by Prof
Michel Chossudovsky
June 03,
GlobalResearch Website
Spanish version

When the
Lie Becomes the Truth
there is No
Moving Backwards...
In the
councils of government,
we must guard
against the acquisition
of unwarranted
whether sought
or unsought,
by the
military-industrial complex.
The potential for the disastrous rise
of misplaced
power exists,
and will
Dwight D. Eisenhower
January 17, 1961
The World is being misled concerning the causes and consequences of
the corona crisis.
COVID-19 crisis is marked by a
public health "emergency" under 'WHO'
auspices which is being used as a pretext and a justification to
triggering a Worldwide process of economic, social and political
Social engineering is
being applied.
Governments are
pressured into extending
the lockdown, despite its
devastating economic and social consequences.
What is happening is unprecedented in World history.
Prominent scientists support the lockdown without batting an
eyelid, as a "solution" to a global health emergency.
Amply documented, the estimates of the COVID-19 disease
including mortality are
grossly manipulated.
In turn, people are
obeying their governments.
Because they are
Causes versus solutions?
The closing down of
national economies applied Worldwide will inevitably result in
poverty, mass unemployment and an increase in mortality.
It's an act of economic
Stage One -
Trade War against China
On January 30, 2020 the WHO Director General determined that the
coronavirus outbreak constitutes a Public Health Emergency of
International Concern (PHEIC).
The decision was taken on
the basis of 150 confirmed cases outside China, first cases of
person to person transmission:
6 cases in the US
3 cases in Canada
2 in the UK
The WHO Director General
Adhanom) had the backing of,
The decision for the WHO
to declare a Global Emergency was taken on the sidelines of
the World Economic Forum (WEF)
in Davos, Switzerland (January 21-24).
One day later
(January 31) following the launch of the WHO Global Emergency,
the Trump administration announced that it will deny entry to
foreign nationals,
"who have
traveled in China in the last 14 days".
This immediately
triggered a crisis in air transportation, China-US trade as well
as the tourism industry.
Italy followed suit,
cancelling all flights to China on January 31.
The first stage was
accompanied by the disruption of trade relations with China as well
as a partial closedown of export manufacturing sector.
A campaign was immediately launched against China as well ethnic
The Economist
reported that,
"The coronavirus
spreads racism against and among ethnic Chinese"
"Britain's Chinese community faces racism over coronavirus
According to the
"Chinese communities
overseas are increasingly facing racist abuse and discrimination
amid the coronavirus outbreak.
Some ethnic Chinese
people living in the UK say they experienced growing hostility
because of the deadly virus that 'originated' in China."
And this phenomenon is
happening all over the U.S.
Stage Two -
The Financial Crash Spearheaded by Fear and Stock Market
A global financial crisis unfolded in the course of the month of
February culminating in a dramatic collapse of stock market values
as well as a major decline in the value of crude oil.
This collapse was manipulated. It was the object of insider trading
and foreknowledge.
The fear campaign played
a key role in the implementation of the stock market crash.
February, roughly $6 trillion have been wiped off the value of stock
markets Worldwide.
Massive losses of
personal savings (e.g. of average Americans) have occurred not to
mention corporate failures and bankruptcies.
It was a bonanza for
institutional speculators including corporate hedge funds.
The financial meltdown
has led to sizeable transfers of money wealth into the pockets of a
handful of financial institutions.
Three - Lockdown, Confinement, Closing Down of the Global Economy
The financial crash in February was immediately followed by the
lockdown in early March.
The lockdown and
confinement supported by social engineering was instrumental in the
restructuring of the global economy.
Applied almost
simultaneously in a large number countries,
the lockdown has triggered the
closing down of the national economy, coupled with the
destabilization of trade, transport and investment activities.
The pandemic constitutes an act of economic warfare against humanity
which has resulted in global poverty and mass unemployment.
Politicians are lying...
Neither the lockdown
nor the closing down of national economies constitute a solution
to the public health crisis.
Who Controls
the Politicians?
Why are politicians lying?
They are the
political instruments of the financial establishment
including the "Ultra-rich
Their task is to carry
out the global economic restructuring project which consists in
freezing economic activity Worldwide.
In the case of the Democrats in the US, they are largely concerned
in opposing the reopening of the US economy as part of the 2020
election campaign.
This opposition to
reopening the national and global economies is supported by "Big
Is it opportunism
or stupidity...?
In all major regions
of the World, politicians have been instructed by powerful
financial interests to retain the lockdown and prevent the
re-opening of the national economy.
The fear campaign prevails.
Social distancing is
The economy is closed
Totalitarian measures
are being imposed.
According to Dr.
