by Benjamin Fulford
November 09, 2010
Multiple reliable sources are warning of an
extremely horrific act by the criminally insane cabal behind the soon to be
Federal Reserve Board, possibly on November
11, 2010:
101109 or 11/9/2010, which has uncanny
reverse similarity to
Remember 9 is a sacred number for the Satanists.
Indications for this include:
the sudden cancellation of former USSR
President Gorbachev's visit to Japan scheduled to start on November
9, or 11/9
reports that Obama will cancel his visit
to Indonesia also on the same day
Hillary Clinton's presence in New
Zealand on that day
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's visit
to Houston, Texas on that day to supervise a "nuclear terrorist
the use of skeletons to create the word
Google on Google's search engine home page (below image)

Senior CIA sources also say a nuclear bomb has
been prepositioned along the
San Andrea fault line.
The explosion would be followed by a shut off of
all ports connected to Asia and
martial law, according to this source.
The last time the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate was the target of a
major corruption investigation was on the eve of September 11, 2001.
We all know the horrors they committed to postpone their inevitable date
with destiny.
Multiple sources have already warned us of the presence of
suitcase nuclear bombs smuggled into Japan from North Korea
(these have been disarmed with the exception of one in the basement of the
North Korean Resident's Association in downtown Tokyo, according to Japanese
military police and other sources).
In addition, we have received multiple warnings
the volcanoes on the Pacific rim of fire would be set off by
We are now seeing
multiple volcanic eruptions on the Pacific rim
along with warnings of a mega-volcanic eruption in Indonesia. It is worth
noting the reason for Obama's mooted cancellation of his trip to Indonesia
is a volcanic eruption.
The members of the
White Dragon Society and other decent human
beings around the planet will not allow the satanic cabal to carry out such
an insane act without repercussions. The individuals responsible for any
such atrocity will be hunted down for the rest of their short lives, this is
a sacred promise.
In other news, Viscount Etienne Davignon has contacted the White
Dragon Society again and promised the corporations and governments linked to
Bilderberg Group will,
"stand in front of you, beside you and
behind you," in what he promises will be an extremely tough battle
against what he describes as a "common enemy."
Davignon also claims there are serious problems
both with the Davos World Forum, the
United Nations and the OITC.
OITC (Office of International Treasury
Control) has also contacted the White Dragon Society promising they will
purge their ranks and purify their organization as a prelude to cooperating
with the Dragon family on plans to solve the world's problems.
As a part of the purge the OITC's nominal head
R.C. Dam from the Kyrgiz Republic,
David Sale and others will leave, the new OITC management claims. A
Freemason source, a direct associate of the new grand master of a major
lodge also promises a major purge of
the Freemason top ranks is imminent.
The source says that if we prove the OITC has no
valid mandate:
The governments of China, the Philippines,
Indonesia, Japan etc. have all been given financial instruments similar to
the $1 trillion in Bonds owned by the Dragon Family that were taken by
"Vatican, Italian P2 Freemasonic Lodge Banker"
Daniele Dal Bosco.
The Dragon Family says got the bonds from the
Federal Reserve Board in exchange for some of their gold.
It appears the Federal Reserve Board cannot pay
back the gold so the whole charade of trying to cash the bonds with the OITC,
the Davos Forum and the UN was just a play for time.
We can also divulge more about the secretive Dragon Family (any relation
The Dragon Court?)
at this time that has already been leaked to the public by the OITC and
others. The Dragon Family is a group of extremely wealthy individuals who
for thousands of years have kept their wealth secret from the various
governments of the age. This includes, for example, members of Chinese
dynastic families who hid their treasure and fled China after they lost
the "mandate
of heaven."
These families now want to spend a portion of
their wealth to help end poverty, stop environmental
destruction and develop the suppressed technologies.
It appears the latest threats of major terrorist acts are a response by the
Satanists behind the Federal Reserve Board to the imminent lawsuit against
the OITC and their allies. Senior elements of the US military/intelligence
establishment and world governments are planning to use the lawsuit as a
trigger for action.
The Satanic Cabal has also poisoned one White Dragon member (he survived)
and sent 10 armed "plainclothes policemen" to harass another member.
This crude intimidation is a clear sign Federal
Reserve Board crime syndicate is losing its entire power base in Japan. They
had two senior members in the current government
Yukio Hatoyama and
Ichiro Ozawa who have both been removed
from the power structure of the government.
A purge of the global financial bureaucracy and
the underworld is also imminent...