by A Lily Bit

August 2024

from ALilyBit Website

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A Lily Bit
Former intelligence operative analyzing the "Great Reset," the "Fourth Industrial Revolution," propaganda, totalitarianism, current narratives, psychology, and history.
What matters now isn't storytelling; what matters is telling a true story well.















Part 1

Setting the Stage

Exposing Centuries of Deception, Corruption, Infiltration, and Manipulation.
August 07, 2024





The concept of a "nation-state" is nothing more than a convenient fiction, a comforting illusion that blinds us to the harsh realities of power and control in the modern world. In truth, we are all mere subjects of the omnipotent corporations that dominate every aspect of our lives, from the food we eat to the air we breathe.

We like to think of ourselves as independent and self-reliant, free to make our own choices and pursue our own dreams.


But in reality, we are shackled by the economic chains that bind us to our corporate overlords, forced to work long hours for meager wages that leave us little time or energy for anything else.

The so-called "president" of our country is nothing more than a glorified CEO, a figurehead who serves only to legitimize the rule of the corporations that truly hold power.

And lest we forget, the Federal United States is as "federal" as Federal Express, a mere label slapped on a vast and sprawling empire that knows no bounds.


The birth certificates of US citizens are traded like stocks on the New York Stock Exchange, a reminder of the true value of human life in this brave new world.

We laugh at these truths, dismissing them as mere conspiracy theories or the ravings of madmen.


But the sad fact is that we have been lulled into complacency by the comforting myths of nation-state and racial identity, blinded to the harsh realities of power and control that govern our lives.

This is a very long exploration into the shadowy depths of our history, so I have split it into two parts.




Part 1: How the Chessboard Was Set Up

The world we inhabit today is fraught with chaos and turmoil, but it's essential to recognize that this state of affairs is not the result of a haphazard series of events.


Instead, it is the culmination of a meticulously orchestrated plan, spanning centuries, designed to concentrate wealth and power in the hands of a select few.

This select group, often hidden in plain sight, has been the driving force behind the manipulation of history for their benefit.


To fully grasp the magnitude of this conspiracy, one must delve into the annals of history and examine the formation of powerful entities that have shaped the course of human events.

One such entity is the Committee of 300, an organization whose existence and influence are often dismissed as conspiracy theories.


However, a closer examination reveals a group with deep roots in the global power structure, whose members have held influential positions in finance, politics, and industry.


The Committee of 300 is but one example of the interconnected web of power that has been orchestrating global events to further their own interests.

Another influential group is the Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits, a Roman Catholic order with a long history of involvement in education, politics, and missionary work.


While the Jesuits often present themselves as a force for good, their influence and power should not be underestimated.


Critics argue that the Jesuits have used their position to manipulate and control events on a global scale, furthering their own agenda at the expense of individual freedoms and national sovereignty.

The 13 Illuminati Papal Bloodline Families are another group that has been the subject of much speculation and conspiracy theorizing.


These families, allegedly descended from the ancient Roman aristocracy, are said to have maintained their power and influence through intermarriage and strategic alliances.


While the existence of a unified "Illuminati" conspiracy may be open to debate, there is no denying the influence and power wielded by these families throughout history.

The Corporation of the United States of America and The Federal Reserve Bank (FED) are two institutions that have been instrumental in shaping the modern economic and political landscape.


The Corporation of the United States of America, often referred to as the "Crown Corporation," is a privately owned entity that has been granted significant power and autonomy by the U.S. government.


Critics argue that this arrangement has allowed the Corporation to prioritize its own interests, often at the expense of the American people.

The Federal Reserve Bank, meanwhile, is a central banking system that controls the money supply and interest rates in the United States. While the Federal Reserve is often portrayed as a public institution, it is, in fact, a privately owned organization, accountable to its shareholders rather than the American people.


This arrangement has led to accusations of corruption and cronyism, with the Federal Reserve serving the interests of the wealthy and powerful at the expense of the broader population.

Operation Paperclip and MK-Ultra are two covert programs that demonstrate the extent to which powerful entities will go to maintain their control and influence.


Operation Paperclip was a secret program that brought Nazi scientists to the United States after World War II, allowing them to continue their work in various fields, including rocketry, chemistry, and medicine.

MK-Ultra, meanwhile, was a CIA-led mind control program that involved the use of drugs, hypnosis, and other forms of psychological manipulation to control and influence individuals.

These programs, while often justified as necessary for national security or scientific progress, raise serious ethical concerns and demonstrate the willingness of powerful entities to prioritize their own interests over the well-being of individuals and society as a whole.

To comprehend the true extent of the manipulation and control that has shaped our world, we must trace our steps back to the origins of the entity responsible for orchestrating the course of history.



1600 - The East India Company

The true intentions of the East India Company, as chartered by Queen Elizabeth I in 1600, were far more nefarious than the establishment of mere trade relations with the Eastern world.

The company's objectives, shrouded in secrecy, were twofold:

  • to infiltrate and understand the banking and financial systems of the East, particularly India, with the ultimate goal of manipulation

  • to introduce opium to the Far East

This insidious plan would prove to be the foundation of the immense wealth that would flow into the royal coffers.

The opium trade's inception can be traced back to the cultivation of prime opium poppies in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in London, also known as Kew Gardens.


These poppies were subsequently shipped to India, where the British began developing vast plantations of opium-producing poppies.


The raw opium was then transported via English Tea Clipper ships to China, where it was sold to the Chinese people, leading to a burgeoning opium trade that spanned several decades.

This illicit trade had two significant consequences: first, the East India Company amassed a vast fortune through the sale of opium, and second, the Chinese nation became ensnared in the grip of addiction, with millions falling prey to the pernicious effects of the drug.

The opium trade's growth and increasing profitability led to the British monarchy's merger with the company, resulting in the emergence of a powerful group that has persisted to this day, known as The Committee of 300.

Dr. John Coleman, a former MI6 secret service agent, has dedicated his life to exposing the hidden agendas of this powerful organization.


After spending five years researching ancient records and manuscripts at the British Museum in London, Coleman published his magnum opus, "Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Committee of 300," in which he reveals the true intentions of this secretive group.

According to Coleman, the Committee of 300 is a product of the British East India Company's Council of 300.


Today, through powerful alliances, the Committee of 300 rules the world and is the driving force behind the criminal agenda to create a "New World Order" under a "Totalitarian Global Government."

The Committee of 300 is a secret society that operates through deception, with an inner circle that deceives those below with lies, such as claiming a noble agenda.


The inner circle of the Committee of 300 is the Order of the Garter, headed by whatever inbread is currently head of the British monarchy.

The enemy is clearly identifiable as the Committee of 300 and its front organizations, such as,

The Committee of 300 is the ultimate secret society made up of an untouchable ruling class, which includes the monarchy of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Denmark, and the other royal families of Europe.


These aristocrats decided to "go into business" with the non-aristocratic but extremely powerful leaders of corporate business on a global scale, and through their illicit banking cartel, they own the stock of the Federal Reserve, which is a private for-profit corporation that violates the U.S. Constitution and is a root of the problem.

The British monarchy has been practicing aristocratic inbreeding for centuries, and the concept of secret societies based on bloodlines is not a secret.


In recent years, names such as,

...and others have been bandied around.


However, what most people do not realize is that these societies are real, and their true intentions have remained hidden in utmost secrecy for centuries.

The actual origins of the Committee of 300 can be traced back nearly a thousand years to the time of the Crusades, with the rise of the Guelphs or the Venetian Black Nobility.


These families, who have amassed wealth over centuries, are the most powerful and influential individuals on the planet.

Above them stands an even more powerful group, the Jesuits, led by the Black Pope, the Jesuit General Arturo Sosa, who allegedly holds complete power over the Vatican and the White Pope.


