by Benjamin Fulford
October 10, 2008
With a brand new financial system built from scratch, it would be possible
to end world poverty and stop environmental destruction within a month. The
reason is simple, we have been blinded from reality by a hypnotic pyramid
scheme known as
the world financial system.
The financial system is nothing more than the
process of deciding what humanity will do in the future. In other words, it
is fundamentally nothing more than mass psychology. Thus, if humanity
changed their collective psychology about how to run the planet, it could
decide, within a few days, to care for the poor and stop destroying nature.
It is simply a matter of making the collective
decision to do so. That is all.
Before offering one example of how a new system could function, let us look
at what exists now. For a long time certain privately owned central banks,
most notoriously the
Federal Reserve Board and the Bank of England, have
been turning this planet into a hellish slave pyramid. At the bottom are
poor innocent creatures being burned to death by starving third world
farmers moving on from depleted soil to find fresh farm land to feed their
hungry children.
The innocent creatures have no value because the
global financial system considers them worth zero unless they are turned
into "products." Thus the poor of the world pass what little income they are
able to glean from the destroyed rain-forest up to the next step of the
pyramid. That would be small time merchants who peddle mostly goods made in
faraway lands for a teeny profit.
And so the up the pyramid we go, past bribed
leaders who sell their countries natural resources for a pittance and ignore
environmental protection rules in exchange for huge bribes. If they try to
stand up for their people and ask for a fair price, the Western peoples are
fooled with a fake story into supporting a "war" against an "evil dictator."
Further up the pyramid we find the brainwashed populations of the Western
world who support endless wars because they have been fooled into thinking
it is for "human rights" and to spread "democracy." They mostly live lives
of meaningless hedonism enabled by the tribute payments they have been
receiving from the poorest countries. Both their education systems and their
media have been subverted so long ago that they rarely wake up to the fact
they have been brainwashed all their lives.
If they do, they are "taken care of."
Next up we find the pigs of the system. These are the ultra-rich who know
the true masters are the hyper-rich who make their money by printing paper.
Although many of them actually make real things and thus contribute to
humanity, they go along with this con-job because they are both bribed and
scared of being killed by hired goons.
Now let us look at how the fiat money system controlled by the hyper-rich
works. What they do is create money out of nothing, usually as digits in a
computer. They then "lend" this money to the people who have to pay it back
with "interest." The end result is an upwards flow of tribute to an elite
few at the top in exchange for nothing. Up the pyramid goes real stuff, down
the pyramid goes paper worth "nothing."
On a smaller scale this sort of thing is known as a pyramid scheme. On a
global scale it is still a pyramid scheme. Pyramid schemes end when they run
out of new people ready to join the bottom of the pyramid. The global
pyramid scheme is ending because we are running out nature to destroy and
people to oppress.
The situation is so dire that 90% of the world's
savings are going to feed a hungry Anglo-American Israeli military machine
that is being used to
suppress the people of the planet.
As they say, you can't squeeze blood from a rock
so, the situation now has come to the point where the pyramid is collapsing.
What we need to do now is to rebuild the global financial system from
scratch. One approach would be to stop the digital printing presses and give
people in bankrupt America/England and Israel etc. enough cash for a month
or so to tide them over until the new system was built. We would then need
to do an inventory of the planet earth.
It would assign value to everything
on the planet, forests, oceans, people etc.
Any money in the old system that could be
connected to real things like land and factories, would remain in the hands
of its previous owners. Any money that was made from "nothing" would be
reassigned to the forests, oceans and poor peoples of the world.
The next step would be to gather all the wisest people to come up with the
details of a better way of navigating into the future. This would involve
creating a harmonious balance between nature, markets and people. The end
result should be that humanity as a whole creates more life and wealth than
it destroys. In other words never again must humanity become an engine of
Humanity can then go out into the universe
creating new gardens of Eden everywhere.