by Patrice Lewis
May 19, 2023
WND Website
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Patrice Lewis
sounds alarm
over huge swaths
of global food production
being targeted.
There is a war on food.
As an absolute necessity of life, this seems
like a ridiculously counterintuitive thing to do, but there you go.
Why is food suddenly a 'bad thing'...?
Farming uses
nitrogen, and nitrogen is being
for global warming, so of course it must be
In the name of
saving the planet, huge swaths of global food production are being
"Rice is to
blame for around 10% of global emissions of methane, a gas that
over two decades, traps about 80 times as much heat as carbon
dioxide," intones
the AP.
"Scientists say
that if the world wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, rice
cannot be ignored."
Who cares if half
the global population depends on rice for food? Let 'em die.
Dutch farmers
are being
hounded off their farms by government goons, with some 3,000
farms expected to be seized within the next few years.
This is not
only killing agriculture, it's killing farmers (20 to 30 of whom
commit suicide each year).
The European
Commission actually
approved a plan that would pay livestock farmers to shut down
indefinitely in designated conservation areas if they agree to never
start animal breeding activity elsewhere.
Considering that
the Netherlands is a top exporter of meat and agricultural products
around the world,
what do you
think this will do to food availability and prices...?
Remember the Sri
Lanka government's attempt to impose only organic farming methods on
its nation?
The result was
nothing short of a
humanitarian disaster, with up to 90% of the population
experiencing hunger.
presidential envoy for climate John Kerry recently warned that
the world can't tackle climate change without first addressing
emissions from agriculture," warns
Eric Utter in American Thinker.
"The attack on
farming by Western leaders is beyond shocking. It is criminal,
For his part,
Kerry neglected to mention that, though agriculture is
purportedly responsible for roughly 33% of the world's total
greenhouse gas emissions,
it is
undeniably responsible for the sustenance - and continued
existence - of 100% of the world's roughly 8 billion
The World
Economic Forum (WEF)
is very clear in its desires for a "farm-free future."
What is in store
for humanity - if the WEF and other loonies have their way - is to
have our food grown in labs, away from the control of the people.
And the people will
be forced to "exit" nature so it can "rewild" itself without us. In
short, they want all humans to live in dense urban environments
eating manufactured lab food.
Add digital
currency into the mix, and the stage is set for total and
ultimate control...
We live in an age
of manufactured crises. It's not enough to complain about racism, or
sexism, or inflation, or immigration, or food shortages.
No, the elites
manufacture these crises where none existed before.
they teach
children to hate each other based on skin color
destroy any strides women have made in the last few decades
they create
shortages and increase the money supply
they throw
open borders willy-nilly
they close
farms or start wars or declare certain foods to be evil so
as to create food shortages
they stifle
and punish anyone's attempts to point out the obvious by
attacking free speech as "misinformation"...
I think
Cloward and Piven had something to say about these tactics.
In other words,
manufacture a
crisis, then implement draconian responses to that crisis...
Now the entire
global food supply is being put at risk from the disastrous
responses to the so-called "nitrogen crisis."
Don't believe me?
Ask the people of
Sri Lanka how things are going...
"Nitrogen is a
vital component of plant metabolism which is obtained from the
soil," notes
this article.
"Alas, there is
not enough nitrogen in the soil to grow plants at the scale
needed to feed global populations. Before the arrival of
commercial nitrogen fertilizers, famine was a frequent feature
of the unreliable food supply across parts of the world.
Without the
fertilizer, famine will resume its gruesome role, something
mainstream Net Zero politicians have to address in the near
Virtue-signaling green delusions about 'rewilding,'
bug diets
and organic farming will not feed the world, probably not even a
quarter of it."
In other words, the
elites are poised to orchestrate famines in the near future
by forcibly reducing the food supply through this nitrogen "crisis."
Modern farming has
bred food security, which in turn has bred food complacency among
the elites. Only those who have never known hunger can so cavalierly
condemn others to die by starvation.
Read that again:
Only those who
have never known hunger can so cavalierly condemn others to die
by starvation...!
William Happer of Princeton and professor Richard Lindzen
of MIT
wrote a paper about,
the global
disaster that awaits us if Net Zero is pushed through...
Happer points out
what happened in the past when "ideologically driven" government
agricultural mandates occurred:
Millions died
of starvation in the Soviet Union in the 1930s, and millions of
Ukrainians died during the Holodomor...
What do these crazy
Net Zero wonks think will happen to the natural world if people are
Hungry people
don't just quietly roll over and die.
They do crazy
things, like eat whatever is available - including decimating
wild plants and animals.
without the sensible use of fertilizers, agricultural areas will
be forced to expand and encroach on wild habitats.
The result will
create far more environmental stress than if they had let well
enough alone.
There is a
curious and inexplicable silence among
mainstream media and
government officials about these clear threats to the national
and international food supply.
Why is no one
addressing this?
And here's what
"puzzles" me (/sarc/):
The elites
themselves need to eat...
Why would they
jeopardize even their own food supply by implementing these
I don't see
them offering to eat crickets or live in caves; or better yet,
kill themselves so as to remove their offensive carbon
footprints for the good of the planet.
The answer, of
course, is it's not about nutrition or
climate change. It is, as
always, about control...!
We are on a
madhouse collision course.
Ayn Rand put it best:
"We can ignore
reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring