray McGovern attributes it to Russian deterrence. Particularly since the
Georgian war, Russia has been sending clear messages to the US that it does
not intend to sit down and watch. (Read
last three installments - 02 August, 02
September, 30 September - for more on the awakening of the Russian Bear.)
Of course, if the
war on
Iran has been canceled or postponed, that's one piece of good news (for a
But don't go celebrating just yet.
Since it's virtually a given that the
power in the US (and Israel) will effectively remain under the control of
psychopaths, an attack may go ahead anyway, deterrence or not, and things
could deteriorate into a world war with a Russian retaliation. Not even an
Obama administration would exclude the scenario, in view of Biden's
prediction cited above, and the fact that a top Obama adviser has endorsed a
roadmap to a war with Iran.
And if the religious fanatics make it to the
White House, you can start digging a bunker, as they are quite explicit
about their hopes for Armageddon. Delusional and psychopathic evangelical TV
Pat Robertson
is predicting
nuclear war before Bush retires to his
ranch. And in spite of his delusions he may be right.
Pat Robertson Predicts Nuclear War
At the moment, things are in the air in terms of geopolitics and war.
take a mental note that while the G8 leaders are planning meetings to create
a New Economic Order, the military leaders are also having high level
meetings - except that they are doing so quietly.
Surrounded by secrecy,
generals and admirals from at least the US, France, Germany and another
country, "possibly Great Britain,"
met in Adirondack, N.Y. State. A few days
later, military leaders from the US and Russia
met in Helsinki.
Will they be
discussing matters with Israel as well or will they leave it out of the
Not that the US is really in need of more wars!
The ongoing wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan are accomplishing their missions well: the destruction of both
countries, the destruction of the US and millions of dead people. As
election day approaches, the US army is opening new fronts in the middle
The not-so-covert war that started last month in Pakistan, continues
even more aggressively, with at least twelve strikes in ten weeks,
"blamed on
US-led coalition forces or CIA drones based in Afghanistan".
The same tactics of intimidation and bullying that were used on Pakistan are
now being used on Syria.
On Sunday, Oct. 26,
"American forces launched a
small ground-air attack on the border village of Sukkiraya, with military
helicopters disgorging a squad of troops who attacked a building and killed
"a man, his four children and a married couple."
A few days later, US
officials acknowledged the raid and called it
a warning to Syria, using the
same lame tale about al-Qaeda insurgents crossing the borders to Iraq, and
Syria failing to "contain" them.
In the US only
Kucinich questioned the
timing of the strike, yet it is Chris Floyd who gives a very likely reason
for this move, referring to the recent good diplomatic relations that Syria
is establishing with European and neighboring countries:
As we have often seen, whenever one of the American elite's designated
demons starts trying to make nice and act moderate, they are generally poked
with a sharp stick in hopes of making them snarl again - thereby continuing
their highly useful function as bogey-men to keep scaring the American
people into giving trillions of dollars (and the blood of their children) to
the Pentagon and its corporate associates in the war profiteering industry.
Of monsters, vampires and cannibals
As we saw in every of our previous installments, the news reported about
people going off and becoming murdering, torturing monsters are steadily
increasing as the chaos that surrounds us intensifies. It seems that the
unsteady conditions "activate" those unable to control certain - perhaps
genetic - impulses, resulting in spreading suffering around to those who
cross their path.
Josef Fritzl, told his psychiatrist recently that he was
"born to rape" and that he held himself back for a long time, citing as an
excuse that his mother used to humiliate him as a child. Even if what Fritzl
alleges is true, still, how many people were humiliated by their parents as
children? With the widespread use of narcissistic parenting techniques, we
suspect that the number is high. Yet the large majority of them did not
become rapists or murderers.
Fritzl is a psychopath: remorseless,
conscienceless, liar, and above all salivating for power and control over
Another psychopathic criminal, Charlie Manson, once said:
for what? You people have done everything in the world to me. Doesn't that
give me equal right?"
That is what it comes down to: for psychopaths, whether in police or army
uniform, whether in political or corporate office, whether your next door
neighbor or one in your life, what they take away from us - our money, our
lives, our sanity - they consider it their prerogative, their innate right,
and if ever caught and confronted, they will always say that it is somebody
else's fault.
