by A Lily Bit
September 11, 2024
from ALilyBit Website

The UN's

New "Pact for the Future"

and its echoes

of Past Elitist Plans...

The latest iteration of the Pact for the Future, unveiled on August 27th, bears an uncanny resemblance to the "recommended environmental governance actions" peddled by the Global Challenges Foundation.


This is hardly a coincidence, given the Foundation's penchant for promoting a brand of sustainability that serves the interests of the powerful at the expense of the marginalized.

The Pact, slated for adoption at the Summit of the Future on September 22nd, is a masterclass in alarmist rhetoric, warning of,

"profound global transformation" and "catastrophic and existential risks" that threaten to plunge humanity into a "future of persistent crisis and breakdown"...

But let's not be fooled by the apocalyptic language - this is merely an attempt to further entrench the status quo.

The Pact's authors would have us believe that the "choices we make" are the primary drivers of these existential risks, conveniently glossing over the role of systemic injustices and the rapacious pursuit of profit that underpin our current economic order.

The "terrible suffering" endured by "fellow human beings" is not a natural phenomenon, but rather a direct consequence of the neoliberal policies that have been foisted upon us by the very same elites who now claim to be our "saviors"...

The Pact's proposed "course correction" is little more than a fig leaf, designed to obscure the fact that the only "future of persistent crisis and breakdown" we need fear is the one that will inevitably result from the continued dominance of the same power structures that have brought us to this precipice.

The United Nations' call for an updated global governance system, ostensibly to safeguard the interests of present and future generations, tries yet again,

to consolidate power and impose a draconian regime of control...

The proposed "management of complex global shocks" is a euphemism for the further erosion of national sovereignty and the imposition of a one-size-fits-all solution to the world's problems,

dictated by the same unelected bureaucrats who have brought us to the brink of disaster...

It's no coincidence that the adoption of this new governance framework is set to take place exactly 33 years after the infamous "Initiative for Eco-92 Earth Charter" was circulated at a conference in Des Moines.

This document, penned by the Cobden Clubs Secretariat for World Order, laid bare the true intentions of the global elite:

to impose a regime of population control, enforced by the Security Council through a combination of economic coercion and military force...

The language is direct and unambiguous:

"the Security Council will inform all nations that its sufferance on population has ended," and that "all nations have quotas for REDUCTION on a yearly basis", quotas that will be enforced through "selective or total embargo of credit, items of trade including food and medicine, or by military force, when required"...

This is not a recipe for sustainable development or environmental protection, but,

a blueprint for a totalitarian world order, in which the rights and freedoms of individuals are subordinated to the whims of a self-appointed elite.

The fact that this document was circulated in preparation for the UN's environmental conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 is a reminder that,

the agenda of population control and global governance has been a long time in the making,

...and that the latest incarnation of this agenda, the Pact for the Future, is merely the latest iteration of a decades-long campaign to impose a dystopian future on humanity.

The true intentions of the global elite are laid bare in this chilling document.


The Security Council, dominated by the Anglo-Saxon Major Nation Powers, would assume absolute authority over all nations, dictating population quotas and enforcing them through economic strangulation, military force, or any other means deemed necessary.


The notion of national sovereignty would be reduced to a quaint relic of a bygone era, as the Security Council asserts its,

"complete legal, military and economic jurisdiction" over every region of the world...

But that's not all:

the Security Council would also seize control of all natural resources, including watersheds and great forests, to be exploited and preserved for the benefit of the Major Nations.


This is nothing short of a blueprint for a global kleptocracy, in which the resources of the many are plundered to enrich the few.


The documents reveals a worldview in which the strong do what they will, and the weak suffer what they must.

The veil of secrecy has been lifted, ever so slightly, on the Cobden Clubs, a think tank that peddled the ideology of the British "Anglo-Saxon Race system".


A leaked document, courtesy of business consultant George W. Hunt's resourceful companion, has shed light on the true nature of this elite gathering.


The contents of this document are an important reminder that the pursuit of power and control knows no bounds, not even those of decency or morality.

The eerie similarities between the Cobden Clubs' musings and the recent proposals from,

  • the Global Challenges Foundation

  • the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

  • the United Nations University,

...are a stark warning that the more things change, the more they remain the same.

The world's population has ballooned from 5.4 billion to 8.2 billion since 1991, and yet, the solutions proffered by these self-proclaimed "guardians of the planet" are nothing short of draconian.


