GroupsYahooExopolitics Website
Asian Tsunami and Disappeared
From: “Dr Michael Salla” <exopolitics@...>
Date: Tue Dec 28, 2004 9:55 am
Tsunami and Disappeared Children
Aloha All,
the after effects of the Tsunami
hitting Asia are still affecting us greatly. What I find to be very
encouraging is the global empathy for the victims and survivors of
this tragic event.
It seems that there is no limit to the desire to help all affected
by what is now the deadliest known Tsunami in history. The
effect on rich and poor alike I think has done much to make this a
global event that effectively helps unite our planet. I found the
following Boston Globe article revealed the extent of the
compassion and assistance that is being generated:
This article and many others reveal that
a tsunami of human empathy is now sweeping the planet with
similar epic effects to its deadly physical predecessor. I think
this is ultimately what we gain from such tragic events - breaking
all boundaries in helping those affected and sharing in the pain,
grief and celebration over the fate of victims and survivors. This
tragic event I believe will be a major step in helping unite
humanity and develop further what I have discussed in another
article concerning the
evolution of global consciousness.
So keeping in mind the empathy
that is sweeping the planet, helping to unite us as a global
population by unleashing the latent heart energy of humanity, let me
offer some exopolitical reflections on a darker side to what just
First of all, it is mistaken to believe that
tsunami’s are purely caused by unpredictable seismic
events. There is technology in existence that
can spark such tragic seismic events. This technology is
possessed by both military governments and by
extraterrestrial races. Here is a quote from former US
Defense Secretary William Cohen revealing the existence
of such technologies:
“Others [terrorists] are
engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter
the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the
use of electromagnetic waves... So there are plenty of ingenious
minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can
wreak terror upon other nations... It’s real, and that’s the
reason why we have to intensify our [counter terrorism]
- Defense Secretary
William Cohen, 1997
This famous speech by Cohen was a
clue that deadly technology exists and can be used to spark
events such as the giant earthquake off Sumatra. This raises
the question of why would governments or ET
races do this? Let me offer an answer to this based on some
recent research I’ve been doing in the
Charles Hall case.
Charles Hall gave testimony of a race of tall white
extraterrestrials who have agreements with the US Air
Force where in exchange for giving technology related to
space travel, the ETs receive certain earth resources,
metals such as titanium and also large quantities of food and
clothes, especially children’s clothes.
These clothes were ostensibly for use by the tall
whites and taken on their regular interstellar ships that
visit the Earth carrying cargo for trade. My evaluation of the
Hall testimonies is that these clothes and food are probably
used for human cargoes shipped off as
part of an interstellar trade.
My belief is that a major Earth resource
taken off planet by the tall whites are human
children, as evidenced by the children’s clothes given to them
by the USAF, and condescending comments by tall white females over
how humans don’t love their children like the tall whites do:
What I’d like to offer is a
hypothesis for what happened during the earthquake and
tsunami. I believe that the quake was probably sparked by
ETs using scalar technology. The resulting
devastation makes it possible for large numbers of people to simply
be abducted for the interstellar slave trade that I
believe exists, and is well known by government authorities.
Most of the abductees are children who appear
to be the most precious resource desired by the ETs
conducting this kind of trade. Here are some comments from the
Boston Globe news story on what happened with regard to
children victims of the Tsunami:
“Many of the dead and missing were
children - as many as half the victims in
Sri Lanka. “Where are my children?” asked 41-year-old
Absah, as she searched for her 11 youngsters in Banda
Aceh, the city closest to Sunday’s epicenter. “Where are
they? Why did this happen to me? I’ve lost everything.”
While it can be guessed that natural
disasters will naturally take a heavy toll on children, it certainly
is interesting to note that many are already questioning the large
number of children that have disappeared.
Now do the tall whites actually conduct the abductions
of human’s trapped in these disaster zones? There is no evidence for
that occurring, but I believe it is conducted by other
extraterrestrial races such as the Grays who are
well known to be conducting abductions involving large numbers of
individuals. The Grays have developed the expertise
for abducting large numbers and while during ordinary times these
are returned as ‘abductees’, it is very possible that in
disaster scenarios the abductees are not returned and are
taken off planet or used in other ways. This is something that the
Alex Collier has revealed about
the Gray extraterrestrials known as
the Dows.
