1. The National
Institute of Health (US)
According to
healthresearchfunders.org, the National Institute of Health
is the largest funder of medical research in the world.
The institute
spent more than $26 billion
on health research in 2013.
Contrary to
popular belief, mRNA injections are not a new
technology. In the 1980s, the NIH awarded grants to researchers
at the Salk Institute for research involving mRNA vaccine
In fact, it was the
NIH funded research into "cationic liposome-mediated RNA
transfection" that set the foundation for decades of further
work in the area.
It is not
surprising, then, that the NIH has been ardently backing
Covid-19 injections ever since news broke of their development.
In fact, the
owns half of the key patent for Moderna's Covid-19 vaccine,
allowing them to collect royalties for each vial sold. Four NIH
scientists have also filed their own patent, claiming to be
co-inventors of the technology.
No doubt you're
wondering how such a flagrant conflict of interest could be
allowed to occur.
If so, you may
be shocked to learn that the NIH's regulations allow scientists
to collect up to $150,000 in royalty payments every year for
vaccines that they helped develop!
As stated by
Robert F. Kennedy Junior in
an article for Children's Health Defense:
stake in the jab may explain why Anthony Fauci moved
Moderna's vaccine to the front of the line and to let
Moderna skip animal trials despite the experimental
technology and the inherent dangers of Coronavirus vaccines…
It may also
explain why Anthony Fauci arranged a $483 million grant to
Moderna from a sister NIH agency, BARDA, despite the fact
that Moderna has never brought a product to market or gotten
Furthermore, it
was Dr
Anthony Fauci, the director of the NIH's National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (and the Chief
Medical Advisor to the President) together with former NIH
director, Dr Francis Collins, who colluded to
suppress dissenting views on Covid-19 measures.

Anthony Fauci - Francis Collins
This was
revealed thanks to a freedom of information request made by the
American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) that turned up a
cache of emails between Fauci and Collins.
The two used
their contacts in the media to squash the proposals made in the
Great Barrington Declaration, calling for a "focused protection"
solution to the Covid pandemic.
an article for the Brownstone Institute, Jeffery Tucker
reveals the tools used by the leadership of the NIH to
manipulate public opinion and promote favorable narratives (favorable
to them, that is).
"What do we
learn from these emails?
The attacks
on tens of thousands of medical professionals and scientists
were indeed encouraged from the top. The basis for the
attacks were not scientific articles. They were heavily
political popular pieces."
2. The United
States Department of Defense
Yes, it's true.
The United
States Department of Defense is one of the largest funders of
global health research. In fact, according to
healthresearchfunders.org, they are the 6th largest funder, with
health research expenditures exceeding $1 billion in 2013.
And when we're
talking about the DoD, we're really speaking about DARPA, the
"Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency" who
funded Moderna to the tune of $25 million in 2013.
Together with
the NIH mentioned above,
DARPA also funds Profusa, a
Google-backed biotech startup currently developing injectable
biosensor technology.
According to Profusa, their biosensor tech can
tissue oxygen levels, provide potential indicators of human
response to infection or exposure to disease in healthy
The project is
being carried out in partnership with Imperial College London,
the same institute that has received
significant funding from Bill Gates and the same institute
that is responsible for producing the horrifically inaccurate
epidemiological models that were used to directly influence
public health policy around the Covid narrative.
Like the NIH,
DARPA has been backing mRNA technology for some time. In fact,
they began investing in the technology back in 2011, around the
same time Bill Gates made his first investment in Moderna.
But their
interest in gene therapy goes beyond vaccines.
DARPA scientists are also looking at ways to use gene
therapy for "enhancing a whole host of body functions by
literally altering a person's DNA with viruses or chemicals".
Another DARPA
called ECHO is developing,
tests that measure the body's response to viral infection
rather than testing for the virus itself" and their
SIGMA+ program is "evaluating the potential use of
wearable technology to detect COVID-19 and other infectious
3. The Wellcome
Trust (UK)
The Wellcome
Trust is a London-based scientific charity established with
funds from pharmaceutical tycoon, Henry Wallace.
