by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
September 05, 2014
SOTT Website
Laura Knight-Jadczyk is a
seventh generation Floridian, a historian and author of 14 books and
many articles published in print and on the internet. She is the
founder of SOTT.net and lives in France with her husband, Polish
mathematical physicist, Arkadiusz Jadczyk, her extended family,
eight dogs, five birds and a cat. |

NATO summit warmongers
watch a flyby...
French President Hollande
makes a habit of embarrassing
the French people.
Two days ago, following French president Hollande's announcement
that France would not deliver the Mistral warship that was bought,
paid for (and partially built) by Russia, I wrote on my Facebook
"Today, I am surfeited with the insanity on this planet. I left the
US because of the madness there, Bush invading Iraq; now, the
contagion seems to have spread everywhere."
I wasn't just saying that for effect, I was definitely plunged into
a black hole of despair at the realization that there really isn't a
single leader of any so-called civilized Western country, who has
two neurons firing and an ounce of conscience.
Back when we left the US, disgusted at the actions of the Bush
cabal, we chose France as our new home for a number of reasons, not
least of which was that it stood firm against that horrifying
misadventure that is now exposed to all the world for what it was: a
psychopathic, imperialistic war for profit and resources.
I'll never
forget the warning given to me by the mechanic who prepared my van
for shipping:
"You gotta watch out for those Frenchies; they are
yellow-bellied back stabbers."
I was incensed by this because it
seemed pretty obvious to me that any country/people that could stand
up against the USA and say "no" to an illegal war against a country
that clearly was not doing any of the things the Bush gang were
accusing them of doing, had courage of conviction, not to mention
the intellectual capacity to see through all the lies.
All I can say now
is that, if Hollande and his cronies in power in France now do
not see through the same lies about Russia, then the much
vaunted education system in France has failed miserably.
On the
other hand, if he does see through the lies and is acting in this
way regardless, then he is as psychopathic as the USA gang or he's
just a servile Authoritarian Follower who wants to be a member of
"The Club". (Cue
Renfield here: "Yes, Master!")

That, of course,
leads to the point here:
Again and again as I
observe what is going on in the visible world of politics and
foreign affairs, I am reminded of several things that Andrew Lobaczewski wrote in
his seminal work about the
operations of pathology in the halls of power.
Now, Lobaczewski
wrote his book based on experiences with both the Nazi regime and
Soviet Russia, but he made it clear that ideologies with names such
as "National Socialism" or "Communism" were not the issue:
what was
at issue was the network of pathological individuals who would
insinuate themselves into these organizations, take them over on the
inside, while keeping the front in place.
A simple example would be
the Catholic monastic tradition
infiltrated by perverts to use the advantages conferred on monks and
to prey on children.
That happens in political parties as
well. I am reminded of a friend of mine whose father had been a
staunch US Republican all his life, even attended the same school
George Bush Sr, and who said after 9-11:
"I just don't
recognize the Republican Party anymore. It isn't anything like it
used to be. They've changed everything."
Lobaczewski titled his book
Political Ponerology,
reclaiming for the use of science a word that means, in religious
"the study of evil, the nature of evil, the origin of evil,
and evil in relation to the Divine Government."
It was this last
subdivision of the definition that interested Lobaczewski, though
his focus was on the study of evil in relation to what could be
called normal human government inspired and motivated by conscience.
Lobaczewski writes:
"In the
author's opinion,
Ponerology reveals itself to be a new branch
of science born out of historical need and the most recent
accomplishments of medicine and psychology.
In light of
objective naturalistic language, it studies the causal
components and processes of the genesis of evil, regardless of
the latter's social scope.
We may attempt to analyze these ponerogenic processes which have given rise to human injustice,
armed with proper knowledge, particularly in the area of
Again and again, as the reader will discover,
in such a study, we meet with the effects of pathological
factors whose carriers are people characterized by some degree
of various psychological deviations or defects.
Ponerology describes the genesis, existence, and spread of the
macrosocial disease called evil. Its causes are traceable and
can be repeatedly observed and analyzed.
When humanity manages
to incorporate this knowledge into its natural worldview, it
will have defensive potential as yet unrealized. "
It is only with the tools of
ponerology that one can fully fathom what is going on in our world
today, so I suggest
that the reader take a look at the
Ponerology website and read some excerpts there to get a better
idea of what I mean because I don't want to belabor that point here.
Getting back to the main topic, I've had a
Twitter account for some years though I seldom used it until a
month or so ago, when I decided to overcome some of my inherent
Luddite tendencies and take the plunge.
What I found there is
exactly described by John Whitehead in his article published by the
Rutherford Institute:
The American Delusion
- Distracted, diverted and insulated from the
grim reality of the police state.
One of the things he points out is that, it was just over a year ago
that Edward Snowden exposed the police state that the USA has become
(other countries following suit, of course), but for some peculiar
reason, people don't seem to be able to hold that thought long
enough to utilize it to assess what is going on now.
Think about it:
you know that the US government lies
to you ALL the time, and yet you allow yourself to be swayed by
propaganda every day regardless?

This relates
directly to an experience I had the other day on Twitter.
posted a nasty comment about
Obama and I just replied that it was
obvious that Obama was just continuing the policies of the cabal
behind the Bush administration - agreement to do so was the
condition of his election.
The guy came back with "Get a grip",
meaning, obviously, that there could be no comparison between Obama
and Bush; Bush was the good guy and Obama was the bad guy.
Please! Stop and think...!
The NSA was doing all the stuff it is doing
for a long, long time, and the earliest hints about it came out
under Bush. It was Bush and the gang that started this whole mess in
an overt way to begin with!
lies about Saddam's WMDs, the necessity to start an endless
"War of/on Terror" and so forth. That was all the
PNAC ideology in
And now, Dan Froomkin of The Intercept
In a lot of
ways, we're worse off today than we were under George W. Bush.
Back then, Bush's extremist assault on civil liberties, human
rights and other core American values in the name of fighting
terror felt like an aberration.
The expectation was that those policies would be quickly
reversed, discredited - and explicitly outlawed - once he was
no longer in power.
Instead, under President
Barack Obama, they've become
There will be no snapping back to a pre-Bush-era respect for
basic human dignity and civil rights. Thanks to Obama, it's
going to be a hard, long fight.
