by Benjamin Fulford
September 19, 2011
Kauilapele Website
U.S. President
Barack Obama signed an executive
order allowing 2500 elite Japanese soldiers to be stationed on U.S. soil,
according to a Japanese military intelligence agent.
The Japanese self-defense forces have been
authorized by Obama to use force if necessary to defend Japanese corporate
interests on U.S. soil, the source says. The move was made in anticipation of
severe rioting and turmoil in the U.S. over the coming months, he said.
Meanwhile, 87 nations have now agreed to participate in the launch of the
new financial system, according to three highly placed White Dragon agents.
In addition, both the U.S. and Russian military and law enforcement apparati
have agreed to support the new financial system, according to the agents.
There were disinformation reports out that a European financial meeting this
last weekend was a follow-up to the Monaco meeting. This is not true.
meeting in Europe was held by members of the old cabal who were trying to
somehow keep their fiat currencies from imploding. Any serious financial
journalist or expert though, must have been appalled by U.S. Treasury
Secretary Timothy Geithner telling the Europeans to “increase leverage,” in
order to solve their economic crisis.
This is like telling an underwater
gambling addict to start doubling his bets.
The fact of the matter is the Europeans know the Greeks and other
Mediterranean countries were mooching off their hard working Northern
cousins and they must now stop it. A new Mediterranean currency is what they
really need.
However, there have been serious developments in the move towards a new
financial system. Soon all financial trading programs or “platforms” will
the shut down for an indeterminate period of time. The aim of this shut-down
is to totally clean out and revamp the system. The amount of time needed to
clean up the mess is not known.
The tentative date for this shut down has been set at November 11, 2011
(2011/11/11) but as with many dates that have come and gone, the financial
cabal will do everything in its power to prevent that from happening.
For example,
George Bushes Sr. and Jr. together with their hatchet man
Baker have been trying to arrange the assassination of White Dragon agents,
including this writer, according to U.S. agency sources.
In Japan, their top operative is now Mossad agent
Michael Green.
previously slandered this writer by telling very dangerous Japanese and
Chinese operators that I was a speed addict who liked to beat women. Green
is now behind a group that is threatening Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa and Deputy governor
Hirohide Yamaguchi. Green is no longer welcome
in Japan.
The gangsters sub-contracing [sub-contracting] for Green have been warned
the Japanese police authorities as well as international law enforcement
agencies will be given detailed evidence linking them to the murder of
Japanese politician Koki Ishii in 2002. The evidence includes a letter
written by the man who is now serving prison time for having stabbed Ishii
to death. If given to the police authorities it would allow them to place
collective blame on the gang leadership.
The main Japanese gangs,
...have all been asked to stop sub-contracting for genocidal Sabbatean gangsters.
Instead they have been offered an opportunity to
formally take on their now informal rule as Japanese intelligence
The Japanese politicians who can be linked to the murder of Ishii include
Naoto Kan (until recently Prime Minister), ruling Democratic power broker
Ichiro Ozawa, former Prime Ministers Yasuhiro Nakasone and Junichiro Koizumi
among many others, according to multiple witnesses.
The Japanese right wingers have also been notified that Sabbatean gangsters
have infiltrated the Imperial Household agency and are preventing the
emperor from acting on behalf of the Japanese people.
One of the most
treasonous agencies in Japan is the
Mitsubishi banking group. This bank is
going to be broken up and liquidated once the new financial system starts,
according to Japanese military intelligence.
The Japanese nationalist have also been told that White Dragon Society
member Neil Keenan is the nephew of both Tokyo war crimes Prosecutor Joseph
Keenan and General MacArthur aide General George Keenan.
Joseph and George
Keenan were involved in the Keenan fund. The Keenan fund was used for
clandestine operations aimed at preventing Emperor Hirohito from being
prosecuted for war crimes. Keenan also argued that if Japanese “A” class war
criminals should be prosecuted then so should the people behind the nuclear
bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
For this and other reasons, Keenan is
seen as a hero amongst the Japanese nationalists.
Research into the Keenan fund has also revealed more of the hidden history
of World War two. In particular, it turns out that General Tomoyuki
Yamashita, of the famous
Yamashita gold treasure, was the son of General
Arthur MacArthur by a Japanese mother. This made him a half-brother to
General Douglas MacArthur.
It also turns out that although Yamashita was
supposedly executed for war crimes, in fact he was spirited away to the
Philippines. He lived there until the age of 92 in a luxurious compound
surrounded by 16 foot walls. Nobody near the compound was allowed to build a
building higher than the wall, according to the White Dragon agents.
The same sources provided new information about World War 2. They said one
of the main reasons for the war was to maintain control of the global
financial system in the hands of a small cabal. To do this, they needed to
capture most of the world’s gold supply that was not already in their hands
and take it off market.
Many Jews in Europe were persecuted because they
refused to relinquish their own personal gold supplies.
Much of the confiscated gold remains in tunnels near the city of Matsumoto,
Japan as well as in the Philippines and other parts of Asia. It has yet to
be returned to its rightful owners.
