Technocracy Ascending
Part 3
Green Sustainable Slavery
February 5, 2025

As detailed in
Part 2 of "Technocracy Ascending," David
Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and the Trilateral
Commission achieved a great deal in moving the world toward a new
international economic order and global governance (i.e., a new
world order).
Brzezinski understood the decline of nation
states was a necessity for advancing a global order where the
private banking cabal and transnational corporations assumed
political dominance.
In his book
Between Two Ages - America's
Role in the Technetronic Era, Brzezinski stated that:
"The nation state as a fundamental unit of
man's organized life has ceased to be the principal creative
force: International banks and multinational corporations are
acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the
political concepts of the nation-state."
Technocracy Inc. was one of the early movements
campaigning for centralized control at the expense of democracy.
Though their initial aim was to transform the
North American continent into a scientific dictatorship, the
Rockefeller clan pushed these ideas globally.
Working through their vast, interwoven network of
corporate, academic, political, and philanthropic institutions, they
advanced the globalist mindset with
the United Nations (UN), often
energizing the ideas and formulating the strategies.
More on the UN's role will be discussed later.

Green Briar Picture Shows
While their agenda grew popular with elites of all stripes, they
needed a way to sell the scheme to the masses and accelerate the
groundswell for sweeping worldwide changes.
Like the original technocrats, they sought a
bloodless revolution and used fear and chicanery to usurp power.
Technocracy Inc. used the stock market crash of 1929 and resulting
Great Depression to recruit those fearing total economic collapse
into their camp.
"Technocracy... is being hailed as a solution
to an economic condition which now threatens to disrupt our
economic civilization... figures indicate that unless a vast
change is made in the political and economic system of this
country, we may soon face a collapse of our present social
structure, the downfall of currency, and utter chaos."
The Technocrats' Magazine, 1933
Decades later, the Rockefeller cabal turned to
environmentalism and the threat of planetary destruction to enlist
zealots fearing complete societal collapse.
In the
1969 Rockefeller Foundation report, they
boldly announced their claim, stating that:
"Man is now degrading his environment at a
terrifying rate.
The cumulative effects of advancing
technology, massive industrialization, urban concentration, and
population growth have all combined... not only to create
imminent danger to the quality of human life, but even to pose
threats to life itself."
Coopting a Grassroots Movement

Source: Adobe Stock
The Rockefeller coterie conspired to reshape the world and gain
greater control of its wealth, resources, and people under the guise
of saving the planet.
Their challenge involved getting the populace to
support the destruction of free market capitalism, nationalism, and
democratic principles without noticing the end goal:
establishment of a global dictatorship ruled by public-private
partnerships (PPP).
The method of choice to undo the global order was
none other than environmentalism.
Their brand of environmentalism differed greatly from the grassroots
movement spawned by indigenous and disenfranchised peoples that
campaigned against the poisoning of air, water, and land.
With 'good intentions', these activists stood
against nuclear fallout, harmful pesticides, pollution, and
destruction of natural habitats perpetrated by mega-corporations in
the energy, transportation, defense, and manufacturing industries.
To crush the grassroots effort directed against industry titans
(which accelerated after the 1970 Earth Day event in the U.S.),
Rockefeller-influenced environmentalists stealthily shifted the
blame for catastrophic ecological damage onto each individual...
They first sounded the alarm that an ice age was
soon to overtake the earth.
Later, they claimed that modern conveniences like
vehicle ownership and cheap energy powered by so-called fossil fuels
contributed to dangerous increases in the earth's temperature.
Over the past fifty years, they have cleverly
induced both individual and collective guilt, leading to attempts to
dial back gains achieved through industrialization and technological

Source: Boston Globe,
April 16, 1970
Rockefeller-captured institutions and governments agreed on a plan
to march the world toward technocracy by undoing the "man-made"
evils triggering global warming through a novel concept called
Sustainable Development.
