by benjamin
January 25, 2011
Politaia Website
also at
SteveBeckow Website
There was something very fishy about Chinese President
Hu Jintao’s visit to
the US last week. First of all, mass-murderer and war criminal Henry (Heinz)
Kissinger was praised in the official government Xinhua news site.
Second, this Nazi Kissinger, who was part of the plot to kill off a large
percentage of the Chinese population with the tailor made SARS bio-weapon,
was the man who introduced Hu to an audience of US corporate chieftains.
Furthermore, instead of replacing the Federal Reserve Board debt notes with
a new metals backed currency, suddenly the Chinese are being told that
the Renminbi might be included as part of the IMF currency known as
the Special Drawing Right or
This is the same
IMF that has caused
immeasurable hardship to so many countries by forcing them to hand over
their national assets to predatory oligarchs and now suddenly China will be
admitted as a “junior partner.”
The Chinese have also now suddenly promised to keep buying US Treasuries,
effectively propping up a vast military killing machine. Clearly, as Casper
and associates have reported, several top officials in the Chinese communist
party have been blackmailed about money they have stashed away in Swiss bank
There was also, no doubt, some sort of military blackmail
Then we have the Federal Reserve Board announcing they will simply ignore
any losses they incur by putting them off their books. You can pretend to
ignore reality all you want but it won’t help.
While this would all seem to be very bad news, what we are in fact
witnessing is the Satanists equivalent of the Battle of the Bulge: a final
desperate offensive that is bound to fail.
In fact, our CIA sources say the atmosphere in
Washington D.C. now is one of
palpable fear. The criminals who infiltrated the top levels of the US
political establishment and ruined a once great nation know their day of
reckoning is not far off.
One clear indication that all is not well is the sudden PR push by the
Bilderberg Group, the
Council on Foreign Relations and other secret
government institutions of the self-selected “global elite.”
The most ironic was an editorial in the Economist magazine (I call it “the
Imperialist”) quoting Etienne Davignon, head of the Bilderberg group.
In the
article Davignon says,
“you can do nothing about a conspiracy theory,” before
admitting in his own words, there were secret discussions about a plan to
invade Iraq with some opposed and some in favor.
If a civilian planned in
advance to forcibly enter someone’s home in order to commit murder and
robbery, and then actually did it, he would be charged with pre-meditated
crime, go to jail and probably get the death sentence.
However, there is no problem with self-appointed “globocrats” secretly
meeting to plan to invade Iraq, murder over a million civilians, displace
another 5 million (a quarter of the population) and steal their oil,
according to Davigon’s logic.
The fact of the matter is that a group of oligarchs has been committing
genocide, manufacturing and spreading disease, starting wars, stealing from
the people of the earth with impunity for so long, they thought they were
above the law. They are not, and they are running out of time to step aside
The people of the planet earth are waking up from their long slumber and
asking some very obvious questions:
“Why do these people want perpetual
“Why don’t they end poverty and stop environmental destruction?”
gave them the right to rule the planet anyway?”
“Why are they deliberately
creating and spreading diseases?” etc.
Davignon recently asked a member of the
White Dragon Society for help in
public relations.
Our advice to him is to quickly set up a South African
style truth and reconciliation committee and tell people the truth in
exchange for forgiveness.
The reason these groups have been meeting in secret is because they knew the
vast majority of the people would become extremely angry if they found out
exactly what they were discussing.
Too many people now know they were
planning to kill over 4 billion people,
“in order to save the environment.”
It appears though, as many have warned, that the rulers of the
Reserve Board are not intending to go quietly into the night.
The end result
is going to be mass arrests of people who thought they were above the law.
The international investigative net is closing ever more tightly around
them. We are now hearing that instead of 750 arrests as reported here
earlier, the number will be in the thousands.
We are also hearing the
revolution in Tunisia is but a foretaste of what is
to come.
This week the Davos group will have their annual meeting and you can be sure
many invitees will be cancelling their attendance. Those who do show up will
be under an investigative microscope as they desperately try to save their
plot to
create a fascist world government.
We have also been contacted by a Eastern European group that asked us to
convey the following warning:
“if the fascists do not step aside and allow
humanity to be free, then a sensitive site in Switzerland known by the
code-name Pindar will be attacked with a suitcase nuclear weapon.”
people appear to be connected to the Russian mafia and we have passed on
what little we know about them to the appropriate authorities.
We are also hearing the
secret Roman Emperor in Italy has once again ordered
the murder of this writer as well as several other prominent journalists and
government investigators. All we can say is that shooting the messenger is
not going to help.
Finally, we would like to report another freak astronomical event.
Last week
during the full moon, this writer was on the Island of Lankawi in Malaysia
where he saw the sun set at the same time a full moon rose in the East on
the exact opposite side of the horizon from the setting sun.
In our
last week’s report we incorrectly reported that
Giovanni Agnelli was tape recorded having a conversation with Giancarlo Bruno and Leo
As many readers pointed out Giovanni Agnelli died several years ago.
We asked our CIA source which Agnelli he was referring to and he said,
“All I
heard is that it was one of the Agnelli brothers.”
We apologize for the
mistake. It occurred because we used Google to find the first name of the
most famous member of the Angelli family and assumed it was him.
In any case, a senior source in the
Knights of Malta has independently
confirmed the conversation was recorded and says the investigation and
observation of the Italians and the Davos gang has now gone “above Giancarlo