by Dr. Joseph Mercola
01, 2022
DrJosephMercola Website

In a report published in
US and European officials
global health specialists
admitted that Bill Gates
is running the
COVID response...
September 14, 2022, Politico published a special report based on
four dozen interviews with U.S. and European officials and global
health specialists, who admit Bill Gates is running the global COVID
Four health organizations
- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and
the Wellcome Trust - rapidly took a lead on the global 'pandemic'
response, and while all four claim to be independent organizations,
they're all actually founded and/or funded by Gates
During the earliest days of the outbreak, the Gates Foundation, GAVI,
CEPI and the Wellcome Trust began a coordinated effort to identify
vaccine makers, fund tests, drug treatments and mRNA shots, and
develop a global distribution plan in collaboration with the World
Health Organization. In the end, they failed to meet their own goals
on all fronts
Gates is unqualified to make health recommendations, and he's never
been elected to represent the public
Gates has used his wealth, influence and sheer shrewdness to get him
into a position where he can dictate global health policy for his
own financial benefit
The idea that
Bill Gates exerts undue influence over global health
has consistently been denied and dismissed as a loony conspiracy
But as with so many other things, this conspiracy theory is
now turning out to be a conspiracy fact.
September 14, 2022, Politico published an extensive special report
based on,
"four dozen interviews with U.S. and European officials and
global health specialists," headlined, "How Bill Gates and His
Partners Took Over the Global COVID Response." 1
As noted by Igor Chudov on Substack,
2 within hours the headline was
edited to read:
"How Four Private Groups Used Their Clout to Control
the Global COVID Response - With Little Oversight," 3 as illustrated
in Chudov's screen captures below.

Politico Bill Gates Headline
Curiously, five hours after that edit, Politico changed the headline
back, so at the time of this writing, it reads: 4
"How Bill Gates and
Partners Used Their Clout to Control the Global Covid Response - With Little Oversight."
The only word now missing from the original
headline is "his."
You can see how the headline shifted back and forth over the course
of 15 hours on archive.today. 5
Four Gates Organizations Monopolize the Global COVID Response
According to Politico, 6 four health organizations,
took a lead on the global 'pandemic' response, and while all four
claim to be independent organizations, they're all actually founded
and/or funded by Gates...
"When Covid-19 struck, the governments of the world weren't
prepared," Politico writes.
"While the most powerful nations looked
inward, four non-governmental global health organizations began
making plans for a life-or-death struggle against a virus that would
know no boundaries.
What followed was a steady, almost inexorable shift in power from
the overwhelmed governments to a group of non-governmental
organizations, according to a seven-month investigation by POLITICO
journalists based in the U.S. and Europe and the German newspaper
Armed with expertise, bolstered by contacts at the highest levels of
Western nations and empowered by well-grooved relationships with
drug makers, the four organizations took on roles often played by
governments - but without the accountability of governments."
Six Takeaways From Politico's Investigation
During the earliest days of the outbreak, while governments were
still debating the seriousness of it,
the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation, GAVI, CEPI and the Wellcome Trust,
...began a coordinated
effort to identify vaccine makers, fund tests, drug treatments and
mRNA shots, and develop a global distribution plan in collaboration
with the World Health Organization (WHO).
In a side bar, Politico
highlights six key takeaways from their investigation: 7
The four organizations have spent almost $10 billion on COVID
since 2020 - the same amount as the leading U.S. agency tasked with
fighting COVID abroad.
The organizations collectively gave $1.4 billion to the World
Health Organization, where they helped create a critical initiative
to distribute COVID-19 tools. That program failed to achieve its
original benchmarks.
The organizations' leaders had unprecedented access to the highest
levels of governments, spending at least $8.3 million to lobby
lawmakers and officials in the U.S. and Europe.
Officials from the U.S., EU and representatives from the WHO
rotated through these four organizations as employees, helping them
solidify their political and financial connections in Washington and
The leaders of the four organizations pledged to bridge the equity
gap. However, during the worst waves of the 'pandemic', low-income
countries were left without life-saving vaccines.
Leaders of three of the four organizations maintained that lifting
intellectual property protections was not needed to increase vaccine
supplies - which activists believed would have helped save lives.
