by Dr. Joseph Mercola
January 06,
Mercola Website
Spanish version

Story at-a-glance
"Leave the World Behind" depicts the unraveling of
society in the wake of a surprise attack by an unknown
assailant. Many believe the film, produced by Barack and
Michelle Obama, predicts a cyberattack on the U.S. power
cyberattack that will make the COVID 'pandemic' look like
a minor inconvenience in comparison has been repeatedly
"promised" in recent years by World Economic Forum (WEF)
founder Klaus Schwab
"Leave the World Behind" doesn't preach preparedness
ideologies or indulge in apocalyptic fantasies. Instead,
it offers a glimpse into the potential ramifications of
societal breakdowns and the human condition's capacity
for both despair and resilience
urges viewers to confront their own vulnerabilities,
fostering a critical examination of our dependency on
interconnected systems and the importance of building
individual and communal resources
inspiration from the film, not to live in fear, but to
act with intention. Build your own "ark," hone your
skills and cultivate a strong community around you. By
embracing preparedness, you can face the uncertainties
of the future with resilience and hope
or Cautionary
Tale of Looming Cyberattack?
Analyze the inclusion of cryptic signs and symbols and question
whether the
Netflix movie provides insight
into the
globalist agendas touted by organizations
like the World
Economic Forum.
Uncover the
hidden messages
that raise
uncomfortable questions
about media
influence and societal control...
In the video far below,
Patrick Bet-David, Adam Sosnick, Tom Ellsworth and Vincent Oshana
with the PBD Podcast,
...discuss whether
Barack Obama's chilling
new Netflix film based on Rumaan Alam's unsettling novel,
"Leave the World Behind," might be predicting that a cyberattack on
the U.S. power grid is imminent.
Certainly, a cyberattack that will make the
COVID 'pandemic' look like
a minor inconvenience in comparison has been repeatedly "promised"
in recent years by World Economic Forum (WEF) founder
Klaus Schwab and other globalists.
"Leave the World Behind" doesn't just depict the unraveling of
society as we know it in the wake of a surprise attack by an unknown
it serves as a stark wake-up call for us to consider our
own preparedness for a world without the familiar crutches of modern
Forget zombies and alien invasions:
this film dives into the
scarier, more plausible possibility of a slow, insidious breakdown
of the systems that underpin our daily lives.
Approaching this film
with awareness helps unpack several lightly-veiled narratives.
Technocratic centralized global agendas like
The Great Reset,
depopulation, or social credit scoring systems that will erode
autonomy could manifest through engineered crises that rally public
Whether it's from
bioterror events, cyberattacks, lockdowns or strategic electric grid
sabotages that override liberty for "security," societal PTSD primes
people to accept new norms for stability.
Totalitarian tip-toe tactics and manufactured chaos lets hidden
hands manipulate populations toward desired power shifts disguised
as natural outcomes.
Disaster births massive
opportunities for control when the public is too overwhelmed to
scrutinize capital flows or ask questions.
Qui Bono?
Who benefits...?
Those who orchestrated
the crisis...
Interestingly, one of the false narratives this film
tries to casually embed in the public psyche is that there is no
shadowy cabal pulling the strings.
Quoted from the film:
"A conspiracy theory
about a shadow group of people running the world is far too lazy
of an explanation, especially when the truth is far scarier.
No one is in control.
No one is puling the strings. When an event like this happens,
the best even the most powerful people can hope for is a
"Do you actually believe that no one pulls the strings...?"
Bet-David asks.
I for one don't.
There's ample evidence to
show that certain groups, organizations and individuals are paving
the path for humanity, oftentimes decades in advance, if not longer.
Schwab has even admitted as much.
During remarks at the May
2022 WEF Summit
in Davos he told the carefully curated audience:
"The future is not
something that just happens. The future is built by us, by a
powerful community, as you here in this room."
Theory or Cautionary Tale?
Whether "Leave the World Behind" proves conspiracy theory or
cautionary tale, arm yourself with provisions and principles that
will check any tyranny rising from the orchestrated ashes.
We the people, united,
will never be defeated. Where decentralization flourishes, so does
This controversy extends beyond the film's story, weaving into
questions about media's potential to influence real-world events and
the anxieties of a society constantly on the precipice of change.
The film centers around the Sanford family, their idyllic Hamptons
vacation shattered by cryptic warnings of a brewing catastrophe.
