Part 2
At the Bottom of the Washington Swamp

How the World has been Robbed Blind
August 15, 2024

Recovered through WayBackMachine Website




In the second part of our journey (catch up on part 1 above), we're leaving the surface level behind and diving headfirst into the depths of the Washington swamp. This immersive exploration will likely challenge our perspectives and forever alter our understanding of the world.

We'll embark on a thrilling adventure along the ancient Silk Road, delve into the mysteries of imperial Japan and Operation Golden Lily, and go on a treasure hunt through the Philippines' lush forests, and finally explain the most notorious day of recent American history:


Along the way, we'll expose the shocking truth about how the financial elite has been exploiting and deceiving us for generations, raping our souls and sabotaging our futures.


But we'll also examine the fragile house of cards they've constructed - and how it's beginning to crumble.

This journey is designed to spark outrage... And that's a good thing.

Let's get started...




The Silk Road

In an audacious tale reminiscent of an Indiana Jones adventure, the authentic chronicle of the Silk Road unveils one of the most captivating narratives of antiquity.


Spanning a colossal 4,000 miles from Europe's Mediterranean shores to the farthest reaches of Indonesia, this extensive network of interconnected land and sea routes served as the world's primary method of economic and social interaction and exchange for millennia.

During the epochs of the Greco-Roman Empires, a staggering volume of commodities was exchanged between the Greek and Roman empires and the nations of the east, most notably China.

The allure of the exquisite and meticulously crafted items produced by the Chinese, ranging from silk to exotic spices and gold-laced ceramics, china, and pottery, could not be overstated for the Greeks and Romans.


In return, the Chinese and other Southeast Asian nations coveted the gold that was extensively mined throughout the Roman Empire, making it the most widely accepted method of payment in these regions.

As the annals of history unfolded and the New World fell to the Spaniards (beginning in 1492), a seemingly endless supply of gold and treasure was amassed through the ruthless pillaging of the ancient indigenous populations of the Americas, namely the Inca and Mayan civilizations.

Eager to capitalize on the lucrative spice trade, the Spaniards actively engaged in commerce along the Silk Road.


Once again, gold emerged as the favored medium of exchange for the eastern nations, enabling China and other Southeast Asian countries to accumulate 85% of the world's gold, jewels, and ancient treasures over the ensuing centuries.




1776 - The Birth of a Propaganda Lie

The vast fortune amassed by China over millennia of Silk Road trade did not escape the notice of the British aristocracy or the British East India Company, which similarly accrued immense wealth through its own dealings in the opium trade with India and China.

In 1776, the Scottish economist and philosopher Adam Smith published a groundbreaking work, "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations," which has since become one of the most influential economic texts in history.

Smith's magnum opus elucidates several critical economic principles, chief among them the establishment of free trade and the importance of implementing a fiat currency system instead of a gold standard.


According to Smith, gold, which has served as a universal medium of exchange for thousands of years, has the potential to create financial instability on a global scale.

In his view, should any single nation gain control of the majority of the world's gold and other precious metals, it would disrupt the balance of global power, leading to chaos and strife.


Thus, Smith proposed that gold must be centralized to maintain world peace.

The saccharine notion that free trade and the centralization of precious metals is a panacea for the global economy is a farce. In reality, it's a recipe for disaster, a Trojan horse that allows the powerful to pillage and plunder the vulnerable.

The East India Company's (EIC) and British East India Company's (BEIC) opium trade with India is a stark illustration of this.


Under the guise of "free trade," these colonial behemoths flooded the Indian market with cheap, subpar goods, deliberately undercutting local manufacturers and crippling the nation's economy.


Sounds familiar...?

The consequences were devastating. India's homegrown industries were decimated, and the country became increasingly dependent on England for survival.


The only way for India to stay afloat was to produce more opium, which was then sold to the English at rock-bottom prices.

This, in turn, was used to trade with China, which had previously been a gold-based economy. The result was a catastrophic influx of opium that ensnared 40 million Chinese people in its grasp, ravaging the country's economy and paving the way for further exploitation.

The emperor of Japan, wise to the British East India Company's machinations, attempted to stem the tide of this destructive trade in 1839.


But behind the scenes, England's eyes were fixed greedily on China's vast treasures, and the opium trade was merely the opening salvo in a campaign to dismantle China's infrastructure and seize control of its riches.

This was not "free trade" - it was economic warfare, a cynical and ruthless pursuit of power and wealth at the expense of entire nations.


The notion that such a system benefits the global economy is a cruel joke, a thinly veiled attempt to justify the plunder of the many by the few.




1868 - The Meiji Restoration

The myth of Japan's "self-imposed isolation" is a convenient fiction, one that obscures the brutal reality of Western imperialism.


For centuries, Japan had maintained a deliberate distance from the Western world, refusing to open its borders to the ravages of colonialism.

But in 1853, Matthew C. Perry, Commodore of the United States navy, arrived with a fleet of ships and an open threat: open up to the West, or face the consequences.

The Convention of Kanagawa, signed in 1854, was the result of this gunboat diplomacy, forcing Japan to abandon its carefully guarded neutrality and succumb to the whims of Western powers.

The consequences of this forced opening were far-reaching.


Western agents, backed by the likes of the Rothschilds, began to sow the seeds of revolution in Japan, arming and funding the southern Satsuma and Chotsu clans in their rebellion against the ruling Shogun and the Tokugawa.

The 1868 coup d'etat that followed was a mere formality, paving the way for the Meiji Restoration and a new era of Western-backed "modernization."

But make no mistake, this was not a benevolent exercise in "nation-building."


The ultimate target was China, and the vast reserves of gold that lay within its borders.

The rapid industrialization and modernization of Japan that followed was a mere facade, a Potemkin village constructed to conceal the true intentions of its Western backers.

The build-up of the Japanese navy, modeled after the British Royal Navy, was a cynical exercise in military expansionism, designed to facilitate the looting of Chinese treasure.

The First Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95 was the inevitable result, a conflict that saw Japan emerge victorious and China forced to pay reparations in the form of thousands of tons of silver.


This was merely the beginning of a decades-long campaign of plunder and exploitation, one that would leave China impoverished and Japan a mere vassal state of the Western powers.




1930 - The Hatching of a Beast

The aftermath of World War I, a conflict so ripe with lies about its origins that we will look at them in detail in the future, saw the emergence of a new era of financial control.


Under the guise of "peace" and "stability," many of the world's leading nations signed away their sovereignty, surrendering their precious metals holdings to a single, centralized system of monetary control.


The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) was born, a behemoth of financial power that would come to dominate the global economy.

The BIS, touted as the "central bank of central banks," was created to manage the gold and other precious metals deposits of its member nations.


The list of nations that signed on to this arrangement is a veritable who's who of global powers, including,

  • the United Kingdom

  • France

  • Italy

  • Japan,

...and many others.

