by Benjamin Fulford
June 07, 2011
Kauilapele Website
The paper work for the White Dragon Foundation was accepted by the
Japanese government on June 1st, 2011 and final approval is
expected this week or early next week.
As a result, there are indications coming from
all over that the
Old World Order is waging an all out
offensive on all fronts in order to maintain its grip on global power. The
world now faces a clear choice between the genocidal, racist religious
fanatics who want to murder 5 billion people and a group that wants to end
poverty, end war, stop environmental destruction and start a Golden Age.
This map is a very good illustration of what the
White Dragon plans to do:

Seawifs global biosphere
A false-color composite of
global oceanic and terrestrial photoautotroph abundance,
from September 1997 to August
(Source: Wikipedia)
The dark green areas on land are forest, the
light green either agricultural land or tundra and the tan colored land is
In the oceans you will see the most life where
the water is red, lots where it is yellow, some where it is lime green and
very little in the rest. If the suppressed energy technology were applied,
the lifeless parts of the planet could be filled with life. This would make
it possible, for example, to increase agricultural land by 300% while
simultaneously creating new nature preserves.
At the same time, as the map makes clear, the
vast portions of the ocean that are now mostly lifeless can be filled with
fish, whales etc. simply by bringing up nutrients from the ocean bottom.
Such projects would lead to a boom far bigger than those created by either
agriculture or the industrial revolution.
Would you prefer Old World Order genocide
The Old World Order oligarchs for their part seem to be trying to buy time
for some nasty move either this summer or this autumn, as far as we can
tell. In the US, the Federal government’s bankruptcy deadline has been put
off until August. In the EU, the rulers have tried to postpone Greek default
and the collapse of the Euro until summer as well. In Japan, the government
of Naoto Kan survived a non-confidence vote only because Kan promised
to resign in August.
They could simply be kicking the can just a little further down the road to
buy time but they are more likely planning what they hope to be a game
changing announcement.
Federal Reserve Board faction appears to still be hoping to get
their hands on the codes that will allow them to keep control of the
financial system in exchange for promises to behave better. To this end they
invited a White Dragon representative to visit both the Bilderberg meeting
this week (June 9 to 12 in St. Moritz, Switzerland) or to
the Bohemian grove in July.
A different White Dragon member was invited to
Wales, England to “meet Prince Charles, Prince William and an alien.” The
invitations were declined.
There were also renewed threats, including threats to kill this writer made
to a White Dragon Society member by
George Bush Jr. and
Clinton among others. Somebody also phoned your correspondent
in Tokyo and played a recording of the dialogue in the scene in the move the
Matrix where Agent Smith is warning Neo that he had better conform.
Also, a new group emerged from the shadows claiming to be the “Red Dragon,”
and producing documents signed by many members of royal families. It is
still not clear exactly who or what is behind the “Red Dragon,” at this
point but a couple of names are being checked out.
The Dragon groups we do know to be real include:
White Dragon which has an ancient
Asian counter-part
the Black Dragon (Greater East Asian
Co-prosperity sphere etc.)
Dragon family (Merovingian
the Green Dragon which has roots in Iran
(Persia) and central Asia
The Red Dragon may be the Nazis new name
for themselves because the Odessa group (post-war Nazis) is definitely on
the war path.
The Nazi faction seems to still be focused on acts of mass terror. The
Fukushima nuclear terror and psy-ops show
has been clearly linked by whistleblowers and other evidence to a nuclear
weapon stolen from the Russian submarine the Kursk. A Pentagon Nazi source
previously told us they had
stolen nuclear weapons from the Kursk and
that these were not under the control of any official government agency.
Our Eastern European sources tell us 4 nuclear bombs (each worth about 500
Hiroshimas) have been confirmed as missing from the Kursk and that one of
them was blown up off the shore of Japan
to trigger the tsunami etc. The other
three are in Europe, they say.
The threat to set one of these off on June 1st never came to
However, we were contacted again by a
self-described “Al Qaeda number 1,” who said the June 1st attack
had been downgraded to a biological weapon “food poisoning” attack. He now
says June 25th is the date for the big attack. The group
making these threats is definitely linked to various intelligence agencies
and mafia groups.
However, they are also probably being closely
Overall, expect turbulence as the June 21st summer solstice
approaches and during summer.