Technocracy Ascending
Part 2
Trust Me, I'm a Technocrat
December 17, 2024

Part 1 of this series detailed a brief history of the movement
started by Technocracy Inc. in the 1930s to completely transform
North America into a scientific dictatorship.
Their vision of a technocratic regime required
all industry, resources, and governance be managed by scientists,
engineers, and technicians.
Today, many aspects of their original plans are being executed
through intentional collaboration between,
...with power continually shifting toward
present-day tech titans.
The questions this installment seeks to answer
who authorized today's technocrats to act
in humanity's interest?
what is their overarching world view?
what are they hoping to accomplish?

By San Francisco Examiner -
Public Domain,
Though they would argue, technocratic governments trend toward
elitist rule.
How could they not since technocracy's core
tenet posits that only the best and brightest (and often
wealthiest) in STEM-related fields are fit to run society?
Technocrats are averse to all political
systems, believing they alone possess the knowledge and skill
required to achieve the "common good" in all societies.
Nevertheless, they often work behind the scenes
within all forms of government to achieve their means.
While promising equality, their rule can
be more accurately described as a technical oligarchy,
hence the need for extreme caution.
Such an organization has no precedence in any
of the political forms.
It is neither a democracy, an aristocracy, a
plutocracy, a dictatorship, nor any of the other familiar
political forms, all of which are completely inadequate and
incompetent to handle the job.
It is, instead, a Technocracy, being built
along the technological lines of the job in hand."
Technocracy Study Course, 1934.
Early technocrats recognized that the world was
trending toward greater levels of technological advancement.
As a result, most would become dependent on these
innovations for essential needs.
In the present, as contrasted with the past,
the great majority of the population is in a position of
absolute dependence upon the uninterrupted operation of a
technological mechanism."
Technocracy Study Course, 1934. p. 211
Technocrats thought the best way to provide goods
and services was to commandeer the equipment needed to produce basic
They created a system where equal distribution of
goods and services would be fostered by substituting money for
energy costs.
To fully institute this radical transformation,
technocrats needed ownership and oversight of the railways, power
plants, telecommunications systems, factories, farms, etc.
This system was described fully in the
Technocracy Study Course published
in 1934.
The end products to be attained were:
a high physical standard of living
a high standard of public health
a minimum of unnecessary labor
a minimum of wastage of
non-replaceable resources
an educational system to train the
entire younger generation indiscriminately as regards
all considerations other than inherent ability - a
Continental system of human conditioning...
As touched on previously, technocrats believed
the "price-based" economic system would crash and burn, leaving a
trail of disaster in its wake.
They viewed the Great Depression as
proof of capitalism's imminent demise.
With full confidence in their plans to reengineer
the (North American) continent, they boasted that:
"Technocracy will not perish.
After the inevitable collapse of our
stupendous financial and political structure, after the many
palliatives have been tried and have failed, it will still
Technocracy is the one workable answer to the
frightening dilemma in which we find ourselves."
Technocracy in Plain Terms, p.
Some of the initial plans of Technocracy Inc. in
the 1930s have been adopted well beyond North American borders and
gone through several iterations before arriving at what we are
Many of their boasts have been proven accurate
and threaten to plunge the world into a neo-feudal state
worse than anything that has preceded.
Why is Trust Shifting Towards
"Technocracy becomes a form of salvation
after societies realize that democracy doesn't guarantee
national success.
Democracy eventually gets sick of itself and
votes for technocracy."
Parag Khanna,
Technocracy in America: The
Rise of the Info State, 2017, p. 21
Technocracy (the system) and
technology (the tools) are the hand and glove of the new order being
established across the planet.
Throughout the world, politicians and leaders are
summoning the help of technocrats to help fix broken economies and
Technocracy has previously taken root in or is currently being
advocated for in countries such as,
the United Kingdom, Canada, China, Italy,
India, Singapore, Lebanon, France, Pakistan, Indonesia, Mexico,
Sudan, Tunisia, Ghana, and Nigeria,
...among several others.
Hamas and Fatah have
agreed to install a technocratic government to manage the Gaza Strip
after warfare has ceased.
Technocrats in the Caribbean nation of
Saint Lucia are collaborating with German officials to
secure funding for damages resulting from the so-called
climate change 'crisis'...
Technocrats in Iran have advocated
for the end of hostilities with the United States, believing they
can collaborate with the incoming Trump administration, who
has also surrounded himself with technocrats for his second term.

