by Winston Smith
March 08,
EscapingMassPsychosis Website

In my last article 'Are
We a Chess Game?' I was
opening up the topic of
One of my readers,
Professor, made the following comment:
There are those who
do have a conscience but suspend it for particular issues due to
party loyalty or being mesmerized by sociopaths.
This allows groups to
do things that most members of the group would not do on their
It also allows for
dissolution or evasion of responsibility for certain actions.
So I thought this was a
perfect segue into the topic of obedience and why so many seemingly
blindly follow the edicts of sociopathic-like leaders.
I'll continue with
Martha Stout, from
The Sociopath Next Door, who
touches on this very topic...
... (in a time of
trouble) history shows us... a leader with no seventh sense
(conscience) can hypnotize the group conscience still further,
redoubling catastrophe.
Using fear-based
propaganda to amplify a destructive ideology, such a leader can
bring the members of a frightened society to see the its (the
depersonalized 'others') as the sole impediment to the good
life, for themselves and maybe even for humanity as a whole, and
the conflict as an epic battle between good and evil.
Once these beliefs
have been disseminated, crushing the its without pity or
conscience can, with chilling ease, become an incontrovertible
Take that statement in
for a moment in the context of 2020-2021.
Why do we let
leaders, motivated by their own consciouslessness self-interest,
corral us like a flock of sheep into less-than-sane thoughts and
How is it that the
conscience of the masses can be silenced to allow the
unconscionable reasonings and actions of a sociopath to define a
Simply put,
we are wired to obey
authority, even if that authority goes against our own
Now what is defined as an
'authority' is different for different people, especially when it
comes to the morality of that authority figure (I'll talk about this
more in a moment).
So how do we know this
apart from observing history and intuition?
Well this brings us to a
very famous experiment every undergraduate psychology student is
required to study - the
Milgram experiment from the early
Here it is...
In a nutshell the experiment was to see just how far a subject would
go in obeying orders to hurt someone else.
The subjects were
delivering shocks to another participant as part of a 'learning'
62.5% of the subjects took the experiment right to the end
where possibly fatal shocks were administered, and in follow up
experiments, using peer pressure, even greater percentage of
obedience was observed.
When the subject was
calling out the words, but not pressing the switches to deliver the
electric shocks, a stunning 92.5% of subjects continued the
experiment to the very highest levels of shock.
The results, as I
observed them in the laboratory, are disturbing.
They raise the
possibility that human nature cannot be counted on to insulate
men from brutality and inhumane treatment at the direction of
malevolent authority.
A substantial
proportion of people do what they are told to do irrespective of
the content of the act and without limitations of conscience, so
long as they perceive the commands come from a legitimate
If, in this study, an
anonymous experimenter can command adults to subdue a 50 year
old man and force on him painful electric shocks against his
protests, one can only wonder what government, with it's vastly
greater authority and prestige, can command of it's subjects.
Stanley Milgram
Authority could override
the conscience of many as the responsibility of outcomes are
transferred to the authority figure, and not themselves.
It's the "I was only
following orders" excuse used by those instrumental in atrocities
like the extermination of the Jews in WWII.
However, as I started to mention above, the perceived legitimacy of
the authority figure directly correlates with the extent to which
personal conscience is suppressed.
If you feel you are on
equal footing to the one giving the orders, and especially if you
feel you are superior to the one giving the orders, then you are
unlikely to override your conscience.
A case-in-point would be
after reading
The Real Anthony Fauci by
RFK Jr., your estimation of Fauci would have likely come
down a few notches, maybe even crashed and burned!
The authority that
may have had in your mind no longer holds any power of influence
(except that maybe you want to punch him out).
You are not going to
put your conscience on hold to follow the dictates of someone
akin to a mafia boss.

The same can be said for
other authority figures, from national news channels to world
leaders, as true motives and actions are manifesting as
The perception of authority figures is the key to overriding your
conscience or not.
This is an age when
anyone can, through social media, traditional media, websites,
documentaries, books, etc., represent themselves as larger than life
and with more authority than they actually have.
And they are also in our
personal space...
...images on
television are up close and personal - they are in our living
rooms - and another factor that affects authority's power to
overwhelm individual conscience is the proximity of the person
giving the commands.
When Milgram varied
his experiment such that he was not in the room, obedience
dropped by two-thirds, to about the same level as when an
'ordinary man' was in charge.
And when authority
was not close by, subjects tended to 'cheat' by using only the
lower shock levels on the machine.
And think now just how
much closer the 'authority' is to us through the all-pervasive
social media channels.
Being attuned to our consciences and finding the strength to disobey
the orders of authority and the agreement of the masses so as not to
betray that conscience is what is so critical for us in these days.
Based on Milgram's study,
if there were 100 people in a society, and about 4 of them are
sociopaths, maybe also in authority, we'd have 96 people of whom
62.5% would obey authority.
If it's an aggressive,
totalitarian leadership, that leaves 36 people who will act
according to their conscience and resist the leadership and the
That's about a third
of the people who will stay true to their consciences.
That may not be the
majority but there's hope in that I believe.
Martha Stout says,
"If courage is acting
according to one's conscience despite pain or fear, then
strength is the ability to keep conscience awake and in force
despite the demands of authorities to do otherwise."
Stay courageous, stay
Update - March
9, 2022
I've just started reading
- How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment, and Government
stick it to You and Your Family,' by Brett Wilcox.
He makes reference to the
vaccine sociopaths who peddle the doctrine of the
religion of vaccinology.
Written in 2018, and I
guess researched for a few years prior, it's looking like a great
exposé of what is now blindingly obvious - the religious fanaticism
of sociopathic opportunists running the biggest business on the
planet - the Church of Vaccines (where salvation is just a
vaccination schedule away).
people) see that the dangerous practice of vaccination has
morphed from a filthy experiment into a pagan ritual in the
religion of Vaccinology, complete with its unique false history,
false dogma, false priests, and the false promise of salvation
from infectious disease.
They understand that
the pharmaceutical industry has seized control of medicine and
Big Pharma, Big
Medicine, and Big Government function as three seemingly
separate but deeply entangled entities that advance a common
Such a relationship
is like a bastardized version of the Holy Trinity...
Wilcox, 2018, p. 1