At the very top of the pyramid of power reside the 13 Ptolemaic Papal Bloodlines, including,

the House of Borja, Breakspear, Somaglia, Orsini, Conti, Chigi, Colonna, Farnese, Medici, Gaetani, Pamphili, Este, and Aldobrandini.

The Guelphs and Ghibellines, the Jesuits, and the 13 Papal bloodline families have a history that dates back thousands of years to the time of ancient Egypt. In the modern age, they are the ones of whom people are speaking when they refer to 'The Illuminati.'


These families, along with the Jesuits and those within the P2 Masonic Lodge, consider themselves to be the 'Illumined ones' or the 'keepers of the secrets of the ages.'

For more information regarding the history of the Guelphs, the Jesuits, and the 13 Papal bloodline families, and their ultimate plan for world domination, it is suggested that you research the works of,

Ezra Pound, Eustace Mullins, Lyndon LaRouche, Jim Marrs, Eric Jon Phelps, and Gary Allen and Larry Abraham,

...among others.


These individuals have uncovered astonishing information regarding the true nature of the global power structure throughout history, which cannot be ignored.



1765-1783 - American Revolutionary War

In the years leading up to the American Revolution, the East India Company, having amassed immense wealth through the opium trade, rebranded itself as the British East India Company.


This change, however, did not signify a shift in the company's allegiances or intentions. The British East India Company remained firmly under the control of the puppet masters who pulled the strings from behind the curtain, deep within the Vatican.

The founders of the United States Constitution, men such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and James Madison, were well aware of the existence of these powerful groups.


They sought to break away from what they perceived as the oligarchical and tyrannical rule of the British monarchy, for they knew all too well the consequences of the opium trade in the Far East and the concentration of land, resources, and wealth in the hands of a select few in England.

During this time, the majority of the English populace played the role of serfs to the ruling elites, who controlled vast swaths of land and resources.


However, for a brief moment in history, the colonial forces emerged victorious, and England lost control of the New World. This situation, however, was not to last.

The British East India Company, with its deep pockets and powerful connections, continued to exert its influence and control over the New World.


The founders of the Constitution, despite their best efforts, were unable to completely break free from the grip of these powerful entities.


The struggle for power and control continued, with the British East India Company and its allies working tirelessly to reassert their dominance.



Colonial Currency:

When America Was Free

(from British Banks)





1815 - The Robbing of England

On the morning of June 20th, 1815, Nathan Rothschild, one of the sons of Mayer Amschel Bauer, executed one of the most nefarious financial schemes in history.

Just two days prior, in the late evening hours of June 18th, Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo by an allied alliance led by England.


Nathan Rothschild, already a wealthy and influential individual, received word of the allied victory through a private messenger several hours before the official announcement to the rest of the public.

In a bold and deceptive move, Rothschild began selling off vast amounts of British consuls or consolidated annuities, essentially what would today be called stocks.


When other investors throughout the country noticed this action by Rothschild, panic began to set in.

Everyone assumed that Rothschild's actions signaled a victory for Napoleon, not for the allied forces, with the implication being that the value of the consuls would drop in the case of a French victory.


A large number of people followed suit, selling off their consuls in anticipation of a French takeover of the country.

Then, moments before the official announcement was made that Napoleon had been defeated, Rothschild bought up a massive amount of consuls at rock-bottom prices.


The announcement was made, the value of the consuls soared, and Nathan found himself with an increase of wealth 6,500 times more than what he had previously owned.

In essence, he robbed the country blind, and became, for all accounts and purposes, the de facto owner of most of England.


From this point forward, his family, with now more wealth than they could have dreamed, became an influential player in the government, and steered policy decisions going forward.



Napoleon Made France Great Again


This scheme by Rothschild was historically important for another reason:

It demonstrated how fabricating disaster can lead to massive financial gains.

Through the use of funding provided by such wealthy individuals as Nathan Rothschild and others, the British East India Company eventually morphed into The Committee of 300:

A group of 300 global elitists who adopted a secret policy of domination over the Western world.

The British monarchy, which stood at the upper echelon of this new power structure, had itself amassed grand wealth as part of the opium trade.


The idea behind their plan of domination was quite simple:

Whomever could control the world's wealth could ultimately exert a massive amount of power and influence over the planet.

It is well documented that people such as the Rothschilds and the monarchs of Britain viewed the mainstream populace as

insignificant slaves, often referred to as the "masses" or the "useless eaters"...

From this point forward, a very small number of people began to control a vast amount of Europe's resources, land, and finances.


The populace played the role of pawns on a grand chessboard, serving the needs of the elite while being blissfully unaware of what was going on behind the curtain.




1865 - American Civil War

In the years surrounding the American Civil War, the Committee of 300, the Jesuits, and the 13 Papal Bloodline families embarked on a concerted effort to exert influence over, and reclaim control of, the United States of America.

This was accomplished in a manner reminiscent of their previous tactics in England: through the control of land, resources, and finances.


By aligning themselves with wealthy individuals such as J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Mellon, Paul Warburg, and E.H. Harriman, these powerful entities replicated their scheme of accumulating massive wealth through war, and subsequently, at the expense of slave labor, but this time in the United States.

It is worth noting that Morgan and Warburg were American agents of the Rothschild family, who had made their fortune in England through the opium trade and the British East India Company.

These wealthy individuals, having amassed their wealth through their efforts as defense contractors during the war, became the puppet masters of the United States, pulling the strings from behind the curtain.

The American Civil War, much like the Napoleonic Wars, was a profitable venture for these powerful entities.


The war resulted in the accumulation of even more wealth and power, which was used to control the United States and its resources.

The South, having been decimated by the war, was left in a state of ruin, and its people were left to pick up the pieces.


The North, having emerged victorious, was left to reap the benefits of their victory, including the control of the South's land, resources, and finances.




1868 - 14th Amendment and the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871


13th Amendment

In the wake of the American Civil War, a nefarious plot was set in motion by the British monarchy to reassert their dominion over the United States.


The first phase of this plot involved orchestrating a covert overthrow of the original "Constitution for the United States of America" and the genuine, organic 13th Amendment.

This insidious scheme began in 1865, immediately after the Civil War, when the currently recognized 13th Amendment, which addresses the abolition of slavery, was ratified by Congress, effectively concealing the true 13th Amendment, which had been passed on May 1, 1810.


This original amendment read as follows:

"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."

The rationale behind the passage of the original 13th Amendment in 1810 is explained by modern-day military insider Drake Bailey, who states:

"After gaining our independence from Great Britain, the United States became concerned that agents representing the interests of foreign powers were interfering in our domestic affairs.


International bankers, lawyers, and other opportunists were using their wealth to purchase special benefits and privileges from government officials. In order to prevent this corruption, the Senate and the House approved a 13th amendment in 1810.


This Amendment prohibited government officials from accepting bribes in exchange for political favors. The Amendment prohibited anyone from receiving a Title of Nobility or receiving any honor or entitlement that would not be available to all Americans.


Lawyers were prohibited from serving as elected officials while they were active members of a BAR Association.


The proponents of the Amendment did not believe that a Lawyer, being an officer of the Court, should simultaneously serve as a member of both the Judicial and Legislative Branches of Government."

It is crucial to recognize that, while the modern-day version of the 13th Amendment may appear to be a noble effort to abolish slavery in America, it was, in fact, a deliberate attempt to conceal and suppress the original 13th Amendment.

This amendment, which prohibited titles of nobility and prevented government officials from accepting any form of gift or emolument from a noble, is of immense significance when one considers that the entire history of the European world has been marked by the tyranny of one emperor after another, and the unending succession of oligarchies that have wielded power for thousands of years.

The descendants of these ancient bloodlines continue to hold sway over the highest echelons of global power and control to this very day.


The very foundation of the United States was built upon our rejection of the chains of control imposed by these ancient bloodline families.