Illustration appearing in a 1933
of The
Technocrat magazine titled
"Technocracy A
Bloodless Revolution"
Pew Research conducted two recent surveys indicating that
satisfaction with democratic governments is
declining among wealthy nations
with more people
critical of their effectiveness.
In addition, Pew has also confirmed
public attitudes are becoming
increasingly favorable to technocratic regimes citing that,
"Majorities in two-thirds of the (twenty
four) countries surveyed say this would be a good way to
Pew added that,
"Since 2017, the number of technocracy
supporters has gone up in most of the countries surveyed."
"Technocracy starts out with the facts at hand which indicate
what the next most probable state of society will be, and
whether that state will be desirable from the standpoint of
people's opinions or not, has nothing to do with the question.
However, and fortunately, it all seems to be
highly desirable, even to the most skeptical."
Technocracy in Plain Terms, p.
If surveys are reliable indicators, public trust
has seemingly shifted from democratic governments to trust in
CEOs, tech wizards, and scientific scholars.
But is the nature of this shift an organic
occurrence or something that's been carefully manufactured?
Trust in Technocratic Saviors
One of the main purposes for this series is to show that technocracy
is not a new concept and didn't just arrive on the scene with
familiar names such as
Elon Musk and Peter Thiel.
Despite the seemingly 'noble' intentions
of early technocrats, humans lusting for money and power have a way
of pouncing on fresh ideas that can expedite their plans.
Theorizing that the world was in a transition to a New Fourth Era,
the late
Zbigniew Brzezinski anticipated
in 1970 that:
Another threat... confronts liberal
More directly linked to the impact of
technology, it involves the gradual appearance of a more
controlled and directed society.
Such a society would be dominated by an
elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedly
superior scientific know-how.
Unhindered by the restraints of traditional
liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its
political ends by using the latest modern techniques for
influencing public behavior and keeping society under close
surveillance and control".
Brzezinski, Zbigniew.
Between Two Ages - America's
Role in the Technetronic Era
Viking Press, 1970, pp.
In a
prior article written for
Encounter, a British literary
magazine secretly funded by the CIA to promote American foreign
policy agendas, Brzezinski wrote:
"In the technetronic society the trend would
seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of
millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of
magnetic and attractive personalities exploiting the latest
communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control
(p. 19)
"At the same time, the capacity to assert social and political
control over the individual will vastly increase".
"Power will gravitate into the hands of those who control the
information and can correlate it most rapidly.
Our existing post-crisis management
institutions will probably be increasingly supplanted by
pre-crisis management institutions, the task of which will be to
identify in advance likely social crises and to develop programs
to cope with them.
This could encourage tendencies during the
next several decades towards a technocratic dictatorship,
leaving less and less room for political procedures as we now
know them".
Brzezinski wasn't just some prescient academic,
but an active member of a secret cabal working to bring his
prophecies to fruition.
If you simply substitute the term "technetronic"
for technocracy, it all becomes clear.
Consider the similarities between Brzezinski's
statements and those of Technocracy Inc.
"Technocracy is the science of social
The Technocrat, 1937, p. 3
"Technocracy does not concern itself with human emotions or
antagonisms, or political dogmas or beliefs... Technocracy
stands for reconstruction and a new form of control..."
Technocracy in Plain Terms, p.
"If the people of North America - the rich as well as the poor,
as none are immune - are to escape the stark horror of famine
and barbarism which may follow this crash, Technocracy will have
to save them.
Only Technocracy can do it - Technocracy, the
scientific control of all social functions."
Technocracy in Plain Terms, p. 6
"All scientific indicators point to the probability that the
next social state shall be a Technocracy."
Wilton Ivie,
The Technocrat, December 1964,
p. 5
The world Brzezinski described has almost fully
arrived, but increasingly positive attitudes toward technocracy do
not reflect a grass-roots phenomenon.
Mindsets are being deliberately engineered to
produce a new form of social control, as both Brzezinski and early
Technocrats explained.
Emotions are being manipulated and
reason is being controlled to crush traditional values
and beliefs under the boot of an elite agenda stealthily taking hold
of governments and industries.
The (purposely arranged) chaos plaguing the world
has opened the door for technocrats offering solutions to achieve
fiscal stability, social cohesion, and comfort and ease in a
high-tech utopia.
Many are taking the bait...
If asked who authorized them to enact such broad and revolutionary
changes, most technocrats would answer that you and I did.
Though you may vehemently oppose their agenda,
your consent is implicit through the gaggle of government and NGO
representatives acting on your behalf.
The world view of technocrats puts them at the
top of society, functioning as owners and operators while paying lip
service to ideas like democracy, equality, and justice.
The game has been rigged and many have been
seduced into cheering for the "fixers," ignorant of the real plans
to create a more controlled and surveilled society, just as
Brzezinski foresaw in Between Two Ages:
" will soon be possible to assert almost
continuous surveillance over every citizen and to maintain
up-to-date, complete files, containing even most personal
information about the health or personal behavior of the
citizen, in addition to more customary data.
These files will be subject to instantaneous
retrieval by the authorities".
How Technocrats Pulled Off a
Silent Coup

Own work, CC0,
Technocracy's end game was already revealed
in Part 1.
Future installments will detail current plans
designed to bring us to this stage. But before discussing the
present situation, a continued analysis of the past is in order.
Brzezinski was a professor at Columbia University, a school with
deep connections to the Rockefeller dynasty and a launching pad for
their foray into pharmaceuticals and allopathic medicine.
In a curious connection, Technocracy Inc. was
also established at Columbia University's School of Engineering in
1931 by founders Howard Scott and Walter Rautenstrauch.
Technocracy may have begun on a college campus in
New York City, but it began to spread rapidly even after its heyday
in the 1930s-40s when it boasted half a million members.
As a Rockefeller protιgι, Brzezinski helped
David Rockefeller, CEO and
chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank (now JP Morgan Chase and branch of
the Rothschild banking cartel), establish the
Trilateral Commission in 1973.
The Trilaterals sought to create a "New
International Economic Order" with greater collaboration between the
U.S., Europe, and Asia.
This collaboration served to benefit the
Rockefellers and their wealthy clique through the adoption of
favorable policies and agreements.
It broadened global trade and created conditions
allowing the techno-oligarchs to exploit the abundant natural
resources of territories once inaccessible.