Unqualified and Unelected
As detailed by Politico, through Gates' lobbying and financial
might, the international response to COVID rapidly shifted from
individual governments to,
"a privately overseen
global constituency of nongovernmental experts."
"What makes Bill
Gates qualified
to be giving
advice and advising
the U.S.
government on
where they
should be putting…
Kate Elder,
senior policy adviser for the
Doctors Without
Access Campaign
In the U.S., president
Biden has earmarked $500 million to CEPI
alone in his $5 billion COVID budget, which has yet to be approved
by Congress.
But, as noted by Kate Elder, a senior vaccines policy
adviser for the Doctors Without Borders' Access Campaign:
What makes Bill Gates qualified to be giving advice and advising the
U.S. government on where they should be putting … tremendous
Lawrence Gostin, a Georgetown University professor who specializes
in public-health law told Politico:
I think we should be deeply concerned.
Putting it in a very crass
way, money buys influence. And this is the worst kind of influence.
Not just because it's money
- although that's important, because
money shouldn't dictate policy - but also, because it's preferential
access, behind closed doors.
[It's] anti-democratic, because it's extraordinarily
non-transparent, and opaque [and] leaves behind ordinary people,
communities and civil society.
Gates ‘Owns' the WHO
Many have pointed out that Gates, through his billions in donations
to the WHO, has significant leverage over the WHO's decisions.
September 2021,
Astrid Stuckelberger, Ph.D., a WHO insider, blew the
whistle on Gates, explaining how the WHO is, in fact, controlled by
Gates, who in turn dictates policy for his own personal financial
Of the four organizations Politico focuses on, GAVI, the Vaccine
Alliance, may be the most important.
GAVI, founded by Gates, is
headquartered in Switzerland.
In 2009, GAVI was
recognized as an international institution and granted total
blanket immunity, including qualified diplomatic immunity, which
is extremely odd considering the organization has no political
power that would warrant diplomatic immunity. 9
Odder still is that GAVI's immunity clauses go beyond even that of
GAVI's immunity covers all aspects of engagement,
including criminal business dealings.
Equally strange is the fact
that they're completely tax exempt.
GAVI can basically do whatever it wants without any repercussions.
Police can't even investigate or collect evidence from GAVI were
they to be implicated in a criminal investigation.
That's how
well-protected they are...
And, according to Stuckelberger, GAVI is
the entity that is really directing the WHO.
According to Stuckelberger, Gates did, in 2017, request to be put on
the WHO's executive board - like a member state - ostensibly because
he gives them so much money.
There's no evidence that Gates was ever
officially granted the status of a member state, but it appears he
figured out an alternative power play.
Stuckelberger pointed out that Gates and the WHO entered into a
three-way contract agreement with
Swissmedic, the Food and Drug
Administration of Switzerland, which is highly unusual.
essentially, when Gates did not get voted in as a one-man nation
state, he created three-party contracts with member states and the
WHO, essentially placing him on par with the WHO...!
One curiosity that supports the idea that Gates is either the real
power behind the WHO, or has the same amount of power as the WHO, is
the fact that Gates has repeatedly been the first to announce what
the world needs to do to address the 'pandemic', and then the WHO
would come out with an identical message that member states then had
to follow.
But who the heck is Gates to direct global health and 'pandemic'
He's a nobody.
He has no medical training.
completely unqualified to speak to any health issues whatsoever.
didn't even graduate college.
And he's never been elected to
represent the people in any capacity.
Basically, what we have here is one wealthy individual who figured
out a way to unofficially monopolize the decision-making ability of
a global health authority in order to enrich himself, which is
beyond crazy.
The WHO Was Instrumental in Gates' Rise to Power
Gates' influence over the WHO is undoubtedly why the WHO allowed
these four Gates-funded groups to direct the global response to
COVID in the first place.
As reported by Politico: 10
The WHO was crucial to the groups' rise to power.
All had
longstanding ties to the global health body. The boards of both CEPI
and Gavi have a specially designated WHO representative.
There is also a revolving door between employment in the groups and
work for the WHO:
Former WHO employees now work at the Gates
Foundation and CEPI; some, such as
Chris Wolff, the deputy director
of country partnerships at the Gates Foundation, occupy important
Much of the groups' clout with the WHO stems simply from money.
