by A Lily Bit

April 23, 2024
from ALilyBit Website
Recovered through WayBackMachine Website



A Lily Bit
Former intelligence operative analyzing the "Great Reset," the "Fourth Industrial Revolution," propaganda, totalitarianism, current narratives, psychology, and history.
What matters now isn't storytelling; what matters is telling a true story well.








They need your Body,

your Suffering,

and your eventual Demise

to sustain their Empire of Greed...




Nearly every thought and action you undertake is diametrically opposed to your own best interests, yet many remain blissfully unaware.

This is no accident...


It is a carefully orchestrated plan designed to keep you in a state of perpetual servitude.

The state's insatiable hunger for control knows no bounds. It seeks to dominate every aspect of your existence - your mind, your body, and your very spirit.


And while it may be uncomfortable to acknowledge, the truth is that the state has largely succeeded in this endeavor.

Only a select few have managed to peek behind the curtain and comprehend the true extent of their mental and spiritual enslavement.

Your thoughts, those intimate whispers you believe to be your own, are nothing more than a carefully crafted illusion.


Nearly every notion that crosses your mind has been meticulously engineered to guide you towards the state's desired outcomes. You are a pawn in a game you don't even realize you're playing.

The public education system, a misnomer if ever there was one,

is little more than an indoctrination factory designed to strip children of their individuality and mold them into obedient cogs in the state's machine.

By the time a young adult emerges from this intellectual prison, their capacity for independent thought has been all but extinguished.

Higher education merely serves to reinforce this conditioning, sealing off any remaining avenues for critical inquiry. The very idea of questioning the narratives spoon-fed by the propaganda media and the ruling elite becomes anathema.

We have become a society of smug automatons, stumbling through a carefully curated landscape of organized confusion.


Our egos, once the very essence of our individuality, have been surgically removed, leaving us as little more than interchangeable components in the state's grand machinery.


We have been subsumed into the hive mind of groupthink, our every thought and action dictated by the whims of the collective.

And woe betide anyone who dares to deviate from this carefully constructed norm. Any attempt to assert one's individuality or challenge the status quo is met with swift and merciless retribution.


Even those closest to us - friends, family, neighbors - become unwitting enforcers of conformity, their hostility towards dissent serving as a reminder of the price of non-compliance.

In this oppressive system, we find ourselves ensnared by the shackles of conventional wisdom - a collection of faux history and carefully curated half-truths that are force-fed to us through the indoctrination camps we call schools and the propaganda machine known as the media.


This so-called wisdom is nothing more than a toxic cocktail of confusion and disinformation, designed to stifle any semblance of independent thought or critical inquiry.

Conventional wisdom acts as a mental straightjacket, constraining our thought processes and programming us to reflexively reject any information that dares to challenge our preconditioning.


This cognitive dissonance is a powerful weapon in the state's arsenal, ensuring that we remain docile and compliant even in the face of glaring contradictions and injustices.

The more one succumbs to formal education, the tighter the system's grip becomes.


The Powers That Be are relentless in their push for universal college education,

not because they value knowledge or personal growth, but because they understand that higher education is the ultimate tool for molding obedient subjects.

The halls of academia are little more than factories for producing unquestioning drones, ready to serve the interests of the ruling elite.

It takes a herculean effort to break free from the mental prison we have willingly entered, to erase the lies and half-truths that had been etched into our psyche.

Only through relentless inquiry and voracious reading are we able to escape the programmed maze that holds us captive.

But the journey is not without its costs:

the emotional and financial toll of confronting the conflicts and confusion inherent in the system is immense...

And if you thought your mind was the only thing under assault, think again.


From the moment a newborn takes its first breath, the state lays claim to its very body.


Vaccinations, those sacred cows of modern medicine, are administered to infants before they even leave the hospital, with parents eagerly consenting without so much as a second thought.

What exactly are they injecting into your children?


What long-term effects might these substances have?

These questions go unasked and unanswered, drowned out by the chorus of conventional wisdom that insists we must trust the experts, even as they experiment on our most vulnerable.

The insidious tentacles of the state's control over our bodies begin even before we take our first breath.

The push to vaccinate babies in the womb is a chilling reminder that from the moment of conception, we are viewed as little more than property to be manipulated and exploited.


The very day an infant is born, the state begins its relentless assault, pumping the child full of questionable substances, all under the guise of health and societal well-being.


By the time a child reaches adulthood, they may have been subjected to as many as 50 vaccinations, each one a calculated gamble with their long-term health and vitality.

