by Patrick Wood
November 25, 2022
extracted from 'The
Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism'

"...most men and women
will grow up to love their servitude
will never dream of revolution."
Aldous Huxley
Brave New World
The late
Rosa Koire was a liberal Democrat whose research into local
land use programs and redevelopment agencies led to her piercing the
veil of the
United Nations' Agenda 21 and its 2030 Agenda and its
sustainable development economic model.
Koire's 2011 book, 'Behind
the Green Mask - U.N. Agenda 21,' received international acclaim.
the Preface she wrote,
"Under the mask of green our civil liberties
are being restricted, constricted, and suffocated in every village
and hamlet. The plan is imposed locally." 1
During most of her in-person or video presentations, Koire helped
her audience peer behind the green mask of sustainable development,
which she defined as follows:
It is the inventory and control plan. Inventory and control of all
land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all
construction, all means of production, all food, all energy, all
information, and all human beings in the world. 2
No one has explained sustainable development more succinctly!
In earlier chapters of my book we have equated sustainable
development with technocracy. And we have discussed the seven
requirements of technocracy listed in the Technocracy Study Course
published in 1934.
But it might be useful to review
them again here:
1. Register on a
continuous 24 hour-per-day basis the total net conversion of
2. By means of the registration of energy converted and
consumed, make possible a balanced load
3. Provide a continuous inventory of all production and
4. Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of
all goods and services, where produced and where used
5. Provide specific registration of the consumption of each
individual, plus a record and description of the individual
6. Allow the citizen the widest latitude of choice in consuming
his individual share of Continental physical wealth
7. Distribute goods and services to every member of the
population 3
All seven requirements
point to technocrats' micro-management of all inputs, outputs,
processes, and assets in the global economy and their micro-
management of all people who participate in the economic system.
Even though these requirements were written from a top-down, macro
perspective, they are intended to be implemented locally. In fact,
they must be implemented locally.
Why locally? Because that's where we live, work, and play:
Thus, that's where we're
Schools are local.
and radio stations are local.
So are courthouses and city councils.
Smart meters and the smart grid are local.
So are geospatial
surveillance and precrime police software.
Internet of Things (IoT)
Internet of Bodies (IoB) are local.
So is
smart city technology.
Health care - better known today as
"medical dictatorship" - is local.
So are museums, movie theaters, and libraries.
Zoning laws and
property valuations are local.
We may shop for products online and
have them delivered from afar, but we cannot avoid living in the
It is not surprising, then, that the most widespread application of
sustainable development, aka
technocracy, has been in local and
regional communities.
If you are thinking one step ahead of me,
you've already figured out that the only effective resistance to
technocracy has to be at the local level.
For the balance of this chapter, we will look at some of the new
elements of technocratic control that are being arrayed against us
in the locales where we live, work, and play.
Smart Meters
In August 2022, twenty-two thousand residents of Denver, Colorado,
received a message on their home thermostat informing them that
their electricity provider had locked them out due to an "energy
During the lockout, their thermostats were set
remotely - some as high as eighty-eight degrees. 4
How could it happen that a utility company, Xcel, was able reach
into private dwellings and commandeer air conditioner thermostats
against the will or knowledge of the residents inside?
The answer is the 115 million 5 so-called "smart meters" that have
been installed over the last twelve years on the exterior of houses,
apartments, and places of business across America.
This is close to
seventy percent penetration in a market that continues to grow
Smart meters are deemed "smart" for two primary reasons.
First, they
can establish two-way communication with any device in a building
that is equipped with a special Wi-Fi circuit.
Second, they maintain
a continuous Wi-Fi connection with the utility company.
Thus, the
smart meter is a two- way communication pipeline between the
utility's data center and every internal device within their service
In 2003, the U.S. Department of Energy under the
George W. Bush
Administration produced "Grid 2030," a report that envisioned a
bright future for smart meters:
The ability to monitor realtime operations and implement automated
control algorithms in response to changing system conditions is just
beginning to be used in electricity.