In some cases, Obama has set even darker precedents than his
predecessor. Massively invasive bulk surveillance of Americans
and others has been expanded, not constrained.
This president
secretly condemns people to death without any checks or
balances, and shrugs as his errant drones massacre innocent
Whistleblowers and journalists who expose national
security wrongdoing face unprecedented criminal prosecution.
In a few cases, Obama publicly distanced himself from
Bush/Cheney excesses, but to little effect. He forswore torture,
and promised to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay.
But by
actively covering up what happened in the U.S.'s torture
chambers, and by refusing to hold the torturers and their
political masters in any way accountable, he has done nothing to
make sure that the next time a perceived emergency comes up, it
won't all happen again.
Gitmo, which he treated as a
political rather than moral issue, is still very much open for
That was my point
on Twitter:
Obama is just the next puppet in line...
And, rather
fiendishly, the cabal that runs things decided that the puppet
selected should be a black man to catapult the racial issue for
their own purposes.
That doesn't make Obama innocent, of course;
certainly not; he knew his role when he was selected to run and win
the 'election' and he agreed to it; that makes him a part of the
network of evil.
Here the point is:
you can bet that what is happening on the
political stage is all part of the PNAC plan that goes along with
total NSA surveillance, turning ordinary citizens into terrorists,
and so much more.
So why are so many people buying into it? Why do so few people see
through this nonsense about Russia that follows the exact same
Well, there are a number of recent articles that give
different angles on the problem.

First of all, take
a look at this:
Pathology of the overconfident - Self-deceived individuals more
likely to be promoted over the more accomplished.
take-home message there is that, in organizations, people are very
easily swayed by others' confidence even when that confidence is
unjustified. Displays of confidence are given an inordinate amount
of weight.
Pathological individuals
are 'snake charmers' who are well schooled in their ability to
deceive people, thus are able to quickly rise to the top in
This eventually leads to a situation where
intelligence and competence are not rewarded, and thus organizations
become ponerized. It works the same in governments.
The much vaunted Democracy has, apparently, an inherent, fatal
the gullibility of the
This is highlighted in another item that came
across my desk recently:
Infected by psychopathy - Research finds crowd-sourcing is vulnerable
to malicious behavior.
from the University of Southampton and the National Information
and Communications Technology Australia (NICTA) found that a
significant feature of crowd-sourcing - its openness of entry -
makes it vulnerable to malicious behavior....
behavior can take many forms, ranging from sabotaging problem
progress to submitting misinformation.
This takes us back
to the above cited article by John Whitehead where he writes:
...when we're
being bombarded with wall-to-wall news coverage and news cycles
that change every few days, it's difficult to stay focused on
one thing - namely, holding the government accountable to
abiding by the rule of law - and the powers-that-be understand
In fact, Professor Jacques Ellul studied this phenomenon of
overwhelming news, short memories and the use of propaganda to
advance hidden agendas.
"One thought drives away another; old
facts are chased by new ones," wrote Ellul.
... these sleight-of-hand distractions and diversions are how
you control a population, either inadvertently or intentionally,
advancing your agenda without much opposition from the
But what exactly has the government been doing while
we've been so cooperatively fixated on whatever current
sensation happens to be monopolizing the mainstream "news"
Do read Whitehead's
piece where he lays it on the line and concludes with the
Filmmaker John
Carpenter delivers this same warning in his film They Live,
in which a deluded, blinded, indoctrinated, enslaved populace
finds that the only way to break free of their oppressors is by
donning a pair of special Hoffman sunglasses.
Only then are they
able to see clearly and distinguish between what is real and
what is a carefully fabricated and expansive lie designed to
keep them sated, satisfied, distracted and in the dark.
If we do not awaken to the truth
and open our eyes soon, then we may well find ourselves staring
at a far different, far less pleasant picture before long, and
by then, it will be too late to alter our reality.
But it's not so
simple, obviously.
If it was, the myriad of voices calling out
warnings over the past 13 years since the Cabal launched their
take-over via 9-11 would have had an effect.
Part of the problem
seems to be that a large proportion of any population is what
psychologist Bob Altemeyer calls "Authoritarian
Let me quote from the
Cambridge Dictionary of
"Authoritarian personality", and "Authoritarian
According to the dictionary:
followers have the psychological characteristic known as
right-wing authoritarianism.
This personality trait consists of
authoritarian submission, a high degree of submission to the
established authorities in one's society; authoritarian
aggression, aggression directed against various persons in the
name of those authorities; and conventionalism, a strong
adherence to the social conventions endorsed by those
Right-wing authoritarianism ("right" comes from "lawful") is
measured on so called
RWA scale."
The Dictionary tells us that:
.... persons who get high RWA scale scores quite readily submit
to the established authorities in their lives and trust them far
more than most people do.
They supported Richard Nixon to the bitter end during the
Watergate crisis. High RWAs also believed George W. Bush when he
said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and they supported
the war in that country long after others had signed off.
High RWAs also are relatively willing to let authorities run
roughshod over civil liberties and constitutional guarantees of
personal freedom. They seem to think that authorities are above
the law.
Bob Altemeyer, one of the champions in the psychology of
'Authoritarians,' notices that authoritarians are characterized by
a certain specific cognitive behavior:
Compared with others, authoritarians have not spent much time
examining evidence, thinking critically, reaching independent
conclusions and seeing whether their conclusions mesh with the
other things they believe.
They carry a list of 'false
teachings' and rejected ideologies in their heads. But they
usually learned which ideas are bad in the same way they learned
which are good - from the authorities in their lives.
Highs are
not prepared to think critically.

Let us take a look
at the neural mechanisms of the Authoritarian Personality:
A recent
imaging study by psychologist Drew Westen and his colleagues at
Emory University provides firm support for the existence of
emotional reasoning.
Just prior to the 2004 Bush-Kerry
presidential elections, two groups of subjects were recruited -
fifteen ardent Democrats and fifteen ardent Republicans.
was presented with conflicting and seemingly damaging statements
about their candidate, as well as about more neutral targets
such as actor Tom Hanks (who, it appears, is a likable guy for
people of all political persuasions).
Unsurprisingly, when the participants were asked to draw a
logical conclusion about a candidate from the other - 'wrong' -
political party, the participants found a way to arrive at a
conclusion that made the candidate look bad, even though logic
should have mitigated the particular circumstances and allowed
them to reach a different conclusion.