Since the start of the
'pandemic' in 2020, the Gates Foundation, Gavi,
and the Wellcome Trust have donated collectively more than $1.4
billion to the WHO, a significantly greater amount than most other
official member states, including the United States and the European
Commission, according to data provided by the WHO.
It would be one thing if these organizations actually did an
excellent job. But they didn't...
An independent review
11 by Dalberg
Global Development Advisors, a New York policy advisory firm, found
the initiative created by Gates' groups, the Access to
COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator, failed on all fronts.
Despite a $23 billion budget, 12 ACT-A procured only 16% of its
target number of tests for low-and middle-income countries, and of
the 245 million treatments it was supposed to deliver to low- and
middle-income countries, they only allocated 1.8 million.
of the 2 billion COVID shots that were supposed to be delivered by
the end of 2021, only 319 million doses were delivered.
Of course, one could argue that failure to deliver fraudulent CPR
tests and dangerous treatments and mRNA shots were a blessing in
But the fact remains that these organizations are far from
excellent and fail miserably in reaching many of their stated goals.
They overpromise and
They're willing to sacrifice
lives to maintain control over moneymaking patents.
And, while
they're more or less singlehandedly shaping the global response to
'pandemic's, there's no one to hold them to account for their
What Politico Left Out
While Politico's report is sweeping in breadth, it still failed to
include a number of important puzzle pieces listed in Chudov's
Substack article.
For example: 13
SARS-CoV-2 appears to be an
intentionally engineered bioweapon.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation helped organize
Event 201, a
tabletop 'pandemic' preparedness exercise in October 2019 that
prophetically predicted COVID-19 - and the need for a massive
propaganda and censorship campaign to quash "conspiracies" about the
Gates purchased 3.1 million shares of
BioNTech in September 2019 for
$55 million. 14,15
At the time, BioNTech was working on
patient-specific immunotherapies for cancer and other chronic
diseases. In mid-March 2020, BioNTech partnered
with Pfizer to
develop a COVID mRNA jab. 16
By August 2021, Gates' prescient
investment was worth $1.7 billion.
The Gates Foundation financed
EcoHealth Alliance, 17 the organization
suspected of having a hand in the development of SARS-CoV-2.
The Gates Foundation also financed the University of North Carolina
(UNC) with at least 56 different grants, where
Ralph Baric, Ph.D.,
conducted gain-of-function research linked to the development of
Baric also worked with EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan
Institute of Virology (WIV).
As noted by Chudov in his closing remarks:
Nevertheless, the
mere publication of this article has huge importance.
The things that most
of us know and talk about, are appearing in the so-called
‘mainstream press' - after the damage was
all done, of course.
The virus was released; millions died; over a billion young people
were force-vaccinated under false pretenses. When it is too late to
change anything, Politico is finally stating the obvious. Still, it
is better than nothing.
Almost everything in the Politico article was known a year ago.
Where was Politico then? Busy taking government COVID vaccine
advertising money.
The 'pandemic' was a crime, not an accident.
The Gates-Fauci Scheme to Vaccinate the World
Gates is far from the only nemesis in this orchestrated drama,
Anthony Fauci is another key player. Ironically, Gates
claims he's "taken the brunt of COVID conspiracy abuse" because
Europeans are not familiar with Fauci.
He recently told Fortune
magazine: 19
It was quite a phenomenon; here in the U.S., it focused on myself
and Tony Fauci, and internationally it was more just me because they
didn't know who Tony was - he really missed out on that!
But while Gates tries to pass it off people's concerns about his
undue influence over their health as a joke, there's no shortage of
evidence that he really is pulling strings he's far from qualified
to pull.
In "Bill Gates Lays Out Plan for
Global Takeover," I review Gates'
role in the WHO and the WHO's plan to, ultimately, seize control
over all health care decisions, worldwide.
I've also reviewed how
Gates and Fauci have collaborated, forming a formidable
public-private partnership that wields incredible power over the
American public.
As early as 2000, Fauci and Gates formed an agreement to control and
expand the global vaccine enterprise, which in 2021 culminated in a
plan to inject every man, woman and child on the planet with an
experimental COVID shot.
Gates and Fauci's collaboration are
detailed in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s best-selling book, "The Real Anthony Fauci."
The below video summarizes
their joint scheme...