by Alan Caruba
March 9, 2010
CanadaFreePress Website
Billions Are at Stake So Far
as The “Climate Scientists” Are Concerned, Climate Wars
Shift Into a New Phase, One Intended to Obfuscate and
Confuse The Public Again |
Wars come and go, cities are destroyed
and rebuilt, monuments are erected, and life goes on.
This is the traditional view of war, but
right now the world is engaged in the latest battle of a “climate
war” that has been going on since the 1970s when the
Club of Rome concluded in a report
titled, “The real enemy then, is humanity itself”, that the
world’s population had to be reduced.
“The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these
dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through
changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself."
The First Global Revolution - Club of Rome
Alexander King and Bertrand
1991: Pantheon Books, New York,
p 115
Whereas wars in the modern era have killed millions and communism as
practiced in the former Soviet Union and the early decades of Red
China under Chairman Mao killed millions more on a scale with which
war could not compete, the advocates of population reduction rival
the worst despots to have ever walked among us.
With the revelations from leaked emails between the conspirators who
kept the global warming fraud going for many years, the so-called
“climate scientists” who, in fact, had created phony computer models
and engaged in endless studies to “prove” that global warming posed
a threat to mankind, the term “Climategate”
was coined to describe their collusion.
Billions are
at stake so far as the “climate scientists” are concerned
Billions are at stake so far as the “climate scientists” are
concerned. They have received millions for their research in the
United States and in England.
Presumably other nations, too, have
provided such grants and the result of the research must always be a
continuation of the “global
warming” fraud. Beyond the scientists are those who
profit from the sale of “carbon credits” to permit “greenhouse gas
emissions”, and the millions that environmental organizations such
Friends of the Earth, the
Sierra Club, and others rake
It is no surprise, then, that those who have been victimized by the
fraud will see a coordinated campaign of opinion editorials in
newspapers, advertisements, and other means to keep the “global
warming” fraud intact. These efforts have been renamed “climate
change”, but therein lies the utter mendacity of the campaign
because the Earth has always passed through cycles of climate change
and always will.
On February 15th, the Boston Globe published an opinion
editorial by Kerry Emanuel, the director of the Program in
Atmosphere, Oceans, and Climate at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology.
It was filled with the usual “global
warming” themes; the repetition of the lie that carbon dioxide and
other minor atmospheric gases are causing a huge shift that is
warming the Earth. Smoothly, the inaccuracies of climate computer
models are dismissed as “uncertainties” resulting in “divergent
The finest weather-related computer models available are unable to
account for the action of clouds, an essential element in weather
everywhere, nor can they include the unknown effects of countless
undersea volcanoes in the world’s oceans that are another
contributing factor. At best, if your local weatherman can
accurately predict what will occur in the next two to four days,
he’s doing fine.
Predicting what the climate - not the weather - will be decades and
even centuries from now is pure fiction. It is the claim that is
central to “global warming” and/or “climate change.”
In a rebuttal to Emanuel’s opinion editorial, Bill Gray,
Professor Emeritus, Colorado State University, noted that,
“A high percentage of meteorologists
and/or climate scientists do not agree that the climate changes
we have seen are mostly man-made. Thousands of us think that the
larger part of the climate changes we have observed over the
last century are of natural origin.”
He added, “Over 31,000 American
scientists have recently signed a petition advising the U.S. not
to sign any fossil fuel reduction treaty.”
Myron Ebell, director of the
Competitive Enterprise Institute,
has just released a statement based on the release of still more
emails between desperate “climate scientists” whose careers depend
on the “global warming” fraud.
“According to recently disclosed
e-mails from a National Academies of Science listserv, prominent
climate scientists affiliated with the U.S. National Academies
of Science, have been planning a public campaign to paper over
the damaged reputation of global warming alarmism.”
The emails explored the ways the public
could be distracted from the revelations of
Climategate and enticed back to
believing that “global warming” is based in real science and
Among the suggestions were,
“Op eds in the NY Times and other
national newspapers would also be great.”
Referring to this as a climate war
is no exaggeration.
One email said,
“Most of our colleagues don’t seem
to grasp that we’re not in a gentlepersons’ debate, we’re in a
street fight against well-funded, merciless enemies who play by
entirely different rules.”
One of those rules most certainly is to
tell the truth!
What the public has never grasped is
that this is not a science-based war. It is entirely
political in nature and the Green’s enemy has been the
resource industries, oil, natural gas, and coal, that provide the
means by which energy is generated for industrial use and for
societies that depend on electricity to function.
The subtext of the war is the deliberate
destruction of human life on the planet on a
mass scale.
That explains why it is especially troubling that President
Obama continues to refer to global warming as real,
and advocates “cap-and-trade” legislation, the largest tax on energy
use in the history of mankind.
It is the reason he continues to divert
millions to “clean energy” and “green jobs”, neither of which have
ever proven to equal traditional energy sources or provide
sufficient employment to merit support.
Climate wars shift into a new phase,
one intended to obfuscate and confuse the public again
So now the climate wars shift
into a new phase, one intended to obfuscate and confuse the public
again in the quest to foist the greatest fraud and attack on mankind
in human history.
Editor’s Note:
For further insight, read Dr.
Tim Ball’s commentary.
To learn why the world’s glaciers are not melting and the seas are
not rising,
go here.