I believe that the ‘Grays’
abduct civilians and then when this can be done without
alerting the general public, have them transported off planet as
part of a slave trade by races such as the tall
whites. Why such a convoluted arrangement? I believe the answer
is in the nature of the agreements the tall whites
have reached with the USAF and
shadow government
authorities in contrast to agreements with the Grays.
Basically, the tall whites have permission to conduct
interstellar trade using Earth resources, while the Grays
have permission to conduct abductions for genetic purposes but can’t
take abducted civilians off planet. While there are large numbers of
‘friendly’ extraterrestrial races monitoring the situation
who have the power to intervene and prevent Grays
abducting civilians and taking them off planet, it appears they do
not have the power to do so when races such as the tall whites
do this since the latter have binding agreements with the USAF
for conducting interstellar trade using ‘various earth resources’.
If the tall whites and grays cooperate
with their respective agreements reached with shadow
government authorities, all is in place for an interstellar
trade involving abducted civilians.
This of course is a very disturbing
scenario, however, I believe that the bright side to all this is
the growing level of compassion that accompanies such global
disasters. While such disasters give a cover for large numbers of
civilians to be taken as part of an interstellar slave trade,
the same disasters help unleash global compassion/empathy for the
victims/survivors which ultimately strengthen us as a planetary
culture. This makes it more difficult for extraterrestrials
to conduct these kinds of dark activities. I believe that the
empathy and concern that we generate for one another during such
tragic events is the best defense against the ‘dark side’
of what may be actually happening during such global disasters. So
we can take heart in the tsunami of compassion sweeping the
planet as our greatest strength, while educating our minds as to the
true cause and purpose of such events.
In peace,
Michael S.
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India Daily and Disclosure of the
Extraterrestrial Presence
From: "Dr Michael Salla" <exopolitics@...>
Date: Thu Jan 6, 2005 3:13 pm
Daily and Disclosure of the Extraterrestrial Presence
Aloha All,
here is an editorial from an online
newsjournal that discusses the possibility of India
disclosing information about ETs to its citizens and
the world. The India Daily has been very prominent
recently with a number of news stories on ETs by a
variety of ‘special correspondents’ such as the story on
UFO’s being witnessed over Iranian nuclear
The latest story is an editorial which demonstrates that this
online newsjournal is really pushing some boundaries in
exopolitics. It was always a matter of time before a major
international government would rock the international system created
soon after WWII to maintain secrets concerning ETs.
Interestingly, the editorial raises the possibility that this may be
a case of some exopolitical brinksmanship whereby India
may exchange greater international recognition in bodies such as the
UN Security Council as the price for maintaining
silence in deference to the US exopolitical agenda.
In peace,
Michael Salla, PhD
may be the first country to explain to the world about
extra-terrestrial and UFO contacts – the secret debate is on
(click right logo)
Staff Reporter
January 06, 2005
New Delhi is in the middle of a big secret internal debate. On
one side the largest democracy of the world is eager to explain
to its citizens and to the world about the ongoing contacts with
the UFOs and extra-terrestrials. On
the other hand there are invisible untold international
protocols that prohibit doing anything that may cause worldwide
fear and panic.
It is well accepted between the UFO and
extra-terrestrial experts that all the five nuclear powers
are in contact with the beings from other stars for quite some
time. Recently India has seen enormous news on
UFO contacts and secret UFO bases in
Himalayas near the Chinese bases. In Ladak,
for example the locals clearly point out the everyday phenomenon
of large triangular spacecrafts coming out below the
ground and Indian security forces protecting them.
Military officials and politicians have confessed
the fact that India has been contacted.
India has been told the rules of the Universe.
The current debate is on whether to keep it secret like
other countries are doing or in tradition of a total transparent
society come out and tell the truth. India is so
open and democratic; it is very difficult to keep a secret for
long. The biggest concern of the Government today is that
unlike in other countries, it will be very difficult to keep it
secret for long. If the information comes out through unofficial
channels first and then the authorities are pressed against the
wall to confess, two bad things can happen. First, it can
really cause a panic in the country as well as the world.
Second, the way the Indian politics is run, the ruling party
will be thrown out of power in no time if it is ever found that
the Government withheld such information from the public.
The recent rush of world leaders to India is remarkable.
Starting from Russian President Putin to major Senators
from America have visited or are planning to visit India.