Here's where it gets
When this 'emote control' began to occur, parts of the brain
normally involved in reasoning were not activated. Instead, a
constellation of activations occurred in the same areas of the
brain where punishment, pain, and negative emotions are
experienced (that is, in the left insula, lateral frontal
cortex, and ventromedial prefrontal cortex).
Once a way was
found to ignore information that could not be rationally
discounted, the neural punishment areas turned off, and the
participant received a blast of activation in the circuits
involving rewards - akin to the high an addict receives when
getting his fix.
In essence, the participants were not about to let facts get in
the way of their hot-button decision making and quick buzz of
'None of the circuits involved in conscious reasoning
were particularly engaged,' says Westen.
'Essentially, it
appears as if partisans twirl the cognitive kaleidoscope until
they get the conclusions they want, and then they get massively
reinforced for it, with the elimination of negative emotional
states and activation of positive ones'...
Ultimately, Westen and his colleagues believe that,
biased reasoning leads to the "stamping in" or reinforcement of
a defensive belief, associating the participant's "revisionist"
account of the data with positive emotion or relief and
elimination of distress.
The result is that partisan beliefs are
calcified, and the person can learn very little from new data,' Westen says.
Westen's remarkable study showed that neural
information processing related to what he terms 'motivated
reasoning'... appears to be qualitatively different from
reasoning when a person has no strong emotional stake in the
conclusions to be reached.
The study is thus the first to describe the neural processes
that underlie political judgment and decision making, as well as
to describe processes involving emote control, psychological
defense, confirmatory bias, and some forms of cognitive
The significance of these findings ranges beyond the
study of politics:
from executives and judges to scientists and politicians may
reason to emotionally biased judgments when they have a
vested interest in how to interpret "the facts".'
Such a person
"thinks with a forked brain".
The Dictionary of Psychology tells us
also that:
"...the picture of authoritarian followers after all
these years of research is far from flattering."
No kidding.
However, Andy Schmookler thinks he has figured it out:
Moral Endo-skeletons and Exo-skeletons - A Perspective on America's
Cultural Divide and Current Crisis.
He writes:
In the months
after the 2004 election, when the Red States were said to have
voted on the basis of their "moral values," it was noted by many
observers that the sleazy TV
and movies the traditionalist and Christian right denounce so
energetically also tend to get their highest ratings in the same
parts of the country most populated by such people.
was noted, as well, that some of the family pathologies that
traditionalists decry are found at high rates among these most
vocal proponents of "family values.")
Some took this as a clear indication of the hypocrisy of the
conservatives: what they
denounce, they also secretly enjoy. They are not as
concerned about morality, this critique declared, as they
pretend to be.
A posture of devotion to righteousness, all the
while indulging forbidden impulses in hidden ways.
This is an example
of people claiming to adhere to an ostensibly moral ideology, but
the reality on the inside is quite different.
Schmookler writes:
"From my
discussions of morality with religious traditionalists, I've
gleaned that many of them assume that people who do not believe
in their firm moral structures - who do not believe in God, or
in the Ten Commandments, or in inviolable and absolute rules of
moral conduct - must be living lives of sin and debauchery.
cannot understand - and often seem unwilling even to believe -
that people like Unitarians might be living the well-ordered
lives - as hard-working and law-abiding citizens, as responsible
and dedicated family people - that they themselves strive to do.
Their failure to understand how non-believing 'liberals' can
live moral lives is actually the reverse side of the same coin
from the liberals' imputation of hypocrisy to the red staters
who watch 'Desperate Housewives' and may also have disordered
family lives."
suggests that the problem is that the two types of people have
"different moral structures."
"It was a
student of mine (in an adult education class about 'America's
Moral Crisis') who came up with the apt image. It didn't matter
much to her, she said, whether her society has a lot of enforced
She's got her moral beliefs firmly inside her - a kind of endo-skeleton, she said.
We had been talking about the distress American traditionalists
have felt at the erosion of a social consensus about the
straight-and-narrow path.
Morality for them, she said, seemed to
be a kind of exo-skeleton.
This was her
image to capture their reliance on external moral structures -
laws, punishments, etc. - to keep them within the moral confines
in which they believe....

'Conspiracy theorists'
activate their mystical super-power
called "common sense"
It becomes clear why such people -
with intense moral concerns combined with a reliance on external
moral structures to keep one's own forbidden impulses in check -
would support a state that enforces moral rules and a social
culture that stigmatizes those who violate those rules.
really is a threat to them - a threat to their own inner moral
order - when the society around them fails to be clear in its
rules and strict in its enforcement...
It is their dependence on the
strength and integrity of the external moral order that drives
many "exo-skeletons" to crusade to make the whole world around
them conform to the moral system to which they themselves are
striving to adhere.
The unspoken - and generally
unacknowledged - need is:
please, society, be morally strict enough to keep me on the
straight-and-narrow path."
In other words,
such individuals must rely on the external environment for that
To take that structure away is to threaten their own
perceived security and mental well-being. Without it, there is chaos
with no clear "way out".
Anyway, read Schmookler's article on the
topic for more details:
it is certainly an interesting way to look
at the problem and gives us a good general idea of what kind of
person we are dealing with when we come across these people who
cling to a failing or failed ideology for dear life.
More than that,
we must consider the internal emptiness of those who create such
order, and that's where we come back to psychopathology and its
effect on our world.
Here, you might want to take a look at this
Is humanity a failed experiment? -
Some Shocking Facts About Society that We
Absurdly Accept as Normal:
"Just look at
us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down.
destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy
minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys
information, religions destroy spirituality and governments
destroy freedom."
(Michael Ellner)
All of this is due
to that small (but growing) percentage of pathological individuals
who can snake-charm the weak exoskeleton Authoritarian Followers
into raising them to power and giving them devoted, unwavering
It is via this process that a
Pathocracy comes into being...
All aspects of our lives on Earth are infected when we allow
psychopaths to take positions of leadership.
Political Ponerology:
is a disease of great social movements followed by entire
societies, nations, and empires.
In the course of human history,
it has affected social, political, and religious movements as
well as the accompanying ideologies and turned them into
caricatures of themselves.
