by Winter Oak
01, 2023
WinterOak Website

The same kind of part-time "anti-imperialists" who cheerlead the
Chinese empire are also very defensive about the "alternative" BRICS
world order we have previously exposed on this site.
One argument that sometimes crops up is that
the World Bank is not involved with
BRICS, so it is clearly something
different from the familiar West-based financial empire.
However, this is simply not true, as
revealed by the October 13 2023
"Statement of the Heads of Multilateral Development Banks Group",
hosted on the website of the Shanghai-based New Development Bank
The NDB describes itself as,
"a multilateral
development bank established by Brazil, Russia, India, China and
South Africa (BRICS) with the purpose of mobilizing resources
for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in
emerging markets and developing countries (EMDCs)".
The joint statement is
entitled "Strengthening Our Collaboration for Greater Impact" - this
last word being the usual way in which globalist organizations make
a knowing nod to their involvement in the "impact capitalism"
project built around the
United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals (see

The Multilateral Development Banks issuing the statement are
listed as:
Development Bank
Asian Development
Infrastructure Investment Bank
Council of Europe
Development Bank
European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
Investment Bank
Development Bank
Development Bank
New Development
...and, wait for it…
World Bank Group...!
They describe their aims as,
"safeguarding our
long-term financial sustainability"
development partnerships"
"tracking and
reporting climate outcomes"
"boosting private
capital mobilization"...
In other words,
The "usual" agenda...
Nothing "alternative"
The accompanying group
shot of a smiling, hand-holding bunch of bankers in front of a
sparkly UNSDG-themed decoration nicely sums up the nauseating
hypocrisy of a rapacious and usurious Leviathan trying to pass
itself off as something "nice".

As Tom-Oliver Regenauer
wrote in a perceptive September
2023 German-language article:
"It is difficult to
understand why a song of praise for the expansion of the BRICS
alliance is often sung, especially in circles critical of NATO
and the government - why an autocrat like Putin should be seen
as the savior of the free world, or a brutal dictatorship like
China as an acceptable counterpoint to Western hegemonic power.
"Even the imminent introduction of central bank digital
currencies (CBDC)
in the BRICS countries is being twisted by supporters of the
same in such a way that their own worldview does not have to be
James Corbett has
also just issued a
timely warning that the "BRICS will
save us!" crowd are peddling,
"a hopium narrative
about Putin and Xi saving the world from the very globalist
policies that they are working so hard to put into place in
their own country"...
It’s time to wise up to
the fact that BRICS and the New World Order are one and the
same thing...