European Union is in deep discussion with
India on cooperation. All sanctions against India’s
nuclear programs and Indian Space Research
Organization are in the process of being lifted. India
is cooperating with Europeans and the Americans in
space explorations and technology research program. India
is also part of World Trade Organization. India
is receiving major outsourcing contracts in IT and call-center
service work from America and Europe. India’s
Forex reserve is at a level never imagined before because of
international direct investments from Western nations, Japan,
Korea and others. Interestingly, China the arc
rival of India changed its posture in the last few
years to make India’s friendship and trade a
priority. India is slowly getting to the point
when it is accepted as a permanent member of the
Security Council. All the five Security Council members
China, America, Russia,
France and UK support India’s
When all these factors are added together and analyzed, it seems
like India is being told by the world to abide by
the hidden protocols and in exchange be recognized as a major
emerging superpower.
The debate the country is facing internally is whether to abide
by the laws of the world and the Universe to be
recognized as a superpower or be truthful to its citizens and
the world.
According to sources close to the Government, the
UFO contacts is known by quite a few politicians in the
opposition and of course by those who are in power.
The military has legitimate concern of not letting the
secrets out either.
Recently, India’s foreign affairs minister Mr.
Natwar Singh came out and said that for India
it was not necessary to become a nuclear power. He is a strong
supporter of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, India’s former Prime
Minister who initiated the nuclear program in the mid
sixties. India first exploded a nuclear device in
Pokhran in early seventies. The whole country including
people from his own party questioned Mr. Singh for such
an irresponsible statement. But on analyzing his statements, it
is evident, that based on what he knows now, being a nuclear
power really does not matter much because the technologies
controlled by the extra-terrestrials are so
advanced that all our technologies mean really nothing. But
importantly he may be irritated with this controversial ongoing
secret debate and what he really meant was that if India
was not a nuclear power, the debate on UFO and
extra-terrestrials will never be there in India.
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India in "unity with the Dark
From: "Dr Michael Salla" <exopolitics@...>
Date: Mon Jan 10, 2005 11:55 am
Subject: Re:
India in
"unity with the Dark Forces"?
Aloha Planetearth,
I have to disagree with you here. This
may be just a repeat of an earlier exchange we had where it
ultimately comes down to temperamental differences between us where
we respectively look at the cup of global affairs/exopolitics as
either half empty (you) or half full (me). In that sense, we may
just have to agree to disagree here.
There is however one possibility that I think we should all
consider. This is something I raised in an interview with Kevin
Smith which is available
If we look at the pattern of disclosures
emerging from India recently concerning visiting
ETs, how would the ‘shadow government’
respond if there was a genuine conflict of interests as I suggested?
Wouldn’t the
shadow government use some
of its scalar technology to cause a significant seismic event
in the region to send a signal to the Indian government to
back off and toe the line? In other words, was the Asian Tsunami
caused by the shadow government to send a message to the Indian
government to back off on it’s ET related disclosures?
After all, India was directly affected so it may have
been receiving a signal that next time it will be much worse.
At this point this is just an intuition on my part and I’ll
do some research on it to see how much merit this has. But I think
that we need to look at global events such as AIDS in
Africa, SARS in China, Economic
collapse of Argentina etc., as possibly ways in which
the shadow government maintains its control on
international events and intimidates other states into toeing the
line. In that sense, global politics takes on the characteristics of
a protection racket where those who follow the dictates of the
mafia dons (US, Britain, Russia, etc) are ‘protected’
from unfortunate global events. If I’m correct, then states like
India are interesting since their more independent line
leads to confrontations that occur beneath the public radar.
At this point, this is all just an intuition on my part so we
should take account of such a possibility and not just assume as you
do that India is part of the “same evil agenda”
that dominates global affairs. There are genuine exopolitical
differences between nations, between national security agencies,
and within military organizations. We need to be aware of these and
take advantage of them to promote our ultimate goals of a
transparent, accountable and democratic
global system with those willing to work with us.
In peace,
Michael S.
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India and Extraterrestrial Mind
From: "Dr Michael Salla" <exopolitics@...>
Date: Mon Jan 10, 2005 1:10 pm
India and
Extraterrestrial Mind Control
Aloha all,
here’s another article coming out of the
India Daily that discusses the sightings of UFOs.
Significantly, it raises the issue of ET mind control
and the possibility that individuals even at the governmental level
can be programmed by ETs. While the story doesn’t
quote government or military officials, it does raise some
significant exopolitical issues such as mind control of senior
government officials which is certainly an important aspect
of ET human interaction. It’s interesting that this kind of
story is getting coverage in what appears to be a mainstream
Indian online news journal that has quite a large audience.