The Brussels protocol of 1936, which established the BIS, is a revealing document. It lists the participating nations, each of which agreed to surrender its precious metals holdings to the BIS.

The protocol is a masterclass in diplomatic doublespeak, using phrases like "placed on deposit" to obscure the fact that these nations were, in effect, surrendering control of their financial systems.


The BIS was given carte blanche to manage the global economy, with its member nations reduced to mere vassals.

The protocols, available for all to see, reveal the true nature of the BIS.

They are a blueprint for financial control, a set of rules and regulations designed to maintain the dominance of the global elite...

The BIS is not a neutral arbiter of international finance, but a tool of the powerful, designed to maintain their grip on the global economy.

"The duly authorized representatives of the Government of His Majesty the King of the Belgians, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Government of Canada, the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Government of New Zealand, the Government of the Union of South Africa, the Government of India, the Government of the French Republic, the Government of His Majesty the King of the Hellenes [Greece], the Government of His Majesty the King of Italy, the Government of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, the Government of the Republic of Poland, the Government of the Republic of Portugal, the Government of His Majesty the King of Romania, the Government of the Swiss Confederation, the Government of His Majesty the King of Yugoslavia."

"The Bank for International Settlements, its property and assets as well as all the property and assets which are or will be entrusted to it, whether coin or other fungible goods, gold bullion, silver or any other metal, precious objects, securities or any other objects the deposit of which is admissible in accordance with banking practice, are exempt from the provisions or measures referred to in paragraph 2 of Article X of the Agreement with Germany and in Article 10 of the Constituent Charter consecutive to the Convention with Switzerland, of the 20th January 1930.

The property and assets of third parties, held by any other institution or person, on the instructions, in the name or for the account of the Bank for International Settlements, shall be considered as entrusted to the Bank for International Settlements and as enjoying the immunities laid down by the International Settlements and as enjoying the immunities laid down by the Articles above-mentioned by the same right as the property and assets which the Bank for International Settlements holds for the account of others, in the premises set apart for this purpose by the Bank, its branches or agencies."

Brussels Protocol, 1936

The absence of the United States from the list of nations participating in this protocol is notable, but not surprising.


The U.S. had already begun to surrender its precious metals holdings, a process that would be accelerated by President Roosevelt's New Deal program.

The true nature of the BIS's creation is a tale of secrecy and deceit. In exchange for surrendering their precious metals holdings, the leaders of nations were granted bonds of enormous value, some exceeding $1 billion.

These bonds were not meant to be seen by the public, and the leaders were instructed to keep them hidden.


This clandestine arrangement was made behind closed doors, away from the prying eyes of the people, by the very leaders who were supposed to serve them.

The BIS's own website provides a sanitized version of its history, but the truth is far more sinister:

The real story of the BIS's creation began in 1921, when Japanese Emperor Hirohito was invited to tour Europe.


This was not a mere diplomatic courtesy, but a calculated move to lay the groundwork for a global central bank. Hirohito's visit to London, where he met with King George V, was a key moment in this process.

The Western oligarchy, driven by a lust for power and wealth, sought to create a centralized system of control over the world's precious metals supply.


They believed that a decentralized system, where nations owned and controlled their own gold and precious metals, was a recipe for conflict and financial instability.

But what they really wanted was to get their hands on the vast riches of Southeast Asia, which had accumulated over thousands of years of trade along the Silk Road.


The region was a treasure trove of gold and precious metals, and the Western oligarchy was determined to claim it for themselves.


They knew that the Southeast Asian nations would never agree to a centralized system of control, so they needed a proxy to do their dirty work. That's where Hirohito came in.

The Japanese Emperor was invited into the fold, not because of his own power or influence, but because of Japan's strategic location and military might.


The Western oligarchy saw Japan as the perfect puppet state, one that could be used to steal and murder its way to riches in Southeast Asia.

Hirohito himself was a mere pawn in this game, a puppet on strings controlled by the Western oligarchy.


He was used to further their interests, to carry out their dirty work, and to bring about a new era of colonialism and exploitation in Southeast Asia.

The true nature of Hirohito's dealings with the Western oligarchy is a dark and sinister one, and it's a story that has been hidden from the public for far too long.

It's a story of corruption, greed, and deceit, one that reveals the true nature of the power brokers who control our world.


It's a story that must be told, and one that must be remembered, lest we forget the lessons of history and repeat the mistakes of the past...



1933-1941 - Roosevelt's New Deal

The New Deal, a series of economic programs implemented by F.D.R. between 1933-36, was touted as a panacea for the Great Depression, a desperate attempt to restore economic prosperity and balance to the United States.


But scratch beneath the surface, and it becomes clear that this was nothing more than a power grab, an attempt to consolidate control over the economy and strip citizens of their autonomy.

Take, for example, Executive Order 6102, signed on April 5th, 1933, which effectively outlawed the possession of monetary gold by individuals, partnerships, associations, and corporations.


The order was peddling the notion that the government was acting in the best interests of the people by "preventing the hoarding of gold" and promoting a fiat-based economy.

But let's not be fooled - this was nothing more than a cynical ploy to amass gold reserves and further entrench the Federal Reserve's stranglehold on the economy.


The fact that citizens were forced to surrender their gold in exchange for a paltry $20.67 per ounce, under threat of fines and imprisonment, only serves to underscore the coercive nature of this policy.

And what of the Gold Reserve Act of 1934, which centralized control of the vast majority of U.S. gold reserves into the hands of the Federal Reserve system?


This was nothing more than a coup de grâce, a final nail in the coffin of economic freedom.


By concentrating control over the gold supply, the government effectively gained the power to manipulate the money supply, setting the stage for the kind of monetary policy shenanigans that have become all too familiar in recent years.

But don't just take my word for it - the drawbacks of Roosevelt's New Deal have been extensively critiqued by economists and scholars.


Take, for example, the work of William L. Anderson, Ph.D, professor of economics at Frostburg State University in Maryland, who has written extensively on the subject.


His analysis is a scathing indictment of the New Deal's failures, and a powerful reminder that, despite the rhetoric, this was a policy that served the interests of the powerful at the expense of the people.




1937-1941 - Golden Lily, The Second Sino-Japanese War, The Rape of Nankin, and World War II

One of the most egregious examples of imperialistic plunder in modern history is the story of Prince Chichibu, the brother of Emperor Hirohito of Japan, and his role in the ultra-secret operation known as Golden Lily.

While Chichibu is often remembered for his efforts to establish good relations with England, particularly with the British royal family, his true legacy is one of unbridled greed and exploitation.

Alongside General Tomoyuki Yamashita and Admiral Yoshio Kodama, Chichibu was tasked by the Emperor with orchestrating a vast and sinister operation to pillage the treasures of China and Southeast Asia, bringing them under Japanese control.

The genesis of this operation, as revealed in Peggy and Sterling Seagrave's book Gold Warriors, showcases the ruthless pragmatism of the Japanese imperial family.