Former police investigator Tom Dunn goes into great detail regarding the fact that the 'disappearance' of the original, organic 13th Amendment was a key phase in the silent takeover of the United States by the British monarchy.



14th Amendment

The establishment of the United States of America was a watershed moment in human history, one that has, unfortunately, been marred by the deliberate obfuscation of key facts.

Among these critical truths is the recognition that, as outlined in both the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution, each individual State within the union was considered a sovereign entity, a fully independent nation-state.

The federal government's authority was deliberately limited, with the majority of power residing in the States themselves.


Many of the Constitution's founding fathers, acutely aware of the perils of concentrating power in a single centralized governing body, took great care to preserve and safeguard the States' rights.

In their quest to dismantle the nation, those seeking to amass power outside of the United States devised a clandestine strategy to erode the rights of individual nation-states and consolidate power.

This endeavor came to a head in April 1866 when, despite President Andrew Johnson's veto, a 2/3 majority in both Congress and the House of Representatives succeeded in passing the Civil Rights Act. This legislation, which indelibly tarnished Johnson's reputation, earned him the label of a racist in the annals of history.

In a statement made to the Senate in March 1866, President Johnson expressed his concerns about the bill, which he believed would confer Federal citizenship upon certain marginalized groups without addressing their status as citizens of individual States.


He stated:

"By the first section of the bill, all persons born in the United States, and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed, are declared to be citizens of the United States.


This provision comprehends the Chinese of the Pacific States, Indians subject to taxation, the people called Gipsies, as well as the entire race designated as blacks, people of color, negroes, mulattoes, and persons of African blood.


Every individual of these races, born in the United States, is by the bill made a citizen of the United States...


The power to confer the right of State citizenship is just as exclusively with the several States, as the power to confer the right of Federal citizenship is with Congress...


The right of Federal citizenship, thus to be conferred in the several excepted ratios before mentioned, is now, for the first time, proposed to be given by law."

President Johnson's apprehensions about the Civil Rights Act were well-founded, as the legislation indeed paved the way for the conferral of Federal citizenship upon various marginalized groups, without addressing their status as citizens of individual States.

This development would have far-reaching implications for the balance of power between the federal government and the States, setting the stage for the gradual erosion of States' rights and the consolidation of power in the hands of a centralized governing body.

The true implications of President Johnson's statement to the Senate become apparent when one reads between the lines and recognizes that the language of the bill he was discussing established a Federal citizenship status for all natural-born peoples of the United States, effectively stripping the States of their right to confer citizenship.


This was a calculated move, a first step in a far-reaching plan to centralize power and concentrate it in the hands of the federal government.

In July 1868, the 14th Amendment to the Constitution was purportedly ratified by Congress, a development that many remain unaware was never endorsed by President Johnson, who instead vetoed the measure.

This act of ratification came on the heels of Congress's overreach of Constitutional authority in 1867, when they enacted the first of two Reconstruction Acts, which divided the Southern States into five separate military districts, each governed by a military general.

This extension of martial law, which had been declared by President Lincoln in 1863, was met with resistance from Johnson, who stated:

"I have examined the bill 'to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States' with the care and the anxiety which its transcendent importance is calculated to awaken.


I am unable to give it my assent for reasons so grave that I hope a statement of them may have some influence on the minds of the patriotic and enlightened men with whom the decision must ultimately rest.


The bill places all the people of the ten States therein named under the absolute domination of military rulers; and the preamble undertakes to give the reason upon which the measure is based and the ground upon which it is justified.


It declares that there exists in those States no legal governments and no adequate protection for life or property, and asserts the necessity of enforcing peace and good order within their limits."

According to historical researcher Gordon Epperly, the 14th Amendment to the Constitution was never truly ratified by the U.S. president, but was instead passed under dubious and unconstitutional circumstances during a period of forced martial law.

This amendment, which fundamentally altered the citizenship status of all U.S. citizens, transforming them from State citizens to Federal citizens, was enacted under the shadow of illegal Military Districts, which were established under the Reconstruction Act of July 19, 1867.

These Military Districts, as Epperly explains, are not to be confused with the States of the Union, as they are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the U.S. Congress, while the States of the Union are foreign corporations that exercise sovereign authority of their own.

Epperly's research sheds light on the troubling implications of the 14th Amendment, revealing that the U.S. Congress, acting through its Military Districts, has no authority to ratify Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

The consequences of the 14th Amendment cannot be overstated, as it marked a significant shift in the citizenship status of all U.S. citizens, transforming them from citizens of their respective States to citizens of the Federal government.

This transformation, as we will explore, paved the way for the final phase of a silent coup d'etat against the original United States Constitutional Republic, a development that would have far-reaching implications for the future of the nation and its citizens.





1871 - The District of Columbia Act

The District of Columbia Act of 1871 represents the most egregious assault on the Constitution for the United States of America and its citizens.


In the aftermath of the Civil War, the nation was left reeling, both financially and politically, paving the way for one of the most audacious and deceitful schemes in history.

Through the illegal and unconstitutional ratification of the 14th Amendment by military commanders during a time of martial law, the citizen status of all U.S. citizens was changed from State to Federal.


This shift in citizenship status served as the foundation for the passage of the District of Columbia Act of 1871, which transformed the United States of America into the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, a corporation under the control of the British monarchy.

As outlined in the U.S. Government Printing Office Styles Manual, the use of all caps in legal documents signifies a U.S. vessel, a corporation, or a debt person.


This transformation effectively transformed each and every citizen of the Republic into a Corporate Vessel with a monetary value, owned by the corporation.

Our social security numbers serve as a means of setting up ten separate and distinct trust funds under the auspices of the U.S. corporation, further solidifying our status as debt instruments.

The District of Columbia, i.e. Washington, D.C., became a separate entity, serving as the head of this corporation.


The Constitutional Republic, which we had fought so hard to establish during the American Revolution, was effectively put into a state of induced coma, replaced by a corporation ultimately controlled by the British Monarchy and the Rothschild banking cabal.

From this point forward, each and every member of Congress, the House of Representatives, and the U.S. President swore an allegiance to the CORPORATION of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, rather than to the Constitutional Republic.


This act of treachery remains in place to this very day, with the government serving as the overseers of Corporation U.S.A.

"Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all part of the territory of the United States included within the limits of the District of Columbia be, and the same is hereby, created into a government by the name of the District of Columbia, by which name it is hereby constituted a body corporate for municipal purposes."

The District of Columbia Act, Chapter 62

The newly incorporated government operates entirely outside of the original Constitution, providing only relative rights or privileges, rather than the absolute and unalienable rights guaranteed under the organic Constitution.

As Lisa Guliani of Babel Magazine explains,

the puppets of Britain's banking cabal had already created a shadow government, designed to manage what the common herd believed was a democracy, but what was really an incorporated UNITED STATES.


This chimera, this two-headed monster, disallowed the common herd all rights of sui juris, or sovereignty

Congress, with no authority to do so, created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, a ten-mile square parcel of land.


The Civil War, far from a battle between the North and the South, was a calculated front, a strategic maneuver by British and European interests intent on gaining control of America's financial resources.

The original Constitution, drafted by the Founding Fathers, read:

'The Constitution for the united states of America,' with neither the words 'united' nor 'states' beginning with capital letters.

But the 'CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA' is a corporate constitution, absolutely NOT the same document you think it is.

The disappearance of the original, organic 13th Amendment, the illegal ratification of the 14th Amendment, and the passage of the District of Columbia Act of 1871 signaled the end of the legal and lawful United States Constitutional Republic and the ushering in of a de facto government, i.e. a corporation, headquartered in the District of Columbia.

The bureaucrats who hold seats in our government, from the President to the lowest-level bureaucrat, are not tasked with maintaining the welfare of the people, but rather the welfare of the corporations and the big banks.

