by Patrick J. Buchanan
March 01,
Buchanan Website

This is no
doubt an important article, but it dances around key
issues without mentioning that they are all deeply
rooted in the policies and actions of members of the
Trilateral Commission
starting in the 1970s.
Our leaders did
not call for the ascendance of China, but
Trilaterals like,
It was not just
any old multinational corporations who rebuilt China
in the form of a Technocracy, but rather it was
Trilateral-connected corporations.
Antony Sutton
and I wrote extensively on this in our books,
Trilaterals Over Washington,
Volumes I and II, and I have more recently penned
articles like
How The Trilateral Commission
Converted China Into A Technocracy.
It is simply
not correct to blame Western Man for these problems,
except for his failure to reign in ultra-powerful
groups like the Trilateral Commission.
"We got China wrong.
Now what?" ran the headline over the column in The Washington
"Remember how American engagement with China was going to make
that communist backwater more like the democratic, capitalist
West?" asked Charles Lane in his opening sentence.
America's elites believed
that economic engagement and the opening of U.S. markets would cause
the People's Republic to coexist benignly with its neighbors and the
We deluded ourselves. It did not happen...
Xi Jinping just changed China's constitution to allow him to
be dictator for life. He continues to thieve intellectual
property from U.S. companies and to occupy and fortify islets in the
South China Sea, which Beijing now claims as entirely its own.
Meanwhile, China sustains North Korea as Chinese warplanes and
warships circumnavigate Taiwan threatening its independence.
We today confront a Chinese Communist dictatorship and superpower
that seeks to displace America as first power on earth, and to drive
the U.S. military back across the Pacific.
Who is responsible for this epochal blunder? The elites of both
Bush Republicans from the
1990s granted China most-favored-nation status and threw open
America's market.
China has run up $4
trillion in trade surpluses with the United States. Her $375
billion trade surplus with us in 2017 far exceeded the entire
Chinese defense budget.
We fed the tiger, and
created a monster.
Stalin was a
murderous tyrant unrivaled in history whose victims in 1939 were
1,000 times those of Adolf Hitler, with whom he eagerly
partnered in return for the freedom to rape the Baltic States
and bite off half of Poland. When Hitler turned on Stalin, the
Bolshevik butcher rushed to the West for aid.
Churchill and
FDR hailed him in encomiums that would have made Pericles blush.
At Yalta, Churchill
rose to toast the butcher:
"I walk through
this world with greater courage and hope when I find myself
in a relation of friendship and intimacy with this great
man, whose fame has gone out not only over all Russia, but
the world…
We regard Marshal
Stalin's life as most precious to the hopes and hearts of
all of us."
Returning home,
Churchill assured a skeptical Parliament,
"I know of no
Government which stands to its obligations, even in its own
despite, more solidly than the Russian Soviet Government."
George W. Bush, with the
U.S. establishment united behind him, invaded Iraq with the goal
of creating a Vermont in the Middle East that would be a
beacon of 'democracy' to the Arab and Islamic world.
Ex-Director of the NSA Gen. William Odom correctly called
the U.S. invasion the greatest strategic blunder in
American history.
But Bush,
un-chastened, went on to preach a crusade for democracy with the
goal of,
"ending tyranny
in our world."
What is the root of these
astounding beliefs,
that Stalin would be
a partner for peace, that if we built up Mao's China she would
become benign and benevolent, that we could reshape Islamic
nations into replicas of Western democracies, that we could
eradicate tyranny?
Today, we are replicating
these historic follies...
After our victory in the Cold War, we not only
plunged into the Middle East to
remake it in our image, we issued war guarantees to every ex-member
state of the Warsaw Pact, and threatened Russia with war if she ever
intervened again in the Baltic Republics.
No Cold War president would have dreamed of issuing such an
in-your-face challenge to a great nuclear
power like Russia.
If Putin's Russia does not become the pacifist nation it has
never been, these guarantees will one day be called. And America
will either back down - or face a nuclear confrontation.
Why would we risk something like this?
Consider this crazed ideology of
free trade globalism with its roots
in the scribblings of 19th-century idiot savants, not one
of whom ever built a great nation.
Adhering religiously to free trade dogma, we have run up $12
trillion in trade deficits since Bush I.
Our cities have been
gutted by the loss of plants and factories. Workers' wages have
stagnated. The economic independence Hamilton sought and Republican
presidents from Lincoln to McKinley achieved is history.
But the greatest risk we are taking, based on utopianism, is the
annual importation of well over a million legal and illegal
immigrants, many from the failed states of
the Third World, in the belief we
can create a united, peaceful and harmonious land of 400
million, composed of every race, religion, ethnicity, tribe, creed,
culture and language on earth.
Where is the historic evidence for the success of this experiment,
the failure of which could mean
the end of North America as one
nation and one people...?