And so they roam among us and act out when they feel like it, or when they
get "activated". Here's a meager sample from the month of October.
Note how
in their majority, the horrific acts are perpetrated on children and women,
sometimes even by young teenagers:
Also note that a high number of the crimes are committed in the US, a
place of current high instability in every sphere of life:
The Sun will not heat us
Given the world economy and the instability of oil prices, it might be a
long winter indeed.
On top of that, the ongoing
lack of sunspots is an omen
of weather woes that are beginning to manifest. There is also a NASA report
indicating that the protective bubble around the sun that helps to shield
the Earth from harmful interstellar radiation is shrinking and getting
"has weakened by 25 per cent over the past decade
and is now at it lowest level since the space race began 50 years ago."
Professor Don Easterbrook, from the Department of Geology of Western
Washington University, using records of past climate changes deduces that
global cooling is to be expected for the first three decades of the 21st
The PDO cool mode has replaced the warm mode in the Pacific Ocean, virtually
assuring us of about 30 years of global cooling, perhaps much deeper than
the global cooling from about 1945 to 1977. Just how much cooler the global
climate will be during this cool cycle is uncertain.
Recent solar changes
suggest that it could be fairly severe, perhaps more like the 1880 to 1915
cool cycle than the more moderate 1945-1977 cool cycle. A more drastic
cooling, similar to that during the Dalton and Maunder minimums, could
plunge the Earth into another Little Ice Age, but only time will tell if
that is likely.
Some people are feeling the chilling consequences already:
The most
hair raising weather story comes also from the UK, along with a bag
of lies to minimize the effect - but we don't think the locals will be able
to forget so easily such an experience.
Sarah Galliford, a resident of
Ottery St Mary, the town hit by the hailstorm of ice, had this to say:
I was woken up by the sound of hailstones thundering down on the roof. I
thought it was the end of the world. I looked outside at about 1am and there
was a river of ice coming down the street. It was a total freak of nature.
It wasn't even on the weather forecast. They said there would be rain but
nothing like this. It was absolutely crazy.
A preview of
the coming Ice Age?
Adding to the odd weather, floods have caused deaths and damages in
and in
Yemen, 100 people died and 7,000 became homeless due to floods by
torrential rain.
Great balls of fire
Last month we cited the
noctilucent clouds as one element among many that
provide clues about the strange earthly weather.
We learned the following:
"The incidence of noctilucent clouds seems to be increasing, perhaps because
of global warming," says Paul M. Bellan, a professor of applied physics at
Twenty-five years ago, researchers at Poker Flat, Alaska, discovered that
the clouds were highly reflective to radar. This unusual property has long
puzzled scientists. Bellan, reporting in the August issue of the Journal of
Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, now has an explanation: the ice grains in
noctilucent clouds are coated with a thin film of metal, made of sodium and
iron. The metal film causes radar waves to reflect off ripples in the cloud
in a manner analogous to how X-rays reflect from a crystal lattice.
Sodium and iron atoms collect in the upper atmosphere after being blasted
off incoming micrometeors. These metal atoms settle into a thin layer of
vapor that sits just above the altitude at which noctilucent clouds occur.
Astronomers recently have been using the sodium layer to create
laser-illuminated artificial guide stars for adaptive optics telescopes that
remove the distorting affects of atmospheric turbulence to produce clearer
celestial images.
We bring this fragment to your attention again because we did not stress
enough the most important implication: that there is a correlation between
noctilucent clouds and micrometeors, and they are increasing.
An increase in micrometeors means an increase in dust in the inner solar system, and who
knows if dust does not carry pebbles, rocks and boulders?

all-sky view from Orangeville
© Western's Southern Ontario Meteor Network, University of Western Ontario
At 05:28 am on Wednesday morning, October 15, all seven cameras of Western's
Southern Ontario Meteor Network (SOMN)
recorded a bright, slow fireball in
the predawn sky.
In the all-sky view from Orangeville the fireball passes
from upper left (North) to right (West)
ending near the setting moon (the
brightest object at upper right).