The sustainability initiative was born in
conspiracy and continues through an endless series of research,
conferences, books, speeches, reports, propaganda, agreements,
treaties, legislation, and collusion within the public-private
While it is true that the literal term of "Sustainable Development"
was not coined by the original Technocrats, most would be jealous
that someone else beat them to it.
The fact of the matter is that Sustainable
Development is conceptually identical to Technocracy's "balanced
"In short, the heartbeat of Technocracy is
Sustainable Development. It calls for an engineered society
where the needs of mankind are in perfect balance with the
resources of nature."
– Wood, Patrick.
Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of
Global Transformation - (pp. 80-82).
M. King Hubbert was an original member of
Technocracy Inc. and a major contributor for the Technocracy Study
Course discussed in part 2.
Hubbert believed in peak oil theory and thought
that earth's resources and energy were finite and if exhausted or
destroyed, man would cease to exist.
Growth, growth, growth - that's all we've
World automobile production is doubling every
10 years; human population growth is like nothing that has
happened in all of geologic history.
The world will only tolerate so many
doublings of anything - whether it's power plants or
- M. King Hubbert, 1975

Marion King Hubbert,
Fair use
His theories would later lead to demands to transition the world to
a new "green" economy based on sustainability principles.
Engineering a
New Green Economy
Whether acknowledged or not, the counterfeit green movement adopted
Hubbert's ideas and called for a restructuring of the global
economy, altering the function of industries and individual
corporations to fit this new economic paradigm.
Seemingly out of nowhere, as Brzezinski noted,
the Rockefeller-financed shift to a "green economy" was sold to
environmental organizations like Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth,
and society as a whole under the guise of saving the planet,
preserving wildlife, and creating a more just world...
However, when the altruistic façade is removed,
it amounts to a technocratic takeover facilitated through a
gargantuan civil society network operating within local, state, and
national governments to upend democratic pillars.
The green scheme was designed to strip away individual freedom,
wealth, property, and resources.
In short,
the purpose of climate agenda policies
was to shift the world to "a more controlled and directed society"
as Brzezinski noted in Between Two Ages.
Technocracy - The Hard Road to World Order,
Patrick Wood later explained that the sustainable development
"is not about the environment but rather about economic
Wood's point can be seen in
Principle 8 of the 1992 Rio Declaration
at the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), where
it indicated:
"To achieve sustainable development and a
higher quality of life for all people, States should reduce and
eliminate unsustainable patterns of production and consumption
and promote appropriate demographic policies."

Source: "Towards a Green Economy,"
Environmental Programme (UNEP), 2011
By 2009, calls for a green economy rooted in technocratic concepts
began to permeate the universal political landscape.
In 2011, the UN Environmental Program (UNEP)
pushed the concept further, stating:
In its simplest expression, a green economy
is low-carbon, resource efficient, and socially inclusive.
In a green economy, growth in income and
employment are driven by public and private investments that
reduce carbon emissions and pollution, enhance energy and
resource efficiency, and prevent the loss of biodiversity and
ecosystem services."
– "Towards a Green Economy," UN Environmental Program (UNEP), 2011, p. 16
Technocrats relish efficiency often at the
expense of human freedom, dignity, and prosperity.
Despite the fluffy UN jargon, the green economy
is designed to punish wealthy nations by deliberately lowering
living standards. Theoretically, the shift would help poorer nations
advance economically.
However, those in impoverished nations rarely
benefit as wealth has continued to shift upward, benefitting the top
one percent.
As of 2024,
Investopedia noted that,
"there are 2,781 billionaires in the world
with a cumulative wealth valued at $14.2 trillion."
The green economy has nothing to do with the
environment, it is simply a wealth redistribution scheme where the
poor and middle classes in all nations are fleeced by multinational
corporations and private banks.
This fact has even been acknowledged by a former
working group co-chair of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC), who stated:
First of all, developed countries have
basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community.
But one must say clearly that we redistribute
de facto the world's wealth by climate policy... One has to free
oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is
environmental policy.
This has almost nothing to do with
environmental policy anymore, with problems such as
deforestation or the ozone hole".