Distributed intelligence,
including "smart" appliances, could drive the co-development of the
future architecture for telecommunications and electric power
networks and determine how these systems are operated and
controlled. 6
The Bush agenda called for,
"intelligent homes and appliances linked
to the grid" by 2010.
And, sure enough, the effort to blanket
America with smart meters began in earnest on January 8, 2010.
As I
wrote on March 3rd of that year:
On October 27, 2009,
the Obama administration unveiled its Smart Grid plan by
awarding $3.4 billion awarded to 100 Smart Grid projects.
According to the
Department of Energy's press release, these awards will result in
the installation of:
more than 850 sensors
called "Phasor Measurement Units" to monitor the overall power
grid nationwide
200,000 smart transformers
700 automated substations (about 5 percent of the nation's
total) 1,000,000 in-home displays
345,000 load control devices in homes
This is the "kick-start"
of Smart Grid in the U.S.
On January 8, 2010, President
unveiled an additional $2.3 billion federal funding program for the
"energy manufacturing sector" as part of the $787 billion
Reinvestment and Recovery Act.
Funding had already been awarded to
183 projects in 43 states, pending Obama's announcement.
One such project in the northwest is headed by Battelle Memorial
Institute, covering five states and targeting 60,000 customers.
project was actually developed by the Bonneville Power
Administration (BPA), a federal agency underneath the Department of
Since it is pointedly illegal for a federal agency to apply
for federal funds, BPA passed the project off to Battelle, a
non-profit and non-governmental organization (NGO), which was
promptly awarded $178 million.
It is interesting to note that BPA takes credit for originating the
Smart Grid concept in the early 1990s, which it termed "Energy Web."
According to Battelle's August 27, 2009, press release:
"The project will
involve more than 60,000 metered customers in Idaho, Montana,
Oregon, Washington and Wyoming.
Using smart grid technologies,
the project will engage system assets exceeding 112 megawatts,
the equivalent of power to serve 86,000 households.
'The proposed
demonstration will study smart grid benefits at
unprecedented geographic breadth across five states,
spanning the electrical system from generation to end-use,
and containing many key functions of the future smart grid,'
said Mike Davis, a Battelle vice president.
'The intended
impact of this project will span well beyond traditional
utility service territory boundaries, helping to enable a
future grid that meets pressing local, regional and national
Battelle and BPA intend
to work closely together and there is an obvious blurring as to who
is really in control of the project's management during the test
In a "For Internal Use Only" document written in August 2009, BPA
offers talking points to its partners.
It states that,
"Smart Grid
technology includes everything from interactive appliances in homes
to smart meters, substation automation and sensors on transmission
lines." 7
Furthermore, private enterprise had nothing to do with the frenzied
launch of the smart meter initiative.
As I wrote in the same
The Smart Grid initiative was developed and funded by government
agencies and NGOs.
It was the Energy Department's Bonneville Power
Authority that invented the concept in the 1990s.
It was the
Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory that
invented the Grid Friendly Appliance Controller.
It was the Federal
Administration that showered billions of dollars over the private
sector to jump-start the nationwide initiative to implement Smart
Grid in every community. 8
Let me connect another dot for you.
Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory released a short informercial video in 2019 titled "Grid
Friendly Appliance Controller Turns Small Loads into Grid Assets."
It presents a Grid Friendly Appliance Controller - called GFAC for
short - which was to be installed into home appliances and circuits
such as electric vehicle chargers.
Here is some selected text (key
phrases, not full sentences) from the video:
The GFAC chip is
installed in common household appliances - like water heaters,
air conditioners or electric vehicle chargers [...]
autonomously and immediately reducing demand to allow the grid
to stabilize [...] enables utility operators to modulate the
load to achieve the proper primary frequency. 9
If the people in Colorado
are shocked that the long arm of their utility company can reach
into their homes to control their thermostat, just wait until they
discover that they cannot charge their electric vehicles!
In addition to all the particulars above, one key element that
should be further explored is this:
Energy usage data is being
continuously extracted from our private life and is being sold to
the highest bidders, who would want access for various purposes.
has this extraction of data become a huge market?