According to
healthresearchfunders.org, the Wellcome Trust is the 7th
largest funder of global health research, shelling out almost $1
billion in 2013.
previously founded what is now one of the world's largest
pharmaceutical giants, GlaxoSmithKline, and today, the trust
uses its $25.9 billion endowment for "philanthropical" purposes,
including funding clinical trials, vaccine development and other
health-related research.
Yes, one of the
world's largest funders of health research was not only
by Big Pharma money, but it founded one of the
world's largest pharmaceutical giants!
Even more
worrisome is the Trust's ties to the British Eugenics Society
(now renamed the "Galton Institute").
Not only does
the Wellcome Trust's library house the British Eugenics
Society's archives, but many of their scientists go on to hold
top positions at the Galton Institute.
According to journalist Whitney Webb:
top governance positions at the former British Eugenics
Society, now the Galton Institute, include individuals who
originally worked at the Wellcome Trust, including the
Galton Institute's president Turi King."
She goes on to
write that,
"The Galton
Institute's senior genetics researcher, Jess Buxton, was
previously a "genetics researcher" at the Wellcome Trust and
then went on to carry out independent research financed by
Even the lead
developer of the Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccine, Adrian Hill,
leads a research group at Wellcome aimed at uncovering
genetic susceptibilities to infectious diseases.
As the largest
funder of virological research in the UK, and a backer of Oxford
University's Edward Jenner Institute for Vaccine Research (set
up through funding from GlaxoSmithKline!), the Wellcome Trust is
the primary driver behind the UK's vaccine network.
And as you
might imagine, the Trust is not without its controversies.
In 2013, the
Wellcome Trust funded a clinical trial to test a new TB vaccine
in South Africa. Seven infants died as a result of the vaccine,
which had already shown signs of toxicity during animal studies.
The parents
consented to the trial after being given
misleading information, including the statement that the
"has been
tested in animals and was shown to be safe and effective."
To make matters
worse, at the time of the trial, scientists at Wellcome had a
financial stake in the jab.
investigation carried out later by the British Medical Journal
asked the
all important question, whether universities,
equipped or willing to investigate allegations of scientific
misconduct against high profile academics
who bring in substantial
In 2018, the
Wellcome Sanger Institute, a genome research centre and a
subsidiary of the Eugenics-linked Wellcome Trust was exposed for
trying to
commercialize a gene chip without consent from the hundreds
of Africans who donated their DNA towards the project.
Jantina de
Vries, a bioethicist at the University of Cape Town in South
Africa, called Wellcome Sanger's actions,
"clearly unethical.
Full stop."
4. The European
The European
Commission (EC) is the executive branch of the European Union.
The EC's work is directed by a cabinet of commissioners and led
by its President, Dr Ursula Von der Leyen (a close ally
of Angela Merkel).
According to
healthresearchfunders.org, the European Commission is the second
largest funder of global health research, spending more than $3
billion on health-related research in 2013.
In a
2020 document titled "Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe",
the European Commission doubles down on its allegiance to Big
Pharma and the drug-based medicine paradigm.
expounding the efficacy of gene therapies and vaccines, the
report goes on to comment on how the EU plans to speed up
regulatory approval for pharmaceutical products.
The wording is
characteristically vague, employing the usual buzz words.
Commission will evaluate procedures to explore new
approaches to assessing scientific evidence for the safety
and efficacy of medicines as part of the review of the
legislation and seek to bring EU regulatory approval times
onto par with those in other parts of the world.
It will
consider how infrastructure and adapted regulatory processes
could leverage digital technology and artificial
intelligence to support regulatory decision-making and
increase efficiency."
Most disturbing
is the mention of
artificial intelligence being integrated into the
already-dubious regulatory decision-making process, a wet dream
for the transhumanist technocrats, no doubt.
As mentioned
previously, the President of the European Commission is Ursula
Von der Leyen, the former German Defense Minister who has a
history of dodgy dealings.