As communication networks
flicker and the familiar hum of infrastructure fades, the Sanfords
are forced to confront a sobering reality:
Their existence
depends on a web of interconnected systems precariously balanced
on the edge of collapse.
This vulnerability,
mirrored in countless aspects of modern life, becomes the film's
central theme, serving as a stark reminder of our reliance on,
...that now seem so
easily disrupted.
Video Link
But "Leave the World Behind" isn't merely a cautionary tale:
It's a catalyst for
uncomfortable questions.
Some speculate it
constitutes predictive programming due to the inclusion of cryptic
signs and symbols.
Predictive programming
theory suggests media subtly expose future agendas in a way
audiences ingest without resistance.
In the video above, Dutch legal philosopher Eva Vlaardingerbroek
discusses the predictive programming angle of the film on Bannon's
"War Room."
Like many others, she
believes the film is showing us what globalists like the WEF have in
store for us.
Archie, the Sanfords' son, sporting a T-shirt emblazoned with the
word "Obey" throughout the film, throws suspicion into the
The "Obey" T-shirt is a reference to the 1988 John
Carpenter film "They Live," which similarly deals with society's
obsession with mass media and the public's inability to see the body
snatchers for what they were.
In short,
people were unable to
see reality as it was...
Is Archie's "Obey"
T-shirt simply a nod to the childish expression of rebellion, or a
chilling foreshadowing of a future where compliance becomes
paramount in the face of chaos?
Adding further fuel to the fire is the film's production company -
Higher Ground Productions, cofounded by
Barack and
Michelle Obama.
This connection, many say, also suggests a veiled agenda.
Dangers of
Relying on Modern Conveniences
The Sanfords' reliance on modern-day comforts and technology
highlights the dangers of complacency and the fragility of our
In contrast, Mr. Scott,
the enigmatic neighbor, embodies preparedness and resourcefulness.
His stockpiling of supplies and proactive approach showcases the
power of personal responsibility in the face of crisis.
"Leave the World Behind" doesn't preach preparedness ideologies or
indulge in apocalyptic fantasies.
Instead, it offers a
glimpse into the potential ramifications of societal breakdowns and
the human condition's capacity for both despair and resilience.
It urges viewers to
confront their own vulnerabilities, fostering a critical examination
of our dependency on interconnected systems and the importance of
building individual and communal resources.
Easter Eggs
Hidden in the Movie
While there have been many articles written about the hidden
messages in the movie, most of them miss the most important ones.
In my view, it is these
Easter eggs that push the movie into a good watch. There is no doubt
in my mind that these concealed communications had nothing to do
with the Obamas, who produced the film.
They were far more likely
put in by editors of the film...
The video above helped me identify the ingenious and intricately
concealed Easter eggs embedded in the movie, which illuminate the
imminent importance of trust as a pivotal element in the
catastrophic circumstances depicted in the movie.
Within this cryptic
storytelling, the vital role of trust during tumultuous times is
The narrative strategically implies that the values and structures
individuals build their lives upon might become obsolete overnight,
and it exposes the unfortunate reality that amidst turmoil, human
nature often leads to a disintegration of unity, where trust erodes,
and individuals tend to betray rather than help one another.
As such, the film unveils
the inherent vulnerabilities in human interactions.
At its core, the narrative hints at the unsettling reality that in a
crisis, human relationships will likely falter. This exposes
vulnerabilities as people, driven by instinct or desperation, might
betray one another, leaving the very essence of trust fractured in
the face of adversity.
The video above has a completely different take on Rose's character.
Her childlike
innocence amidst the chaos is a stark contrast, and her naiveté
serves as a lens through which we witness innocence amid the
turmoil, as she grapples with an unfamiliar situation.
Rose symbolizes a profound truth about trusting oneself - an
attribute that often wanes as individuals transition into
Her role as a
surrogate for all children becomes evident, offering a profound
lesson amid turbulent times.
Children, with their unwavering trust in themselves, can serve
as powerful role models and teachers in tumultuous moments.
Rose's innocence
mirrors this unwavering trust, highlighting a valuable lesson
lost in the journey to adulthood - a reminder to rekindle trust
in oneself, especially in times of uncertainty and upheaval.
Rose's obsession with watching the final episode of "Friends"
may also be symbolic of her desire for resolution, an answer to
the question,
"How does it
end?" which is something the viewers of "Leave the World
Behind" do not get.