Yet it is important to note that the legal and lawful U.S. Constitutional Republic has not been destroyed; it is merely in a state of deep slumber.


The lawful and constitutional 'seats of government' under the Constitutional Republic have merely been vacated, waiting for the people to wake up and claim them as theirs.




1913 - The Federal Reserve

The year 1913 marked the beginning of Woodrow Wilson's presidency, a period during which his political career was heavily influenced by Edward M. House, a known Marxist who was tasked by the European oligarchy with overseeing the policies of the Wilson administration.

During this time, Wilson allowed two monumental events to take place: the implementation of the third-ever income tax on U.S. citizens and the passing of the Federal Reserve Act, which established the Federal Reserve, a private banking institution responsible for controlling the nation's currency.

The Federal Reserve system, as revealed in G. Edward Griffin's 1994 film "The Creature from Jekyll Island," is nothing more than a private banking cartel, founded in November 1910 at a secret meeting attended by top-level representatives of the wealthiest individuals and banking firms in the world, including J.P. Morgan, William Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, the Rothschilds, and Kuhn, Loeb & Co.

U.S. Senator Nelson W. Aldrich and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Department A.P. Andrews also attended the meeting. Warburg himself was reported to have said that it was essential to persuade American citizens that the Federal Reserve was a government agency, rather than a cartel of private banks.

The financial panic of 1907 served as the impetus for the establishment of the Federal Reserve, a move that Charles Lindbergh referred to as,

"the worst legislative crime of the ages."

Prior to 1913, the majority of U.S. wealth came from tariffs, or taxes on trade goods, and there was no need for any type of tax on citizen income.


The implementation of the income tax and the establishment of the Federal Reserve served as a means of siphoning wealth from the American people and into the hands of the financial elite.

These moves, painted as necessary measures by mainstream history, were in fact a calculated attempt to take control of the nation's financial resources and ultimately transfer the wealth out of the hands of the people and into the hands of the powerful banking interests that continue to wield control over the nation's financial system to this very day.




1921 - The Council on Foreign Relations

In 1921, as the curtain fell on Woodrow Wilson's presidency, a momentous event occurred: the establishment of the Council on Foreign Relations, a powerful organization that would go on to shape American policy for generations to come.


This group, ultimately controlled by the shadowy Committee of 300, was tasked with carrying out the Committee's demands and steering the country's future.

The true nature of the CFR was revealed in a startling admission by Carroll Quigley, a professor of International Relations at Georgetown University and mentor to former President Bill Clinton.


Quigley, who had studied the CFR for twenty years and been granted access to its secret records, stated:

"There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the communists, or any other group, and frequently does so...


I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records.


I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies... but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known...


The Council on Foreign Relations... the American Branch of a society which originated in England (by diamond king, Cecil Rhodes)... believes national boundaries should be obliterated and [a] one-world rule established."

Quigley's words offer a chilling insight into the true aims of the CFR and its parent organization, the Committee of 300.


These groups, operating in the shadows, seek to erase national boundaries and establish a one-world rule, all under the guise of promoting international cooperation and understanding.

As for Woodrow Wilson, his words in 1913 offer a haunting echo of the forces at work behind the scenes.

"Since I entered politics," he said, "I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States in the fields of commerce and manufacturing are afraid of somebody.


They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."



1945-46 - Nuremberg Trials

The atrocities committed during the Second World War were followed by the Nuremberg Trials, where those responsible for crimes against humanity were brought to justice.

Among them was Fritz terMeer, the president of I.G. Farben, a German industrial giant that supplied the Nazi death camps with gas for the gas chambers, steel for the railroad lines, and conducted unspeakable experiments on forced laborers.

Despite being found guilty of crimes against humanity, terMeer received a mere slap on the wrist with a short prison sentence and was released in 1950.


I.G. Farben was subsequently broken up into three entities, one of which became Bayer, a multinational chemical and pharmaceutical company.

Upon his release, terMeer became a board chairman at Bayer, at the same time as the implementation of Operation Paper Clip, a U.S. program that brought Nazi scientists to the U.S. for employment in drug, chemical, and scientific research centers.


This operation, driven by the desire to outpace the Soviet Union in the race for Nazi scientific remnants, resulted in the importation of 700 propulsion scientists and 600 mind control specialists into the country.

TerMeer's connections extended to the United Nations, where his discussions with top associates led to the creation of the Codex Alimentarius Trade Commission, responsible for establishing vast guidelines for food supplies on a global scale.

This, combined with the hiring of Nazi scientists in U.S. drug and chemical centers, marked the beginning of the dangerous and hazardous food standards we see today.


The FDA has approved a host of dangerous chemicals and preservatives in food and water supplies, with fluoride being a prime example.


Once hailed as a dental health aid, fluoride is now known to be a hazardous waste by-product of the phosphate fertilizer industry, unfit for human consumption.

The truth about fluoride has been kept from the public, as more and more researchers are beginning to realize its dangers.


Similarly, the safety of our food and water supplies is being called into question, as the list of ingredients in many food products reads like a science lab textbook.


The legacy of Fritz terMeer and Operation Paper Clip lives on, with the poisonous food standards of the FDA being a stark reminder of the dangers of unchecked corporate power and influence.

The use of vaccines as a means of poisoning individuals is a matter of grave concern for many health practitioners and activists worldwide.


The ingredients in vaccines, such as strains of virus preserved in formaldehyde, thimerosal (mercury), aluminum, and ethylene and propylene glycol (antifreeze), are cause for alarm.

The addition of squalene, a naturally occurring organic compound found in olive oil, as an adjuvant in vaccines is particularly concerning.


When introduced into the body unnaturally, the immune system recognizes it as a foreign antibody and begins attacking it, along with all squalene in the body. This has been linked to the development of Gulf War syndrome in veterans who received an anthrax vaccine containing squalene, resulting in debilitating bone and muscle disorders.

In 2012, Codex, with the backing of the FDA and WHO, was pushing for new guidelines seeking to limit the availability of vitamins, minerals, and alternative medicines to the public. The link between I.G. Farben, Bayer, Operation Paperclip, and Codex Alimentarius is undeniable, and raises questions about the true motivations behind these programs.

The globalist depopulation agenda is a frightening reality, with those in power deciding that the world is overpopulated and that the "masses" or "useless eaters" need to be reduced to a manageable number.


This agenda is based on the false belief that there are not enough resources and wealth to go around, when in reality, they have been carefully hidden and controlled by a select few who view humanity as little more than cattle.

Recent propaganda has perpetuated this idea, leading some to believe that population control is necessary.


However, ground-breaking new technologies and advances in alternative medicines have the potential to change the world as we know it, if only they were not suppressed and controlled by this select minority.




1954 - The Bilderberg Group

In May of 1954, a clandestine gathering of the world's most powerful individuals took place at the Hotel Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Netherlands.


This meeting, which included Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, Jozef Retinger, David Rockefeller, and several other CEOs and high-ranking political figures, went largely unnoticed by the mainstream media.

The attendees decided to continue meeting annually to discuss world affairs in secret, away from public scrutiny. Since then, the Bilderberg Group has met once a year, usually in the spring, at exclusive resorts and hotels in the Western world.

The list of attendees has included the who's who of bankers, CEOs, policy makers, and political figures, including David, James, and John D. Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, George Soros, and Bill Gates.

The Bilderberg Group is of particular importance due to its role as one of the leading policy-making arms of The Committee of 300.


The group's goals are exemplified in a statement by David Rockefeller, one of its most influential members:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.


It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years.


But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government.


The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

Despite the group's significant influence, their meetings receive a complete media blackout, and any U.S. attendees are in direct violation of the United States Logan Act, which prohibits unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments.

Spanish-based journalist and author Daniel Estulin and Jim Tucker, founder of the American Free Press, have done extensive investigative work to reveal what has taken place in these meetings.