According to the Seagraves, Emperor Hirohito, anticipating the inevitability of a new world war, recognized that defeating the United States would require an unprecedented military force, backed by extraordinary financing.

And so, he set in motion a plan to confiscate the wealth of Asia, entrusting the project to a special team led by none other than Prince Chichibu.


This team, code-named Kin No Yuri, or Golden Lily, was tasked with plundering the riches of the region, setting the stage for one of the most egregious examples of war profiteering in history.

In the decade preceding the war, Japan introduced hundreds of spies into the twelve Asian nations they would eventually conquer.


Disguised as civilians from all walks of life, their mission was to locate and map the storehouses of wealth throughout the regions.


Targets included museums, treasuries, banks, churches, temples, monasteries, shrines, mining operations and large corporations, as well as wealthy families and organized crime syndicates.


Detailed reports were continually sent to the royalty in Tokyo who wanted to have one basic thing, a list of whoever held the keys and combinations to the vaults who would soon become candidates for interrogation and torture."

Peggy and Sterling Seagrave

"Gold Warriors"

The summer of 1937 marked the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese war, a conflict that would ultimately serve as a precursor to the global devastation of World War II.

The tensions between Japan and China had been simmering for years, with small-scale conflicts erupting periodically. However, it was the events of December 1937 that would forever etch the name of Nanking into the annals of infamy.

The Rape of Nanking, as it came to be known, was a massacre of unimaginable proportions, with hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians - men, women, and children - brutally slaughtered by the Japanese armies.

The city, once the proud capital of China, was left in ruins.

The Second Sino-Japanese War raged on for years, a precursor to the global conflict that would soon engulf the world.


The bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941 marked the beginning of the end, drawing the Asian world into the vortex of World War II. But amidst the chaos and destruction, another, more sinister narrative was unfolding.

The Nazi regime, notorious for its brutality and ideological fanaticism, was engaged in a systematic campaign of looting and plunder, targeting the treasures and wealth of Europe.

The scale of this looting was staggering, with vast sums of treasure and wealth being plundered from across the continent.

While some of this treasure was recovered by Allied forces after the war, much of it remains missing to this day.



Meanwhile, the plunder of the Japanese in China and Southern Asia, carried out under the auspices of Operation Golden Lily, remains one of the most egregious and overlooked chapters in the history of World War II.

While the Nazi looting of Europe has been well-documented, the sheer scale of the Japanese thefts has been largely ignored, relegated to the footnotes of history.


The fact that the Japanese stole vast amounts of gold and treasure from the Chinese and other nations, totaling an estimated $100 billion, is a staggering revelation that puts the Nazi looting to shame.

The secrecy surrounding Operation Golden Lily, combined with the Western media's complicity in suppressing this information, has ensured that this aspect of history has remained largely unknown in the West.

However, in China, the knowledge of this vast theft has been common knowledge for decades, and became a painful reminder of the country's traumatic past.


The question remains,

why has this information been so thoroughly suppressed, and where did all this treasure ultimately end up...?



The documentary film featuring Rhawn Joseph provides a glimpse into this hidden history.


This figure is corroborated by investigative journalists Sterling and Peggy Seagrave in their book Gold Warriors, which provides a detailed account of the Japanese looting and its aftermath.

According to the authors, a ranking Japanese officer, a cousin of Emperor Hirohito, confirmed that the Japanese had hidden over $100 billion worth of treasure in the Philippines, a staggering amount that would take "more than a century" to recover.

However, as we will see later in this report, this estimate of $100 billion is likely a gross underestimate, a mere fraction of the true value of the treasure stolen by the Japanese.


The true extent of this plunder, and the fate of the treasure, remains a mystery that continues to unfold.




1941-1945 - The Philippine Occupation

As the world teetered on the brink of chaos during World War II, Japan's insatiable appetite for conquest and plunder led to the accumulation of treasures so vast that they necessitated a secret storage facility off the mainland.


The Philippines, a country already ravaged by colonialism, became the unwitting host to this treasure trove.

The Japanese invasion, marked by brutality and bloodshed, spared Manila from destruction, but only to transform it into a hub for the clandestine transportation of looted wealth from China and the rest of Asia.


The irony is palpable - the same forces that ravaged the continent now sought to preserve their spoils in the very country they had subjugated.

The Japanese military's decision to seal the treasure sites, entombing thousands of civilians, prisoners of war, and even their own soldiers, is a stark testament to the callous disregard for human life that defined their campaign.


The ruling elites, driven by a lust for power and wealth, deemed it necessary to sacrifice countless lives to protect their ill-gotten gains.

The sheer scale of this operation is mind-blowing:

175 networks of tunnels, each containing treasures accumulated over millennia, were created and then deliberately concealed, leaving behind a trail of death and destruction.



1944 - Bretton Woods and The Black Eagle Trust

The myth of the benevolent victors has been perpetuated for far too long.


Behind the façade of rebuilding and reconstruction, the Allied forces were secretly salivating over the spoils of war.

Severino Garcia Santa Romana, aka Santy, and General Edward Lansdale were the tip of the iceberg, tasked with uncovering the locations of the treasure sites, while the likes of General Douglas Macarthur and President Truman waited in the wings, eager to get their hands on the loot.

The Bretton Woods system, touted as a noble effort to rebuild the world's financial system, was in reality another agenda to consolidate power and control over the global economy.

The delegates who met in New Hampshire in 1944 were not naive idealists, but rather calculating strategists who knew that the war was all but won.


With their vast spy networks and knowledge of the plundered treasures, they set about creating the International Monetary Fund, a tool designed to manage and manipulate the global economy to their advantage.


And when the true extent of the treasure was revealed, the Black Eagle Trust was born, a secret fund established to launder the spoils of war and further the interests of the powerful.

The numbers stay staggering:

280,000 tonnes of metric gold, not to mention jewels and diamonds, plundered from Europe and Asia.

And what happened to this treasure?


It was transferred into 172 accounts in 42 different nations, with a significant portion finding its way into the coffers of the Federal Reserve (FED) and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).

The M Fund, named after General William Frederic Marquat, was just one of the many slush funds created to facilitate the global political action fund.


And what has this fund been used for?

To bribe statesmen and military officials, as well as to buy elections worldwide, ensuring that only those who serve the interests of the powerful bankers and money holders (the likes of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and J.P. Morgans) rise to positions of power.

To impose a global policy of Western capitalism and anti-communism, a supposedly noble cause that has, in reality, created a deep rift between Russia/China and the U.S./European/Japanese alignments, leaving most of the world in a state of perpetual poverty and powerlessness.

To potentially cover up a massive false flag operation, such as the September 11th, 2001 attacks, which may have been intended to conceal the clearing of $240 billion in covertly created securities bonds, used to fund a secret economic war against the Soviet Union.


This operation allowed unknown Western investors to buy up large chunks of Soviet industry, particularly in the oil and gas sectors.


