by Jean Toschi Marazzani Visconti
April 01,
GlobalResearch Website

presented to the Conference,
"Is our
future NATO?",
organized by
Abbasso la Guerra Group.
Before tackling the story of the military campaigns that have
haunted our last thirty years up to today, it is necessary to recall
three facts about the origin of these wars.
In 1944, seventy-four Nazi leaders were aware of the defeat of
Germany but determined to save the Nazi ideal from the catastrophe,
they founded the
organization O.D.E.SS.A.
Their intent was to
emigrate, and to any state where they establish, engage in
companies, administrations, and political parties at any level, and
filter their Nazi thought.
Many of them were
absorbed into the US services for their experience of the Soviet
Union and placed in the departments of various agencies.
Their vision has
undoubtedly influenced American politics crosswise.
In 1977 a group of liberal intellectuals, the future
neo-conservatives, including characters who would later take part in
Bush Jr.'s Administration such
Paul Wolfowitz,
Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld,
and Jeb Bush or philosopher Francis Fukuyama,
...conceived a project
that shares many ideological traits with O.D.E.SS.A:
"The history of the
20th century should have taught us that it is
important to shape circumstances before crises emerge and to
deal with threats before they become tragic…
The history of this century should have taught us to embrace the
cause of American leadership... establish a strategic military
presence worldwide through a military technological revolution,
deter the emergence of any competitive superpower, launch
pre-emptive strikes against any power that threatens American

These are the guidelines
of the
PNAC (Project for a New American
The founders of the
project will later reveal to be linked to the oil and arms
industries, then to the
Industrial-Military Complex which,
at the end of Gen.
Eisenhower's Presidency, had
assumed such power as to influence the policy of any government and
President in charge.

