by Jeffrey A.
December 29, 2023
TheEpochTimes Website
Jeffrey A. Tucker
the founder and president of the
Brownstone Institute,
and the author of many thousands of articles in the
scholarly and popular press, as well as 10 books in five
languages, most recently "Liberty or Lockdown."
is also the editor of The Best of Mises.
writes a daily column on economics for The Epoch Times
and speaks widely on the topics of economics,
technology, social philosophy, and culture. |

Electrical vehicle chargers
Irvine, Calif., on July 12, 2023.
Fredricks/The Epoch Times)
A friend got a rental of a Tesla over the holidays. It's
undoubtedly the industry standard for EVs and a complete blast to
The problem:
It's not a practical
car at all. He was driving in the cold, and the car was nearly
drained after two hours.
Searching for a
charge was no easy task.
The first one didn't
work. The second one stated that it would be charged in 10
hours, which he didn't have. The third one charged in one hour
but that was a full hour wasted.
His conclusion:
This is indeed a
glorified golf cart designed to keep you at home and under the
thumb of the manufacturer. And this is just a test.
The repairs are
worse. Keep in mind that this is the best the industry has to
The other
manufacturers of these things make products not nearly as highly
rated, which is why so many of them are sitting on lots unsold
and why orders for the machines are plummeting.
It seems like the EV
craze has peaked already.
Growth in gas cars is now
far higher than electrics, flipping a trend from 12 months ago.
Finally, consumers are
figuring it out.
This is a good second
car, provided you're driving in your own town, you have a
hook-up at home and can charge it overnight, and you don't
suddenly have to go out of town.
It's a toy, sometimes
a fun one, but not a real car... For that, you need gas.
The idea that this car is
going to transition the United States to "clean energy" is absurd.
If every car were
electric, the grid would crash and rationing would be the norm.

Tesla chargers in Europe
And maybe that's the
whole point...
You drive only with
Nothing about your
transportation is within your control.
Authorities will
decide everything for you.
It's a perfect
strategy for creating a society of dependents.
Fortunately, consumers
aren't playing along...
We still live with the
remnants of a capitalist system whereby manufacturers have to make
profits. So that's a serious problem for the whole industry. It
could very well collapse in 2024...
Sure, Tesla will still be around making luxury cars and trucks for
well-to-do urbanites, and bless them for it.
But it isn't for
It isn't even for
anyone who has a long way to go...
Even now, the only
substantial pockets of broad ownership (above 20 percent) are
California and D.C.
The heartland knows
better and so do people in very cold latitudes...
As long as we're on the
topic of fails, consider
fake meat.
Remember how it was
going to replace real meat?
Well, take a look at
the grocery stores today.
This is another
product that has peaked.
The stock for Beyond
Meat was $196 in 2019. It has fallen and fallen.
Today it's a bargain
at $8.72, with no one being particularly interested.
It looks like this
one isn't long for this world either, which makes you wonder why
muckety-mucks are still pushing this nonsense on us.
Consumers aren't
having it anymore...
The same goes for
COVID-19 vaccines, for which your
tax dollars paid.
The companies have stock
sales and patents and a seeming public demand.
Except for one thing:
They don't work...!
They're also highly
This is an incredible
disaster for both Moderna and
The Pfizer stock is
down to $28 from $59 in two years.
Moderna has fallen to
$100 from $384 in the same timeframe.
They're both sitting on
massive stockpiles of these vaccines, with almost no remaining
public demand for their endless boosters.
They also face lawsuits
with claims that the companies wildly exaggerated the benefit. In
any case, they were never necessary for the vast majority of
people and certainly not for children...!
They paid off the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA)
to give them permission to even sell products that would never have
been approved under normal conditions.
Once again, we have the remnants of capitalism to thank for this.
Government tried to
force everyone to get the vaccine.
They succeeded among
some segments of the population for a time.
They also enlisted
Hollywood stars and every manner of "influencer" (I hate that term)
to browbeat people into getting them.
Whole cities (New
York, New Orleans, Chicago, and Boston) were even shut to the
At the very least,
the companies and cooperating government officials should
apologize for this disaster...
And so long as we're
engaged in this fit of schadenfreude, consider
Mark Zuckerberg's alternative
to X (Twitter) called
It came out earlier
this year to great fanfare.
Here's a social media
service that's thoroughly censored...!
As if that's some
kind of marketing pitch.
It was always
It started with 4
million users, mostly by drafting the users of Instagram.
Today it's down to 1
million, but even they're hardly active at all.
For my part, when I saw
how Instagram was being abused, I immediately deleted my
account (from Threads) and a thousand images with it. What a relief!
As it turns out, I hated
that thing anyway.
Good riddance...!
Threads was a disaster for this company, adding to the other
disaster of Mr. Zuckerberg's
Metaverse itself, which is
completely empty and boring.
It turns out that Mr.
Zuckerberg isn't a good businessman at all.
Maybe the movie "The
Social Network" was correct that he merely stole the
whole idea of Facebook itself.
He never really had
business acumen.
And speaking of
Facebook, good grief, what
happened to this thing?
There's essentially no
reach on the platform...
Facebook has turned
into nothing more than an advertising platform that markets your
It's really only
useful for its marketplace.
Otherwise, what's the
point of this thing anymore?
It's a wonder that
its stock price hasn't been hit, not just yet...
Another piece of toast
this year has been online learning...
Frankly, people are
sick of it.
Classrooms should be
The fakery of remote
classes is obvious to one and all.
Even DEI has hit the skids!
Wisconsin just dialed
back all funding and froze the programs.
Are you noticing a
pattern here?
Markets in the real
world are rejecting the "Great
...none of it's
We can only hope that
this trend continues in 2024 and that it bankrupts the companies
that threw themselves into the whole racket.
Let's hope the
consumer marketplace can render its final judgment before all of
this jazz becomes mandatory, which is the real goal.
In the meantime, let's be
grateful for every amount of capitalism we have remaining, because
markets mean consumer choice.
And when given the
choice, we know now that consumers don't like
Klaus Schwab's plans for our
lives, no matter how much
Bill Gates endorses them...