by A Lily Bit

August 2024

from ALilyBit Website

Recovered through WayBackMachine Website



A Lily Bit
Former intelligence operative analyzing the "Great Reset," the "Fourth Industrial Revolution," propaganda, totalitarianism, current narratives, psychology, and history.
What matters now isn't storytelling; what matters is telling a true story well.







As Drake Bailey, a military insider with connections to high-level sources within the CIA and other military organizations, has been saying all along,

the plan to collapse the global oligarchical structure and bring thousands of high-profile individuals to justice for treason and crimes against humanity is still very much on the table.

Bailey's revelations, which have been met with a mix of skepticism and outright dismissal by the mainstream media, may appear a bit gullible.


The scope of the plan, which involves U.S. marshals, positive forces within the police and military, and a vast network of whistleblowers and insiders, is breathtaking in its ambition.


The goal, quite simply,

is to dismantle the entire apparatus of global tyranny, from the royal bloodline families of Europe to the ancient mystery schools and the power structures within and above the Vatican.

It's a prospect that should send shivers down the spines of the ruling elite, and one that would undoubtedly rock humanity to its core should the truth finally comes to light.


The Keenan federal lawsuit, which has been a key component of this plan, may have been withdrawn for now but the cabal's attempts in recent years to stall and intimidate have only served to strengthen the resolve of those who seek to bring them to justice.


As Bailey has said, the liens are in effect, and the liened banks are now in default.

The house of cards is crumbling, and it's only a matter of time before the entire edifice comes crashing down.

The mainstream media, of course, will continue to ignore or downplay these developments, preferring instead to peddle their usual diet of propaganda and disinformation.


But the truth is out there, and it's spreading like wildfire.


The people are waking up, and the cabal's days are numbered.

As the great awakening gathers pace, the ruling elite will stop at nothing to maintain their grip on power.


But it's too late for that.


The genie is out of the bottle, and there's no going back...

The question is,

What will you do when the truth finally comes to light?


Will you continue to cling to your comfortable illusions, or will you join the growing ranks of those who are demanding justice and accountability?

The choice is yours...



  • Part 1 - Setting the Stage - Exposing Centuries of Deception, Corruption, Infiltration, and Manipulation


  • Part 2 - At the Bottom of the Washington Swamp - How the World has been Robbed Blind