by Benjamin Fulford
July 4,2011
Kauilapele Website
The teachings of the world’s secret societies
are deeply connected to the pursuit of earthly power.
The ancient ruling classes preferred to keep
this knowledge in the hands of a small elite in order to maintain this grip
on power. This week we will look at some of this secret knowledge of kings.
Perhaps the most ancient and important metaphor of power is the ancient
Egyptian myth of Isis, Osiris, Set and Horus.
The legend goes that in the very beginning Isis
and Osiris, brother and sister, married and gave birth to children. One of
these children, Set (later Satan) tricked Osiris and killed him by cutting
him up into 13 pieces and making sure one piece, the penis, was
irretrievable. This is a metaphor of a usurper killing the legitimate king
and his male offspring as well to make sure there is no threat to his power.
In the legend Isis picks up 12 of the pieces of Osiris and fashions an
artificial penis to revive him. However, it is through her son Horus, who
grows up and defeats Set and becomes king that here revenge is finally
This is a metaphor of the female descendants of
a great male leader using the seeds of other males (the artificial penis) in
order to re-establish the legitimate male bloodline.
This is the story used by the
royal families of Europe to show how they
were able to re-establish the bloodline of David through his female
descendants. It also allowed usurpers to legitimize their power by marrying
into the old kingly bloodline.
The story of Isis lies behind the cult of
Skull and Bones.
The original Skull and Bones sculpture can be
seen in the
Basilica of St. John, the church built
by the Emperor Constantine’s mother. There is a sculpture of Mary
holding the bones of Jesus. That is the tale of Isis rebuilding Osiris to
get her revenge. However, it is at base a metaphor of war and revenge and
struggle for power.
There is a different metaphor to be found in Japan in the cult of the
Goddess Benten (she has Hindu and Chinese
equivalents). Benten is often portrayed as a naked and beautiful young
woman. She is supposed to be behind such things as wealth, and the arts and
music and other such good things.
Benten was supposed to have had 16 male children each and every one of them
destined for greatness. This is a metaphor for a golden age.
When the first Europeans settled in America such
a Goddess would have been a good symbol. Each family had many children and
all the children usually went on to great prosperity on their own.
So in Asia we have a metaphor of a young bride about to have 16 happy
children while in the West we have a metaphor of a widow seeking revenge
through her son.
The Benten metaphor is more appropriate for the era we are about to enter
but we must never forget there may come a time when the metaphor of the
vengeful widow will see us through hard times.
There is a different metaphor for power in Asia that is also now appropriate
to the times we face. It has been mentioned by me before but it bears
repeating. This is the metaphor of the white, black and golden dragons.
A Shinto priestess whose family has run a shrine in the most ancient part of
Japan for thousands of years taught it to me. She says that if you take a
bit of fish or meat, together with rice and some vegetable, wrap it in paper
and make a certain incantation the contents of the paper will disappear and
the incantation will take effect.
It would be interesting to scientifically verify
this claim but for now we will look at the incantation as a metaphor.
If you make the incantation of the white dragon, you and your family
will be given security and protection but it will not give you a lot of
wealth or power. However, if you invoke the black dragon, you will
get great wealth and power. If you see any weakness in others you will be
able to shrewdly exploit if for your own benefit.
However, it has a serious drawback, you find
that when you have all the wealth and the power, you will have no friends.
You will be alone.
Finally there is the golden dragon. If you invoke it you will have
prosperity and fecundity. However, if you veer away from the path of the
golden dragon, say by becoming cruel or perverted, you will lose it.
These are all metaphors of power and survival over many long generations of
rulership. It is clear the Western elite overdosed on the black dragon
because just when they thought they had all the world’s wealth and power in
their hands, they found themselves friendless and abandoned.
The West now has to invoke the
White Dragon because they have the world’s
greatest military might and can use it to protect the poor and the weak and
their own interests without harming others.
Only then can they graduate to the golden
The black dragon may be invoked in times of
great war and turmoil but its dangerous side effects must never be