by Mees Baaijen
February 28, 2024
ThePredatorsVersusThePeople Website
Spanish version
Italian version

Overview of the Book
Covid, millions of people understand one thing:
they've been fooled...!
Yet they are still wondering WHY all these
'strange things' could happen.
Many have already figured out that it's very
difficult to find the answer on the internet or in books. That's
because only a wide and deep analysis of global history can give us
the Big Picture of the past, as the necessary framework for a proper
understanding of what we go through today, and what we may expect to
Predators versus The People, a clear and engaging book
with a deep and independent analysis of history, explains why so
many strange things are happening now.
It's an honest, logical and no-nonsense narrative
of global history, counter to the false official version we've all
been spoon fed almost every day of our lives.
the book is split in two parts,
Globalism: The Real Story (Part A)
Globalism: 46
Highlights (Part B), a reference work with 46 brief essays on
crucial topics. Improvements and additions will be forthcoming...
The Real Story starts with an overview of early global history,
including the falsified scientific foundations of the origins of the
Universe, Life and Man.
It then focuses on the umpteenth attempt for the
domination of the world, this time by a Global Mafia
or Glafia...
This group of dynastic
banking families, not
bound to any nation, religion, race, or ethnicity, is here named The
Their Plot took shape around 1522 and was the
first based on the power of CAPITAL and DECEIT.
Now, five centuries later, it's nearing
completion with the
WEF's The Great Reset.
Based on a large body of converging evidence, a
good part from highly respected historians, this work provides the
burden of proof that the main global events in the last five
centuries were driven by these Predators.
From the start, Glafia has operated this enormous
project through proxies.
It made Europe's upcoming "sovereign" nation
states its first proxies, which it controlled via usurious central
banking and bribery (capital), and fake democracies (deceit).
These European proxy states were then tasked and financed to
colonize the "low-hanging fruit", the lands and people in the Third
Centuries afterwards, Glafia organized
their fake decolonization.
Eurasia's empires, the "high-hanging fruit", were the hardest nut to
crack. A large operation of wars, crises and revolutions was
prepared far in advance.
It became The Great 20th Century Slaughter
of Eurasia, with 200+ million deaths. All bogeymen in its many
protection rackets - communism and Hitler included - were set up by
Glafia's UK/US/Zionist proxies.
Yet, through deceit by treasonous academia and
media, Glafia's British and American inciters of The Great
Slaughter are still feted as the greatest liberators ever, while
Zionist proxies still pose as the greatest victims ever.
West was also used as an incubator for advanced science and
During a centuries long confidence game, Glafia corrupted and
captured all our 193 fake sovereign and fake democratic governments,
which are now acting as "traitors within the gates", with Covid as
proof of the totalitarian pudding.
With ALL LANDS under Glafia control, their aim for the 21st
century is to control ALL PEOPLE individually, via The
Great Reset / IVth Industrial Revolution, the End Game to
install their Global Digital Prison (with
CBDC, UBI, carbon budgets,
After earlier cycles of this domination project with Spain, Holland,
England, and the USA as Western hegemons, Glafia's new global leader
China and
Russia, both groomed since decades,
are now taking the baton over for the fifth cycle.
The current shift, the first from the West to the
East, is carried out under the cover of military and germ wars, and
a new "benevolent
multipolar world order", while the still deceived
and dormant West is being demolished.
The explosive revelations about the hundreds of millions of victims
in the ruthless Predator projects to colonize the globe, and in the
many horrendous wars, revolutions, crises, and other atrocities
which they staged and still carry out, are shocking.
But that isn't all:
their hidden spiritual war on "WE, the
People", an Endarkenment masked as the Enlightenment, alienated
humanity from Nature and the Universe, especially in the West...
That's why a rediscovery of the essence of life
is the revolution WE need.
Please save yourself the huge and confusing hassle of figuring it
all out on your own!
With the peace of mind which this book brings,
you can spend your time on helping to find ways to regain our stolen
planet, freedom and future.
The Predators versus The People - The Big Picture
by Mees Baaijen
February 28, 2024
World history: There are two world histories.
one is the official and full of lies,
destined to be taught in schools the other is the secret history, which harbors the true causes
and occurrences
Honoré de Balzac
(1799-1850), French writer
History is the lie commonly agreed upon. Voltaire
(1694-1778), French philosopher
The falsification of history has done more to mislead humans than any single thing known to mankind.
Jean Jacques Rousseau
(1712-1778), French
Nothing has changed since these words were written, over two
hundred years ago.
But after Covid, tens of millions of people
understand one thing:
they've been fooled...
Yet they are still
wondering WHY this could happen. Many have experienced that it's
very difficult to find the answer on the internet or in books.
That's because only a wide and deep analysis of global history
can give us the Big Picture of past events, necessary for a
proper understanding of what we go through today, and what we
may expect in the near future.
The problems of humanity derive in a good part
from a centuries old conspiracy, a secret war against humanity.