The gloves are off, and the true intentions of these organizations are laid bare.

The joint proposal from these organizations is a masterclass in doublespeak, a cynical exercise in rebranding the same old power grab as a benevolent effort to "protect" humanity.

The "global commons" concept, once a noble idea, has been hijacked to justify,

the collective management of the very air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land we inhabit.


The atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, and cryosphere are all to be managed, controlled, and dictated by a cabal of self-appointed elites.

The question is,

who gets to decide what constitutes a "dangerous tipping point", and who will be the beneficiaries of this grand experiment in global governance?

The siren song of global governance beckons, promising a harmonious symphony of regulation and control, all in the name of protecting the "planetary commons".


But scratch beneath the surface, and the true intentions of this grand design become apparent.

The proposed "nested" governance structure, with its multiple layers of regulation and oversight by a global governance body, is simply a blueprint for a totalitarian regime...!


The fragmentation of national sovereignty, the siloed approaches to environmental protection, are to be replaced by a monolithic, one-size-fits-all solution, dictated by a self-appointed elite...!

And who are the architects of this grand design?


The Global Challenges Foundation, founded by billionaire financier László Szombatfalvy, with its stated aim of developing,

"improved global decision-making models".

Improved, that is, for the benefit of the global elite, not the masses.

The proposed solution to this manufactured "problem" of "overpopulation" is a chilling example of the totalitarian impulse at work.

A new global treaty, with countries forced to set population targets every half decade, and a plan to achieve them, is nothing short of a recipe for demographic engineering on a global scale.

The echoes of eugenics and social control are deafening, and the question must be asked:

who gets to decide who lives, who dies, and who reproduces?

The answer, of course, is the self-appointed guardians of the planet, who will stop at nothing to impose their twisted vision on humanity.

The Global Challenges Foundation appears to be a Trojan horse for a far more insidious agenda.


Szombatfalvy's dalliances with the Club of Rome's president Anders Wijkman, and his largesse to The Overpopulation Project (TOP), betray a deep-seated affinity for the Malthusian worldview.

This is a philosophy that views humanity as a plague upon the earth, and seeks to impose draconian controls on population growth...

The eerie resonance between Szombatfalvy's views and those of the "British Race Patriots" and "living sponsors of the will of the great Cecil Rhodes" is more than coincidental.


The latter's "Initiative for Eco-92 Earth Charter" is a clarion call for a New World Order, in which,

the "Major Nations of the Security Council" would dictate the terms of global governance.


This is the recipe for a global oligarchy, in which the interests of the powerful few would be paramount...!

The involvement of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA or Chatham House) and its American counterpart, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), adds another layer of complexity to this narrative.

These organizations, spawned by the Round Table Movement, were designed to further the imperial ambitions of Cecil Rhodes and the British elite.


Their ultimate goal,

a world federation of nations, is a euphemism for a global empire, with the Anglo-American axis at its helm.

The notion that these organizations are merely "benign" think tanks, dedicated to promoting global cooperation, is a risible fiction. In reality, they are the velvet-gloved instruments of a power elite, determined to shape the world in their image.

As CFR-historian and Georgetown University professor Carroll Quigley wrote in Tragedy and Hope...:

"The chief aims of this elaborate, semi-secret organization were largely commendable:

  • to coordinate the international activities and outlooks of all the English-speaking world into one (which would largely, it is true, be that of the London group)

  • to work to maintain the peace

  • to help backward, colonial, and underdeveloped areas to advance toward stability, law and order, and prosperity,

...along lines somewhat similar to those taught at Oxford and the University of London."

The rarefied world of the power elite is a realm of paradoxes, where "gracious and cultured gentlemen" with a penchant for the finer things in life, harbor a Machiavellian streak.


Quigley's characterization of these individuals as being,

"much concerned with the freedom of expression of minorities and the rule of law for all", a masterful understatement, for it is precisely this façade of benevolence that conceals their true intentions.


Their desire for anonymity, however, is a telling indicator of the duplicitous nature of their endeavors.

The Stimson Center, a key player in the preparations for the Summit of the Future, is a veritable nexus of power, with its founders, Barry Blechman and Michael Krepon, being CFR members.

The center's eponymous patron, Henry Stimson, was a stalwart of the CFR, and his tenure as US Secretary of War during World War II only serves to underscore the organization's profound influence on the corridors of power.

The CFR's incestuous relationship with the Trilateral Commission think tank, founded by David Rockefeller, is a case in point.