The highlight of the month came when astronomers accurately predicted and
announced (curiously only some hours before the impact) that Sudan would get
hit by a
small asteroid.
Well, we wonder if what they really want people to
believe is that they can now "spot 'em asteroids" so there is absolutely
nothing to worry about.
Or (to be more conspiratorially minded), they could
assure us that a future 'impact' was absolutely not an asteroid - it was a
missile from (insert target country). Because if it had been an asteroid,
they would have spotted it with their now proven ability. There are lots of
disinfo possibilities to build on top of this one announcement, aren't
More impacts followed - unpredicted of course:
For the sake of stimulating out-of-the-box thinking, we decided to include
the high number of strong and sometimes deadly earthquakes of this month in
this section (some tremors may be related to cosmic impacts):
Pandemic panic
One of the more disturbing ideas we run into when poking around the edges of
consensus reality is that
the elite feel that there are just too darn many
humans around. "Useless eaters" is the favored term, and "culling the herd"
the appropriate response.
After all, they (we) are using up too much of the
earth's resources which belong (of course) to these same elites. But how to
manage it without tipping off the unruly mob? Even a bright cow can figure
out something is up when the big steel truck pulls into the farmyard. War is
the usual method, along with famine.
But for speed and efficiency, nothing
beats a good pandemic.
Look at the Black Plague: One-third of Europe's
population was gone in under three years. It could practically warm a
psychopath's heart, if they had one. And now with the resources of modern
science that can be brought to bear, especially genetics, there are hints
that this is in the works.
What clues do we have? There have been expeditions to different parts of the
world to recover DNA sample from victims of the 1918-19 pandemic. That
period saw more deaths from influenza than the war which preceded it.
Furthermore, it targeted young, healthy adults. Just the sort of demographic
a pathocracy can do without.
Research collated by Dr. Laibow gives startling insight into
the current
manufactured threat:
Our best intelligence estimate is that pandemic Avian Flu already exists. It
appears to have been turned into a massive viral threat through
bioengineering by the United States, fusing the deadly genome of the 1918
Pandemic, mis-named the "Spanish Flu", with the DNA of the H5N1 virus in a
growth medium of human kidney cells to make sure that the virus recognizes
human cells and knows how to invade them.
Please re-read that paragraph again and consider the threat that poses to
you and your family.
The Spanish Pandemic Rides Again
The genome of the 1918 pandemic so-called "Spanish Flu" was recently
intentionally resurrected. Because of that resurrection, the Avian Flu, and
its vaccine, are now a US government-instigated threat to life - your life.
The Spanish Flu, which was not Spanish at all, was created in the US through
an early bioweapons program and injected into healthy young men (i.e.,
'soldiers') as the first mandatory vaccination in the military during WWI
(also known as the "War to End Wars" and the "Great War").
The "Spanish
Flu", which originated in Kansas on US Military bases, killed a minimum of
50 million people worldwide (650,000 Americans). It was one of the deadliest
pandemics in modern history. It was also one of the most successful
biological weapons ever created.
Scientists are
reviving extinct viruses seemingly in order to ensure that
vaccines are developed to be purchased and stockpiled en mass. If one is
going to create a pandemic, one may as well profit from it too!
Along with the nuts and bolts research, there has been a long and careful
project of psychological programming. We have the annual warnings about the
influenza de l'annee for which everyone dutifully lines up for shots, plus
the heavier hitters about every third year or so: SARS, Avian Flu, etc.
have also been the "be very afraid" and "be prepared" messages (our Dear
Leaders do love us after all ), plus some guilt-tripping for the few who are
questioning it all.
Then there is this:
US Government Plans to treat sick
people 'like potential enemies'
[....]"Individuals refusing to be vaccinated or treated shall be liable for
a misdemeanor. [The refusing person] may be subject to isolation or
quarantine... An order of the public health authority given to effectuate
the purposes of this Section shall be immediately enforceable by any peace
Thus, citizens would be treated not as patients but as criminals. The
proposed act also included provisions that would have exempted public health
officials and their underlings from prosecution if their vaccine killed the
These provisions were removed after a public outcry, but that did not stop
the state of Florida from enacting the measure. Nor has it stopped the Bush
Administration from encouraging state governments to "update" their laws to
include forced vaccinations, mandatory surveillance, isolation and
But mostly we are a well-trained bunch, and things should go off without a
How to get the ball rolling?