Pascal Sacré,
…in some countries,
patients can leave hospital by agreeing to wear an electronic
This is only a sample
of all the totalitarian measures planned or even already decided
by our governments in favor of the coronavirus crisis.
It goes much further,
it's limitless and it affects a good part of the world, if not
the whole world.
The "Herding
Instincts" of Politicians
Are corrupt governments acting like "police dogs" with "herding
instincts" going after their sheep.
Is "the herd" too scared to go after their "government"?
The analogy may be simplistic but nonetheless considered relevant by
"Some breeds of dogs
[corrupt politicians] have herding instincts that can be brought
out with the right training and encouragement [bribes]... teach
your dog [political proxy] basic obedience and see if it [he,
she] displays herding tendencies…
Always look for a
trainer who uses reward-based training methods [bribes, personal
gain, political support, accession to high office]"
How to Teach Your Dog to Herd
But there is another
Politicians in high
office responsible for "convincing their herd" actually believe
the lies which are being imposed upon them by 'higher authority.'
The lie becomes the truth.
Politicians endorse
the consensus, they enforce "social engineering", they believe
in their own lies.

It's Not an
Epidemic - It's An Operation...
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (slip of the tongue)
tacitly admits in a somewhat contradictory statement that the
COVID-19 is a "Live Exercise", an "Operation":
"This is not about
retribution… This matter is going forward - we are in a live
exercise here to get this right."
To which president Trump
"you should have told
Those words will go down
in history.
Mike Pompeo calls
'Coronavirus pandemic'
an Exercise live on CNN
Let us be under no illusions, this is a carefully planned operation...
There is nothing
spontaneous or accidental.
Economic recession is engineered at
national and global levels.
In turn, this crisis is
also integrated into US-NATO military and intelligence planning.
is intent not only upon weakening
Russia and
Iran, it also
consists in destabilizing the economic fabric of
the European Union
A new stage in the evolution of global capitalism is unfolding.
A system of "Global
Governance" controlled by powerful financial interests including
corporate foundations and Washington think tanks oversees
decision-making at both the national and global levels.
National governments
become subordinate to "Global Governance".

David Rockefeller
The concept of World
Government was raised by the late
David Rockefeller at the
Bilderberger Meeting, Baden
Germany, June 1991:
"Some even believe we
are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of
the United States, characterizing my family and me as
'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the
world to build a more integrated global political and economic
structure, one world if you will.
If that is the
charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
People do not question
the consensus, a consensus which borders on the absurd...
Capitalism and "The Economic Landscape"
The crisis redefines the structure of the global economic landscape.
It destabilizes small and
medium sized enterprises Worldwide, it precipitates entire sectors
of the global economy including air travel, tourism, retail trade,
manufacturing, etc. into bankruptcy.
The lockdown creates
famine in developing countries.
It has geopolitical implications.
The Pentagon and US intelligence are involved.
The corona crisis
affects to conduct of US-NATO led wars in the Middle East including
Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan and Yemen.
It is also used to target
specific countries including Iran and Venezuela.
This engineered crisis is unprecedented in world history.
It is an
act of war...
The lockdown triggers a process of disengagement of human and
material resources from the productive process.
The real economy is
brought to a standstill. Curtailing economic activity undermines the
of real life".
This not only pertains to
the actual production of the "necessities of life" (food, health,
education, housing) it also pertains to the "reproduction" of social
relations, political institutions, culture, national identity.
At the time of writing,
the lockdown is not only triggering an economic crisis, it is also
undermining and destroying the very fabric of civil society not to
mention the nature of government and the institutions of the state
(crippled by mounting debts), which will eventually be privatized
under the supervision of
Big Money creditors.
There are conflicts within the capitalist system which are rarely
addressed by the mainstream media.
Billionaires, powerful
banking and financial institutions (which are creditors of both
governments and corporations) are waging an undeclared war against
the real economy.
Whereas the Big Money
financial and banking establishment are "creditors", the corporate
entities of the real economy which are being destabilized and driven
into bankruptcy are "debtors".
This diabolical process is not limited to wiping out small and
medium sized enterprises.
Big Money is also the
creditor of large corporations,
including airlines, hotel chains, hi
tech labs, retailers, import-export firms, etc.,
...which are now on
the verge of bankruptcy.
The global financial establishment is not monolithic. It is marked
by divisions and rivalry. The dominant Big Money faction seeks to
destabilize its competitors from within.
The results of which
would be a string of bankruptcies of regional and national banking
institutions as well as a process of global financial consolidation.
In the US,
numerous retailers, airlines, restaurant and hotel chains
filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in February...
But this is just the
The big gush of bankruptcies will occur in the wake of
the lockdown ("The New Normal")...