In 2010, Estulin was given thirty minutes to present on the group's inner workings in the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, through his contacts with higher-ranking members of the Green Party of Northern Italy.


The fact that this presentation did not receive worldwide media coverage is deplorable:














1950s - Ongoing  -  MK Ultra and Project Monarch


MK Ultra

MK-Ultra, a top-secret mind control program initiated by the CIA in the 1950s, is a chilling reminder of the agency's disregard for human rights and ethical conduct.


With roots in the mind control experiments conducted in Nazi concentration camps, the program was an extension of the atrocities committed during the Holocaust.

The victims of MK-Ultra were chosen from the fringes of society, often from psychiatric hospitals, international pedophile rings, military personnel, and from impoverished and broken homes.

Families were coerced or threatened into cooperating with the CIA, and individuals were subjected to years of physical and mental torture, with the goal of "splitting" one's personality. The creation of a human robot or slave, controlled by a CIA handler, was the ultimate objective.


Those who survived were often discarded as broken individuals or eliminated altogether.

The truth behind MK-Ultra was exposed in the 1970s when the Church Committee, a U.S. Senate Committee assigned to investigate illegal activities by the CIA and the FBI, demanded that the CIA release information on the program.

Despite CIA chief Richard Helms ordering the destruction of much of the documentation, survivors came forward and gave sworn testimony in federal court.


The public was told that the experiments had been halted, but numerous reports from intelligence insiders and a handful of survivors suggest that the program has continued in even more sinister ways.

The nefarious objectives of Operation MK-Ultra included the despicable endeavor of molding a new generation of 'black-ops' agents.


These individuals were meticulously trained to execute the most sensitive assignments, such as the heinous assassinations of high-ranking government officials, and perhaps even celebrities or human rights activists.

Such abhorrent acts aim to suppress public awareness of the shadowy machinations of governments. The creation of a 'Manchurian Candidate' through mind control experimentation is a chilling concept that has been explored in popular culture, but the reality is far more sinister.

In a television program titled Conspiracy Theory, the former governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura, fearlessly delved into this subject, exposing the dark underbelly of government operations.


The episode in question features a series of interviews with so-called experts, culminating in a clandestine meeting with an individual who claims to be one of these brainwashed assassins.

The notion of using mind control for nefarious purposes is not a conspiracy theory:

it is a well-documented and horrifying reality...

The CIA's involvement in such heinous activities is a damning indictment of the organization's lack of regard for human life and dignity.



Project Monarch

Project Monarch, a clandestine offshoot of the MK-Ultra project, operates under a veil of secrecy that makes it all the more sinister.


While some details of MK-Ultra have emerged over time, Project Monarch remains shrouded in mystery, with only whispers and rumors shedding light on its true nature.


However, reports from Hollywood suggest that the reality may be more horrifying than we could ever imagine.

In 2010, CNN reported on Project Flicker, a sting operation led by Senator Charles Grassley, which revealed that as many as 5,200 Department of Defense employees had been charged with purchasing child pornography.


During the investigation, Senator Grassley reported little cooperation from the Defense Department.



One notable case is that of Cathy O'Brien, who claims to have been rescued from the program by former CIA operative and intelligence insider Mark Phillips.


O'Brien has since become an advocate for survivors of Project Monarch, trying to reach out to others who may have suffered a similar fate.


O'Brien and Phillips have co-authored two books on the subject, including "ACCESS DENIED: For Reasons of National Security," a document intended for the U.S. Congressional Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Oversight.

The theory that Project Monarch may be the centerpiece of a nationwide brainwashing experiment through the use of mainstream media and celebrity pop culture is both compelling and terrifying.


If reports from child star actors are to be believed, then this theory may not be far from the truth.

In a Fox News story, Corey Feldman came forward to reveal the deeply ingrained culture of pedophilia in Hollywood. Other celebrities have also spoken out about their experiences, shedding light on the dark underbelly of the entertainment industry.


The article has since been deleted - of course...

In our modern world, we have become increasingly obsessed with celebrity culture, with the mundane details of famous lives splashed across the media on a daily basis.


Meanwhile, pressing global issues such as food shortages, wars, torture, financial crises, and the horrors of child slavery, sex trafficking, and pornography are relegated to the sidelines.


This obsession serves to distract us from the truth about the inner workings of governments and the powerful elite who pull the strings from behind the scenes.

As alleged intelligence officer and CIA defector Mark Phillips has stated,

"Wars are not won on the battlefield, they are won in the minds of the people."

The most sinister aspect of this manipulation is the possibility that certain celebrities and political figures are themselves victims of mind control programs like Project Monarch.


Some have bravely hinted at the control exerted in the upper echelons of the entertainment industry, speaking of,

"selling their souls to the devil."




1993 - The Maastricht Treaty / 2009 - The Treaty of Lisbon: Formation of the EU, the Euro, and a single European Constitution

The integration of Europe under a single governing body, currency, and constitution represents a significant step towards the creation of a global superstate, one that seeks to unite Europe and the Americas under a unified government and currency.


This ambitious project, which has been engineered by design, is intended to serve as a test case for the eventual unification of the entire world.

During the presidency of George W. Bush, there were open discussions between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico to form a North American Union, culminating in the creation of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America.


While this initiative received little attention in the mainstream media, it represented a significant step towards the creation of a trilateral union between the three countries, with the proposed currency being called the "Amero."

The Decline of the Euro

The rapid decline of the Euro has sent shockwaves through the global financial system, causing panic among the elitists who have long sought to unify Europe as the first step in a much larger plan to create a unified Western world.

According to investigative journalist Daniel Estulin, the combined debt of the U.S. and Europe is estimated to be a staggering 2 quadrillion dollars, a figure that is difficult to comprehend given that the entire GDP of the planet is only around 70 trillion dollars.

This situation is reminiscent of the financial Ponzi scheme orchestrated by Nathan Rothschild in 1815, in which the masses were robbed blind while a small group of elites accumulated vast amounts of wealth and resources.


The use of debt as a weapon has allowed a small number of individuals to exert an enormous amount of control over the global financial system, with devastating consequences for the vast majority of people.

The fact that the global elitists continue to pursue their agenda of unification, despite the obvious flaws and dangers of their approach, shows their blind pursuit of power and control.


The use of debt as a weapon has only served to exacerbate the problems facing the global economy, and has created a situation in which the entire financial system is built on a foundation of sand.



Complete Media Control

The ability of a small group of individuals to exert control over the masses showcases the power of media manipulation and brainwashing.


The Western world has long been subject to the complete and utter control of the media machine, which includes television, radio, and print media.


For decades, the vast majority of news networks in the West have not been reporting the news:

they have been creating it...!

The annual Bilderberg Group meetings provide the perfect example of this control, with 160 of the world's richest and most influential people meeting in secret behind closed doors, sharing nothing of what is discussed.


The fact that the CEOs of the world's leading media companies have frequented these meetings without reporting anything about the discussions is a clear indication of media manipulation and censorship.

The true scope of this control was revealed (likely by accident) by Conan O'Brien on his late-night comedy show.


In a short clip from O'Brien's show, it is clear that there is some sort of central governing news body that carefully monitors and controls exactly what is reported and how it is reported.


News outlets from across the country, both large and small, reported the news of an upcoming event by reading off the exact same script, revealing that the concept of investigative journalism by mainstream media is a thing of the past.

This type of control serves to suppress the truth and prevent the revelation of the vast amounts of conspiracy and corruption going on behind the scenes by those whom we are supposed to trust.




2011 - Partial Audit of the Federal Reserve

The 2011 partial audit of the Federal Reserve has revealed one of the biggest lies in U.S. government history:

the true amount of the bailouts given to the banks totaled a staggering $26 trillion, a far cry from the $1 trillion that was previously reported by the federal government.