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev
U.S. President Ronald Reagan
a landmark nuclear arms control treaty in 1987.
White House Photographic Office/
National Archives and Records Administration)
The last key date is December 8, 1987, when President Ronald
Reagan and USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev signed the
INF Treaty (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty).
It was an important
phase, a new period, the end of the cold war and the opening of the
Iron Curtain. Gorbachev was reassured:
NATO will never reach
Russian borders.
And he was awarded the
Nobel Peace Prize...
The world breathed a sigh
of relief but it was just a long illusory pause. The United States
was the only world power and intended to exploit the situation and
realize the blueprint for its New Century.
In fact, the US was preparing to attack independent Iraq, too rich
in oil and with an evolved population. (In 1989 the value of the
dinar against the dollar was 1IQD at $1,365.)
Post Cold War
Conquests. Iraq and Yugoslavia
On November 5, 1990, the American Congress approved law 101-513 on
foreign operations and appropriations which not only foresaw the
cost of the attack on Iraq, but also the end of Yugoslavia.
A section of the law
provided for the cutting within six months of any aid, credit, or
loan from the USA to Yugoslavia.
Furthermore, free and
separate elections were required in each of the six constituent
republics, and both the procedures and the results of the elections
should have obtained the approval of the State Department:
only after these
fulfillments could economical support have been reintroduced,
but no longer to the central government, only against individual
republics, and only if they were governed by "democratic"
Loans were granted to
nationalist parties.
On December 26, 1991, the USSR dissolved, and the Warsaw Pact as
well on July 1 of the same year.
At this point the
Atlantic Pact had no reason to exist, however in a meeting in Rome
the previous November its Strategic Concept was changed, and NATO
began to transform itself into what it is now:
no longer a defensive
but an offensive force according to the project of the American
In 1991 the United States
attacked Iraq in force with the
support of 35 countries, some members of NATO, and other outsiders.
The war stopped before
reaching Baghdad.
The result was tragic
for Iraq which suffered enormous human losses, a heavy
industrial and social retrocession as well as subsequent tragic
For the first time, the
consequences of the use of depleted uranium bullets on
soldiers were mentioned.
In that same year, the proceedings for the dissolution of Yugoslavia
began. The reason can be found in the desire to deprive the USSR of
any friendly shores, a path that will continue later toward Russia.
Yugoslavia was a founding war where a dress rehearsal was staged for
the next wars, and where a series of strategies - I call them The
PROTOCOL - were put into practice.
These are the directives:
Independent and
recalcitrant states and governments to US directives are
prosecutable and must be folded.
Organization of
Colored Springs to create riots among civilians in order to
embarrass the government.
Harsh sanctions
on the targeted nations.
The demonization
of the antagonist is established through the media with
heavy smear campaigns, especially centered on the leader.
Far-right parties
and people with Nazi or extremist leanings are approached to
influence or take over governments.
Extremist groups
receive weapons and training.
CIA agents are
sent with a lot of cash to convince politicians,
journalists, or prominent figures to support the imposed
Use of bloody
staging to blame the antagonist, and justify the
intervention of NATO.
Employment of
Western agencies of mercenaries and groups of Nazi or
jihadist extremists.
Sabotage of any
attempt at dialogue between the parties until the war
exploitation plan is completed.
As per protocol, in 1990,
intelligence agents began contacting Muslim extremist groups in
Bosnia and far right Ushashi in Croatia.
This action was followed by elections in each individual Republic
avoiding a Federal Referendum.
At Christmas 1991
Germany, and in January 1992 the Vatican, followed by European
countries, recognized the Republics of Croatia and Slovenia.
It was more complicated
in Bosnia Herzegovina, because 35% of the population formed by Serbs
had not participated, but the result of the referendum was anyway
Civil war broke out in March 1992. At this point, the UN
Peacekeepers were sent as an interposing force.
The war could have stopped in August of the same year when in Lisbon
Jose Cutilliero proposed an agreement the representatives of
the three ethnic groups,
Radovan Karadzic,
Franjo Tudsman, and Aljia Izetbegovic accepted.
Izetbegovic was
recalled to Sarajevo and, after speaking with the US Ambassador
Warren, rejected the peace plan.
A 1997 Congressional document produced by the Republican Party
Committee reveals:
"The US
Administration with the suggestion of Clinton's National
Security Council headed by Anthony Lake helped transform
Bosnia into a militant Islamic base" leading to the recruitment
of thousands of Mujahideen from the Islamic worlds.
This policy was directly
approved by President Clinton in April 1994 under pressure from CIA
Director Anthony Lake and Ambassador Peter Galbraith.
The President authorized the arrival of aid from Iran to Sarajevo by
means of the CIA, but along with weapons and medicines the Iranian
secret services also arrived, and they will enormously influence
Izetbegović's politics. (
According to the Los Angeles Times documents,
this policy has been
replicated in Kosovo...
I would like to recall
the grenade on the bread line (1992) and the two bombs on the
Markalé market (1994 and 1995) in Sarajevo.
The massacres were
immediately attributed to the Serbs, and the refusal to organize a
commission of inquiry to establish responsibility for it authorized
NATO to carpet bomb Republika Srpska for a month. (Mitterand, The
Year of Farewell by Laure Adler- David Owen, Balkan Odyssey - Bosnia
Tragedy, International Action Centre).
The war would continue for another 3 years until the Dayton
Agreement that US lawyers drafted. The Western powers are
desperately trying to cancel this treaty today facing the opposition
of the Republika Srpska and the Croats of Herzegovina.
The Republika Srpska of Krajina (the denomination means border,
frontier as Ukraine) was composed of three regions at the foot of
Croatia and was "purified" of any Serbian presence in 1995 by the
Croatian army supported by the Contractor Agency MPRI, a branch of
the E-Communications Holding with the blessing of the Pentagon
during Operation Flash and Operation Storm (May 1 and August 4,
1995) a fate similar to what could have been that of Donbas.
The project is increasingly clear: to remove any possible ally from
Russia step by step and surround it with NATO. Despite Bush senior's
Government Secretary of State James Baker promised not to
advance NATO Eastwards.
The 1999 War
against Yugoslavia
After four years of relative tranquility, in 1999 the Pentagon
decided to bend Yugoslavia formed by Serbia and Montenegro by
supporting the alleged rights of the Albanians of Kosovo Metohija,
an ancient Serbian region.
As per protocol, a massacre of civilians at the Racak Pit in Kosovo
is staged as an excuse to bring the parties together at Rambouillet
Castle in France and force an occupation-like deal on the Serbs.
When the Serbs refused,
the US/NATO bombings began on March 24, 1999.
NATO troops had already
been deployed in Macedonia for a couple of months waiting to
intervene. The bombings lasted 75 days, in the end, NATO will occupy
Kosovo but not Yugoslavia thanks to Russian mediation.
On October 2000, a color revolution takes place in Serbia and put an
end to the government of Milosevic. A mysterious group of
students called
OTPOR, CANVAS today, orchestrated
the demonstrations.
This grouping will be a
secret weapon and will be successfully employed in other European
The Wars on
Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya
The Russians left Afghanistan after 10 years in 1989.
A month after the fall of
the New York towers in September 2001, President Bush Jr. and
his Neo-cons ministers decide to
attack Afghanistan guilty of having
planned the tragedy according to them.
The US will leave the
country exactly 20 years later between August and September 2021.