Ottmar Edenhofer, Co-chair, UN IPCC, 2010
Financing and Controlling the
Global Technocratic Shift
The Rockefeller foray into environmentalism was a multi-pronged
attack aimed at subverting the goals of environmentalists wanting to
protect the planet from being dumping grounds for disease-causing
toxic waste.
Largely unbeknownst by the public, they poured
millions of dollars into research, opinion and policy shaping, and
From this flurry of activity, a new ideology was
born proclaiming that mankind itself, through mere existence, was
responsible for planetary degradation - not greedy, irresponsible,
and corrupt corporations.
In addition to previously noted organizations such as the Council
on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Bilderberg Group, Rockefeller
family members created and/or funded the,
Each of these deeply interrelated organizations
plays a key role in pushing
Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW),
the theory that human activity in industry and agriculture causes
the earth's temperature to rise due to increases in greenhouse gases
such as
carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane.
This ideology was further cemented into the minds of men in
First Global Revolution - A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome
published in 1991.
Under the heading "The Common Enemy of Humanity
is Man," it states:
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we
came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global
warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the
All these dangers are caused by human
intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and
behavior that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then is humanity itself".
(p. 115)
Through their philanthropic and venture capital
arms including,
the Rockefeller Foundation (1913)
Rockefeller Brothers Fund (1940)
Rockefeller Family Fund
Rockefeller Philanthropic Advisors Inc (1991)
...they contributed (at least) hundreds of
millions to dozens of environmental organizations.
Some of the most prominent included the,
Tides Foundation, World Resources Institute,
Worldwatch Institute, Wildlife Conservation Society, National
Resources Defense Council, Alliance for Climate Protection,
Environmental Defense Fund, National Resource Defense Council,
Sierra Club, and Union of Concerned Scientists...
Through a 1974 Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF)
grant leading to the creation of the
Worldwatch Institute (whose
mission was to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world),
the Rockefellers extended
their goals,
"beyond traditional stewardship and
conservation to predicting and ameliorating environmental
This was largely accomplished through the
publication of Worldwatch's
State of the World doomsday reports
issued from 1984 to 2017, where they attempted to identify the
world's most pressing environmental challenges.
Through their
Quality of the Environment program also launched in
1974, the Rockefellers helped pioneer climate research at U.S.
universities such as the University of Michigan, University of
California at Davis, Pennsylvania State University, and Utah State
They also played a key role in convening early
climate conferences.
Through foundation Fellowships in Environmental
Affairs, they supported researchers who were instrumental in forging
the alleged scientific consensus on man-made global warming.
Those who opposed the theory often had their
careers and lives destroyed by deliberate sidelining, censorship,
and cancellation of grants and other funding.
The technocratic climate agenda steadily advanced through these NGOs
operating in clandestine unison, but it took another Rockefeller
minion to propel the faux climate crisis to the forefront as the
most pertinent issue facing the world.
His name was Maurice Strong.
Maurice Strong - The Green Apostle
I knew that what was said to be driven from
the bottom up, from the grassroots, was actually being driven
from the top down.
I had come to this conclusion by following
the interconnections among the NGOs active on the Agenda. Many
of the NGOs shaping this environment debate were connected, like
pearls on a thread.
A central figure in all of these
organizations was Maurice Strong, the secretary general of the
Rio Summit.'"
– Dewar, Elaine,
Cloak of Green, James Lorimer
& Company, 1995, p. 251
High school dropout Maurice Strong was
born into a poor family in Manitoba, Canada in 1929.
At age 18, he met UN treasurer Noah Monod
and stayed with him for a brief time in New York City. Monod helped
Strong get a job at the UN as a junior officer in the Security
During his time in New York, Monod also
introduced him to David Rockefeller and Strong soon became a
By his late 20s, he became a multi-millionaire
from employment in the oil industry and went on to have one of the
most extraordinary business and political careers of all time.

Maurice Strong
at the High
Level Dialogue on Global Sustainability.
