by Chris Menahan
May 03, 2024
InformationLiberation Website

Larry Fink, the CEO of
has spent years
pushing open borders
and mass
immigration onto America,
told the
World Economic Forum (WEF)
this week
"xenophobic" countries with "declining populations"
actually be the "big winners"
in a
future dominated by AI and robotics.
The Sociable,
'Social problems in substituting humans for
machines will be easier in developed countries with declining
populations' - Larry Fink to
"I can argue in the developed countries
the big winners are countries that have shrinking
populations," Fink said on Monday at the WEF in Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia.
"We always used to think shrinking population is a cause for
negative growth, but in my conversations with the leadership
of these large, developed countries that have xenophobic
immigration policies, they don't allow anybody to come in,
shrinking demographics - these countries will rapidly
develop robotics and AI and technology.
"And if the promise, and it's going to happen, if the
promise of all of that transforms productivity, which most
of us think it will, we'll be able to elevate the standard
of living of countries, the standard of living of
individuals, even with shrinking populations."
[...] "The paradigm of negative population growth is
going to be changing, and the social problems that one will
have in substituting humans for machines is going to
be far easier in those countries that have declining
populations," said Fink.
"For those countries that have rising populations, the
answer will be education - for those countries that do not
have a foundation of rule of law or education, that's where
the divide's going to get more and more extreme," he added.
Clueless conservatives are acting like Fink is
pushing a "depopulation agenda" when in truth he's reluctantly
acknowledging that
AI and robotics will make sheer
population numbers obsolete when you can build millions or even
billions of AI-driven robots to serve as your nation's workforce.
He's admitting the "xenophobic" and homogenous
nations he has denigrated like Japan will not face anywhere near the
social upheaval we'll see in America thanks to his open borders
policies and mass immigration leaving millions of "useless eaters"
without work when AI and robotics make their jobs obsolete.
His proposed solution to this problem being
"education" is a pipedream I highly doubt even he believes.
The real solution is
mass deportations, which is
exactly what an Axios poll from last week found the majority of
Americans now want...