"It came out of nowhere" has the right
note of panic. But everything comes from somewhere. In this case, how about
an accident at a research laboratory? The last outbreak of foot-and mouth
disease in the UK provides a precedent. Of course, that little factoid will
never make it to the news. Or if it does, it will be a "tragic event" among
many other "tragic events" where the government "did its best to protect
Still, the sheeple will need distraction while the project plays out.
Fomenting conflict over who is more worthy to be accorded "scarce" resources
during the emergency would do nicely.
With efficiency being the name of the game, what other goals can be
accomplished at the same time? How about the perfect excuse to complete a
societal lock down with the blessing of the prisoners themselves? A
'terrorist plot' is still somewhat of a vague threat to most of the western
world. Seeing one's neighborhood filled with the sick and dying is all too
As always, knowledge protects. Health is the most personal of matters. Take
responsibility for yourself and those in your care. Find out all you can
about true nutrition and natural ways of healing and apply them.
Avoid the
chemical poisons of
allopathy (the broad category of
medical practice that is sometimes called Western medicine, biomedicine,
scientific medicine, or modern medicine) as much as possible.
They're 'here'...
As if things weren't strange enough on the ground with the unfolding
election theater, and in the skies with the fireballs and a pink light over
London, it appears that
UFO sightings are on the rise, yet again.
If one were so inclined, one might just think something of interest is
upcoming, and observers are crowding in for the 'show'. Yes, that might
sound ridiculous, but the increasing number of UFO sightings, both 'mass'
and individual is almost impossible to ignore. Even Stephenville, Texas was
back in the news this month with more mass sightings.
For your perusal, a small sampling of sightings in October:
The world is closing in but we don't have to

We spoke already of the plans of the
Powers That Be to slowly place every
single individual under total control.
For a while now we have been
Big Brother and police state tactics of control and surveillance.
The month of October saw:
more people killed by taser guns
more tracking of
students in South Africa and student's parents in the UK
police using
unnecessary violence against hurricane evacuees
domestic military
deployment becoming a possibility in Germany
the criminalization of
teenager females for having sex in Scotland
activists being included on
terror lists in the US
a record number of people being added to a DNA
database in UK
the Chinese and British governments ready to spy on our
phone conversations
new guidelines for the expansion of FBI's surveillance
and on and on and on...
In Orwell's fictional Oceania, from
1984, nobody remembered what life was
before the institution of the Big Brother government.
History had been
erased, and everyone living under the fascist regime was taught from
childhood to believe that Big Brother saved them from the capitalist
monsters of the past.
Do you see any similarities with what we see happening
now? Isn't the population ripe to receive their "saviors"?
And it looks that
they will arrive with an army and an iron fist rule to save us from
ourselves. In Orwell's Oceania people did not know the past, for they had
forgotten about it due to the constant brainwashing. They were unable to see
that other ways of living were possible, in which individual freedoms and
rights had a place. So they surrendered in hopelessness.
But we know. We still remember. We are the ones who will make - or not - the
And we are not talking about armed and violent resistance and
revolution. No, that is what the current
pathocracies want: more excuses for
locking us all up under a Big Brother style control. Our readers know that
we are talking about a revolution in knowledge and awareness; of knowing
what, why, and how things are happening around the globe, and be prepared to
act by sharing what we learn with those who are willing to know.
This revolution should not be based merely on our own personal
dissatisfaction for losing the luxuries and comforts of life; it should
mostly come out of love for humanity and everything creative. The war,
despite its many disguises, is waged by psychopathic beings against
everything human.
It is our responsibility to find the humaneness within
ourselves, first and foremost, and love it so much that no matter what they
take from us, one thing they will never take: the human spirit!
And so, dear readers, we leave you with this poem:
by William Ernest Henley
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate;
I am the captain of my soul.