This may be little more than India Daily running
controversial stories to attract a readership for purely commercial
reasons, or it may be a sign that there is an acclimation program
secretly being promoted by Indian officials to prepare the Indian
public for disclosure of the ET presence. Whatever the
case, it’s definitely worth taking a look at.
In peace,
Michael S.
of Extra-terrestrial mind control in India – like in America
politicians are forced to cover up
(click right logo)
Staff Reporter
January 10, 2005
Mind control is a vast subject matter involving
many levels of sophisticated technologies designed to control
human thought, emotion and behavior. Many countries are
researching this as a “non-lethal weapons technology” for
a long time.
This was used first during the Second World War and then it
continued to be used by various military in the world. This
subject matter is private, rarely published to inform the public
and is regarded as most “critical” weapon of the future.
The methods known based on published research papers are complex
and involve many activities. The primary goal of these methods
is to control the mind without letting people know that their
minds are controlled. This method involves physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual components.
In spite of thousands of UFO sightings all over
the world, the fact never comes out in public. India
is no exception in this matter. While a secret debate is on
whether to reveal the truth, there are evidence of application
of mind control techniques of Indian politicians.
According to experts not all minds can be controlled.
Certain personalities are difficult to hypnotize. These
personalities rarely get subjected to mind control. According to
India’s paranormal scientists, the UFO
debate will continue to grow in intensity if the Mind Control
theory is true.
India has experienced several UFO
sightings in recent days. Every part of the country in the last
two years has reported UFOs and suspicious
activities. While the Government (current Congress and
the opposition when in power one year back) have refused to
comment on the UFO sightings. The military is tight lipped
and only sporadically some of military personnel speak on their
It is quite clear that hypno-programming is being
applied in India’s Government officials and
people of influence in a very sophisticated manner. While every
one is concerned and scared about terrorism from
Pakistan’s ISI, Al-Queda and others, very
few politicians in India are show their concerns
about UFOs in the public.
One thing that hypno-therapists say is that once someone
is under mind control, their minds go into a quasi
hybernation or sleeping state. They lose their ability to
react fast enough to things happening in front of their eyes. In
other words parts of the brain is busy in doing other things.
During the recent Tsunami, all the Government
infrastructure just refused to react for hours before all
damage was complete. The politicians just failed to react.
There can be no reason for that other than their brain (all of
them) was sluggish.
Researchers also say, if a brain is under mind control
phenomenon, the brain is sluggish initially but when something
catastrophic happens, the mind reacts with much extra agility
and mobility. That is exactly what happened here too.
After the damage was done and the politicians “woke up from
hibernation”, they reacted fast, mobilized the military,
devoted all the resources and the world saw one of the most
efficient relief and rescue operations in India
without any International Non Government Relief Organizations.
The same politicians and their assistants who did not move for
hours before the Tsunami in spite of
several warnings from different directions and sent faxes to
wrong numbers causing thousands of innocent people die, became
super agile after the Tsunami and
did a fantastic clean up and relief operation.
In alien mind controlled systems, the methods are more
subtle and sophisticated. Overt methods are not as evident, but
the psychic programming is still present. Psychic and
spiritual linking makes it more difficult to detect and
the mind control mechanisms are much wide spread that we
can think.
A local Government official was shown some strange lights
and flying crafts in Port Blair,
Andaman a few days before the Tsunami. He
observed it and promised to look into the matter. After the
Tsunami, the same person denied remembering anything
about it.
India and Pakistan’s recent peace
initiatives are interesting too, both were about to nuke
each other just a few years back. Something happened all
on a sudden and both the leaderships are proceeding to
make relations better and settle all the disputes amicably.
There is nothing strange about settling things in a peaceful
manner – as a matter of fact that can be the best thing
possible. But the way it is done is interesting. Both sides are
facing stumbling blocks and occasionally flare up against each
other but something or someone is controlling both the
parties to come back to the table and move on with talks. They
have agreed to nothing substantial as of today even after a year
of negotiation but they keep coming back to the table and move
forward. Both the parties are showing enough patience and
maturity that were absolutely absent a few years back.
One explanation of this is in the fact that somehow some
mind control work is being applied to relieve the world
from the worst flashpoint of nuke exchanges.