Furthermore, reports have surfaced that massive amounts of gold disappeared from the World Trade Center's basement vaults in the aftermath of the attacks, potentially linking back to the Black Eagle Trust.

"The financial, banking and economic shadow-world... is the dirty little secret of the Western economy. It is a form of money creation that is effectively unchallenged by any form of oversight or accountability as we understand it."

David Guyatt

The sheer magnitude of this wealth is mind-boggling, with estimates suggesting trillions of dollars, many times over.


We're talking about the accumulation of thousands of years' worth of gold, jewels, treasures, and diamonds, which has given the United States and its allies a seemingly endless supply of funds to shape global policy.

However, this wealth has been funneled into the hands of private banking cartels, such as the Federal Reserve, effectively making them the masters of the universe. This grand theft has far-reaching consequences, potentially being the primary reason for the world's current turmoil.

It's no secret that the world's wealth is not being shared equitably, but few people realize the true extent of the wealth that exists. The reality is that precious metals, jewels, diamonds, ancient treasures, and especially gold represent the real wealth of the world.


The shocking truth is that the majority of the world's population is not part of this off-ledger, occult economic system.

In the United States, for example, people trade in Federal Reserve Notes, which are essentially paper with no tangible backing. If these notes are backed by off-ledger gold, it's not an asset that legally belongs to the Federal Reserve or the Bank for International Settlements.

In essence, the world's real wealth has been hijacked and is being kept under wraps.


This is why the wealth is concentrated in the hands of a tiny elite, while the masses struggle to make ends meet, never being invited into this world of hidden riches.


The result is a system where the majority of people are forced to live in a state of economic servitude, while the privileged few reap the benefits of this stolen wealth.




November 11th, 1963 - The Green Hilton Memorial Agreement

On November 11th, 1963, a clandestine pact was forged in the shadows of the Green Hilton Memorial Building in Geneva, Switzerland, as President John F. Kennedy and Indonesian President Soekarno, among others, put their signatures to a treaty that would have far-reaching implications for the global financial landscape.


This surreptitious agreement, shrouded in secrecy, stipulated the transfer of thousands of metric tonnes of precious metals into the United States treasury, cleverly bypassing the Federal Reserve system. One can't help but wonder what prompted this clandestine maneuver, and whose interests it truly served.


Just five months prior, on June 4th, 1963, President Kennedy had issued Executive Order 11110, a move that revised the 1951 Executive Order 10289 and effectively concentrated power in the hands of the U.S. treasury secretary, with Kennedy at the helm.


This order granted the treasury secretary the authority to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury, as well as the power to prescribe the denominations of such silver certificates and coin standard silver dollars and subsidiary silver currency for their redemption.


It's striking how this move, on the surface, appears to be a bold challenge to the Federal Reserve's stranglehold on the nation's monetary policy.


But was it truly a bid for financial independence, or merely a clever ruse to further entrench the interests of the powerful elite?


The fact that this order was issued just months before the secretive Geneva treaty raises more questions than answers. What was Kennedy's true intention, and whose interests was he ultimately serving?


This Executive Order effectively wrested control over the nation's monetary policy from the Federal Reserve Bank, restoring it to its rightful place within the U.S. treasury.


The timing of this move, mere months before the Geneva treaty, suggests that Kennedy was secretly laying the groundwork for a revolutionary new monetary system, one backed by the vast reserves of precious metals soon to be deposited into the U.S. treasury as part of the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement.


This would have been a devastating blow to the Federal Reserve Bank, stripping it of its power to manipulate the nation's currency and economy. The fact that the Agreement itself would serve as proof of the transfer of funds, should the UBS conveniently "misplace" the records, only adds to the sense of foreboding.


But Kennedy's actions did not go unnoticed. His brazen challenge to the Federal Reserve Bank and the CIA, coupled with his scathing remarks about the latter, had undoubtedly made him a target for the powerful interests he sought to dismantle.


His infamous statement,

"I want to shred the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the four winds," was a declaration of war, and one that would ultimately prove fatal.

The CIA, with its intimate ties to the Black Eagle Trust and the Federal Reserve Bank, had a vested interest in silencing Kennedy and maintaining the status quo.


The existence of the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement sheds new light on the events surrounding Kennedy's assassination, providing a crucial piece of the puzzle that had long been missing. It is clear that Kennedy's actions had set in motion a chain of events that would ultimately lead to his downfall, and the perpetuation of the very systems he sought to destroy.


The ultra-secret Green Hilton Memorial Agreement has finally been brought to light as part of a groundbreaking Cease & Desist order filed against the UBS and the Bank for International Settlements.


This explosive lawsuit, filed in 2012, has also seen the imposition of a series of liens against the Federal Reserve, the UBS, the BIS, and the central banks of the G7 countries.


Benjamin Fulford, a key player in the lawsuit and a vocal critic of the banking elite, has provided a concise summary of the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement.


His account, available in full report form, sheds further light on the machinations of the banking elite and their desperate attempts to cling to power.


As we will see later in this report, Fulford's involvement in the lawsuit is just one part of a larger narrative that exposes the dark underbelly of the global financial system.


For now, it is enough to say that the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement is a smoking gun, a document that blows the lid off the banking elite's secret dealings and reveals the true extent of their power and influence.

"In 1963, President John F. Kennedy entered into an Agreement with President Soekarno to provide the funds to allow the United States


Treasury to print its own currency, thus subverting the "right" to print the currency held by the Federal Reserve. The Agreement would have transferred some 59,000 tons of gold to underpin this currency."

Benjamin Fulford.




1971 - The Golden Buddha


The notion that vast sums of plundered treasure lay hidden in the Philippines, waiting to be unearthed, was once the stuff of legend.


But in 1971, a man named Rogelio Roxas stumbled upon a tunnel filled with gold bullion and a one-tonne solid gold Buddha, shattering any doubts about the existence of these hidden riches.


Roxas, a humble family man and amateur treasure hunter, had been given a map by the son of a Japanese soldier a decade earlier, which supposedly led to one of the treasure sites created by the Japanese military during World War II.


With the map in hand, Roxas assembled a small team of men and set out to uncover the treasure.


As they dug through the hidden entrance and ventured into the tunnel, they stumbled upon a small chamber filled with boxes of gold bullion.


But it was what they found next that would change everything:

The skeletal remains of Japanese soldiers, buried alive with the treasure when the entrance to the tunnel was sealed in the 1940s, lay scattered throughout the tunnel and chamber.


And in the center of the chamber, a covered hole dug into the ground revealed a solid gold Buddha, its presence both mesmerizing and haunting.

Roxas and his team removed the Buddha, along with one box of gold bullion, and took it back to his home for safekeeping. But little did they know, their discovery would set off a chain of events that would put their lives in grave danger.


