by Tom DeWeese
September 25, 2015
Technocracy Website
Spanish version

It's 1992,
All Over Again...
If you had a time machine and could travel back to
1992 as the UN's Earth Summit was
underway, and you knew what you know now
about Agenda 21, imagine the
actions you could take to stop it in its tracks.
You wouldn't have to wonder what the
NGOs who created it had in mind. You wouldn't have to trust the news
media to tell you the details. You would know, just as the NGO's,
Nancy Pelosi and all the others openly told you, Agenda 21 is a,
"comprehensive blue print" for the
reorganization of human society.
They told you then, without hesitation,
that Agenda 21 was aimed at destroying free enterprise.
That is was a clarion call for humans to
live on less. That the Earth could no longer sustain the United
States of America. That's what they told us, but so many weren't
It took over 15 years to most
to finally grasp it. And that was only after it was firmly
entrenched in every government agency, every community plan, and
every school curriculum. So much so than many now say it is
impossible to combat.
They whine that it's a done deal.
Well, guess what, Agenda 21 is not a done deal and one of the main
forces to recognize that fact is the UN itself, along with a mob of
NGOs. And because it is not a done deal, they are all planning a new
massive gathering to reboot Agenda 21 and force it across the finish
Over the weekend of September 25-27, 2015, at the United Nations
Headquarters in New York City (just as in the 1992 UN Earth Summit
in Brazil) thousands of,
...will converge to present a new
fifteen-year plan entitled "Transforming
Our World - The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development."
Just as in 1992, they are openly telling us what the plan includes
and how they intend to put it in force.
The preamble to the plan says,
"All countries and all stakeholders,
acting in collaborative partnership, WILL implement this plan."
It goes on to say,
"We are determined to take the bold
and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the
world onto a sustainable and resilient path. As we embark on
this collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left
That, my friends, is a direct challenge
and a threat to anyone who dares to disagree with the plan or stand
in their way. They promise us that they "WILL" do it and it will be
forced on everyone.
Our experience with Agenda 21 over the
past 23 years tells us what to expect.
Here are the seventeen goals to be presented and what they really

Goal 1
End poverty in all its forms
The only answer the plan offers
for eliminating poverty is redistribution of wealth. The
document calls for "equal rights to economic resources."
That means government is
claiming an absolute power take away anything that belongs
to you to give to whomever it deems more deserving. That is
government-sanctioned theft. These are only Band-Aids that
solve nothing. Tomorrow those on the bread lines will still
need more.
The result is more poor...
There is not a single idea in
these plans to give the poor a way to earn their own wealth
so they no longer need government handouts.
Goal 2
End hunger, achieve food
security and improve nutrition and promote sustainable
UN documents go into great
detail on
controlling food supplies.
They detail enforcing "sustainable farming tactics" which
have been proven to force up the cost of food production
while decreasing yield. It is basically the old Soviet
practice of farm control that turned the bread basket of the
world into mass starvation.
The document details the use of
government controlled seed and plant banks…
"to ensure access to and
fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the
utilization of genetic resources and associated
traditional knowledge as internationally agreed."
In other words, our future food
sources will be put into the hands of politically connected
bureaucrats who have never been on a farm.
Goal 3
Ensure healthy lives and promote
well-being of all at all ages.
This means cradle to grave
control over how and where we live and what we are permitted
to eat. The healthy lives they promote means basically
forcing us out of our cars and into walking and riding bikes
as we are relocated into controlled high rise apartment
buildings sanctioned by government.
Obamacare, anyone...?
Goal 4
Ensure inclusive and equitable
quality education and promote lifelong learning
opportunities for all.
We learned a long time ago that
lifelong learning is only necessary as a means to
continually apply behavior modification practices to assure
we maintain the desired attitudes, values and beliefs to
live in a global village.
Give the children a well-rounded
academic knowledge in grade school and they will be able to
take care of educating themselves on any new developments
that arise in their lives.
Goal 5
Achieve gender equality and
empower all women and girls. The rainbow flag flies as we
ignore Shariah law and its war on women.
Goal 6
Ensure availability and
sustainable management of water and sanitation.
Ask California how sustainable
water control is working for them as these policies have
torn down water systems and dams to "free the rivers." The
original pioneers found the land to be a desert. They built
a sophisticated
water control system that
resulted in an emerald green paradise.
Now, as Sustainable policies are
being enforced, they are witnessing the return of the
desert, destroying productive land. Meanwhile, across the
nation, the EPA is moving to take control of all the water
in the United States.
Control the water, control the
Goal 7
Ensure access to affordable,
reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Seriously?
Their solution is to ban oil and
enforce wind and solar power. Every study across the nation
and around the world has proven that these "modern" energy
sources are unreliable.
They force up the cost of energy
and some reports say they are making people sick when forced
to live under the wind turbines.
Moreover, the carnage of the
birds and bats that are being chopped up and fried by these
"sustainable" energy sources goes against everything
environmentalists told us about protecting species.
Goal 8
Promote sustained, inclusive and
sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment
and decent work for all.
One thing our 23 years of Agenda
21 have proven, there is no economic growth.
Several nations in Europe that really tried to live by the
sustainable guidelines on energy and water controls are now
dumping those programs as fast as they can to save their
And who decides what is
"productive" or "decent" work? Do we leave it to the
bureaucrats to decide?
Goal 9
Build resilient infrastructure,
promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and
foster innovation.