Source: Sergio
Greif, Stockholm Environmental Institute,
Strong was a Rockefeller (and
Rothschild) made man through and
In addition to his connection to David, Strong
also forged close relationships with his brother Laurance and Steven
Rockefeller, grandson of former U.S. Vice President Nelson
Laurance, the third son of John D. Rockefeller Jr., is most
remembered as a devout conservationist.
He served as a longtime trustee, president, and
chairman of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF). He was also a
member of the CFR, Trilaterals, and Bilderbergs, which Strong was
also connected to.
Laurance was a founding member and trustee of The
Conservation Foundation established in 1947.
In 1985 the organization became affiliated with
the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) started by transhumanist and
eugenicist Julian Huxley, and fully merged with it in 1990.
Strong, a lifetime affiliate, served as the WWF's
Vice President in 1977, serving under Prince Philip, who once
said that if he were reincarnated,
he wished,
"to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to
lower human population levels."

The Rio meeting was organized by
the UN,
with Maurice
Strong as his Secretary General.
It was
attended by 172 countries, including
108 Heads of
State and Government, as well as
representatives of non-governmental organizations.
Strong came to know Steven Rockefeller as a member of the Earth
Charter initiative, which Strong created as part of the Earth
Council during his stint as Secretary General of the Rio Earth
Summit in 1992.
Highlighting Strong's work in advancing the
global environmental agenda, Steven
In the mid-1980s, he became a member of the
World Commission on Environment and Development.
The Commission's report, Our Common Future,
put the concept of sustainable development on the international
agenda, and it included a recommendation that a new universal
declaration or charter be drafted with the ethical imperatives
and basic principles to guide a worldwide transition to a
sustainable future...".
Former Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev,
staunch globalist and founder of
The Gorbachev Foundation and
Green Cross International, was an instrumental partner in drafting
the charter.
It was launched in 2000 with the support of
hundreds of organizations and thousands of individuals.
The document served as the building blocks for
constructing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted in
2015 as part of the
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Furthering his partnerships with shadowy banking elites, Strong
collaborated with Edmund de Rothschild in creating the
Conservation Bank, which later became the Global Environment
Facility (GEF).
Since its inception in 1991, the GEF has,
"provided more than $26 billion in financing and mobilized $149
billion for country-driven priority projects relating to climate
change, biodiversity loss, and pollution."
Strong also has deep connections to
Klaus Schwab and the
World Economic Forum (WEF), serving a long tenure as its
Schwab, himself a protégé of both
Rockefeller and
Henry Kissinger (video), also credited Strong as
a major influence,
"He was my mentor since the creation of the
Forum: a great friend; an indispensable advisor; and, for many
years, a member of our Foundation Board.
Without him, the Forum
would not have achieved its present significance."
As founder and current co-chairman of the WEF,
Schwab is recognized as the architect of globalist ideas like
Stakeholder Capitalism, the Great Reset, and the Fourth Industrial
In 2019, the WEF launched a strategic partnership
with the UN to accelerate adoption and funding for
Agenda 2030 which
spawned from Strong's leadership as a member of the Brundtland
Commission, head of the 1992 Rio climate conference, and role in
Agenda 21, its precursor.

UN and WEF Sign MOU
on Strategic
Partnership Framework
for 2030
Source: UN
Photo/Manuel Elías
Strong was the key figure spearheading the international
environmental movement from the early 1970s until his passing in
As the preeminent mouthpiece of global green
technocrats, he advocated for the collapse of nation states,
lowering the living standards of rich countries, and
Malthusian-influenced population reduction to "save the planet."
In the 1992 essay "Stockholm to Rio
- A Journey Down a Generation,"
published by the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED),
Strong suggested that nations would have to surrender sovereignty to
global dictates, saying:
"The concept of national sovereignty has been
an immutable, indeed sacred, principle of international
It is a principle which will yield only
slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global
environmental cooperation. It is simply not feasible for
sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation
states, however powerful.
The global community must be assured of
environmental security".
Two years earlier, Strong gave
an interview where
he described a "fiction book" he desired to write, asking:
"Isn't the only hope for the planet that the
industrialized civilizations collapse?