Every CFR chairman since Rockefeller has been a member of TriCom, a veritable revolving door of power brokers.

The current CFR chair, David Rubenstein, is a prime example of this phenomenon, with his dual roles as Carlyle Group chairman and World Economic Forum (WEF) board trustee.

This latter organization, the main official front for these groups' activities, is a veritable clearinghouse for the power elite's global agenda.


The threads of influence that bind these entities together form a complex web of power, one that is designed to ensnare and manipulate the global polity.


The Fourth World Wilderness Congress, a gathering of the power elite in 1987, was a revelatory experience for George W. Hunt, a volunteer who stumbled upon a cabal of influential individuals hell-bent on reshaping the world in their image:



The conference was a veritable who's who of the Trilateral Commission, with luminaries such as, attendance.


The presence of IMF president Michel Camdessus and World Bank president Barber B. Conable, Jr. only served to underscore the gravity of the proceedings.

As Hunt listened in on the discussions, he was struck by the cynicism and callousness of the attendees.


The Canadian investment banker David Lank's remarks, in particular, were a stark illustration of the contempt with which these individuals viewed the common man.

Lank's suggestion that the agenda of the conference be "sold" to the public through a process that bypassed democracy, lest it,

"devour far too much of the funds to educate the cannon fodder, unfortunately, which populates the earth,"

...was a chilling admission of the elite's disdain for the masses.

The use of the term "cannon fodder" to describe the general population was a particularly egregious example of the dehumanizing language employed by these individuals, who viewed the world as a mere chessboard to be manipulated for their own ends.

The Fourth World Wilderness Congress was, in effect, a gathering of the high priests of the New World Order, who saw themselves as the sole arbiters of the planet's destiny.

Theirs was a vision of a world in which the masses were reduced to mere pawns, to be herded and controlled by a self-appointed elite.

The conference was a reminder that the power elite's obsession with environmental protection was merely a Trojan horse,

for a far more sinister agenda, one that threatened the very fabric of democracy and individual freedom...

David Rockefeller wrote in the conference book For the Conservation of Earth (Part 1 - Part 2):

"To place all of the blame for unacceptable environmental behavior on industrialization or large corporations, however, is clearly grossly inaccurate.


Much of the devastation of the world's environment, especially in today's world, is due to individuals who are without power and who are trapped in grinding poverty.


Deforestation, for instance, is often more the product of actions taken out of desperation by the poor rather than through irresponsible exploitation by industrial giants.


Some 70 percent of the world's rapidly growing population currently relies on wood for energy to cook and heat.


The consequences of this fact are little short of disastrous."

The ultra-rich superclass, with their Olympian detachment from the struggles of the common man,

appears to harbor a profound disdain for the poor, whom they view as nothing more than a nuisance to be managed and controlled.


The poor, in their eyes, are the embodiment of all that is wrong with the world - polluting, carbon-emitting, and destructive of the natural order.


They are the "other", the enemy of the Earth, and must be governed by the "enlightened philosopher kings" who know what is best for them.

The Trilateral Commission's report, Beyond Interdependence - The Meshing the Worlds Economy and the Worlds Ecology, is a manifesto for this new world order, in which the "sustainable business practices" of the ultra-rich will save the world from the ravages of the poor.

It is a cynical and self-serving document, designed to justify the continued dominance of the elite over the masses.


The report's authors, no doubt, see themselves as the guardians of the planet, tasked with the "noble mission" of saving the world from the destructive tendencies of the poor.

The first World Wilderness Congress, held in South Africa in 1977, was a seminal event in the development of this new world order.


The presence of French-Swiss banker Edmond de Rothschild and South African conservationist Ian Player was no coincidence, given the long history of collaboration between the Rothschild family and the South African diamond company De Beers.


The choice of location, too, was likely deliberate, given the role of Cecil Rhodes in creating a monopoly on the world's diamond trade.

Rhodes, the arch-imperialist, had a vision of a world in which British rule was supreme, and he was willing to do whatever it took to achieve it.


His "Secret Society" (The Round Table), established with the goal of promoting British interests and laying the foundation for a new world order, was a precursor to the modern-day elite's obsession with global governance.

The fact that Rhodes was able to expropriate land from black Africans and instigate the colonization of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) with impunity is a stark reminder of the brutal and exploitative nature of imperialism.


And yet, this is the legacy that the modern-day elite seeks to build upon, with their talk of "sustainable development" and "global citizenship"...