President Jimmy Carter
and Zbigniew
aboard Air
Force One
The Trilateral Commission achieved a silent coup with the
Carter administration of the late 1970s.
President Carter, Vice President Walter
Mondale, and Brzezinski serving as National Security
Advisor were all members, but the penetration went much deeper.
As of 25 December 1976, therefore, there were
nineteen commissioners, including Carter and Mondale, holding
tremendous political power.
These presidential appointees represented
almost one-third of the Trilateral Commission members from the
United States."
Sutton, Anthony and Wood, Patrick,
Trilaterals Over Washington
1978, The August
Corporation, p. 2
The Rockefellers were fierce advocates for world
government and instrumental in founding
the United Nations to achieve that
purpose after their initial plan for a League of Nations
In addition to their Standard Oil dynasty, the
Rockefellers influenced public health through a
long time partnership with the
World Health Organization (WHO).
Through the Rockefeller Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund,
Rockefeller Family Fund, and Rockefeller Philanthropy
Advisors they have financed scores of NGOs, universities, and
businesses extending their influence around the world.
They were also instrumental in the creation,
funding, and/or leadership of elitist organizations like the Council
on Foreign Relations (CFR),
Bilderberg Group, and
The Club of Rome pushing ideologies
such as,
...while meeting in secret...

David Rockefeller.
Credit: Digital
Commons @ RU
Regarding his role in advocating for world government, David
once stated:
"But [today] the world is more sophisticated
and prepared to march towards a world government."
1991 speech at Bilderberg meeting in Berlin
Confirming his complicity in attempting to form a
world government, he wrote in his
"Some even believe we (the Rockefeller
family) are... conspiring with others around the world to build
a more integrated global political and economic structure - one
world, if you will.
If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I
am proud of it."
Affirming the alignment with technocratic goals,
Brzezinski wrote:
"Technological developments make it certain
that modern society will require more and more planning.
Deliberate management of the American future
will become widespread, with the planner eventually displacing
the lawyer as the key social legislator and manipulator...
How to combine social planning with personal
freedom is already emerging as the key dilemma of technetronic
Between Two Ages: America's Role in the
Technetronic Era, p. 260
The Rockefellers and their minions
were not alone in these pursuits as the wealthy titans of the late
19th and early 20th centuries joined them in
creating other philanthropic institutions like the Ford and Carnegie
However, their altruism was just a guise to
obtain greater power and influence.
The major philanthropic foundations created
by America's 'robber baron' industrialists and bankers were
established not to benefit mankind, as was their stated purpose,
but to benefit the bankers and industrialist elites in order to
engage in social engineering.
Through banks, these powerful
families controlled the global economy
Through think tanks, they manage the
political and foreign policy establishments
Through foundations, they engineer
society itself according to their own designs and
Andrew Gavin Marshall

is hip to the globalist's game.
At the
2023 Annual Trilateral Commission meeting
in which an unnamed speaker declared 2023 to be "year one of this
new global order," attendees asked
ChatGPT to create a poem about the
The following is one of the entries:
"In secret meetings, you plan and conspire,
To create a new order, of which you aspire.
Your goals are unclear, but some see the end,
As a world government, with you as its friend."
Technocracy Ascending - A Fait

Cover of a 1933 edition of
The Technocrat
Is technocratic governance a fait accompli too powerful to resist?
As previously established, technocracy is all
about control. Control of resources, government, economies, goods
and services, data, and people.
Proponents do not hesitate to,
They justify strict control and pervasive
surveillance as methods to quell civil unrest as societal conditions
continue to deteriorate.
Until a critical mass of people are both aware of
and actively resistant to the technocratic agenda it may continue
largely unabated, but it is far from an undefeatable foe.
Many technocrats view themselves as
saviors and authorized themselves to fix the myriad problems
humanity faces.
Believing they are possessors of the "one
workable answer," they're attempting to fashion a world
unaffected by the capriciousness of the human condition.
They despise spontaneity and unexpected
outcomes, instead preferring a scientific, fact-based worldview
that reduces inconsistencies and variables that occur with
current governance models.
Their solutions depend on the expanded and
efficient use of snake oil digital technology and data and the overt
or implicit consent of the people.
Technocratic intervention in society has often been a
short-lived experiment, much to the chagrin of the utopian
hopium brokers.
To remedy this,
a more comprehensive long-term plan was
devised, merging technocracy and environmentalism
to accelerate the shift of global wealth and societal control
This global movement threatens to upend all of
society ‘by
the year 2030...!
to Contents