Because our energy
profile reveals an enormous amount of information about us - about our
habits, our installed appliances, our coming and going, etc.
If you
want to understand this point better, read the footnoted 2022 press
release, "AI Presents Immense Opportunities to Tap Smart Meter
Data." 11
Another element to consider is the health risk of being exposed to
extra amounts of radiation from smart meters. For some, especially
those with a low tolerance for radiation, smart meters can pose a
serious problem.
The talk about health consequences and the
resulting health scare grew out of proportion, however, and blotted
out the equally grave consequences from the rising technocratic
control of all energy...
I have consistently warned of this
technocratic tyranny since the beginning, but to no avail. Now the
world is finding out about smart meters the hard way.
Many utility companies still allow installation of the old-fashioned
analog meter with the spinning dials, though most of them charge an
extra monthly fee for the privilege.
But other utilities have been
inflexible, mandating the installation of smart meters with no
opt-out allowed.
Smart Grid
The UN's Sustainable Development Goal 7 aims to,
substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy
mix" and "expand infrastructure and upgrade technology for supplying
modern and sustainable energy services" by 2030. 11
This has led to
the concept and development of local, regional and national smart
grids into a fully monitored and controlled global grid. It is still
a work-in-progress but the momentum is plainly evident.
While there are many ways to explain the "smart grid," this
definition from Gartner, Inc., one of the largest business research
organizations in the world, says it all - in typical technocrat-ese:
The smart grid is a
vision of the future electricity delivery infrastructure that
improves network efficiency and resilience, while empowering
consumers and addressing energy sustainability concerns.
To make
the grid "smarter," and capable of addressing the need to decarbonize generation sources and enable end-user energy
efficiency, utilities will have to improve observability and
controllability of their networks, while transforming them into
geodesic structures that intersperse a variety of distributed
energy resources. 12
It is obvious that smart
meters are a central and key component of the smart grid, but
Gartner's definition makes the critical observation that the grid is
designed to become "smarter."
By heeding the sustainable
development agenda's need to "decarbonize" the sources of generating
electricity and to "intersperse a variety of distributed energy
The real reason behind smart grids and smart meters, we now see, is
to accommodate and patch in alternative sources of energy, such as
wind and
Before alternative power became the playbook to rid
the world of carbonized fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas, the
energy grid worked just fine. If there was excess demand, utilities
would ramp up generation to meet the need.
Today, if there is excess
demand, the utilities balance the load by taking it out on the
consumers of energy - us.
The increase in alternative energy generation coupled with the war
on traditional fuels that has taken massive amounts of energy
offline has resulted in energy shortages that simply cannot be
overcome or overlooked.
At the present trajectory,
nations are headed for a massive train wreck...
Hence, we see
headlines like this:
"A summer of
blackouts? Wheezing power grid leaves states at risk" (The
Washington Post 6/2/22)
"America's Summer of Rolling Blackouts" (The Wall Street Journal
"Rush toward green energy has left US 'incredibly' vulnerable to
summer blackouts" (Fox News 7/4/22)
"The U.S. Power Grid Can't Support Its Climate Pledges" (Oilprice
"Amid Heat Wave, California Asks Electric Vehicle Owners to
Limit Charging" (The New York Times 9/2/22)
If there were an
abundance of energy, there would be no need to control or allocate
However, if the object of the technocrats is first and foremost
to control energy distribution and consumption, then a shortage has
to be created to justify that control.
The green radicals, following
in the footsteps of the United Nations' Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs), have successfully prosecuted a war on traditional
sources of energy in favor of alternative energy sources that are
unreliable, expensive, and disruptive.
A panopticon of surveillance surrounds us on every side and is
rapidly being integrated into a comprehensive system that some
suggest resembles the antagonistic "Skynet" depicted in the
Terminator movie franchise.
This description is in perfect alignment
with three of technocracy's aforementioned requirements:
"3. Provide a
continuous inventory of all production and consumption"
"4. Provide a
specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and
services, where produced and where used"
"5. Provide specific registration of the consumption of each
individual, plus a record and description of the individual"
Because technocrats view
society as a machine, monitoring and surveillance are critical to
the maintenance and operation of that machine.