The fact that every member of the federal reserve, every leading figure of every major bank, and a vast majority of the federal government have violated the United States Constitution, the very document they have sworn to uphold, illustrates the extent to which the financial system is rigged against the people.


The power now rests in the hands of the people to hold these thieves accountable for their actions.

But the true nature of the financial system goes even deeper than this. As we will explore in below Part II of this report, the existence of a financial superfund, known as The Black Eagle Trust,

contains vast amounts of gold, precious metals, jewels, and diamonds plundered by the Allied forces during World War II.

This fund has been used to steer global policy for over 65 years, but the global elitists of the West have not obtained this gold without a price.


They now find themselves held responsible to powerful forces in the Asian world who are demanding retribution.





Part 2
At the Bottom of the Washington Swamp

How the World Has Been Robbed Blind
August 15, 2024

Recovered through WayBackMachine Website




In the second part of our journey (catch up on part 1 above), we're leaving the surface level behind and diving headfirst into the depths of the Washington swamp. This immersive exploration will likely challenge our perspectives and forever alter our understanding of the world.

We'll embark on a thrilling adventure along the ancient Silk Road, delve into the mysteries of imperial Japan and Operation Golden Lily, and go on a treasure hunt through the Philippines' lush forests, and finally explain the most notorious day of recent American history:


Along the way, we'll expose the shocking truth about how the financial elite has been exploiting and deceiving us for generations, raping our souls and sabotaging our futures.


But we'll also examine the fragile house of cards they've constructed - and how it's beginning to crumble.

This journey is designed to spark outrage... And that's a good thing.

Let's get started...




The Silk Road

In an audacious tale reminiscent of an Indiana Jones adventure, the authentic chronicle of the Silk Road unveils one of the most captivating narratives of antiquity.


Spanning a colossal 4,000 miles from Europe's Mediterranean shores to the farthest reaches of Indonesia, this extensive network of interconnected land and sea routes served as the world's primary method of economic and social interaction and exchange for millennia.

During the epochs of the Greco-Roman Empires, a staggering volume of commodities was exchanged between the Greek and Roman empires and the nations of the east, most notably China.

The allure of the exquisite and meticulously crafted items produced by the Chinese, ranging from silk to exotic spices and gold-laced ceramics, china, and pottery, could not be overstated for the Greeks and Romans.


In return, the Chinese and other Southeast Asian nations coveted the gold that was extensively mined throughout the Roman Empire, making it the most widely accepted method of payment in these regions.

As the annals of history unfolded and the New World fell to the Spaniards (beginning in 1492), a seemingly endless supply of gold and treasure was amassed through the ruthless pillaging of the ancient indigenous populations of the Americas, namely the Inca and Mayan civilizations.

Eager to capitalize on the lucrative spice trade, the Spaniards actively engaged in commerce along the Silk Road.


Once again, gold emerged as the favored medium of exchange for the eastern nations, enabling China and other Southeast Asian countries to accumulate 85% of the world's gold, jewels, and ancient treasures over the ensuing centuries.




1776 - The Birth of a Propaganda Lie

The vast fortune amassed by China over millennia of Silk Road trade did not escape the notice of the British aristocracy or the British East India Company, which similarly accrued immense wealth through its own dealings in the opium trade with India and China.

In 1776, the Scottish economist and philosopher Adam Smith published a groundbreaking work, "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations," which has since become one of the most influential economic texts in history.

Smith's magnum opus elucidates several critical economic principles, chief among them the establishment of free trade and the importance of implementing a fiat currency system instead of a gold standard.


According to Smith, gold, which has served as a universal medium of exchange for thousands of years, has the potential to create financial instability on a global scale.

In his view, should any single nation gain control of the majority of the world's gold and other precious metals, it would disrupt the balance of global power, leading to chaos and strife.


Thus, Smith proposed that gold must be centralized to maintain world peace.

The saccharine notion that free trade and the centralization of precious metals is a panacea for the global economy is a farce. In reality, it's a recipe for disaster, a Trojan horse that allows the powerful to pillage and plunder the vulnerable.

The East India Company's (EIC) and British East India Company's (BEIC) opium trade with India is a stark illustration of this.


Under the guise of "free trade," these colonial behemoths flooded the Indian market with cheap, subpar goods, deliberately undercutting local manufacturers and crippling the nation's economy.


Sounds familiar...?

The consequences were devastating. India's homegrown industries were decimated, and the country became increasingly dependent on England for survival.


The only way for India to stay afloat was to produce more opium, which was then sold to the English at rock-bottom prices.

This, in turn, was used to trade with China, which had previously been a gold-based economy. The result was a catastrophic influx of opium that ensnared 40 million Chinese people in its grasp, ravaging the country's economy and paving the way for further exploitation.

The emperor of Japan, wise to the British East India Company's machinations, attempted to stem the tide of this destructive trade in 1839.


But behind the scenes, England's eyes were fixed greedily on China's vast treasures, and the opium trade was merely the opening salvo in a campaign to dismantle China's infrastructure and seize control of its riches.

This was not "free trade" - it was economic warfare, a cynical and ruthless pursuit of power and wealth at the expense of entire nations.


The notion that such a system benefits the global economy is a cruel joke, a thinly veiled attempt to justify the plunder of the many by the few.




1868 - The Meiji Restoration

The myth of Japan's "self-imposed isolation" is a convenient fiction, one that obscures the brutal reality of Western imperialism.


For centuries, Japan had maintained a deliberate distance from the Western world, refusing to open its borders to the ravages of colonialism.

But in 1853, Matthew C. Perry, Commodore of the United States navy, arrived with a fleet of ships and an open threat: open up to the West, or face the consequences.

The Convention of Kanagawa, signed in 1854, was the result of this gunboat diplomacy, forcing Japan to abandon its carefully guarded neutrality and succumb to the whims of Western powers.

The consequences of this forced opening were far-reaching.


Western agents, backed by the likes of the Rothschilds, began to sow the seeds of revolution in Japan, arming and funding the southern Satsuma and Chotsu clans in their rebellion against the ruling Shogun and the Tokugawa.

The 1868 coup d'etat that followed was a mere formality, paving the way for the Meiji Restoration and a new era of Western-backed "modernization."

But make no mistake, this was not a benevolent exercise in "nation-building."


The ultimate target was China, and the vast reserves of gold that lay within its borders.

The rapid industrialization and modernization of Japan that followed was a mere facade, a Potemkin village constructed to conceal the true intentions of its Western backers.

The build-up of the Japanese navy, modeled after the British Royal Navy, was a cynical exercise in military expansionism, designed to facilitate the looting of Chinese treasure.

The First Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95 was the inevitable result, a conflict that saw Japan emerge victorious and China forced to pay reparations in the form of thousands of tons of silver.


This was merely the beginning of a decades-long campaign of plunder and exploitation, one that would leave China impoverished and Japan a mere vassal state of the Western powers.




1930 - The Hatching of a Beast

The aftermath of World War I, a conflict so ripe with lies about its origins that we will look at them in detail in the future, saw the emergence of a new era of financial control.


Under the guise of "peace" and "stability," many of the world's leading nations signed away their sovereignty, surrendering their precious metals holdings to a single, centralized system of monetary control.


The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) was born, a behemoth of financial power that would come to dominate the global economy.

The BIS, touted as the "central bank of central banks," was created to manage the gold and other precious metals deposits of its member nations.


The list of nations that signed on to this arrangement is a veritable who's who of global powers, including,

  • the United Kingdom

  • France

  • Italy

  • Japan,

...and many others.

The Brussels protocol of 1936, which established the BIS, is a revealing document. It lists the participating nations, each of which agreed to surrender its precious metals holdings to the BIS.