This occurred as a result of the
participation of pathological agents in a pathodynamically
similar process. That explains why all the pathocracies of the
world are, and have been, so similar in their essential
Identifying these phenomena through history and properly
qualifying them according to their true nature and contents -
not according to the ideology in question, which succumbed to
the process of caricaturization - is a job for historians.
The actions of [pathocracy] affect an entire society, starting
with the leaders and infiltrating every town, business, and
The pathological social structure gradually covers
the entire country creating a "new class" within that nation.
This privileged class [of pathocrats] feels permanently
threatened by the "others", i.e. by the majority of normal
Neither do the pathocrats entertain any illusions about
their personal fate should there be a return to the system of
normal man.
Now, if you are a
thinking person and have a few firing neurons, you have probably
figured out that,
what we call "democracy" is probably not such a
good idea in a world where psychopaths lurk...
In fact, it might
surprise you to know that the
American system was never set up to be a democracy at all...
It was
set up to be a republic modeled on the Roman system where only rich,
well-born oligarchs had any say in what was done. A lot of
care was taken in formulating the election system so as to preserve
this rule of
the wealthy elite.
The one thing that terrified the
founders of America was "Caesarism", i.e. someone who is popularly
elected to lead and ensure that the masses of ordinary people have
an advocate with power to protect them.
A lot of disinformation and misinformation, and interpretations by
Authoritarian Followers, has been propagated about Caesar.
I'm not
going to go into it in detail here as it takes a careful exposition
with many citations, but I will say that the Roman Empire was an
empire long before Caesar came along.
It started when the Roman
oligarchs decided they wanted to steal other people's land and
resources and enslave entire populations.

They started with
Italy, expanded to Carthage and Greece, and eventually had rapacious
Roman governors almost everywhere around the so-called "civilized
world" of the time.
Caesar came along and tried for 19 years to
change the system within the system itself.
When he realized that
this was impossible, he set himself the task of utilizing the model
that Sulla had created: get an army and enforce changes. The only
difference was, Caesar intended
changes that were for the benefit of ALL, not just the enrichment of
a few oligarchs.
When the oligarchs assassinated
Caesar, they killed the last hope of anything resembling a fair and
equitable system with the masses having legal rights equal to the
Augustus came along and, using the "ideology" of Caesar's
name to induce the loyalty of the army, created a new oligarchy that
was to last for a very long time and has been used as a model by
Western governments ever since.
In any event, today, we are living through times that are very
similar to the last days of the
Roman Oligarchic Republic.
Hudson has written
an article about debt slavery where he doesn't even mention
Caesar and his effort to solve the problem equitably, but still
manages to distill the point:
Creditor power
and stable growth rarely have gone together.
Most personal debts
in this classical period were the product of small amounts of
money lent to individuals living on the edge of subsistence and
who could not make ends meet.
Forfeiture of land and assets -
and personal liberty - forced debtors into bondage that became
By the 7th century BC, "tyrants" (popular leaders)
emerged to overthrow the aristocracies in Corinth and other
wealthy Greek cities, gaining support by cancelling the debts.
In a less tyrannical manner, Solon founded the Athenian
democracy in 594 BC by banning debt bondage.
But oligarchies re-emerged and called in Rome when Sparta's
kings Agis, Cleomenes and their successor Nabis sought to cancel
debts late in the third century BC.
They were killed and their
supporters driven out.
It has been a political constant of
history since antiquity that creditor interests opposed both
popular democracy and royal power able to limit the financial
conquest of society - a conquest aimed at attaching
interest-bearing debt claims for payment on as much of the
economic surplus as possible.
When the
Gracchi brothers and their followers tried to reform
the credit laws in 133 BC, the dominant Senatorial class acted
with violence, killing them and inaugurating a century of Social
War, resolved by the ascension of Augustus as emperor in 29 BC...
...foreign conquest always has been a major factor in imposing
debts, and war debts have been the major cause of public debt in
modern times.
Antiquity's harshest debt levy was by Rome, whose
creditors spread out to plague Asia Minor, its most prosperous
The rule of law all but disappeared when publican
creditor "knights" arrived.
Mithridates of Pontus led three
popular revolts, and local populations in Ephesus and other
cities rose up and killed a reported 80,000 Romans in 88 BC. The
Roman army retaliated, and Sulla imposed war tribute of 20,000
talents in 84 BC.
Charges for back interest multiplied this sum
six-fold by 70 BC.
Among Rome's leading historians, Livy, Plutarch and
blamed the fall of the Republic on creditor intransigence in
waging the century-long Social War marked by political murder
from 133 to 29 BC.
Populist leaders sought to gain a following
by advocating debt cancellations (e.g., the Catiline conspiracy
in 63-62 BC). They were killed. By the second century AD about a
quarter of the population was reduced to bondage.
By the fifth
century Rome's economy collapsed, stripped of money. Subsistence
life reverted to the countryside.
He also doesn't
mention the catastrophic
destruction of the Roman civilization that is now widely
acknowledged in many scientific circles to have been due to
pestilence, cometary bombardment, earthquakes, climate change, etc.
We are seeing signs of the same cosmic reactions in our own time, so
it seems that such collapses and environmental effects sort of go
Now, having said all of the above, let me bring this back to brass
We all know by now (or should know if we've been paying
attention) that the USA has a rather shadier history than it has
ever openly acknowledged; and here I'm just talking about its
beginnings on a foundation of genocide and political manipulation.
We all know by now, thanks to the work of many historians - even
mainstream - that the USA has followed the path of the ancient Roman
Republic as an oligarchical empire seeking to exert domination and
steal other peoples' land and stuff for a very long time.
Just read
Fletcher Prouty's book
The Secret Team for insight into how this has been done for
a very long time, accelerating and intensifying since WW II.
Consider the
USA's history of False Flag Operations.
Remember the "The Tonkin incident", where American destroyer
Maddox was supposedly attacked twice by three North Vietnamese
torpedo boats in 1964 in the Gulf of Tonkin? It never happened. It
was all a lie.
Remember when the Grenadian leader, Maurice Bishop, favoring the
left and having invited Cubans to help build the infrastructure
including extending the airport to accommodate long range Soviet
aircraft, was deposed and executed in October 19, 1983. Six days
later the US invaded.
