by Peter Koenig
16, 2022
GlobalResearch Website

What we are living these
days - the last 2˝ years - may be culminating in the "Corona Crisis"
and what follows the corona crisis during the coming some eight
years to completion of
UN Agenda 2030, alias
the Great Reset.
It started out with,
a fake virus,
never isolated
a tremendous fear
forced wearing of
dangerous, denigrating, face-disfiguring masks
social separation
and division of societies, families and kins,
...followed by a coerced
"vaccination" campaign, better called
forced "vaxxing"...
injection of a poisonous killer substance under the pretext of
preventing a 'pandemic' that never was a pandemic, but rather a "plandemic"
designed for a massive population decimation program.
Simultaneously it was a test to what extent people may be
manipulated to obey, when exposed to fear-fear-fear and coercion.
Lying has become the "rule of law".
As we are witnessing, the
combination of fear and threat is quite
People out of fear and total submission accepted basically a
"suicide vaxxination", beginning with the elderly and infirm - those
who are an "unproductive burden" on society - or as
Klaus Schwab's top advisor, the
Israeli "genius"
Yuval Noah Hariri calls them,
including most of Us,
The People, the
"Useless Eaters"...
The first article
Corona Crisis - "We're Dealing with Homicide, Maybe Even
Murder", Forced Vaccines in Nursing Homes), short
whistleblower videos and interview with
Reiner Fuellmich, of the
German "Corona Ausschuss" (Corona Commission), deals with the
extreme form of vaxx eugenics which is clearly homicide, or
first-degree murder.

The second article
Jeans and "The Great Reset" - A History of Mind Manipulation)
attempts to provide a historic perspective on mind manipulation.
It is going back more
than hundred years - demonstrating on how our minds were
consistently and persistently maneuvered to allow this
Diabolical Cult to finally carry out their - what they would
like to see - Final Agenda, or Great Reset - a
new One World Order, a society
reigned by a small ultra-wealthy elite, served by chipped and
5G-controlled, insect-eating transhuman serves, who own
nothing but are happy...
That's their vision - the WEF's Schwab cum Hariri couldn't
present it better.
They clearly show us,
what they are up to - and this in full execution of their
sinister program - and a vast majority of Us, the People, still
ignore it. Look the other way...
Can't accept the hard
and miserable truth.
The third article
the US Military "Own the Weather"? "Weaponizing the Weather" as
an Instrument of Modern Warfare?)
is about the up-and-coming Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD)
- "Owning the Weather", causing severe and lasting droughts,
hurricanes and floods of never-before seen proportions and
ice-age type cold spells - massively destroying food crops,
infrastructure and human lives.
This has been in the
making for the last at least 60 years.
Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) constitute
instruments of "weather warfare". They are an integral part of
the US military arsenal.
A 1996 Study
Commissioned by the US Air Force, "Weather
as a Force Multiplier, Owning the Weather in 2025" -
says it all.
Although plenty of publications on the subject, including by the
Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA),
are available, the topic is taboo among environmentalists and
Climate Change freaks.
As you may imagine, they
are an integral part of the intense and ongoing mind manipulation.
Time is running out!