While you expect your
car to have engine warning lights or your smoke alarm to sound off
if fire breaks out, technocrats miss the point that neither
individual humans nor society collectively are machines.
us with machines is the false, dangerous thinking that has resulted
in ubiquitous surveillance around the world.
To technocrats, there is no such thing as too much surveillance.
When they attain one level of monitoring, their next step is to
increase the level of magnification and collect even more data.
Their addiction to data is unquenchable and unstoppable!
A prime example of such addictive behavior is
Rekor Systems.
company initially made a simple license plate reader, which takes a
high-resolution photo of a passing car and then uses optical
character recognition to record the license plate.
It was a
foolproof product.
However, Rekor CEO Robert Berman wasn't satisfied
with reading only plates:
"[B]ecause our
technology works so well for vehicle recognition, we do more, we
identify the vehicle's make, model, color, body type, bumper
stickers or window decals, rust, dents and other things like
speed of travel and vehicle direction." 13
Rekor now makes the
ultimate vehicle panopticon...
Another example of a surveillance addict is Amazon, with its
voice service and its Ring video doorbell.
The latter started out as
simply a personal security camera. Then microphones were added so
Ring devices could pick up local sounds.
Amazon's purpose for Ring
changed somewhere along the way:
Consumer Reports
revealed that Ring's audio capabilities are more powerful than
anyone anticipated, collecting conversation-level audio from up
to 25-feet away.
This has disturbing implications for people who
walk, bike, or even drive by dozens of these devices every day,
not knowing that their conversations may have been captured and
The company also refused to commit to eliminating the
default setting of automatically recording audio. 14
Furthermore, Amazon
decided to provide Ring camera audio and video to police
departments, in some cases without a warrant or permission from the
Ring owner.
Smart City
In 2012, then-CEO of Ad-Tech
Brad Berens proclaimed that,
that can be digitized will be digitized."
In February 2014, the CEO
of Deutsche Telekom predicted that,
"everything that can be connected
will be connected."
They were both right...
Their attitude summarizes
the mindset behind the development of
smart cities, and behind smart
city paraphernalia:
The enormity of
Internet of Things
is difficult to grasp.
One cybersecurity threat-prevention specialist,
DataProt, reports:
In 2021, there were
more than 10 billion active IoT devices and it is growing by
21.5% per year.
It's estimated that the number of active IoT devices will
surpass 25.4 billion in 2030.
By 2025, there will be 152,200 IoT devices connecting to the
internet per minute.
It's estimated that global IoT spending will total $15 trillion
in the six- year period between 2019 and 2025.
The amount of data generated by IoT devices is expected to reach
73.1 ZB (zettabytes) by 2025. 15
Currently, only forty-two
percent of American cities use some measure of smart city
technology, but that percentage is growing.
Often the first sign of
smart city implementation is installation of digital light poles
with built-in surveillance cameras and microphones. In other smart
cities, the pioneering products are license plate readers and street
sensors that monitor traffic.
Connecting physical sensor devices is not difficult. It is dealing
with the unconnected silos of data that remains a technocrat's
greatest challenge.
What really makes a
smart city "smart" is,
fusing of these data silos into a central database that can be
analyzed by sophisticated AI algorithms with the goal of
facilitating a desired social outcome.
The problem of integration is further exacerbated by the wide mix of
public and private devices.
For instance,
a city might install
license plate readers to track individual vehicles - and fine their
scofflaw drivers.
But what about privately owned smart phones that
spin off inordinate amounts of location data in real time?
The "smart" answer would be for a municipality to purchase cell phone
location data and then integrate that data into its tracking system.
Imagine a city building a database of its residents in order to
collect all of their online activity, from social media posts to
search histories. If that sounds far-fetched to you, you're behind
the times.
There are, in fact, at least eight companies that can
help cities do just that.
It is reported that only 0.06% of devices that could be connected to
the Internet are actually hooked up to it. This means that there
will ultimately be trillions of connected devices.