The protocol is a masterclass in diplomatic doublespeak, using phrases like "placed on deposit" to obscure the fact that these nations were, in effect, surrendering control of their financial systems.


The BIS was given carte blanche to manage the global economy, with its member nations reduced to mere vassals.

The protocols, available for all to see, reveal the true nature of the BIS.

They are a blueprint for financial control, a set of rules and regulations designed to maintain the dominance of the global elite...

The BIS is not a neutral arbiter of international finance, but a tool of the powerful, designed to maintain their grip on the global economy.

"The duly authorized representatives of the Government of His Majesty the King of the Belgians, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Government of Canada, the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Government of New Zealand, the Government of the Union of South Africa, the Government of India, the Government of the French Republic, the Government of His Majesty the King of the Hellenes [Greece], the Government of His Majesty the King of Italy, the Government of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, the Government of the Republic of Poland, the Government of the Republic of Portugal, the Government of His Majesty the King of Romania, the Government of the Swiss Confederation, the Government of His Majesty the King of Yugoslavia."

"The Bank for International Settlements, its property and assets as well as all the property and assets which are or will be entrusted to it, whether coin or other fungible goods, gold bullion, silver or any other metal, precious objects, securities or any other objects the deposit of which is admissible in accordance with banking practice, are exempt from the provisions or measures referred to in paragraph 2 of Article X of the Agreement with Germany and in Article 10 of the Constituent Charter consecutive to the Convention with Switzerland, of the 20th January 1930.

The property and assets of third parties, held by any other institution or person, on the instructions, in the name or for the account of the Bank for International Settlements, shall be considered as entrusted to the Bank for International Settlements and as enjoying the immunities laid down by the International Settlements and as enjoying the immunities laid down by the Articles above-mentioned by the same right as the property and assets which the Bank for International Settlements holds for the account of others, in the premises set apart for this purpose by the Bank, its branches or agencies."

Brussels Protocol, 1936

The absence of the United States from the list of nations participating in this protocol is notable, but not surprising.


The U.S. had already begun to surrender its precious metals holdings, a process that would be accelerated by President Roosevelt's New Deal program.

The true nature of the BIS's creation is a tale of secrecy and deceit. In exchange for surrendering their precious metals holdings, the leaders of nations were granted bonds of enormous value, some exceeding $1 billion.

These bonds were not meant to be seen by the public, and the leaders were instructed to keep them hidden.


This clandestine arrangement was made behind closed doors, away from the prying eyes of the people, by the very leaders who were supposed to serve them.

The BIS's own website provides a sanitized version of its history, but the truth is far more sinister:

The real story of the BIS's creation began in 1921, when Japanese Emperor Hirohito was invited to tour Europe.


This was not a mere diplomatic courtesy, but a calculated move to lay the groundwork for a global central bank. Hirohito's visit to London, where he met with King George V, was a key moment in this process.

The Western oligarchy, driven by a lust for power and wealth, sought to create a centralized system of control over the world's precious metals supply.


They believed that a decentralized system, where nations owned and controlled their own gold and precious metals, was a recipe for conflict and financial instability.

But what they really wanted was to get their hands on the vast riches of Southeast Asia, which had accumulated over thousands of years of trade along the Silk Road.


The region was a treasure trove of gold and precious metals, and the Western oligarchy was determined to claim it for themselves.


They knew that the Southeast Asian nations would never agree to a centralized system of control, so they needed a proxy to do their dirty work. That's where Hirohito came in.

The Japanese Emperor was invited into the fold, not because of his own power or influence, but because of Japan's strategic location and military might.


The Western oligarchy saw Japan as the perfect puppet state, one that could be used to steal and murder its way to riches in Southeast Asia.

Hirohito himself was a mere pawn in this game, a puppet on strings controlled by the Western oligarchy.


He was used to further their interests, to carry out their dirty work, and to bring about a new era of colonialism and exploitation in Southeast Asia.

The true nature of Hirohito's dealings with the Western oligarchy is a dark and sinister one, and it's a story that has been hidden from the public for far too long.

It's a story of corruption, greed, and deceit, one that reveals the true nature of the power brokers who control our world.


It's a story that must be told, and one that must be remembered, lest we forget the lessons of history and repeat the mistakes of the past...



1933-1941 - Roosevelt's New Deal

The New Deal, a series of economic programs implemented by F.D.R. between 1933-36, was touted as a panacea for the Great Depression, a desperate attempt to restore economic prosperity and balance to the United States.


But scratch beneath the surface, and it becomes clear that this was nothing more than a power grab, an attempt to consolidate control over the economy and strip citizens of their autonomy.

Take, for example, Executive Order 6102, signed on April 5th, 1933, which effectively outlawed the possession of monetary gold by individuals, partnerships, associations, and corporations.


The order was peddling the notion that the government was acting in the best interests of the people by "preventing the hoarding of gold" and promoting a fiat-based economy.

But let's not be fooled - this was nothing more than a cynical ploy to amass gold reserves and further entrench the Federal Reserve's stranglehold on the economy.


The fact that citizens were forced to surrender their gold in exchange for a paltry $20.67 per ounce, under threat of fines and imprisonment, only serves to underscore the coercive nature of this policy.

And what of the Gold Reserve Act of 1934, which centralized control of the vast majority of U.S. gold reserves into the hands of the Federal Reserve system?


This was nothing more than a coup de grâce, a final nail in the coffin of economic freedom.


By concentrating control over the gold supply, the government effectively gained the power to manipulate the money supply, setting the stage for the kind of monetary policy shenanigans that have become all too familiar in recent years.

But don't just take my word for it - the drawbacks of Roosevelt's New Deal have been extensively critiqued by economists and scholars.


Take, for example, the work of William L. Anderson, Ph.D, professor of economics at Frostburg State University in Maryland, who has written extensively on the subject.


His analysis is a scathing indictment of the New Deal's failures, and a powerful reminder that, despite the rhetoric, this was a policy that served the interests of the powerful at the expense of the people.




1937-1941 - Golden Lily, The Second Sino-Japanese War, The Rape of Nankin, and World War II

One of the most egregious examples of imperialistic plunder in modern history is the story of Prince Chichibu, the brother of Emperor Hirohito of Japan, and his role in the ultra-secret operation known as Golden Lily.

While Chichibu is often remembered for his efforts to establish good relations with England, particularly with the British royal family, his true legacy is one of unbridled greed and exploitation.

Alongside General Tomoyuki Yamashita and Admiral Yoshio Kodama, Chichibu was tasked by the Emperor with orchestrating a vast and sinister operation to pillage the treasures of China and Southeast Asia, bringing them under Japanese control.

The genesis of this operation, as revealed in Peggy and Sterling Seagrave's book Gold Warriors, showcases the ruthless pragmatism of the Japanese imperial family.


According to the Seagraves, Emperor Hirohito, anticipating the inevitability of a new world war, recognized that defeating the United States would require an unprecedented military force, backed by extraordinary financing.

And so, he set in motion a plan to confiscate the wealth of Asia, entrusting the project to a special team led by none other than Prince Chichibu.


This team, code-named Kin No Yuri, or Golden Lily, was tasked with plundering the riches of the region, setting the stage for one of the most egregious examples of war profiteering in history.

In the decade preceding the war, Japan introduced hundreds of spies into the twelve Asian nations they would eventually conquer.


Disguised as civilians from all walks of life, their mission was to locate and map the storehouses of wealth throughout the regions.


Targets included museums, treasuries, banks, churches, temples, monasteries, shrines, mining operations and large corporations, as well as wealthy families and organized crime syndicates.


Detailed reports were continually sent to the royalty in Tokyo who wanted to have one basic thing, a list of whoever held the keys and combinations to the vaults who would soon become candidates for interrogation and torture."

Peggy and Sterling Seagrave

"Gold Warriors"

The summer of 1937 marked the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese war, a conflict that would ultimately serve as a precursor to the global devastation of World War II.