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India Daily
News Coverage of ET Technologies and Manned Moon Missions
From: "Dr Michael Salla" <exopolitics@...>
Date: Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:26 am
Daily News Coverage of ET Technologies and Manned Moon Missions
Aloha All,
I’ve just recently returned from the
International UFO Congress and will shortly write a report on
what transpired. In catching up on a backlog of articles, emails, I
saw the following technology reports from the
IndiaDaily. It continues to
put out groundbreaking stories that are possibly part of a
controlled leak of information from the Indian Government
that challenges the global management system for ET
information that is dominated by the US,
Britain and Russia.
The first article is a very accurate summation of what has secretly
transpired when it comes to reverse engineered propulsion systems.
The second article looks at dark matter as an energy source
that has been covered up for decades. The third article reflects on
the recent developments in China’s plans for a moon landing and how
this relates to alleged warnings from ETs to the US
and USSR/Russia to stop moon missions.
In peace
Michael Salla, PhD
competition of Reverse Engineering Extra-terrestrial Propulsion
Systems (click right logo)
Staff Reporter
Mar. 6, 2005
Most advanced countries have ongoing
civilian as well as military projects that watch the
extra-terrestrial UFO flight patterns and characteristics;
possible UFO contacts and similar techniques to
reverse engineer the navigation and propulsion systems.
Reverse engineering is the process of analyzing a
finished product and creating a process of manufacturing a
replica or similar technologies.
In many countries, the militaries are rushing towards reverse
engineering stealth and propulsion systems of aircrafts and
spacecrafts from extra-terrestrial UFOs.
This is not a new phenomenon. Germans before
the Second World War started the process. Sometimes the
reverse engineering of advanced unknown technologies becomes
futile experimentation and results in something advanced but not
quite the replica of the end product. Many technology think
tanks in the world believe that the rocket propulsion systems
and generic stealth technologies were reverse engineered
by the
before the Second World War.
In recent days, America, Russia, China, France, Britain
and India are trying to reverse engineer the
anti-gravity propulsion systems. The problem is that they
all see the same end products and try to speculate in a reverse
direction as to how the Flying Objects are getting the
thrust or flight patterns.
Obviously the goal is to reach vary high speed – speed way
faster than light so that intergalactic space travel can
become a reality.
Not all propulsion systems are really fast. Sometimes endurance
is given higher priorities.
Deep Space 1 was launched in October 1998 as part
of NASA’s New Millennium Program, which is
managed by JPL for NASA’s Office
of Space Science, Washington, DC. The California
Institute of Technology in Pasadena manages JPL
for NASA. It works of an Ion propulsion system.
Many believe the Ion propulsion system was reversed
Unlike the fireworks of most chemical rockets using solid or
liquid fuels, the ion drive emits only an eerie
blue glow as ionized (electrically charged)
atoms of xenon are pushed out of the engine. Xenon
is the same gas found in photo flash tubes and many lighthouse
The almost imperceptible thrust from the system is equivalent to
the pressure exerted by a sheet of paper held in the palm of
your hand. The ion engine is very slow to pick up speed, but
over the long haul it can deliver 10 times as much thrust per
pound of fuel as more traditional rockets.
There are growing evidence that India and
China are in the advanced stage of development of
anti-gravity propulsion systems following the trail of the
Americans and the Russians.
Nuclear propelled propulsion systems are common in many
countries. But what is really perplexing is the advanced secret
research on propulsion systems reaching very fast speed and
traction without speed.
from Extra-terrestrial UFOs – Dark Energy can provide
anti-gravity propulsion needed for intergalactic space travel
and reaching speed faster than light
(click right logo)
Staff Reporter
Feb. 27, 2005
Bangalore is the
city of computer scientists. In the middle of hustle and
bustle of cyber research and development, a group of engineers
and astrophysicist are close to announcing a most major
breakthrough in the history of the mankind.
They are working on a concept that can provide cheap source
of anti-gravity propulsion though the use “dark energy”
– a controversial subject matter in the world of astrophysics.
Sources tell us that the secret project is funded by the
Indian Space research Organization (ISRO) and
DRDO, the defense research establishment in
India. We could not confirm the source of the funding
and who are really involved in the project.
According to this group of scientists, obtaining anti-gravity
propulsion through dark energy is the ultimate goal of any
Space research Organization in the world.