Is it possible to
run wires or cables to all these unconnected devices? Hardly...
stark fact should adequately explain the stampede to 5G wireless
connectivity, which offers real-time connections with very large
data transmission capacity.
W. Edwards Deming (1900-1993) was a classic technocrat who held
advanced degrees in both mathematics and physics. As a sought-after
business consultant, he had a huge impact on the reconstruction and
success of industrial Japan after WWII.
Deming, who famously
"In God we trust; all others bring data",
...would surely
have been an ardent supporter of smart city technology.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines propaganda as,
"the systematic
dissemination of information, esp. in a biased or misleading way, in
order to promote a political cause or point of view."
The man behind that definition is
Edward Bernays, who in 1928
invented propaganda as an intentional doctrine and explained it in
his seminal treatise,
"If we understand the mechanism
and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and
regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing
it?" 16
In the same book, Bernays also wrote,
"The invisible government
tends to be concentrated in the hands of the few because of the
expense of manipulating the social machinery which controls the
opinions and habits of the masses." 17
Was Bernays a closet technocrat? Perhaps even a transhumanist?
Neither is implausible, considering that his understanding and use
of propaganda paved the way for technocrats and transhumanists to
join together to master that art.
In so doing, they've commandeered
the major engines of news distribution - notably, major media
outlets, social media, and search engines.
An entire industry of "fact-checkers" has arisen to challenge any
thought contrary to the technocrat/transhumanist narrative.
surprisingly, much of the censorship associated with their narrative
is accomplished automatically with the continuous operation of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms.
As we have learned during the
COVID-19 'pandemic', AI algorithms provide no means to appeal or
protest their impersonal decisions. Such a human touch would be
disastrous to the technocrat mind, which is the epitome of
The propaganda machine is meant to deceive, manipulate, and
condition its subjects into adopting positions and actions that they
would otherwise never adopt.
A perfect example:
During the heavily
propagandized 'pandemic', half of America got stuck in the weeds of
delusion over mask-wearing, social distancing, lockdowns, and the
injection of experimental drugs said to contain mRNA.
Their response
to the 'pandemic' narrative was proof that propaganda is one of the
most frightening tools of control imaginable.
Bernays certainly saw the power of propaganda when he wrote,
"Those who manipulate
this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible
government which is the true ruling power of our country."
His conclusion points to who has the real power in
Politicians would like to
think that they are the movers and shakers, but they are not:
...all are the actual controllers of society.
If we
believe otherwise, we are entertaining wishful thinking or, more
we have been steeped in
Retired Harvard Business School Professor Shoshana Zuboff coined the
term "surveillance capitalism" and elucidated it in The Age of
Surveillance Capitalism - The Fight for a Human Future at the New
Frontier of Power.
In her excellent book, she explains how Google
pioneered surveillance capitalism at the start of this century in
the same way Ford Motor Co. pioneered the automated assembly line at
the start of the last century - in 1913, to be exact.
When Google
discovered the value in "behavioral surplus" - that is, what is left
over after meeting its own users' needs - it tapped into a goldmine of
predictive analysis.
As a result, it could sell its forecast of
users' future behavior to buyers eager to incorporate that data into
their own products and offer it for sale.
Our human behavior has
thus become raw material mined for products and services made and
traded by corporations.
Zuboff writes,
"[I]t is no longer enough to automate information
flows about it, the goal now is to automate us." 19
Of course,
Google isn't the only culprit.
Other giants, Facebook and Amazon
among them, have picked up on Google's success and joined ranks with
Google parent Alphabet Inc. in this unchecked exploitation of
Hence Zuboff's apt definition of them as "surveillance capitalists."
She observes that they,
"know everything about us, whereas their
operations are designed to be unknowable to us." 20
surveillance capitalism is unprecedented and without legal structure
or constraints, its practitioners are,
"impelled to pursue
lawlessness by the logic of their own creation," 21 she contends.
After Google objectified its clients by selling predictive certainty
about future behavior, it soon discovered that it could just as
readily manipulate and shape human behavior - both current behavior
and future behavior.