Remember Desert Storm (First Gulf war), 1991)? Hussein
asked for permission from the US (via their ambassador April
Gillespie) and got an answer that the US does not care about Arab
That was a trap, and after Saddam occupied Kuwait, George
Bush Sr. mobilized a coalition of some 40 nations to "liberate
Kuwait" and to smash the recently-built Iraqi military power base.
This also involved a media hoax, where the daughter of Kuwaiti US
ambassador played nurse on TV and testified to "witnessing" Iraqi
soldiers throwing babies out of incubators in Kuwait.
Remember how the War on/of Terror got started? The world we live in
The war was claimed to be the response to 9-11. Most of the
people in the world today know that these reasons are false and that
those events were based on an inside job.
Related to 9-11, Operation
Enduring Freedom - the invasion
of Afghanistan - was launched. Without any evidence, the former
CIA-asset, a Saudi-Arabian Osama bin Laden was claimed to be the
mastermind behind the 9/11 strikes at the WTC and the Pentagon.
Remember Operation Enduring Justice (Second Gulf war),
20.3.2003, later known with less irony as Operation Iraqi
Freedom? The claimed reason of the attack was that Iraq was a
clear and present danger to the US with WMDs. Since no WMDs were
found, the reason for the invasion was changed into "bringing the
democracy into Iraq".
Remember Libya? Look at it today.
Remember the Syrian nonsense and all the propaganda against the
lawful government while the US was supplying rebels that have now
morphed into ISIS/ISIL, the new "Osama bin Underthebed"?
Lies piled upon lies piled upon lies...
So if you take ANYTHING put out by the US government/presstitute
media/cyberwarfare propaganda machine as resembling any truth
whatsoever, I just don't know what to tell you.
Maybe you ought not
to spawn...

We all know that
this activity has been controlled for a long time from behind the
scenes by a cabal of wealthy groups which may or may not include
family dynasties that may or may not be Jewish.
The main characteristic being a
strong genetic taint of psychopathy that runs throughout and which
means they can replenish their numbers with new recruits from time
to time (Bill Gates and the Clintons for example).
For any
of you who cry "conspiracy theory", just calm down and read
some of the wildest conspiracy theories that
actually turned out to
be true, and,
"Don't be fooled by 'conspiracy theory' smears"
against conspiracies that turn out to be true.
Also, hold firmly in mind all the
rumors and leaks about NSA spying that were coming out during the
Bush regime and then hurriedly suppressed only to explode on the
global stage under Obama via
Edward Snowden.
Now, considering all the above,
Do you actually think that the USA
and its allies are going to follow a policy that is for the benefit
of the people?
Any people?
If you do, then you have no
firing neurons and you are an Exo-skeleton Authoritarian Follower
who will end up in slavery exactly as happened in Ancient Rome.
on the other hand, you have some brain power and can hold your focus
long enough to put 2 + 2 together and get 4, then bear with me here.
Think, really think, about Michael Ellner's words, quoted
Just look at
us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down.
destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy
minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys
information, religions destroy spirituality and governments
destroy freedom.
Hold firmly to that
concept that everything is backward and upside down and consider
what is happening on the global stage today especially in respect of
Today, much of the
world views Russia and the
brilliant leadership of
Vladimir Putin as
the only hope of stopping the malignant and deadly spread of the
Totalitarianism of psychopathic imperialism.
Naturally, the
propaganda is slanted in the other direction, attempting to paint
Mr. Putin as a new Hitler while the propagandists hide behind their
established "democratic, greatest nation-on-earth" ideology that has
long been corrupted by pathology.

when that sort of nonsense starts being spouted, we need to hold
fast to our thinking apparatus and see it for what it is, because
based on what we know for certain,
the USA is a terrorist state of
oligarchs who just want to dominate the planet and steal other
peoples' stuff.
It's a story as old as time and it is playing out in
real time before our eyes and we need to pay close attention to the
shell-game of political realities.
Vladimir Putin and Russia are standing in the way of the cabal of
Western oligarchs (defined above, the main characteristic being
psychopathology) from taking total control of the World.
The Western
oligarchs (often in cahoots with Eastern oligarchs such as those
Putin deposed in Russia) have been monopolizing public attention
with scandal after scandal in their effort to conceal the fact that
they are behind most of the sufferings on this planet.
John Whitehead
gives a good running list of what has been going on:
In late August/early September, we were treated to Justin Bieber's run-in
with police after a bout of reckless driving, the FBI's
investigation into the leaking of celebrities' nude photos, Brad
and Angelina's wedding, James Foley's carefully staged
beheading, Robin Williams' unfortunate suicide, the riots in
Ferguson over the police shooting of an unarmed black man,
growing threats from ISIS, and the ALS ice bucket challenge
That was preceded by reports of immigrant children flooding over
the border, Israel and Hamas' on-again, off-again fighting,
Germany's victory in the World Cup, Ebola breakouts in West
Africa, the Malaysian Airlines passenger jet crash in Ukraine,
the exchange by the U.S. of five Taliban prisoners for Sgt.
Bowe Bergdahl, the growing legalization of same-sex marriage by the
states, and the kidnapping of 280 Nigerian girls for use as sex
Before that, there was the shooting rampage by an Iraq war
veteran at the Fort Hood Army base, the uproar over LA Clippers
owner Donald Sterling's racist remarks, the Veterans
Administration's failure to provide timely care to vets, Russia
and the U.S. in a tug of war over control of Crimea, the
disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines flight - this one en route
to China, the 2014 Winter Olympics hosted by Russia, the Seattle
Seahawks' first ever win at the Super Bowl, Gov. Chris
Christie's role in the George Washington Bridge lane closings
scandal, and the outpouring of tributes over the death of Nelson
No less traumatic and distracting were the preceding months'
newsworthy events, which included a devastating typhoon in the
Philippines, France and Germany's displeasure over the NSA
spying on its people and leaders, the U.S. government's 16-day
shutdown over Obamacare, public opposition to President Obama's
plans to take military action against Syria over its alleged use
of chemical weapons, another shooting rampage - this time at the
Washington Navy Yard, Russia's granting of asylum to Edward
Snowden, Bradley Manning's announcement that he is in fact
Chelsea Manning, which came a day after he was sentenced to 35
years in prison for leaking classified documents, the birth of a
new prince to British royals William and Kate, George
Zimmerman's acquittal of murdering Trayvon Martin, the Supreme
Court's striking down of the Defense of Marriage Act as
unconstitutional, and Edward Snowden's leaking the first of what
would turn into a more-than-yearlong series of revelations about
the government's illegal surveillance programs.