Oh come now. Sustainable
industrialization means destroyed industry. No real industry
can remain in business under a government managed economy
with its shifting rules and constant increase in taxes.
Government doesn't create
industry or prosperity. Our government's real job is to
provide protection of the market place so real innovators
are free to create new ideas, industries and opportunities.
Government itself is a job
killer when it gets in the way.
Goal 10
Reduce inequality within and
among countries.
This is another form of
redistribution of wealth that forces industries from first
world to third world nations. This is done by using
oppressive sustainable policies to drive up production
costs, forcing companies to take their factories to the
poorer nations.
The second trick is to exempt
those poorer nations from the very environmental rules and
regulations that caused the factories to move in the first
Can anyone explain how this
helps the environment? It doesn't. It simply makes everyone
equally poor.
This is also an assault on
national sovereignty.
Goal 11
Make cities and human
settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
This is
Smart Growth which promises
a utopia of families and neighbors playing and working
together, riding bikes, walking to work in stress free
It really means the end of
private property rights, single family homes, and stack and
pack high rises where residents are over taxed, over
regulated, rents are high and individual thoughts and
actions are viewed as a threat to the "well-ordered
And by the way, the American
Planning Association did a study to see if their smart
growth plans worked and their own report concluded that
Smart Growth doesn't work.
Goal 12
Ensure sustainable consumption
and production patterns. What more is there to say? Control
from the top down.
Goal 13
Take urgent action to combat
climate change and its impacts. Here it is! The root of the
entire plan:
Climate Change.
How many scientific reports do
real scientists have to present to show this is the greatest
scam ever devised to create a reason for government to
control every aspect of our lives?
Well, here, let
the Global Warming scare
mongers tell you their true purpose in their own words:
"No matter if the science of
global warming is all phony - climate change provides
the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and
equality in the world."
Christine Stewart (former
Canadian Minister of the Environment)
Justice built on a lie?
And here is another quote to
make it clear.
"We've got to ride this
global warming issue. Even if the theory of global
warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in
terms of economic and environmental policy."
Timothy Wirth (President,
UN Foundation)
The end justifies the means!
Goal 14
Conserve and sustainably use the
oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable
Control the water, control
society. This one is really aimed at destroying the oil
industry in order to enforce wind and solar power. This is
the UN pounding its chest to become the central global
government it has always sought to be.
It has no more right to the seas
than it does to the air we breath or the surface of the
Goal 15
Protect, restore and promote
sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably
manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse
land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
Have you been watching the news
as the greatest fires in history are destroying millions of
acres of forests? Why is this happening? Because of
sustainable forest management that refuses to allow the
removal of dead trees from the forest floor.
This creates as much of ten feet
of kindling that makes massively hot and unmanageable fires.
That kindling is so thick that even small animals have a
hard time getting through.
If you want to save a forest,
send an environmentalist back to his high rise in New York
City where he belongs.
Goal 16
Promote peaceful and inclusive
societies for sustainable development, provide access to
justice for all and build effective, accountable and
inclusive institutions at all levels. This is Social Justice
which really means social engineering.
Have you ever once witnessed an
"effective" or "accountable" institution coming out of the
United Nations? By its very nature,
the UN is unaccountable.
Who would be the entity to oversee that accountability?
Every one of these programs
outlined in the 2030 Agenda creates money, power and
unaccountability at every level of government. That is why
government is now running out of control and people are
feeling so hopeless in trying to deal with their
Goal 16 should be named the
"Foxes Running the Hen House" goal.
Goal 17
Strengthen the means of
implementation and revitalize the global partnership for
sustainable development.
This means the re-boot of Agenda
21, because that was the original "global partnership." This
goal is a call for all of the treaties, plans and schemes
devised in the massive UN meetings to be made the law of the
It is total global government
and it is a sure highway to misery, destruction of,
individual thought
In 1992 they told us that
Agenda 21 was just a suggestion.
Today, after experiencing the "wrenching
transformation" of our society that
Al Gore called for, we know it
was much more than that. And we have suffered the consequences as
our economy has plummeted, as the middle class is disappearing, jobs
are now existent and the world is in turmoil.
the power elite which prey on the
poor and helpless are determined to finish the job.
They are fast moving toward the goal of,
eliminating individual nation
controlling individual actions
wiping private property
ownership from the face of the Earth
Their goal is to make us all "equal" in
the same chains to assure none of us can disrupt their well ordered
utopian nightmare.
Well, now our time machine has brought us back from 1992 to the
present. As we disembark, one voice should be ringing in our ears
loud and clear from the 1992 Earth Summit.
In a clear and concise voice he warned
us of what Agenda 21 was designed to do.
He said,
"Isn't the only hope for the planet
that the industrialized nations collapse? Isn't it out
responsibility to bring that about?"
And remember, that wasn't said by just
an interested bystander.
It was from the official statement of
the Chairman of the Earth Summit,
Maurice Strong.
So now, we are back in good old 2015 as the same forces are about to
introduce the 2030 Agenda. We now have the advantage of knowing full
well what it is and its intended affect on our lives.
They have told us clearly, right in its
title: "Transform the World."
The 2030 Agenda is to be built on the ruins and desolation of a
thousand such schemes for control over human life. Each time they
have failed and each time they have come back with a new "plan."
The 2030 Agenda is Agenda 21
re-booted. But this time you and I don't have an excuse to
ignore it. We know what it is from the start.
Now we have a new opportunity and the
obligation to stop it dead in its tracks.