This is where we really see the element of
control being applied.
Zuboff notes:
It is a form of
tyranny that feeds on people but is not of the people. In a
surreal paradox, this coup is celebrated as "personalization,"
although it defiles, ignores, overrides, and displaces
everything about you and me that is personal. [...]
[It is]
the obliteration of politics. 22
In sum, surveillance
capitalism is thoroughly technocratic in nature.
As such, it is
patently anti-government and anti-democratic, rejecting all forms of
political expression and all legislatively enacted,
executive-signed, and judicially enforced laws and regulations.
Indeed, the power technocracy wields throughout the world is greater
than the power of most nation-states combined.
The technocrats/transhumanists who have been quietly erecting a
control grid under the pretense that it is for our convenience and
pleasure are not content to apply it only to social entities like
countries, states, provinces, or cities.
Rather, the only way they
are satisfied is if they are controlling the behavior of each and
every human being.
Personally. Individually. Completely.
Actually, that's not quite true.
Beyond seeking to control us
externally - our day-to-day behavior, movements,
activities - technocrats and transhumanists desire to control our
Personally. Individually. Completely. Continuously...
To them, the final hurdle is not just to monitor our thoughts but to
actually alter the way we think so that we will come to the right
pre-conceived conclusions (theirs, of course) without requiring any
additional external conditioning.
In summary, all that I have described conforms exactly to the
original definition of technocracy:
Technocracy is the
science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the
entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and
services to the entire population. [...]
For the first time in
human history it will be done as a scientific, technical,
engineering problem. [...]
There will be no place for
Politics, Politicians, Finance or Financiers, Rackets or
Racketeers. [...]
Technocracy will distribute by means of a
certificate of distribution available to every citizen from
birth to death.
Rosa Koire was right
about Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda, and sustainable development.
understood that, as I have long argued, the UN's goals to transform
the planet are nothing more than warmed-over 1930s-era technocracy:
It is the inventory
and control plan. Inventory and control of all land, all water,
all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all
means of production, all food, all energy, all information, and
all human beings in the world... 23
Koire, Rosa,
Behind the Green Mask: UN Agenda 21, The Post Sustainability
Institute, 2011, p. 2.
YouTube, "Rosa Koire
interview: UN Agenda 2030 exposed."
Hubbert, M. King,
and Scott, Howard, Technocracy Study Course (Technocracy,
Inc., 1934), p. 232.
ABC News Denver,
"Thousands of Xcel customers locked out of thermostats
during 'energy emergency,'" August 31, 2022.
Statista, "Number
of electric smart meters installed in the United States from
2007 to 2019, with a forecast from 2020 to 2021," April
U.S. Department
of Energy, "Grid 2030: A National Vision for Electricity's
Second 100 Years," 2003, p. 24.
Wood, Patrick,
"Technocracy, Smart Grid and the Green Economy," Freedom
Advocates, March 3, 2010.
YouTube, "Grid
Friendly Appliance Controller Turns Small Loads into Grid
Assets," Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, March 14,
https://youtu.be/2JIyRPCp35w .
Cision PR
Newswire, "Global Smart Electricity Meters Market Report
2022: Market to Reach $15.2 Billion by 2026 - AI Presents
Immense Opportunities to Tap Smart Meter Data," Research and
Markets, April 13, 2022.
United Nations,
"Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Gartner Glossary,
Smart Grid.
YouTube, "Rekor
Systems on AI-driven Technology for Roadways, Customer
Demand and Industry Landscape," July 30, 2020.
Frontier Foundation, "Ring Reveals They Give Videos to
Police Without User Consent or a Warrant," July 15, 2022.
"Internet of Things statistics for 2022," May 13, 2022.
Edward Bernays,
(Horace Liveright, 1928), p. 47.
Ibid. p. 2.
Zuboff, Shoshana,
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human
Future at the New Frontier of Power (Perseus Books, 2019),
p. 8.
Ibid., p. 11
Ibid., p. 105.
Ibid., p. 513
YouTube, "Rosa
Koire interview: UN Agenda 2030 exposed."