Now, in addition to
the nonsense and trivia, we are subjected to almost daily
anti-Russian propaganda because, of course, there must be
an enemy "over there" somewhere...!
The USA/NATO oligarchs accuse Putin
of what they themselves have done
or plan to do.
The timing of this Russian invasion media campaign was not only a
response to the military disaster suffered by Ukraine; it was also
meant to derail the Minsk peace talks which took place the same week
and build hype for the NATO Wales summit scheduled for this week.
Putin had been working on a diplomatic solution with
Angela Merkel.
Europe, already in economic trouble thanks to its austerity
policies, is now suffering from the economic war with Russia the US
pushed them into.
So please, don't buy into the propaganda! GET A GRIP! If it comes
the Western presstitute media, probably the exact opposite of
what they are saying is truth.
Keep that rule of thumb in mind...!
Now why, you might ask,
am I advocating for Vladimir Putin when I am
something like a 20th generation American on all lines of my family
tree with my ancestors' blood spilled in the Revolution and the
Civil War, WWI, WWII and more?
Isn't that 'un-American'...?
No, it isn't.
I love that America of the common
man and woman who believed the propaganda of their lying government
and gave their lives working hard and sacrificing to make that dream
a reality.
I love the America that I thought was real when I was
growing up and I am angry beyond anything you can understand to come
to the full realization that it was all a psychopathic lie; that my
family members died for a bunch of damn oligarchs who couldn't have
cared less about their sacrifice and suffering.
I've made it my
business to discover the truth, what the sickness is that can make
something like that possible and the conclusion is always and ever:
psychopathology in power.
I've written reams about it and it still
shocks me to fully grok that there are human looking beings who have
nothing human at all inside them.
So, when I advocate for Vladimir Putin it is because I have studied
the matter deeply on both sides.
Just as the USA, wallowing in its
wealth and power, morphed into something dark and evil, Russia,
suffering under harsh totalitarian rule since WWI, has been tried
and tempered by the fire, and under Vladimir Putin, an uncommon
individual from the ranks of the common people, Russia too has
into the Hope of the World...
Lobaczewski makes an interesting remark in
Political Ponerology:
Any war waged
by a pathocratic nation has two fronts, the internal and the
The internal
front is more important for the leaders and the governing elite,
and the internal threat is the deciding factor where unleashing
war is concerned....
That is to say:
propaganda is aimed more at convincing we, the people, than anyone
And sadly, based on what I see on Twitter and elsewhere, it is
working quite well in spite of all the facts and data I have cited
above that anyone who can read at a third-grade level can sues out.
"Under these
conditions [overwhelming news, use of propaganda to advance
hidden agendas] there can be no thought. And, in fact, modern
man does not think about current problems; he feels them.
reacts, but he does not understand them any more than he takes
responsibility for them. He is even less capable of spotting any
inconsistency between successive facts; man's capacity to forget
is unlimited.
This is one of the most important and useful
points for the propagandists, who can always be sure that a
particular propaganda theme, statement, or event will be
forgotten within a few weeks."
(Professor Jacques Ellul)
"Pathocracy has
other internal reasons for pursuing expansionism through the use
of all means possible.
As long as that "other" world governed by
the systems of normal man exists, it inducts into and within the
strivings of the non-pathological majority, thereby creating a
certain sense of direction.
The non-pathological majority of the
country's population will never stop dreaming of the re-installment of the normal man's system in any possible form.
This majority will never stop watching other countries,
waiting for the opportune
moment; its attention and power must therefore be distracted
from this purpose, and the masses must be educated and channeled
in the direction of imperialist strivings.
This goal
must be pursued doggedly so that everyone knows what is being
fought for and in whose name harsh discipline and poverty must
be endured.
The latter factor effectively limits the possibility
of "subversive" activities on the part of the society of normal
This last bit makes
clear why economic destruction has been a stage in the march toward
USA-dominated global totalitarianism:
if people are poor and hungry,
they can't put up much resistance; and we notice that this is mainly
focused within the US at the moment, though the EU is rapidly
falling into line with the plans.
Also, if the only jobs available
are in the military, one doesn't need to impose an unpopular draft:
there will be endless lines of young men who might otherwise be
protesting the policies of the government, waiting to be accepted to
serve that same government that has destroyed their future.
"The biological, psychological,
moral, and economic destruction of this majority is thus a
"biological" necessity.
Many means serve this end, starting with concentration camps and
including warfare with an obstinate, well-armed foe who will
devastate and debilitate the human power thrown at him, namely
the very power jeopardizing pathocrats rule.
Once safely dead,
the soldiers will then be decreed heroes to be revered in
paeans, useful for raising a new generation faithful to the pathocracy."
Perhaps, in the
above cited materials, you will have picked up the cues that inform
my thinking about Putin vs. USA/NATO.
If not, please read
Political Ponerology in its entirety because the clue systems are all laid out
Yes, as noted, the studies that went into understanding
pathological individuals in power were based on Nazi Germany and
Soviet Russia, but as Lobaczewski notes, when a country has been
long under a totalitarian system, something new and unusual begins
to grow within the ranks of normal people:
a particular knowledge
and understanding of how pathocrats think and how such a system of
rule operates...
It is obvious that Vladimir Putin is such a man of
talent, perceptiveness and knowledge.

Now, let me bring
all this home.
As I mentioned above, I have had a Twitter account
for a few years but never really used it because I like to deal with
things in-depth and "drive-by commenting" really isn't my style.
However, a group of us here at SOTT recently decided that since the
whole rest of the world (it seems) has gone to the birds (as opposed
to "gone to the dogs"), we might as well express ourselves there
also and add to the general hum of human busyness just to see if our
collective voices might make a difference.
You could say that what
we did was form a "Truth Brigade"...
At the same time that we were getting busy on social media, our SOTT
editorial policy was making clear where we stood on the USA/NATO vs.
Russia/Putin issue.
Now, we don't have any illusions about Russia
being perfect, but we see what Putin is trying to accomplish and he
is a great statesman and we hope his country appreciates fully what
he is doing.
Anyway, within about ten days, SOTT was brought down.