The pharmaceutical behemoths, in collusion with the political establishment, have orchestrated this mass experimentation on the population, fueled by an insatiable hunger for profits.


Parents, conditioned by years of propaganda and fearmongering, eagerly offer up their children as sacrificial lambs, believing that they are acting in their best interests.

But the reality is far more sinister...!

Despite the efforts of knowledgeable individuals who recognize the inherent violation of medical freedom in compulsory vaccinations, the problem runs far deeper.


It strikes at the very heart of the system's survival, a system that demands an endless supply of compliant bodies to feed its rapacious appetite.

Enter the healthcare industry, a grotesque parody of compassion and healing that serves as little more than a pipeline for human suffering and profit.

Countless tests, procedures, and interventions are foisted upon the unsuspecting public, each one designed to line the pockets of the medical-industrial complex while slowly eroding the body's natural defenses.

The end result is a population mired in chronic illness and dependence, forever beholden to the very system that has stripped them of their vitality.

In this dystopian landscape, the concept of individual responsibility for one's health is not merely discouraged; it is actively suppressed.


The Powers That Be have meticulously engineered a society in which the very notion of self-care and autonomy is seen as radical and subversive.


They need your body, your suffering, and your eventual demise to sustain their empire of greed.

But the true horror lies in the realization that this is not merely a matter of profit, but of calculated population control.

The push for universal vaccinations, the dismantling of religious and philosophical exemptions, and the relentless expansion of the sickness care system are all part of a cold-blooded conspiracy to manipulate and cull the human herd.

As California goes, so goes the nation, and the rest of the world will inevitably follow.

To understand the depths of this depravity, one must first comprehend the true nature of the money system that rules our world. It is a system predicated on the creation of debt and the perpetual growth of consumption, a system that cannot tolerate a population that lives too long or consumes too little.


In the twisted logic of the establishment, population control is no longer an urgency; it is an imperative.

The creation of money (or more accurately, credit) is the exclusive domain of the central bank. In the United States, this power is wielded by the Federal Reserve (FED) and its network of member banks, an unholy alliance that has effectively hijacked the very lifeblood of our economy.


Through this monopoly on credit creation, the banking cartel siphons the wealth of nations, concentrating it in the hands of an elite few while leaving the masses to scrabble for the crumbs.

But this house of cards, built on a foundation of debt and perpetual growth, cannot stand without the scaffolding of regulation. In a cruel twist of irony, the very system that proclaims to champion free markets and individual liberty is, in fact, utterly dependent on the heavy hand of government intervention.


And in America, the land of the "free," we have regulation in spades, a suffocating web of rules and restrictions that permeates every aspect of our lives.

At the heart of this regulatory nightmare lies the insidious specter of population control.

The credit-based monetary system, a parasitic entity that feeds on the lifeblood of human labor and consumption, faces an existential threat as the population ages and the balance between producers and consumers tilts precariously.

As more and more individuals enter their golden years, drawing on the promises of welfare and social security, the flow of wealth begins to reverse, from the credit creators back to the non-producing masses.


This is a scenario that the Powers That Be cannot and will not abide.

And so, in a sickening display of benevolence, the state sets about devising ways to cull the herd, to ensure that the elderly and infirm do not become a burden on the system.


They may not resort to the overt brutality of "Logan's Run," disappearing citizens once they reach a certain age, but their methods are no less insidious.


From the mass medication of the population with mind-numbing drugs to the poisoning of our water supply with chloride, the assault on our health and vitality is relentless.

The true power to shape this world has always lain in your hands.

Choose well...!

But perhaps the most sinister weapon in their arsenal is the push for mass vaccinations.

Some will die outright, sacrificed on the altar of Big Pharma's profits, while others will be left disabled and dependent, their potential forever stunted.


But the true horror lies in the ticking time bomb of degenerative diseases, set to explode just as we reach retirement age, ensuring that we expire before we can become a drain on the system.

To break free from this matrix of control, we must be willing to confront the truth, no matter how shocking or incredulous it may seem to our conditioned minds.


Governments, the very entities we entrust with our protection and well-being, are little more than puppets, dancing to the tune of the financial elite.


They control the public mind with a steady stream of disinformation and confusion, knowing full well that their power would crumble in an instant if the people were ever to glimpse the reality behind the curtain.

And so, when the establishment news cries "fake news" and the masses, trapped in the throes of cognitive dissonance, dismiss these truths as mere "conspiracy theory," know that these are nothing more than the desperate tactics of a system fighting to maintain its stranglehold on humanity.


They are the code words of our enslavement, designed to keep us docile, compliant, and forever ignorant of the chains that bind us.