Image: Tenet on left with Powell
U.N. ambassador John Negroponte
Security Council, Feb. 5, 2003.
In 2003 it was Iraq's turn again, the excuse for the attack was the
presence of chemical weapons which Gen. Colin Powell showed
to the UN Assembly.
This was a lie,
but Iraq was invaded and Balkanized.
In the 10-year respite from the previous attack, the Oil for Food
agreement was granted to help the population, and the profit derived
from oil would be transformed into food and basic necessities.
Saddam Hussein
demanded that payment be made in Euros, not dollars, and deposited
at the Banque de Paris in France.
The decision likely
earned him a hanging...
US/NATO leave a trail of
horrors and crimes that WikiLeaks has
witnessed and reported.
The United States
will then intervene again in 2014 to strike possible Da'esh
Libya was independent
with a high level of growth.
Colonel Gaddafi,
its leader, did not intend to share oil with Western companies, on
the contrary, he intended to use dollar deposits to mint a
pan-African currency that would have annoyed the dollar and the CFA
franc (the French currency imposed on the 14 former colonies).
The African Union summit on January 31, 2011, initiated the creation
of the African Monetary Fund. It should have happened within
the year.
The plan was to create
three financial bodies:
the African
Monetary Fund based in Cameroon
the Central Bank
in Nigeria
the Investment
Bank in Tripoli
The purpose of these
bodies was to create a Common African market.
The Secretary of State of the Obama government,
Hillary Clinton, in agreement
with French president Sarkozy (the exchange of messages
between the two, published by WikiLeaks, proves it) decided
bomb the country.
They began with the discovery of a mass grave of 5,000 bodies, proof
of the iniquity of the Leader, and on March 19, 2011, they attacked
the country.
Meanwhile, all of Libya's
deposits amounting to 150 billion dollars are seized by Western
banks, a large part of this sum mysteriously evaporating.
Gaddafi was brutally
The country is in
chaos, the population is impoverished, and the oil revenues are
collected by power groups and multinationals.
Persecuted and
blackmailed African workers are victims of human traffickers.
The country is in the
hands of uncontrolled Islamic tribes and militias and is divided
between the government of Tripoli which is protected by
Westerners, and the government of Misrata.
The War on
Syria's turn.
Civil war broke out in
Syria on March 15, 2011, thanks to the underground intervention of
the organizers of the Arab Spring.
An official US document shows that Western countries, Turkey, and
the Gulf States supported the opposition to establish a Salafist
Principality in an eminently Sunni country.
In December 2012, the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a
secret document (case n° F.204-20439 doc. n°5794498) spoke of a
strategic relationship between Syria and Iran and suggested the
overthrow of Bashar al Assad to favor Israel as the only nuclear
power in the area.
In 2013 President
Obama authorized a covert
operation Timber Sycamore, financed by Riyad, through the CIA
to arm, train and infiltrate suspected rebels in Syria, this news
will be published by the New York Times on January 24, 2016.
Of course, it could not
miss a staging to officially intervene.
Assad was accused of
having used chemical weapons on some villages, ignoring that the
delivery of these weapons had taken place in Gioia Tauro by the
Danish ship Ark Futura on July 2, 2013 thanks to
Russian mediation.
In September 2014, the US attacked with aviation and cruise missiles
bombing twenty sites.
In 1915 Russia, with an
hour's notice to the United States, launched the first attacks in
the province of Homs, helping President Bashar al-Assad to maintain
control of Western Syria.
Russian intervention imposed
another pace on the US/NATO attacks.
Russia is currently
carrying out mediation between Iran, Turkey, and Syria.
On July 19, 2022, in
Tehran, they adopted a declaration on respecting the integrity of
the Syrian territory and preventing any action intended to violate
UN Security Council Resolution 2254.
A further meeting of the three parties in December 2022 in Moscow
confirmed the need to stabilize the Arab Republic in the region.
It is the Ukraine's turn.
As NATO extended to
Russian borders, Russia repeatedly requested Ukraine's
neutrality without getting a response.
The United States focused
on Ukraine.
Azov Nazi groups are funded and
trained, and a color revolution is staged by the usual
We know the cruelty of
the Azov groups in Odessa and the intervention of mercenary snipers
expressly sent to shoot at the crowd and police in Maidan Square.
After the events of Maidan Square in February 2014, and Ukraine's
independence declaration the Russian-speaking areas of Donbas
separated declaring their own independence and suffered continuous
bombings by Kiev.
In 2019 the Rand
Corporation (the Pentagon Think Tank) suggested making Ukraine a
permanent war ground to consume Russia's forces and finances.
In 2022 Kiev deployed 150,000 men in front of the Donbas and
accelerated the bombing. At this point, Russia intervened.
Sweden and Finland abandoned their state of neutrality and
applied to join NATO.
A pounding media campaign
created a monster enemy:
Vladimir Putin
and Russia...
The situation takes on
increasingly serious implications.
Arms shipments by all
NATO members effectively turn these countries into belligerents in
an undeclared war, while the US is the mastermind of an operation
involving Europe in a possible proxy WWIII...

Image from InfoBrics
If the shipment of long-range missiles to Kiev is confirmed, it is
possible that Russia will open a new front from Belarus.
It is also possible that NATO could open a new front in the Balkans,
as well to obtain the closure of the Turkish Stream, the last
remaining pipeline from Russia that supplies a series of countries
up to Hungary and Austria.
Serbia is deliberately under pressure via Kosovo, and US and EU are
asking the Serbian government to join the sanctions against Russia
by threatening to block visas for Europe.
Russia cannot lose the
Balkans and has affirmed its willingness to react.
What still awaits us...?
A front in Taiwan against
China, in particular, if the
project to mint a new currency with
the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India,
China, and South Africa), to which Iran, Turkey, and Algeria have
also recently asked to join in, is realized.
To conclude,
the US/NATO forces
have cleared corruption as a weapon of war, and wherever they
have intervened to establish democracy they have left
instability and misery...