As Roxas began to discreetly search for a buyer for the golden Buddha, a mysterious man appeared, taking a keen interest in the area around the Buddha's neck. It wasn't until later, when Roxas and his brother took a closer look, that they discovered the Buddha's head was a separate piece, concealing a treasure trove of diamonds within its body.


But their excitement was short-lived, as a team of President Ferdinand Marcos' elite guard soon stormed into the Roxas household, forcibly removing the Buddha, diamonds, and gold bullion, and taking Roxas away for questioning.


The brutal torture that followed was a desperate attempt to extract the location of the tunnel containing the remaining boxes of gold.


But Roxas refused to yield, and despite being jailed, managed to escape his captors, forcing him and his family into hiding in a remote location in the Philippines.


In 1988, two years after the ousting of Ferdinand Marcos, Roxas took a bold step and filed a lawsuit in a U.S. court in Hawaii, alleging that Marcos had stolen his possessions and subjected him to torture in an attempt to extract the secret location of the tunnel filled with treasure.


But just as the trial was set to begin, Roxas met a sudden and suspicious demise.


According to a personal testimony recorded in the book Gold Warriors, Roxas' legal representative, Daniel Cathcart, received a chilling phone call from a CIA informant in Manila, who matter-of-factly stated:

"Your client is dead. He was poisoned. Imelda [Marcos, wife of Ferdinand Marcos] ordered it, and we did it."

Despite the setbacks, the Roxas family persevered, and after eight long years of deliberation, a court in Honolulu finally sided with them, awarding a staggering $43 billion.


However, in a bizarre twist, the court later rescinded this verdict, reducing the amount to $22 billion, citing the impossibility of calculating the actual value of the boxes of gold discovered by Roxas in the tunnel.


The money was awarded to the Golden Buddha Corporation, a company wisely set up by Roxas with the assistance of a childhood friend who had moved to the United States.


The Roxas family also received a separate settlement of $6 million.


The United States Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal would later summarize the allegations leading to Roxas' final judgment, stating unequivocally:

"The Yamashita Treasure was found by Roxas and stolen from Roxas by Marcos' men."

For a fleeting instant, the acknowledgement of this claim pierced the veil of ignorance that shrouds the Western world, as the once popular U.S. television program "Unsolved Mysteries" shed light on Roxas' story.


In a segment that aired, Roxas himself was interviewed, and his case was laid bare for the public to see.


These videos were once available on Youtube but have recently been deleted due to "copyright claims".





September 11th, 2001


The devastating events that unfolded on that fateful day resulted in the loss of 3,000 innocent lives and sowed the seeds of war in the Middle East, a conflict that continues to rage on to this day.


However, as the years have passed, a mounting body of evidence has emerged, casting a long shadow of doubt over the official narrative peddled by the federal government.


The testimony of on-site eyewitnesses, captured on film, paints a starkly different picture of what transpired on that day, one that contradicts the sanitized version presented to the public.


Many 9/11 truth seekers have long posited that the attacks were, in fact, a false flag operation, orchestrated to justify a pro-military agenda in the Middle East, to bolster the U.S. and NATO war machine, and to seize control of the region's vast oil reserves.


The involvement of defense contractors, such as Halliburton, which has reaped hundreds of billions of dollars in profits from the war effort, raises eyebrows.


The fact that former Vice President Dick Cheney, a key architect of the war, was previously the CEO of Halliburton, only serves to fuel suspicions of a conflict of interest.


As we begin to peel back the layers, a shocking story begins to emerge: It centers around the clearing of $240 billion in securities bonds, used to fund a covert war against the Russian economy in 1991, codenamed Project Hammer.


This clandestine operation, shrouded in secrecy, has been linked to the events of 9/11, and raises fundamental questions about the true motives behind the attacks.





Project Hammer


For those seeking a more in-depth understanding of the events surrounding 9/11 and the alleged connections to Project Hammer, a comprehensive research paper by E.P. Heidner, a purported former Naval investigator, is available for download HERE.


This report provides a meticulous examination of the evidence, revealing a complex web of deceit and corruption that warrants a serious re-investigation into the true nature of the 9/11 attacks.


After cross-checking many of the references and footnotes included in the text, it becomes clear that the supposed links between Western and Soviet business interests are, in fact, real, and too numerous to be ignored.


Further research by former London banking insider David Guyatt has shed additional light on Project Hammer, with his articles "Project Hammer" and "Project Hammer Reloaded" providing a wealth of information on the subject.


As previously mentioned, the Allied forces plundered an estimated 280,000 tons of gold, as well as untold riches of jewels and diamonds, in the aftermath of World War II. This treasure was carefully hidden away as part of the Black Eagle Trust, a secret fund used to steer world policy for the past 65+ years.


However, it soon became apparent that vast sums of gold still remained hidden throughout the Philippines. The cunning and brutal maneuvering of Philippine leader Ferdinand Marcos kept these treasures hidden until 1986, when a plot, influenced by Western powers, was undertaken to remove him from office and gain access to the additional gold.


Following his removal from office, a new effort was launched to recover the treasure, resulting in the plundering of an estimated 73,000 tonnes of gold.


The report by E.P. Heidner, reveals a shocking tale of deceit and corruption that led to the downfall of Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos. According to authors Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, Marcos' troubles began when he attempted to blackmail the Japanese by manipulating and funneling funds out of the Showa Trust, a highly secret, multi-billion dollar joint account held at the Sanwa Bank in Osaka, Japan. This account was just one of many set up as part of the Black Eagle Trust fund, a shadowy entity that has been hiding in plain sight for decades.


But Marcos' biggest mistake was refusing to "play ball" with President Reagan, who had requested that the Philippine dictator provide Washington with a hoard of black gold to back his new "Rainbow Dollar", a gold-backed U.S. currency.


When Washington realized that Marcos was getting "too big for his britches", it was decided that he needed to be removed from power so that the U.S. could gain full access to the hoards of gold hidden away within Malacanang Palace. And so, the seeds of revolution were sown, and the masses were stirred up in a revolt against their currently sitting president.


As the authors so aptly put it, "As popular clamor increased in the streets, (CIA Asset William) Casey is said to have flown to Manila with Treasury Secretary (Donald) Regan, CIA economist Professor Frank Higdon, and attorney Lawrence Kreager.


The purpose of the meeting, according to a Marcos aide, was to convince Ferdinand to turn over 73,000 metric tonnes of gold." The ultimatum was clear: hand over the gold, or face the consequences.


Within days of that meeting, the authors reveal,

"Marcos was given a last ultimatum by Nevada Senator Paul Laxalt, President Reagan's go-between. By then Marcos was effectively under siege at Malacanang Palace...Marcos gave in, forfeiting 'his' gold in return for being rescued by U.S. army helicopters."

The subsequent events are nothing short of astonishing.

"That evening, barges were towed up the Pasig River to the palace, and great quantities of gold bars were loaded on them from palace vaults...


This went on all night and was witnessed by many people.