And at the time of
writing, the financial establishment is relentlessly pressuring
(corrupt) national governments to postpone the lifting of the
And the governments are telling us that this is to
"protect people against the virus"...
Canada's province of Alberta which is largely dependent on oil
revenues is bankrupt.
"Countries that
represent over 50 per cent of the world's global GDP are closed
for business. Economists looking for historical comparisons
mention the 1929 stock crash, the 1974 economic crisis or the
2008 recession.
But they admit that
these all fall short of the toll that this pandemic could have."
Wired News UK
April 29, 2020
In Britain, recent
reports state (It's very "British"),
"we do not know
how many have gone bankrupt"...
A chunk of Britain's
business landscape may have already been permanently erased, as
some 21,000 more UK businesses collapsed in March alone than the
same month a year ago, according to data gathered by the
Enterprise Research Centre, a
group of university researchers.
What these reports fail
to mention are the unspoken causes:
a fear campaign on
behalf of the creditors, instructions by corrupt governments to
close down the economy, allegedly to "save lives", which is a
big lie.
Lives are not being
saved, and they know it...
The coronavirus crisis "has ground U.S. business to a halt".
National economies are
destabilized. The objective of Big Money is to weaken their
competitors, "pick up the pieces" and eventually buy out or
eliminate bankrupt corporations.
And there are many to
choose from.
Global Finance
The interests of Big Money (global financial interests) overlap with
those of Big Pharma, Big Oil, the Defense contractors, etc.
Major banking
institutions in the US including,
JP Morgan Chase, Bank
of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, State Street Co. and Goldman
...are investing in the
war economy including the development of nuclear weapons under
Trump's 1.2 trillion dollar nuclear weapons program (first
established under Obama).
The ultimate objective of "Big Money" is to transform nation states
(with their own institutions and a national economy) into "open
economic territories".
That was the fate of Iraq
and Afghanistan...
But now you can do it without sending in troops, by
simply ordering subservient proxy governments integrated by corrupt
politicians to close down their economy on humanitarian grounds, the
so-called "Responsibility to Protect" (R2P) without the need for
military intervention.
Impossible to estimate or evaluate. More than half the global
economy is disrupted or at a standstill...
Let's be clear: This is an imperial agenda...
What do the global
financial elites want?
To privatize the
To own and privatize
the entire planet?
The tendency is towards
the centralization and concentration of economic power.
Heavily indebted national
governments are instruments of Big Money.
They are proxies.
political appointments are controlled by lobby groups representing,
Big Money in Europe and
America (through Washington Lobby groups) seek to control national
In what direction are
we going?
What is the future of
The current corona crisis
is a sophisticated imperial project, which consists in Worldwide
domination by a handful of multibillion dollar conglomerates.
Is this World War III?
Global capitalism is destroying national capitalism...
The unspoken intent of global capitalism is,
the destruction of the
nation state and its institutions leading to global poverty on an
unprecedented scale...
The following citation by Lenin dated December 1915 at the
height of the First World War pointed with foresight to some of the
contradictions which we are presently facing.
On the other hand, we
should understand that there are no easy solutions and that this
crisis is intended to reinforce imperialism and the clutch of global
"There is no doubt
that the development is going in the direction of a single World
trust which will swallow up all enterprises and all states
without exception.
But the development
in this direction is proceeding under such stress, with such a
tempo, with such contradictions, conflicts and convulsions not
only economical, but political national, etc. etc - that before
a single world trust will be reached, before the respective
financial national capitals will have formed a 'World Union' of
ultra imperialism, imperialism will explode and capitalism will
turn into its opposite."
V.I. Lenin,
Imperialism and World Economy
by N. Bukharin
Martin Lawrence -
printed in the US
Russian Edition
November 1917
How to reverse the tide.
The first priority is
to repeal the lie...
In this regard, it is
unfortunate that many people who are "progressive" (including
prominent Left intellectuals) are - despite the lies - supportive of
the lockdown and closing down of the economy as a solution to the
public health emergency.
That's the stance of the
Democratic Party in the US, which goes against common sense.
Truth is a powerful weapon for repealing the lies of the corporate
media and the governments.
When the Lie
Becomes the Truth There is No Moving Backwards
Without the fear campaign and
media propaganda, the actions taken by
our governments would not have a leg to stand on.
"Social Distancing" does not prevent the financial elites from
providing instructions to corrupt politicians.
On the other hand, "social distancing" combined with confinement is
being used as a means of social subordination. It prevents people
from meeting as well as protesting this so-called
New World Order.
Organization, Truth and Solidarity are essential to reversing the
The first step of a
worldwide movement is "counter-propaganda"...