This was not
as the result of a
DDOS attack, because we've experienced enough of
those that we handle them easily with technical tweaks.
attackers have also not been able to find their way in by hacking
because we run a very tight ship. No, indeed, this was something
quite different.
It seems that some, still unidentified, entity had
to resort to opening an account with the same company that served SOTT and then, from inside the server, stole our IP number and
redirected all traffic to a control panel sign-in page that could
very well have been designed to spoof SOTT editors into giving their
user names and passwords.
Good thing we don't fall for that
nonsense. And curiously, the server managers were stubbornly
recalcitrant for a couple of days about dealing with what was
clearly their problem.
That was finally sorted out and we decided
that the customer service that we were paying over $300 a month for
was less than satisfactory, so we've moved servers and added another
back-up server just in case.

The above situation
was just sort of the icing on the cake after four years of covert
and not-so-covert harassment by various French bureaucracies
probably at the behest of their USA Master (cue
Renfield again).
We've been through a year-long police
investigation based on ridiculous accusations, and when that fell
flat, the police sent the FISC after us.
Another year of time and
energy wasting.
When that was done, just in the last few months, we
were notified by our French bank which we have done business with
for over 11 years that they were closing our account which basically
would leave us dead in the water.
They gave no reason whatsoever.
And then, oddly enough, we have been refused by 6 banks, one after
the other; they agree to open the account, we fill out the forms,
then a few days later they let us know "oops, sorry, we can't give
you an account..." with basically no reason given.
Obviously, there
are powers behind the scenes that want to shut us down completely
and the economic approach is the current mode.
So all that is going on in the background.
Meanwhile, our Truth
Brigade decided on another little project:
However, we decided to keep it separate from SOTT.net more or less as a means of protecting it from any
collateral damage that such association might attract.
Well, we
should have known better. It seems that ANY activity that supports
Putin must be squashed immediately, especially if it comes from
The letter apparently struck a real cord of resonance in
the hearts of many people and the site was being rapidly spread via
Twitter and FB and then, boom! Down it came.
Five or six of our
Truth Brigade members were up most of last night sorting out
the problems and working on getting it back up.
It is clear that, today, normal human beings with conscience - and I
must exclude the Exoskeleton/Authoritarian Follower types who prefer
psychopathic leadership even to their own destruction - view
Vladimir Putin the same way the downtrodden masses of Rome viewed
the Gracchi brothers and Julius Caesar.
The same way the masses of
poor and disenfranchised Americans viewed John and Bobby Kennedy:
as the only hope of stopping the
totalitarian march of the USA/NATO-led
New World Order aka
What is fascinating about this is that this
exact situation was predicted over 75 years ago by the great
American prophet,
Edgar Cayce.
In 1939, Cayce predicted the deaths of two presidents in office:
"Ye are to have
turmoils... ye are to have strife between capital and labor. Ye
are to have a division in thy own land, before ye have the
second of the Presidents that next will not live through his
office... a mob rule!"
President Franklin
D. Roosevelt died in office in April 1945.
In November 1963,
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
In 1944, he prophesied that China would one day be,
"the cradle of
christianity as applied in the lives of men."
And then, regarding
Russia, China's neighbor:
Q. What should
be the attitude of so-called capitalist nations toward Russia?
A. The greater hope of the world will come through Russia's
religious development.
The one nation or group which is closed
in relationship with Russia may fare best during the gradual
changes and the final settlement of conditions, as to rule of
the world.
(February 8, 1932) 3976-10
Q. About the Russian situation?
A. As we have indicated before, a new understanding has come and
will come to a troubled people.
Here, because of the yoke of
oppression, because of self-indulgences, another extreme has
arisen. Only when there is freedom of speech, and the right to
worship according to the dictates of conscience - until these
come about, turmoils will still be within.
(June 24, 1938) 3976
- 19
... For changes are coming, this may be sure - an evolution, or
revolution in the ideas of religious thought.
The basis of it
for the world will eventually come out of Russia; not communism,
no! But rather that which is the basis of the same, as the
Christ taught - His kind of communism!
(1930) No. 452-6
In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that
sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but
freedom, freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man!
The principle has been born.
will take years for it to be crystallized, but out of Russia
comes again the hope of the world.
(1944) No. 3976-29
The possibility of
a third world war was also predicted.
He spoke of strife arising
"near the
Davis Straits," (a northern arm of the Labrador Sea
between mid-western Greenland and Nunavut) and,
"in Libya, and in
Egypt, in Ankara, and in Syria; through the straits around those
areas above Australia, in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf."
He gave another clue about a potential third world war when asked in
June of 1943 whether it would be feasible to work towards an
international currency or a stabilization of international exchange
levels when WWII had ended.
Cayce replied that it would be a long,
long time before this would happen.
Indeed, he said,
"there may be
another war over just such conditions."
The following from Cayce seems to accurately describe the US-led
NATO coalition of psychopaths at the present time:
"When many of
the isles of the sea and many of the land have come under the
subjugation of those who fear neither man not the devil; who
rather join themselves with that force by which they may
proclaim might and power as right - as of a superman who is to
be an ideal for generations to be established; then shall thy
own land see the blood flow, as in those periods when brother
fought against brother."
(June,1940) 3976 - 25
Notice that he said
that blood would flow in the USA...
What we have today is the Chaos produced by pathological individuals
that induces Consent from the Authoritarian Followers.
The really sad thing is that the
authoritarian followers who 'believe in authority' could as easily
follow an authority that has their best interests at heart and the
example of such a person is that set by Vladimir Putin.
it is, the authoritarian sheep
follow and support the very worst of humanity; pathological
individuals who gain power by deception and manipulation.
And in the end, as psychologist Andrew Lobaczewski wrote:
Germs are not
aware that they will be burned alive or buried deep in the
ground along with the human body whose death they are causing.
Humanity is a Cosmic body and each
individual is a cell in that body.
But the humanity we see today is
a disease-ridden idiot:
a shambling, ragged beast covered with
oozing pustules of corruption representing science, religions and
government - stumbling from one self-inflicted disaster to another...
There can be only one outcome and this is documented in ancient
literature describing how other 'mighty' cultures have ended.
And so, having said all of the above, let me close by restating
something I wrote back in February:
Xenophobic Self-Destruction Or, How the Odyssey and the Old and New
Testaments Can Predict Our Future
One of the
dominant themes of the Odyssey, which also appears in the Old
and New Testaments, is hospitality and knowing how to treat a
stranger if you are the host, and knowing how, as a guest, you
ought to respond to good or bad hospitality.