The dark energy percolates from the vacuum
of space. Laboratory experiments show that seemingly
empty space is actually seething with virtual particles that
wink in and out of existence. This perpetually bubbling
vacuum provides energy that could take the form of a
repulsive "negative gravity," The dark matter or
energy is embedded in the Universe that is
working against the gravity to pull the galaxies apart.
The concept of dark energy is nothing new. What
this group of engineers and scientists are about to announce (if
they are really successful) is how they really got access to the
dark energy or negative gravity. Theoretically it
is just not possible to create dark matter in the
laboratories. The energy needed to boil the space or vacuum is
just astronomical and we just do not have that mechanism in
place based on technological advances.
The project leader of this group laughs at the critics and the
universal skepticism. According to them, if you keep an open
mind you will get an answer. All extra-terrestrial UFOs
use dark energy to perform intergalactic travel at a
speed faster than light. Do you believe they are sitting and
boiling space in their UFOs? Dark matter is
all around us and the parallel multidimensional Universes
associate them. All that you need for anti-gravity propulsion is
creating an environment where gravity takes a back seat
and dark matter takes over the propulsion system. That is
how the Universe is expanding and as a matter of
fact accelerating in its expansion. Those who are not skeptics
and closely observe the UFO flight patterns should get
some clues in implementing such propulsion systems.
Many countries are working on dark energy
propulsion systems. Most militaries in the world try
to convince the public that UFOs and Extra-terrestrials
are all hoax while quietly watching them to learn the next
level of techno-military superiority over other countries. That
is the reason why we believe that even if this group of
engineers and scientist are successful they may keep quite for a
long time.
hesitation of manned lunar mission – are extraterrestrials and
UFOs influencing China too? (click
right logo)
Staff Reporter
Feb. 20, 2005
China joined
Russia and America in putting a human into
space on October 15, 2003. Since then China has
announced plans to put a probe in Moon’s orbit by 2007
and make a manned mission to moon by 2020.
According to sources in the China Aerospace Science and
Technology (Cast) agency, the planned
manned mission to moon scheduled for 2020 is facing strange
obstacles. There are very early indications that China
may quietly diffuse the ambition and not go to moon with a
manned mission after all.
The Cast agency officials have started
backpedaling on the time schedule and detailed plans for making
the manned mission possible by 2020.
According to Chinese sources, it is a matter of Chinese pride
and nationalistic icon to have the manned mission. If
China does finally announce that they will not make
humans go anywhere above the immediate atmosphere above the
earth’s surface, this will just confirm what many
extra-terrestrial researchers were predicting for many years.
According to these researchers, Americans and the
Russians were clearly told by the higher order
of extraterrestrials in the Universe that humans are not
welcome to travel beyond the earth’s immediate atmosphere
without much more advanced technologies.
According to sources from China, the biggest
problem Chinese are facing is the mechanism of shielding the
astronauts from the super strong radiation levels of the Van
Allen Radiation Belt. They just cannot figure out how the
Americans did it in 1960s.
The inner radiation belt extends over altitudes of
650-6,300 km. This ring is most concentrated in the Earth’s
equatorial plane. It consists mostly of protons, a
by-product of collisions between cosmic ray ions and atoms of
the atmosphere. The belt also contains
electrons, low-energy protons, and oxygen atoms.
The outer radiation belt extends from an altitude
of about 10,000-65,000 km and has its greatest intensity between
14,500-19,000 km. The outer belt is thought to consist of
plasma trapped by the Earth’s magnetosphere.
The particle population of the outer belt is varied, containing
electrons and various ions. Most of the ions are
in the form of energetic protons, but a certain percentage are
alpha particles and O+ oxygen ions, similar to
those in the ionosphere but much more energetic.
This mixture of ions suggests that ring current particles
probably come from more than one source.
Solar cells, integrated circuits, and sensors can be damaged by
radiation in these radiation belts. The Hubble Space
Telescope, among other satellites, often has its sensors
turned off when passing through regions of intense radiation.
Is it really possible to cross these belts with humans in the
space craft? It is possible and Apollo mission
probably did it. Apollo missions deliberately
timed their launches, and used lunar transfer orbits
that only skirted the edge of the belt over the equator to
minimize the radiation. The precision required for the same is
so intense, it needs superb technical capabilities.
That is where Chinese are stuck at the moment. However,
sources from China confirm that China may abandon
the mission all together and instead focus on other things
citing budgetary constraints like India has
recently announced.
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