by Benjamin Fulford
May 24, 2011
Kauilapele Website
The White Dragon Foundation is set to
become a functioning legal entity on June 1st, according to the
lawyer who is handling the application with the Japanese government.
The principle philosophy of the foundation will
be to maximize both the amount and variety of life on earth and in the
Once the foundation is set up, it will solicit donations from individual and
institutional investors for the purpose of ending poverty and stopping
environmental destruction.
There are three projects the foundation
initially wants to get involved with:
Use previously suppressed energy
technology to remove salt from sea-water and turn the deserts green.
Increase the flow of nutrients in the
oceans in order to increase bio-mass by at least 10-fold.
Transform the military industrial
complex into a space exploration and development complex. One
project already on the drawing boards is a plan to create an
artificial planet.
Although the foundation is scheduled to get
formal approval on June 1st, 2011, there will still be a lot of
background work to be done before there are any visible results.
The first stage will involve careful planning.
There will also be a need to set up an international economic planning
agency and that will require a global headhunt of experienced economic
planners and people with the know-how for setting up institutions. The
International Economic Planning agency would be one of the prime
institutions involved in carrying out the White Dragon goals. It would also
set up new goals.
This planning agency would be modeled after the very successful one used by
Japan up until the Americans forced them to shut it down. That means
macro-planning would be done by the agency but much of the actual work would
be carried out by the private sector.
In the meantime, the collapse of the old world order will continue to
accelerate and there is a very strong possibility of some very nasty
incidents of the 911 and 311 variety. Dark Brotherhood
sources say that four nuclear weapons stolen from the Russian submarine
Kursk are not in the hands of any military organization.
Of these one was set off in the sea-bed off of
Japan’s coast triggering the March 11 tsunami.
The other three, according to these sources, are somewhere in Europe.
They say they may well be set off on June 1st
in an attempt to discredit the White Dragon Foundation and act as a sort of
hail Mary pass aimed at starting World War 3.
Although we have no direct intelligence on what the possible targets are, it
is likely the old world order would target their own centers of power
(a la 911) and blame it on Al CIAda.
Thus a good guess for possible targets in Europe
would be,
If any concrete leads emerge, we will publish
them immediately.
The world’s armed forces, for their part, have reached an understanding that
they will not be provoked into destroying the planet in a nuclear holocaust.
The Chinese and US military establishments had friendly meetings in
Washington last week and instead of having a press conference afterwards the
Chinese and US military bands played together.
That is a pretty clear message that they were
reading from the same page.
Sources in both the CIA and MI6 meanwhile, are saying that President
Obama has fled to Ireland and will not be returning to the USA. This
could simply be a threat aimed at forcing him to toe the line after recent
perceived hostility towards Israel.
Kissinger is also in the UK writing obsequious editorials in
the hopes he will not be tried for his various war crimes. This all probably
depends on whether his German royal family hosts in the UK are able to stay
in power.
Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel, meanwhile, is visiting top U.S.
Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel in Chicago no doubt to discuss the future
of Israel. The fact of the matter is that the Israeli Palestinian situation
has been in a deadlock for ever since 1967 and the entire world is sick of
hearing about it. Some sort of deal will have to be reached.
The Jews will also be asked to rebuild the
temple of the mount next to the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
The American Jews will also have to help identify the Satanists hiding in
their midst. It is believed that close to 1 million Satan worshippers
who live in Western countries. They have been engaging in human sacrifice
and other horrific activities and will have to be dealt with. The worst
criminals in their midst will have to face the justice system of their host
countries. Their children will have to be re-educated.
However, in the spirit of the planned worldwide jubilee, the focus will be
on truth and reconciliation and not revenge. It will be interesting to watch
“conspiracy theory” transform first into mainstream conspiracy news and then
into history.
Secret structures have been put into place to ensure that never again will
the earth be threatened by Satanic forces.