The principles of life governing the action portrayed in the
Odyssey would have been well and widely understood at the time
the story was being recited in social groupings of the ancient
world, and no doubt, the listeners would nod in agreement as
each episode unfolded and then concluded in justice being
So, basically, there was a time when the universal law of
reciprocity was more widely and clearly understood.
Unfortunately, the people of today have lost sight of this
cause-and-effect relationship, but are still doomed to suffer
the consequences.
The law is inescapable and ignorance is no
excuse. It doesn't matter how solitary or non-materialistic a
person is, they will always be a part of some kind of exchange
as long as they exist.
impressions and breathing to social interactions and material
exchange, only the scale differs. At the moment we are both
hosts and guests, to other individuals, groups, the earth and
the universe....
The ancients were quite certain that human behavior could
attract or repel the wrath of the gods. Most often, it was the
behavior of the priest-king that was the crucial element.
It was
his job to figure out what the gods wanted in respect of human
behavior and to ensure that this was how things were done so
that the kingdom would be safe.
There were a few good examples
of this principle, where the king was "righteous" and took care
of his people like a tender parent, conducted his own life so as
to set a positive example for all, and things were fine...
until... a pathological type would get into power in one way or
another and begin to pervert the entire system.
When that
happened, scape-goating became the rule of the day and
"sacrifice" was declared to be what the gods wanted:
Such times always and ever preceded large-scale
destruction of the society.
The entire cosmos seems to be made of information and mirrors.
The living system and the cosmos interact constantly, receiving
and transmitting.
As above, so below...
But there are also
We all receive impressions from our environment and react to
them in different ways: rebelling, ignoring or just copying what
we perceive. Whatever the reaction, we react based on our
personal understanding, our past experiences, our feelings and
our sense of morality. We are influenced, but we also have the
ability to influence.
Our capacity to contemplate the past,
present and future in a connected way, to feel deeply about
others and to judge and choose either 'right' or 'wrong' is what
makes us human.
It really is down to us collectively.
We are the power source
and the authors, whether we allow a leader to represent and
direct us or not, we are ultimately responsible for our world.
If that's really the case, seeing that we have a choice in how
things turn out and learning how to direct our course seems
rather important.
It appears that in earlier history, man understood that he had
some control over his own destiny and the fate of society
through his righteous behavior.
Theoxeny was a moral standard...
Every person was seen as having the potential to either help or
hinder prosperity and health for all. Even if some could give
more than others, everyone had the privilege and the duty to
contribute their best. Every person's actions counted and their
actions were responded to with justice through other people and
the universe.
But a pathology took hold, and though it could not completely
change the nature of man or take away his ability to choose, it
influenced society and altered humanity's course because of our
acceptance of it.
As awareness declined, good intentions were
subverted and our integrity as a species diminished.
Humans have
become a species tuned in to entropy, and what we choose and
express will become our fate. We have given up our personal
responsibility to each other as hosts and guests and therefore
will end up being our own destruction.
When reading history, over and over again the same cycle can be
seen. The point that I would like to emphasize is that human
beings do have some control over their destiny as individuals
and groups, nations and civilizations. But that "control" is
rather more like putting oneself into alignment with universal
principles and activating them in practice.
But obviously, one
has to be careful and find out what those principles actually
those ancient civilizations that believed the lies of the evil
masters who declared that sacrifice of their enemies, or war
against this group or that group, was what the gods wanted,
didn't do that....
The ancient literature on these topics can be mined for
knowledge and wisdom. Indeed, it appears to be the case that
taking assertive action against violators of Cosmic Hospitality
oneself can prevent the gods from having to do it.
And one can
notice that when the gods do it, the action falls not only on
the corrupt elite, but also on those who would choose to do
nothing, those who permit the evils and corruptions to continue
and perpetuate...
Ignorance of these laws is no protection. In fact, ignorance of
them might be seen as a deliberate flouting.
The Cosmos exists
to be loved and you cannot love what you do not know. Thus, it
is the duty of every self-conscious creature to exert all their
efforts, within their inherent capacities, to know and thus to
be able to love
the Cosmos.
Those creatures that cannot or will
not do this are considered by Nature to be failed experiments
and they or their lines will be extinguished.
The point is made near the end of the Odyssey, that silence is
Eurymachus attempts to plead with Odysseus, saying,
who was most to blame is already dead. It was Antinous who was
behind all these doings... Now he has received his just
punishment, give up your anger against us! Spare your equals in
Every one of us shall bring you twenty bullocks in
recompense for what we have eaten, and you shall have all the
bronze and gold it will take to win back your favor."
"No, Eurymachus," said Odysseus, scowling at him.
"Even if you
offered me everything you have inherited from your fathers, I
should not rest until all of you have atoned for your misdeeds
with death.
Do what you will, fight or flee - not one of you
shall escape me!"
"Nor did they."
And now, allow me
to go all Biblical on you for just a moment because really, what is
going on scares the crap out of me and it should scare you.
psychopaths in charge is like having a drunk at the wheel of a
loaded bus going down a mountain.
"Then I saw a
single angel stationed in the sun's light, and with a mighty
voice he shouted to all the birds that fly across the sky,
gather yourselves together for the great supper of God, That you
may feast on the flesh of rulers, the flesh of generals and
captains, the flesh of powerful and mighty men, the flesh of
horses and their riders, and the flesh of all humanity, both
free and slave, both small and great!
Then I saw the beast and the rulers and leaders of the earth
with their troops mustered to go into battle and make war
against Him Who is mounted on the horse and against His troops.
And the beast was seized and overpowered, and with him the false
prophet who in his presence had worked wonders and performed
miracles by which he led astray those who had accepted or
permitted to be placed upon them the stamp (mark) of the beast
and those who paid homage and gave divine honors to his statue.
Both of them were hurled alive into the fiery lake that burns
and blazes with brimstone.
And the rest were killed with the
sword that issues from the mouth of Him Who is mounted on the
horse, and all the birds fed ravenously and glutted themselves
with their flesh".
Revelation 19:17-21
Just to finish this
if Ebola is a Cosmic manifestation that mirrors the psychopathy infecting our society... as above, so below...?