At dawn the laden barges were towed out into Manila Bay, their ultimate destination Subic Bay naval base where the gold is said to have been put first into munitions bunkers, and then aboard U.S. Navy vessels."

In the mid-1980s, a new war chest was created, fueled by the Marcos Gold, with the express purpose of bringing an end to the Cold War by destroying the Soviet Union from the inside out. This was to be achieved through a complex network of international banks and holding companies, set up by George H.W. Bush, rogue KGB officials, generals, and Russian oligarchs, in collaboration with Boris Yeltsin.


This operation, known as Project Hammer, was an attempt to dismantle the Soviet Union and install a new oligarchical regime, with Yeltsin at the helm.


The plan was carried out in several phases, each designed to destabilize the Soviet economy and pave the way for a hostile corporate takeover.

  1. The first phase involved the theft of 3,000 tonnes of Russian treasury gold, a move that would destabilize the ruble and create a power vacuum that could be exploited by the West.


  2. The second phase involved fronting $240 billion in bond securities, purportedly issued on September 11th, 1991, with a ten-year maturation date. This move was designed to further destabilize the ruble and create a sense of urgency among Soviet leaders. The key players in this phase included Bush, George Soros, Alan Greenspan, and Oliver North.


  3. The third phase involved a coup, undertaken by high-level generals, to remove Mikhail Gorbachev from power and install Boris Yeltsin. This marked the beginning of the end of the Soviet Union and the rise of the oligarchical reign of Yeltsin and the Russian mafia.


  4. The fourth phase involved the takeover of Russian industrial assets, including oil, metals, and defense, using a network of operatives assigned by George H.W. Bush. Financing for this was provided by major financial institutions backed by the Marcos Gold war chest, including Blackstone Investment, which would later invest in Larry Silverstein's purchase of World Trade Center Building 7 just six weeks before the attack.


  5. The fifth phase involved the use of subsidiary banking company Riggs-Valmet to work in tandem with KGB officials and their front-men to set up an international network to move funds out of the former Soviet block countries. Riggs-Valmet also became responsible for providing foreign financial investment advice to the new group of Russian oligarchs who would now hold positions of great influence under Yeltsin.


  6. The sixth phase involved bringing three additional groups into the investment fold: The Russian Mafia, the Israeli Mossad, and the Rothschild family. This marked a significant expansion of the operation, as these groups brought their own unique set of skills and resources to the table.


  7. The seventh phase involved the takeover of key energy industries and energy reserves in Soviet block countries. This was a critical component of the plan, as it would give the West control over the region's energy resources and allow them to dictate the terms of the global energy market.


  8. The final phase involved the setup of a defense contracting company named Far West, which would work in tandem with Halliburton to fund Muslim terror cells such as Al Qaeda. This move was designed to create a new enemy, one that could be used to justify a perpetual state of war and provide a convenient excuse for to expand its military presence in the region.

To sum up at the halfway point: The spoils of war, 73,000 tonnes of gold pilfered from the Philippines after the ousting of Ferdinand Marcos, were used to orchestrate a clandestine operation of unprecedented proportions.


The objective:

to dismantle the Soviet Union from within, exploiting the very fabric of its society for the benefit of Western interests.

The architects of this scheme, a cabal of KGB operatives, generals, and oligarchs, were more than willing to sacrifice their country's sovereignty for a chance to line their pockets with gold.


The puppet masters of the world, driven by an insatiable lust for global domination, pulled the strings from behind the scenes, manipulating events to their advantage.


The Soviet Union, once a formidable foe, was reduced to (and remains!) a mere pawn in a game of geopolitical chess. The Western powers, rather than engaging in a direct confrontation, opted for a more insidious approach - a hostile corporate takeover, cloaked in secrecy and deception.


The oligarchs, blinded by their own avarice, were complicit in this betrayal, selling out their nation for a fleeting taste of wealth and power. The consequences of this treachery would be far-reaching, setting the stage for a new world order, with the West firmly entrenched at the helm.


Fast-forward to September 11th, 2001:

The clearing of $240 billion in security bonds, created from the Marcos war chest, was set to mature on this fateful day.

The implications were dire - a public payout of such magnitude would have triggered a maelstrom of investigations, threatening to expose the Black Eagle Trust, the very epicenter of this clandestine operation.


The powers that be, desperate to maintain the veil of secrecy, were faced with an existential crisis. The consequences of inaction would have been catastrophic, prompting them to take drastic measures to prevent the truth from surfacing.


The events that unfolded on that day would change the course of history, but the true motives behind them remain shrouded in mystery, waiting to be unraveled.





History of Project Hammer


The veil of secrecy surrounding Project Hammer was first lifted by the courageous testimony of Brigadier General Erle Cocke, a man whose illustrious career spanned multiple conflicts and high-level positions in various esteemed organizations.


Just ten days before his untimely death from pancreatic cancer, General Cocke delivered a damning 67-page deposition in April 2000, shedding light on the dark underbelly of Project Hammer.


This decorated war veteran, who had served in World War II, Vietnam, and Korea, was also a prominent figure in the Knight's of Malta, the American Legion, and the Masons, with ties to the banking industry dating back to the mid-19th century.


As a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and a representative to the World Bank, General Cocke's words carried significant weight. His testimony, recorded as part of an investigation into the Nugan Hand Bank Scandal, a notorious CIA entity, revealed shocking details about his involvement in Project Hammer.


The fact that General Cocke's family had been deeply entrenched in the banking industry for generations only adds to the gravity of his revelations.


When asked about the overall objectives of the Project, Cocke replied,

"…it was mainly to bring monies back to the United States from all types of activities, both legitimately and illegitimately … And all kinds of nationalities were involved, all kinds of people were involved."

When questioned about his main role in Project Hammer, and whether or not he was directly involved in setting up any of the banking/holding accounts, Cocke stated,

"Not whatsoever. I came in to see if we could bring people to realize that nobody is going to do anything unless the whole group stays together."

When asked about the possible involvement of other large banking institutions, Cocke replied,

"I am sure that every big bank in every major country at some stage of the game had some of this pass by them. They had a chance to refuse, or they had a chance to take it up."

When asked to verify the involvement of many different national and international commercial and financial banking institutions over a course of years, Cocke stated,

"No question about it. Everybody got into the act that could."

When asked about the function of Citibank, Cocke replied,

"They were going to be the trustees. They were going to be running the program. They were going to be the disbursing agency. They were the cheese."

(Cocke goes on to state that the main player in terms of coordinating Citibank's involvement in Project Hammer was John Reed, who went on to become the President and Chairman of the banking giant).


When asked about the involvement of various agencies of the U.S. government, Cocke stated,

Obviously, the CIA, the FBI, the National Security Agencies of all types, Pentagon in the broad sense of it and as such, and the treasury, Federal Reserve.


Nobody got out of the act, everybody wanted to get in the act."