Venturing Outside Your Home During the Initial Chaos
While the film may raise uncomfortable questions about media
manipulation and societal control, it also offers a beacon of hope:
the hope that by
acknowledging our vulnerabilities, fostering resilience, and
engaging in honest conversations, we can emerge from the shadows
of potential collapse more informed, adaptable and empowered.
I believe there is a very
real possibility that the scenario the movie depicts could happen.
Given everything we know,
it would be foolish to ignore this warning and be unprepared for a
disaster like this.
In case of a grid failure and infrastructure collapse, understanding
that chaos will prevail in the streets is crucial, and must inform
your decisions and preparations. And, the longer the grid failure
persists, the more severe the chaos will become
While lockdowns might not
be enforced, venturing outside of your property will be perilous.
Being able to stay sheltered at home will be paramount for safety,
considering the risks of harm or worse amidst the chaos. So,
preparation is key; identifying and acquiring essentials now, while
you still can, is crucial.
Two fundamental
necessities stand out:
Both are addressed in the
sections below.
Food Prepping
Most prepping advice is clueless about optimal health, and while
their suggestions of crackers and beans will keep you alive, it will
also worsen your health.
After careful analysis and reflection, I suggest you consider
stocking enough of the healthy provisions listed below to last you
for two to eight weeks, as they will improve your health.
If you are storing larger
quantities, it will be helpful to rotate your food items and eat the
oldest ones first.
Healthy Carbs
Consider stocking several pounds of fruit for each adult.
These items are
perishable and may only last up to two weeks. Fruit is, without
a doubt, the healthiest carbohydrate you can consume. Choose
your favorite fruits.
Bananas are less than
ideal because of their tendency to create higher tryptophan
levels. The fruits should be ripe and sweet; otherwise it is
best to avoid them.
You can store fruit juices in your freezer.
They are typically in
plastic bottles and if you freeze them the plastic expands and
will accommodate the extra volume, whereas if they are in glass
the container will break.
The best commercial
juice is the Evolution brand, as it is cold pressed and
unpasteurized. Uncle Matt's is one of the next best.
White rice stores well and is far better than brown rice, the
fibers of which don't digest well and therefore feed endotoxin-producing
bacteria in your gut.
It is not
unreasonable to store eight 20-pound bags of white rice as an
emergency source of calories for yourself, pets and your
It can be stored for
years as it is mostly pure carbohydrate with very little fat
that can go rancid and, unlike most all other grains, has
virtually no linoleic acid (LA).
In nature protein typically comes with fat, so I combined them.
You can easily store
a few months of meat in a freezer, but vegetarians will need
other options. Meats from ruminant animals (not chickens or
pigs) is typically very low in LA and are therefore the better
Also stock up on a
high-quality protein powder. Make sure you enjoy the taste. I
use our Collagen Complex Protein powder, which tastes great.
Eggs yolks are one of the finest nutrient dense foods on the
planet as they contain both choline and vitamin K2. I personally
consume six egg yolks a day from chickens I raise to have a very
low LA content.
I would caution
against consuming much of the egg whites long-term. If a crisis
catches you short of food, then it would be helpful to have the
extra protein from egg whites. Just be sure to cook them first.
It is best to consume your egg yolks raw, which can easily be
done by creating a smoothie or putting them in the white rice,
which turns to rice pudding if you add a sweetener.
There is compelling science to support that butter and ghee
should be considered essential because they contain odd-chain
saturated fats like pentadecanoic acid and heptadecanoic acid.
Both fats are
ultimately metabolized to succinic acid, which is an important
nutrient to keep the Krebs cycle moving smoothly.
You can also
drink milk for both fat and protein.
It is mostly water,
though, so it's less than ideal for long-term storage, as it
takes up so much space.
Shelf-Stable and Nonperishable Foods
You may also want to stock up on freeze-dried foods, which have
a shelf life of 25 years or more.
Other good long-term
storage options that do not require refrigeration include canned
salmon, canned cod livers, sardines in water (avoid ones
preserved in vegetable oil), powdered milk and whey and other
nutritional powders you can mix with water.
Ideally, you'll want to store food in a cool, dark place with
low humidity.
Bags of rice are best
stored in a sealed food-grade bucket with some oxygen absorbers.
Vacuum sealing food can also extend shelf life.
Fermented vegetables
are also easy to make and will allow you to store fresh veggies
(ideally from your own garden) for long periods of time.