In a related move, the Saudis and the Thai Royal family are now working with
the Yamaguchi Gumi to sell “black-listed” Thai gold to the Chinese. As
already mentioned
Libya was invaded because it was refusing to trade oil for
currencies like Euros and dollars that were not backed by gold.
Fortunately, however, we are hearing the
Paraguayan and South American land
bought by the Bushes and other cabal members with stolen gold will be
confiscated. Their illegal Australian investments will also
be liquidated and the funds will be returned to the Australian people.
Similar moves are expected worldwide as the cabal’s illegal control network
is dismantled.
Q &A
September 21, 2011
BenjaminFulford Website
Subject: Questions and concerns
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 16:58:58 -0500
Thank you for your information and quest along with the hope that it
brings with it. I only have a few concerns and a questions for you.
The placement of Japanese soldiers on American soil which Obama
approved, on which you recently reported, is somewhat alarming to me.
Please excuse my naivety and paranoia, but I wish to know what his
motives and intentions are for doing this.
Your report seemed to me to
be a bit too brief and, since you offered little explanation in this
small article, I have been left to assume that it should not be seen as
overly alarming. On the contrary, whenever he does or says anything, I
have been conditioned through experience that it is a step in the wrong
I am hoping that this movement, even though it is
unconstitutionally sound, is a part of the movement towards a correction
of the economy and military standing of the U.S. through the execution
the WDS plan.
If, as you stated, that "U.S. and Russian military and
law enforcement apparati have agreed to support the new financial
system", should this move, consequently, be considered a building of
forces against the U.S. military and/or U.S. citizens or have I missed
Please expound upon this if you can.
Also, I have been under the impression that the purpose of these banks,
politicians, and their respective "elite" rulers was to create a
World Order and single currency.
While I do understand that this secret
society which is committed to undermine these plans and bring about
peace and a higher standard of living for every real human being on
earth it, nevertheless, appears that these actions and plans are
striving for the similar, if not the same, outcome.
Additionally, the
"cooperation" of
a Rothschild (exemplified by his wanting to name the
new currency the Hong Kong dollar as stated in one of your
reports), if you will excuse my language, scares the hell out of me.
you can, please help relieve my fears that we are not being duped and
I, personally, would not want to underestimate their
deviousness and resolve in their ability to adapt their plan to
accommodate their own, and already-proven, wicked ideals. With the bad
influences which are still present on the planet, would it be completely
out of the question that the sovereignty of the individual nations could
still be recognized once the corruption has been, at least substantially
so, removed?
Again, if you could explain in more detail the purpose and
intended outcome of the WDS plan, I would really appreciate it.
I can see the implementation of a large internationally mutual project
being an effective bridging of foreign relations, such as that of
NAWAPA (proposed by Lyndon LaRouche).
LaRouche PAC team and I do not quite
see eye to eye on everything (they do not endorse my support of Ron
Paul, stating that they think his views on the correction of the
monetary system as being "unconstitutional", citing instead a
Hamiltonian credit-based system as their one and only solution, as
opposed to a gold backed monetary system. I believe this is because this
credit system would be the only way they could see the NAWAPA Project
being expediently fundable. Just my suspicion, mind you, and I am not
completely unresponsive to their Hamiltonian credit system, I merely
choose to direct my efforts, at this time, towards a more viable and
immediate solution, with that being the possibility of Ron Paul becoming
President in the next election) but I only wish to pursue workable
solutions for the benefit of mankind, and thus, I do promote NAWAPA.
you are not aware of it already, please check it out. It is a very
interesting and promising mega-infrastructural project designed to
provide water, power, transportation and fertile land to areas of the
world which are currently lacking it.
Please provide this poor soul with a morsel of hope.
Again, I thank you for the hope which you have provided already.
Dear Chris,
The plan to place Japanese soldiers on U.S. soil was aimed at appeasing
the Japanese government by offering to trade some of their vast Treasury
holdings for something tangible, a military base.
It certainly
unconstitutional from a U.S. standpoint but at least I can assure you
there is no possible scenario in which I could envision these troops
being used to put Americans into prison camps. They are there to prevent
Japanese factories from being looted.
White Dragon Society does not have a detailed plan at present.
Instead we are trying first of all to prevent a genocide of 4-5 billion
people planned by
the elite.
After that we wish the world's savings to
be spent on things like ending poverty and stopping environmental
destruction instead of on endless, pointless wars. Then humanity can
enter a new era by peacefully and responsibly developing all the
suppressed technology.
Any new financial system has to be firmly linked to physical reality.
That means no currency can be created until somebody harvests a crop or
carves a sculpture or creates something real to back it with. Freedom of
the press is also essential to prevent corruption.
Finally, my own view is the system of government we need is meritocracy.
Democracy has degenerated into mob rule. In
meritocracy anybody can
climb to the top of the pyramid if they are determined to do so and are
competent enough.
The military government that is coming in the U.S. is not going to put
people into
FEMA camps, it is merely going to preside over a
clean up of
the corruption in Washington and Wall St. before returning to civilian
Benjamin Fulford