The tensions between Japan and China had been simmering for years, with small-scale conflicts erupting periodically. However, it was the events of December 1937 that would forever etch the name of Nanking into the annals of infamy.

The Rape of Nanking, as it came to be known, was a massacre of unimaginable proportions, with hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians - men, women, and children - brutally slaughtered by the Japanese armies.

The city, once the proud capital of China, was left in ruins.

The Second Sino-Japanese War raged on for years, a precursor to the global conflict that would soon engulf the world.


The bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941 marked the beginning of the end, drawing the Asian world into the vortex of World War II. But amidst the chaos and destruction, another, more sinister narrative was unfolding.

The Nazi regime, notorious for its brutality and ideological fanaticism, was engaged in a systematic campaign of looting and plunder, targeting the treasures and wealth of Europe.

The scale of this looting was staggering, with vast sums of treasure and wealth being plundered from across the continent.

While some of this treasure was recovered by Allied forces after the war, much of it remains missing to this day.



Meanwhile, the plunder of the Japanese in China and Southern Asia, carried out under the auspices of Operation Golden Lily, remains one of the most egregious and overlooked chapters in the history of World War II.

While the Nazi looting of Europe has been well-documented, the sheer scale of the Japanese thefts has been largely ignored, relegated to the footnotes of history.


The fact that the Japanese stole vast amounts of gold and treasure from the Chinese and other nations, totaling an estimated $100 billion, is a staggering revelation that puts the Nazi looting to shame.

The secrecy surrounding Operation Golden Lily, combined with the Western media's complicity in suppressing this information, has ensured that this aspect of history has remained largely unknown in the West.

However, in China, the knowledge of this vast theft has been common knowledge for decades, and became a painful reminder of the country's traumatic past.


The question remains,

why has this information been so thoroughly suppressed, and where did all this treasure ultimately end up...?



The documentary film featuring Rhawn Joseph provides a glimpse into this hidden history.


This figure is corroborated by investigative journalists Sterling and Peggy Seagrave in their book Gold Warriors, which provides a detailed account of the Japanese looting and its aftermath.

According to the authors, a ranking Japanese officer, a cousin of Emperor Hirohito, confirmed that the Japanese had hidden over $100 billion worth of treasure in the Philippines, a staggering amount that would take "more than a century" to recover.

However, as we will see later in this report, this estimate of $100 billion is likely a gross underestimate, a mere fraction of the true value of the treasure stolen by the Japanese.


The true extent of this plunder, and the fate of the treasure, remains a mystery that continues to unfold.




1941-1945 - The Philippine Occupation

As the world teetered on the brink of chaos during World War II, Japan's insatiable appetite for conquest and plunder led to the accumulation of treasures so vast that they necessitated a secret storage facility off the mainland.


The Philippines, a country already ravaged by colonialism, became the unwitting host to this treasure trove.

The Japanese invasion, marked by brutality and bloodshed, spared Manila from destruction, but only to transform it into a hub for the clandestine transportation of looted wealth from China and the rest of Asia.


The irony is palpable - the same forces that ravaged the continent now sought to preserve their spoils in the very country they had subjugated.

The Japanese military's decision to seal the treasure sites, entombing thousands of civilians, prisoners of war, and even their own soldiers, is a stark testament to the callous disregard for human life that defined their campaign.


The ruling elites, driven by a lust for power and wealth, deemed it necessary to sacrifice countless lives to protect their ill-gotten gains.

The sheer scale of this operation is mind-blowing:

175 networks of tunnels, each containing treasures accumulated over millennia, were created and then deliberately concealed, leaving behind a trail of death and destruction.



1944 - Bretton Woods and The Black Eagle Trust

The myth of the benevolent victors has been perpetuated for far too long.


Behind the façade of rebuilding and reconstruction, the Allied forces were secretly salivating over the spoils of war.

Severino Garcia Santa Romana, aka Santy, and General Edward Lansdale were the tip of the iceberg, tasked with uncovering the locations of the treasure sites, while the likes of General Douglas Macarthur and President Truman waited in the wings, eager to get their hands on the loot.

The Bretton Woods system, touted as a noble effort to rebuild the world's financial system, was in reality another agenda to consolidate power and control over the global economy.

The delegates who met in New Hampshire in 1944 were not naive idealists, but rather calculating strategists who knew that the war was all but won.


With their vast spy networks and knowledge of the plundered treasures, they set about creating the International Monetary Fund, a tool designed to manage and manipulate the global economy to their advantage.


And when the true extent of the treasure was revealed, the Black Eagle Trust was born, a secret fund established to launder the spoils of war and further the interests of the powerful.

The numbers stay staggering:

280,000 tonnes of metric gold, not to mention jewels and diamonds, plundered from Europe and Asia.

And what happened to this treasure?


It was transferred into 172 accounts in 42 different nations, with a significant portion finding its way into the coffers of the Federal Reserve (FED) and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).

The M Fund, named after General William Frederic Marquat, was just one of the many slush funds created to facilitate the global political action fund.


And what has this fund been used for?

To bribe statesmen and military officials, as well as to buy elections worldwide, ensuring that only those who serve the interests of the powerful bankers and money holders (the likes of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and J.P. Morgans) rise to positions of power.

To impose a global policy of Western capitalism and anti-communism, a supposedly noble cause that has, in reality, created a deep rift between Russia/China and the U.S./European/Japanese alignments, leaving most of the world in a state of perpetual poverty and powerlessness.

To potentially cover up a massive false flag operation, such as the September 11th, 2001 attacks, which may have been intended to conceal the clearing of $240 billion in covertly created securities bonds, used to fund a secret economic war against the Soviet Union.


This operation allowed unknown Western investors to buy up large chunks of Soviet industry, particularly in the oil and gas sectors.


Furthermore, reports have surfaced that massive amounts of gold disappeared from the World Trade Center's basement vaults in the aftermath of the attacks, potentially linking back to the Black Eagle Trust.

"The financial, banking and economic shadow-world... is the dirty little secret of the Western economy. It is a form of money creation that is effectively unchallenged by any form of oversight or accountability as we understand it."

David Guyatt

The sheer magnitude of this wealth is mind-boggling, with estimates suggesting trillions of dollars, many times over.


We're talking about the accumulation of thousands of years' worth of gold, jewels, treasures, and diamonds, which has given the United States and its allies a seemingly endless supply of funds to shape global policy.

However, this wealth has been funneled into the hands of private banking cartels, such as the Federal Reserve, effectively making them the masters of the universe. This grand theft has far-reaching consequences, potentially being the primary reason for the world's current turmoil.

It's no secret that the world's wealth is not being shared equitably, but few people realize the true extent of the wealth that exists. The reality is that precious metals, jewels, diamonds, ancient treasures, and especially gold represent the real wealth of the world.


The shocking truth is that the majority of the world's population is not part of this off-ledger, occult economic system.

In the United States, for example, people trade in Federal Reserve Notes, which are essentially paper with no tangible backing. If these notes are backed by off-ledger gold, it's not an asset that legally belongs to the Federal Reserve or the Bank for International Settlements.

In essence, the world's real wealth has been hijacked and is being kept under wraps.


This is why the wealth is concentrated in the hands of a tiny elite, while the masses struggle to make ends meet, never being invited into this world of hidden riches.


The result is a system where the majority of people are forced to live in a state of economic servitude, while the privileged few reap the benefits of this stolen wealth.




November 11th, 1963 - The Green Hilton Memorial Agreement

On November 11th, 1963, a clandestine pact was forged in the shadows of the Green Hilton Memorial Building in Geneva, Switzerland, as President John F. Kennedy and Indonesian President Soekarno, among others, put their signatures to a treaty that would have far-reaching implications for the global financial landscape.


Will continue...