Your favorite dried beans can also be a useful source of food as
they can be soaked in water and sprouted, and some can even be
consumed without cooking.
But experiment with
these before you just store them and aren't sure if they will
work for you.
for Preserving and Cooking Food
You can be highly confident that at some point you will not have
any electrical power for a few weeks.
There are two primary
survival needs for electricity and both are related to food. One
is preserving your food and the other is cooking it.
There are two options and for many it would be helpful to
consider both. One is solar and the other is a gas generator.
Neither of these solutions is cheap and can easily cost over
$1,000 to 10 times that, or more, depending on your needs.
A starting place to research your options would be Amazon, to
give you an idea of the more inexpensive options. 2
While solar roof panels would be ideal, if you are hooked up to
the grid and selling your electricity back to your utility,
which most people do, then you will be unable to use your solar
system during an outage as there are safety switches installed
in most systems that prevent them from turning on, as it could
put current into the system when repair technicians are working
on downed lines.
If you have a generator and enough fuel, you could likely pulse
it on and off to keep your refrigerator and freezer cold.
Ideally, you will
want to pair your generator with a battery storage solution like
the ones from Yeti. This is an example of a 3,000-watt model
that could run your freezer and fridge for 12 to 24 hours
depending on how big they are.
If you don't have a generator, then a small 12-volt
refrigerator 4 could be used. You could purchase solar panels for
about $1/watt of power and pair it with a battery so you can
store the energy.
You just need to determine how many watts you need for your
refrigerator and secure the appropriate size pane.
The refrigerator in
the example above requires about 50 watts per hour or 1200 watts
per day. A 250-watt solar panel should produce about 200 watts
per hour when the sun is shining.
If it is cloudy, you won't get much power, but it could
theoretically power the refrigerator depending on sunlight
availability. You can always purchase more panels for security.
The benefit of
sticking with a DC refrigerator is that the solar panel can
power that directly, and there is no need to use an expensive
inverter to convert the DC power from the solar panel to AC
Other options that will allow you to cook water and food during
a blackout include (but are not limited to) solar cookers, which
require neither electricity nor fire, small rocket stoves,
propane-powered camping stoves and 12-volt pots and pans that
you can plug into a backup battery.
You'll also want to secure a potable water source, as you can
survive far longer without food than you can without water.
An ideal system to
consider, especially if you also have a garden, is to install a
large cistern to collect rainwater.
Since I have a full acre of land that I grow food on, I have a
5,000-gallon cistern that collects rainwater from the gutters on
my roof. This serves to augment my irrigation system but is also
a large emergency source of water.
Another strategy is
to install a series of connected rain barrels to your gutters.
If you live next to a river or pond or have a swimming pool, you
may not need a cistern as you can simply filter the water from
them. I discuss this and other strategies in "How to Secure Your
Water Supply for Emergencies."
Also remember to stock up on means to purify less-than-ideal
water sources.
Examples include
water purification tablets or drops, and/or independent water
filtration systems that can filter out pathogens and other
impurities (meaning a filtration system that is not tied to the
tap in your home, in case pumps go down and you have no tap
Even a small survival water filtration system is better than
nothing, as drinking contaminated water can result in serious
illness and/or death. Having a rain barrel connected to your
gutter downspout is a good idea.
You can use it to
water your garden, and in a worst-case scenario, you have a
source of fresh water to drink, cook and take sponge baths in.
Be Prepared
"Leave the World Behind" reminds us that,
while societal
collapse may seem like a distant dystopian fantasy, a
little foresight and preparation can transform you from a
helpless victim into an empowered survivor...
Take inspiration from the
film to act with intention.
Build your own 'ark,'
hone your skills and cultivate a strong community...
By embracing
preparedness, you can face the uncertainties of the future with
resilience and hope.
You can take inspiration
from the film, not to live in fear, but to act with intention.
Build your own "ark,"
hone your skills and cultivate a strong community around you.
By embracing
preparedness, you can face the uncertainties of the future with
resilience and hope, leaving the world behind, not with panic,
but with the strength to navigate a new path forward.
I would encourage you to
do the mental exercise of imaging if the scenario depicted in the
film occurs.
The obvious plan is to do
everything you can to survive the two to four weeks during the
chaos. You will want to avoid traveling at all costs as there will
be a great risk in doing that.
So, let's make like a
be prepared, and get everything you need to hole up in your
home for this possibility.
If it happens you will never regret being
Sources and