Cocke goes on to state that the bulk of the funds contained within Project Hammer totaled, (to his knowledge), $223 billion, a figure strikingly close to that listed in E.P. Heidner's report.


These funds, we are told by General Cocke, were held in 30 different national and international Citibank accounts.





That Faithful Day in September


The events of 9/11 have been shrouded in mystery, with the official narrative being peddled as the only truth. However, a closer examination of the facts reveals a complex web of deceit and corruption.


To dispel the myths and assumptions surrounding this day, several crucial elements must be addressed.

  1. The documentary film "Core of Corruption" is a must-see, as it presents irrefutable evidence of explosions throughout the Trade Center Buildings, including footage of police and firefighters reporting live on the scene. This is not hearsay or speculation, but rather eyewitness accounts from those who were there. The film also features radio conversations between police and firefighters warning of explosions and a white van apprehended on the scene containing explosives.


  2. The Office of Naval Investigations was investigating the security fraud at the base of the Soviet demise at the time of the attacks. Coincidentally, 39 of 40 employees of ONI were killed, and all records pertaining to this matter were destroyed.


  3. The World Trade Center Towers housed offices for three of the largest securities brokers in the U.S., including Cantor Fitzgerald, Eurobrokers, and Garbon Inter Capital. The airplanes hit directly in the areas of these offices, and many reported seeing bombs go off in these offices before the planes ever hit the buildings. This was a calculated move to create chaos in the government securities market and clear $240 billion of covert securities without anyone asking questions.


  4. The World Trade Center Towers also housed investigative offices for the FBI and CIA, both of which were hot on the trail of investigating the matter of possible illegal funding of the Soviet downfall in 1991. These offices needed to be taken out to destroy all investigative evidence and prevent the truth from coming to light.


  5. The actual paper trail, the bonds themselves, were stored in the vaults in the basements of the Trade Center Towers and were destroyed in the ensuing attack.


  6. Immediately following the attacks, survivors from the Deutsche Bank offices in the Towers reported that their computers were taken over and that $100 million in illegal, insider stock options were placed. These stock options pulled funds out of the airline industry and placed them into the defense industry, indicating that someone had intimate knowledge of the attacks and stood to make millions.


  7. In the weeks leading up to the attacks, there were numerous eyewitness accounts of people being evacuated from the buildings as part of emergency drills. This could possibly fill in the gaps as to how exactly bombs were planted throughout the buildings in anticipation of taking the towers down.


  8. A German firm named Convar, a world leader in data recovery, was sent hard drives recovered in the wreckage of the buildings by an anonymous source. In late December 2011, Fox News carried a story about this, in which Richard Wagner, a data retrieval expert, made a statement that sheds light on the true nature of the events surrounding 9/11."There is a suspicion that some people had advance knowledge of the approximate time of the plane crashes in order to move out amounts exceeding $100 million," Wagner said. "They thought that the records of their transactions could not be traced after the main frames were destroyed. We're helping them find out what happened to the computers as quickly as possible. I'm sure that one day they will know what happened to the money."




But, of course, the notion that our own government could be complicit in such a heinous act is unthinkable, isn't it?


Or so we're told. The late Sarah McClendon, a veteran White House reporter, had a different story to tell.


In a chilling exchange with George H.W. Bush, she asked what would happen if the American people ever discovered the truth about Iraq-gate and Iran-Contra.


Bush's response was telling:

"Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they will chase us down the streets and lynch us."

The implication is clear: our leaders are capable of unspeakable atrocities, and they will stop at nothing to keep the truth from us.


In the years that followed, a series of documentary films emerged, shedding light on the inconsistencies and contradictions that plague the official narrative. These films present a damning array of evidence, including live video footage and interviews with hundreds of eyewitnesses, all of which point to a far more sinister explanation for the collapse of the World Trade Center towers.


The testimony of those who were present at the scene is nothing short of explosive. Many reported hearing and feeling massive subterranean and ground-level explosions, both before and after the planes hit the towers.


These were not the sounds of mere structural failure, but rather the unmistakable signs of a controlled demolition.


The words of Dan Rather, spoken live on air, are particularly telling.


As the South Tower collapsed, he noted that,

"if you're going to do this, you have to get at the under infrastructure of a building and bring it down."

This is not the language of a journalist describing a tragic accident, but rather that of a man who has witnessed a deliberate act of destruction.


The collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 is perhaps the most egregious example of this. A building that was never struck by a plane, yet fell in a manner that was,

"reminiscent of those pictures that we've all seen too much on television before when a building was deliberately destroyed by well-placed dynamite to knock it down."

These are not the words of a conspiracy theorist, but rather those of a seasoned journalist, describing a scene that defies explanation.


The fact that the 9/11 Commission saw fit to ignore this collapse, and the implications it holds, is a damning indictment of their investigation.





2009: The $134.5/$145.5 Billion Dollar Bond Seizures


As the drums of war beat louder in the lead-up to the Second Sino-Japanese War, General Chiang Kai-shek, the stalwart leader of China's Nationalist movement, gazed into the abyss of impending conflict with Japan.


He foresaw the inevitable plundering of Asia's treasures, a catastrophe that would leave the continent bereft of its riches.


In a desperate bid to safeguard China's gold and treasures, Kai-shek turned to the United States, entrusting the country with vast amounts of these precious assets. But he was not alone in this endeavor.


Powerful Chinese families, wielding significant political and military clout, also pooled their resources, handing over their gold and treasure to the United States.


These assets were meticulously documented and deposited into accounts through the Union Bank of Switzerland, only to be held in escrow by the Federal Reserve Bank via the Bank for International Settlements.


The sheer scale of this operation is staggering. Thousands of tonnes of metric gold and silver were handed over to the United States, with the promise that the Federal Reserve Notes and Bonds would be redeemable in approximately thirty years.


These bonds, essentially as good as gold, were so sensitive that they were hidden away in various locations throughout Southeast Asia, including the Philippines.


The dollar amounts on these bond certificates were nothing short of astronomical, with individual notes valued at $500 million and 1934 bonds bearing the denomination of $1 billion.


But who are these families, and what secrets do they hold?


They are, in fact, the Asian counterparts of the secret societies that have long dominated the Western world. With names like Cherry Blossom, Maple Leaf, White Dragon, and Black Dragon, these societies operate on a meritocratic system, where rank is determined by accomplishment and merit, rather than aristocratic bloodlines.


This is in stark contrast to the Western secret societies, such as the British Aristocracy and the Committee of 300, which are rooted in a system of aristocratic rule, with the British monarchy's carefully controlled incest bloodline dating back to the time of Queen Elizabeth I.


The societies of the East, on the other hand, reject this bloodline system, instead embracing a more egalitarian approach to power and influence. But what does this mean for the global balance of power, and what secrets lie hidden behind the veil of these secret societies?


The redemption of the bonds was a tantalizing prospect, but one that was fraught with peril. The presence of Ferdinand Marcos, the ruthless dictator of the Philippines, cast a long shadow over the entire process.