Isn't it our responsibility to bring that
Interview in West Magazine, 1990
He reiterated the need for international degrowth
in a September 1, 1997 edition of
National Review magazine,
"If we don't change, our species will not
survive... Frankly, we may get to the point where the only way
of saving the world will be for industrial civilization to
While serving as Secretary General of the Earth
Summit, he
commented that:
"...current lifestyles and consumption
patterns of the affluent middle class, involving high meat
intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience
foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and workplace
air-conditioning, and suburban housing, are not sustainable."
Regarding population control, Strong is
with saying:
"Either we reduce the world's population
voluntarily or nature will do this for us, but brutally."
He was able to spread his green gospel while
holding key positions in a laundry list of organizations including,
...and many more.
By now it should be obvious that Strong was a part of a powerful
machine advancing an agenda that has deeply affected billions of
His relations with globalist organizations like
UN, WWF, and Club of Rome solidify his place atop the throne of
those pushing the global environmental scheme.
The Club of Rome and the "World
"The Earth has cancer and the cancer is Man."
– The Club of Rome, 1974
Strong was also an influential figure within the
Club of Rome, the organization owing its existence to co-founders
Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King in 1968, along with
funding from the Rockefellers.
The Club brought together an assembly of
bureaucrats, scientists, and business leaders with Rockefeller,
Rothschild, and Soros connections.

Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King,
Wikimedia Commons
In the early days, members discussed their plans at David
Rockefeller's estate in Bellagio, Italy.
Peccei, King, and Prime Minister Pierre
Trudeau would later co-establish the Canadian Association for
the Club of Rome (CACOR) in the early 1970's followed by
associations in many countries worldwide
including the U.S.
The Club of Rome posited that societal collapse was imminent due to,
"a cluster of intertwined global problems, be
they economic, environmental, political or social," defining
them as the "World Problematique."
Their proposed solutions to man's role in
destroying the environment was dubbed the "World Resolutique."
Many of their recommendations derived from MIT
computer models (prone to human error and bias) as discussed in The
Limits to Growth report of 1972 and 1977's
Goals for Mankind.
Interdependence, population reduction, and a new global economic
system were common themes in Club reports and publications.
would reappear in myriad publications, speeches, papers, articles,
books, and meeting agendas.
Consider the following excerpts from both the
first and second reports to the Club as common examples:
"The Limits to Growth.
If the present growth trends in world
population, industrialization, pollution, food production, and
resource depletion continue unchanged, the limits to growth on
this planet will be reached sometime within the next one hundred
The most probable result will be a rather
sudden and uncontrollable decline in both population and
industrial capacity.
Without such a goal and a commitment to it, short-term concerns
will generate the exponential growth that drives the world
system toward the limits of the earth and ultimate collapse.
With that goal and that commitment, mankind
would be ready now to begin a controlled, orderly transition
from growth to global equilibrium."
The Limits to Growth, 1972, pp. 23, 184.
The transition from the present undifferentiated
and unbalanced world growth to organic growth will lead to the
creation of a new mankind.
Now is the time to draw up a master plan for organic sustainable
growth and world development based on global allocation of all
finite resources and a new global economic system.
Ten or 20 years from today it will probably be
too late...
"A world consciousness must be developed
through which every individual realizes his role as a member of
the world community...
It must become part of the consciousness of
every individual that "the basic unit of human cooperation and
hence survival is moving from the national to the global level."
Mankind at the Turning Point - The
Second Report to the Club of Rome, 1974. pp. 9, 69, 154.
In 1995, the UNEP echoed these ideas in its
Global Biodiversity Assessment,
The problems associated with population
growth and distribution and loss of biodiversity are reaching
critical proportions in many parts of the world... population
increases are likely to lead to higher deforestation,
degradation of land and loss of biodiversity...
A reasonable estimate for an industrialized
world society at the present North American material standard of
living would be one billion.
At the more frugal European standard of
living, 2-3 billion would be possible".
(p. 773)
The Club of Rome has continued to produce
doomsday literature promoting global governance and a new economic
structure throughout their history.