During her time
heading up Germany's military, she
awarded a number of lucrative contracts to outside
consultants without proper oversight.
suspected that she and her officials awarded contracts based on
their network of personal connections.
For example,
according to Spiegel magazine, within four years of Von der
Leyen taking over as the Minister of Defense, Accenture's
earnings from work with Germany's military rose from €459,000 in
2014 to €20 million in 2018.
In spite of
this, Von der Leyen was made head of the European Commission,
and lo and behold, her shady behaviour continued.
During the
height of the Covid saga,
Von der Leyen negotiated "the biggest contract ever sealed
for COVID-19 vaccines" with Pfizer chief Albert Bourla, via
text message.
The contract
saw the EU committing to buy 900 million Pfizer-BioNTech shots,
with an option to buy another 900 million after the EU
had already brokered a deal for 600 million doses under two
previous contracts.
In response to
a later public request to view the messages, it was revealed
that no record had been kept of the exchange. In other words,
Von der Leyen had purposefully deleted the messages, indicating
she was likely hiding something.
In December
2021, Von der Leyen said that the EU
must consider mandatory vaccination in response to the
"highly contagious" Omicron variant.
At that time,
there were a grand total of 59 Omicron cases in Europe, all of
which either involved "mild symptoms" or were completely
Ursula Von Der
Leyen is married to Heiko Von der Leyen, descendant of the Von
der Leyen German noble family.
In September
2020, Heiko became the Medical Director for
Orgenesis, a US-based biotech startup,
"working to
unlock the potential of cell and gene therapy".
Orgenesis is
currently working on a number of projects, including developing
their own Covid-19 vaccine!
Orgenesis has links to Pfizer and whether Heiko's promotion to
Medical Director had anything to do with Ursula Von der Leyen's
shady text message exchange with Pfizer's CEO, Albert Bourla,
we'll probably never know.
5. The Howard
Hughes Medical Institute (US)
The Howard
Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) is an American-based nonprofit
medical research organization.
It was founded in 1953 by
Hughes, an American business magnate.
During the
early days, the institute was set up as a
tax haven for Hughes's massive personal fortune and most of
the money for the health institute came from the sale of air
defence weapons to Western powers.
According to
healthresearchfunders.org, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute
is the 11th largest funder of health research in the world,
spending more than $750 million on health research in 2013.
Noteworthy is
that the institute has a longstanding collaboration with the
Rockefeller Foundation. It is wise for us to remember that it
was the Rockefellers who
promoted and funded the American eugenics movement.
They were also
instrumental in promoting
the use of GMOs and other dangerous agritechnologies.
According to
the Rockefeller University website,
supports the research of Rockefeller faculty who have HHMI
appointments with funding for salaries, supplies, equipment
and laboratory personnel, including postdoctoral associates,
technicians and administrative assistants."
employs a number of scientists, called "investigators", and
funds new research in the form of educational grants.
Many of the
HHMI investigators are involved in Covid-19 vaccine research
(so, money well spent), and other
genetic research involving CRISPR technology.
For example, in
2020, HHMI investigator Jennifer Doudna was
awarded the Nobel prize in chemistry for her work pioneering
a new method of genome editing.
Another one of
HHMI's investigators, Robert Horvitz, is
an advisor to the Gates Foundation.
But that's not
the only connection the HHMI has to the Gates Foundation.
In 2017, the
HHMI, the Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust all
teamed up to sponsor,
International Research Scholars, early-career scientists
poised to advance biomedical research across the globe."
Together they
awarded a total of $26.7 million to these researchers in a move
that clearly demonstrates how these large, "philanthropic"
foundations collude to direct and manipulate global health
research and influence the prevailing medical consensus.
Noteworthy is
that the US Army, the Gates Foundation, the NIH, and the HHMI
all fund the MIT Media Lab, the same institute that accepted
funding from convicted sex offender and pedophile, Jeffery
The MIT Media
lab also houses Robert Langer, the co-founder of Moderna as well
as Kevin Esvelt, the leader of "Sculpting Evolution", a group
developing gene editing technologies to,
"safely and
humanely edit wild populations and ecosystems".