A small sampling of their many publications
Beyond The Limits to Growth (1989)
Globalization and Culture (2000)
Humanity At the Crossroads (2001)
World Economic and Environmental Order
Globalization, Governance and Sustainable
Development (2002)
A New World Order Without Ideologies
Sustainable Development and Governance
Globalization And Civil Society (2005)
Rethinking Civilization (2006)
Towards A Global Ethic (2006)
In 2017,
Dennis Meadows, co-author of the
Limits to Growth report, argued that most of the world's population
must be wiped out if the rest were to maintain a high standard of
living, saying:
"If we have a very strong dictatorship which
is smart ... and [people have] a low standard of living...
But we want to have freedom and we want to
have a high standard of living so we're going to have a billion
people. And we're now at seven, so we have to get back down."
The Club's methodical work over the decades has
led to many of the policies and technologies now being thrust upon
society presumably "for the common good."
Agenda 21 + Agenda 2030 = Global
The applied doctrines of Agenda 21,
Sustainable Development and the energy Smart Grid that have
resulted from Trilateral interactions testify to their
ideological grounding in historic Technocracy."
– Wood, Patrick.
Technocracy Rising: The
Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, 2014. Convergent
Publishing. Kindle Edition, (p. 44).
Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require
a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything
the world has ever experienced - a major shift in the priorities
of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented
redeployment of human and financial resources.
This shift will demand that a concern for the
environmental consequences of every human action be integrated
into individual and collective decision-making at every level".
The plan put in place by men like Maurice Strong
and organizations like the UN and Club of Rome to completely
restructure the world is unprecedented in scope.
Similar plans originating with Technocracy Inc.
in the 1930s were often criticized and rejected.
However, the Rockefeller-influenced ideologies of
man-made climate change, global governance, and a new international
economic structure won over many who might have resisted these ideas
in the past.
If all their plans are successfully implemented,
individual rights and national sovereignty will be annihilated.
Since its inception, many have tried to describe Agenda 21, but the
best definition comes from the late Rosa Koire, author of
Behind the Green Mask.
Koire's book is a must read for a detailed
understanding of how Agenda 21 is implemented in local communities.
While peering behind the green mask, she defined
the agenda as follows:
"UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the
action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all
land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all
construction, all means of production, all energy, all
education, all information, and all human beings in the world.
In less than fifty words,
Koire perfectly penned
the nightmare that is Agenda 21...!
Despite the noble pretense, it's simply an
all-encompassing plan to control every aspect of human life and
nature from cradle to the grave.
It is the global extension of the "scientific
control of all social functions" as described by early technocrats.
To many, what's transpiring on the world stage resembles fascism -
to others communism - and to some, socialism.
But the ring that rules them all is technocracy.
Agenda 2030 is the overarching plan to implement what began in
Agenda 21.
Its goal is to have all mechanisms of societal
transformation and control in place by the year 2030.
It is the
ultimate bait and switch designed to dupe humans into voluntarily
giving up their rights to save the planet from climate-related
disasters, though predictions of doom never materialize.
Sustainable Development ideologues have created a
de-facto religion surmising that the earth is dying, natural
resources will soon become extinct, and there are way too many
people living.
These factors have increased CO2 in the
atmosphere from all the breathing, farting, and farming causing the
earth's climate to be out of whack, spelling doom for us all...
See how this all works now?
Now that the green mask has been completely removed, the "worldwide
inventory and control" plan Koire mentioned should be evident.
It is
you and I that need to be reined in to save the planet.
We are the
CO2 emitters that need to be controlled and, if possible,
As I've
stated previously:
Today's climate crusade is not a grassroots,
bottom-up movement. It's a top-down initiative seeking to
redistribute wealth upwards and privatize
all biodiversity and
natural resources.
Its real goal is captured in the infamous
'You will own nothing and be happy'...
The good news is that many are now seeing through
the mask of the environmental movement and are aggressively
However, today's technocrats have stepped up
their efforts to seize control and are actively embedding themselves
in every facet of society, including government.
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