Marcos was hell-bent on uncovering the hidden treasures and bonds scattered throughout the Philippines, and anyone who dared to come forward to claim them would have to navigate a treacherous landscape of danger and deception.


As Peggy and Sterling Seagrave so astutely observed in their book Gold Warriors,

"Because they are authentic, the FED and U.S. Treasury are ethically bound to redeem them, however there are mitigating factors...


For one thing, ideally these Federal Reserve Notes (FRN) and Federal Reserve Bonds (FRB) should have been redeemed in the decade following their maturity in 1966, but that would have been suicidal because Philippines President Marcos was murdering people to get his hands on them, plus Marcos was America's Boy."

The specter of Marcos's brutality effectively froze the redemption process, leaving the rightful owners of the bonds in a state of limbo.


It wasn't until 1986, when Marcos was finally ousted from power, that the bonds began to be recovered by their rightful owners. But even then, the road to redemption was far from smooth.


In the late 1990s, a Spanish-based attorney named Santiago Vila Marques emerged as a key player in the drama. Marques represented the descendants of Jose Laurel, a superior court judge in Manila who had allied himself with several Chinese families during the bond issuances of the 1930s.


With the help of attorneys Carey Portman and Laurence J. Friedman, Marques approached the U.S. Treasury, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Illinois, with a claim to settle the bonds.


The stage was set for a showdown, with the claimants determined to assert their rights and the U.S. authorities seemingly determined to stonewall them.


But what secrets lay hidden behind the scenes, and what would be the ultimate outcome of this high-stakes game of cat and mouse?

The FED, FDIC, and Treasury stopped short of denouncing the Laurel Federal Reserve Notes (FRN) and Federal Reserve Bonds (FRB) as counterfeit and/or fraudulent, but instead said they "could not verify" they were real; a crucial distinction! After carefully reviewing the documents, you and your client submitted, we are unable to verify that the Federal Reserve Bond (FRB) and related documents are authentic.


In addition, as I indicated to Mr. Portman - by telephone - [U.S. Federal Reserve Board] Chairman [Alan] Greenspan is not available to meet or speak with you or your client concerning this matter.


The U.S. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Illinois claimed to be "unable to verify" the Federal Reserve Notes and Federal Reserve Bonds authenticity.


An affidavit from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Illinois accounting manager Mark Taylor stated, 'There was no record of the issuance or the existence of these bonds whatsoever.'


U.S. Department of the Treasury financial specialist William G. Curtin stated, '…the Treasury Department has no record that it issued any of the documents in question, and that the Treasury has never issued any Federal Reserve bearer bonds of any kind.'


Why were both the FED and U.S. Treasury claiming they had no record of such a transaction? Why did they not claim that the documents were forgeries, or counterfeit, and bring criminal charges against Laurel and her attorneys?


Why were they merely "unable to verify" anything?


They were stonewalling."

Sterling Seagrave, "Gold Warriors."

The Jose Laurel Family case, a seemingly straightforward matter of bond redemption, descended into a farcical display of stonewalling and manipulation when it came to trial at the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Chicago, Illinois in September 2001.


After being presented before two different judges, the case was dismissed by both parties, with Marques, the attorney representing the claimants, growing increasingly aware that the entire process was being orchestrated to prevent a fair outcome.


But the intrigue didn't end there. In a bizarre series of events, four boxes of bonds were seized by secret service forces, only to be tracked by Marques to a security firm in Berlin. When he traveled to the city to demand their return, his hotel room was ransacked and his paperwork stolen.


The boxes remain missing to this day, and the case has yet to be revisited in court. As we delve deeper, it becomes clear that this is just one of many instances where individuals representing powerful interests have been stonewalled in their attempts to cash in these bonds.


But the plot thickens further still. In a twist worthy of a spy novel, a military plane carrying a cargo of these bonds crashed in the 1930s, scattering billions of dollars' worth of bonds across the landscape.


Locals recovered the bonds, which have since been circulating on the market, sending intelligence agents scrambling to recover them.


The very idea of someone walking into a bank and attempting to cash a bond with a face value of $500 million is enough to raise eyebrows, and it's little wonder that those in power are desperate to keep this story under wraps.


One of the few mainstream media outlets to touch on this story was Bloomberg, which ran a cryptic article that only scratched the surface of this complex web of intrigue.


The authenticity of these bonds remains a topic of debate among experts, but it's a discussion that's fundamentally flawed from the outset. None of these experts have any insight into the true origins of these bonds or the motivations behind their issuance.


As the book Gold Warriors astutely observes,

"…it is routine procedure to denounce gold certificates as counterfeit, even when they are real. This is a universally practiced form of confiscation."

In other words, the default position of those in power is to dismiss the legitimacy of these bonds, regardless of their actual authenticity.



But what's the real story behind these bonds? The truth is that the Allied governments issued them in the 1930s with no intention of ever honoring them. It was a simple scam, a calculated move to seize control of the world's wealth and use it to shape global policy to their advantage.


By the time the bonds matured, the Federal Reserve and the ruling oligarchs had consolidated their power and simply chose to ignore the debt, treating it as if it never existed.


But this was never a guaranteed outcome. As we'll see, there have been powerful forces working behind the scenes to challenge this plan and restore order to the world.


The question is,

what's the next move in this high-stakes game of global power politics?




The $1 trillion Keenan Federal Lawsuit


In the sweltering summer of 2009, a peculiar incident unfolded on the Italian border in Chiasso, Switzerland.


Two Japanese men, Yamaguchi and Watanabe, were detained by the Italian Financial Police, and a staggering $134.5 billion in bonds were seized from their possession.


The men, allegedly working with international investors to devise investment strategies for the assets, were on their way to a meeting when their plans were abruptly canceled.


The bonds, conveniently hidden in a secret compartment of their suitcases, were confiscated by the authorities.


This extraordinary event, which should have sent shockwaves through the global financial community, was met with a deafening silence by the mainstream media.


The only notable exceptions were a solitary report by Glenn Beck on Fox News and a subsequent feature on an online television program, "Stuff They Don't Want You to Know", in March 2012.





A cursory glance at the mainstream press coverage of this incident reveals a few scattered articles, which barely scratch the surface of this complex story.


The most striking aspect of this case, however, is the swift release of the Japanese men who were detained.


One cannot help but wonder: if $134.5 billion in bonds were indeed seized, why were the men holding these bonds released back into the world without so much as a slap on the wrist? The answer, much like the bonds themselves, lies shrouded in mystery


It appears that the bonds vanished into thin air, and the story was conveniently swept under the rug.


Fast-forward to November 2011, when another intriguing development emerged. A lawsuit was filed in a New York federal court by Neil F. Keenan, representing the enigmatic Dragon Family.


The complaint alleged that $145.5 billion in bonds had been pilfered from them as part of an elaborate scheme concocted by high-ranking officials within, and affiliated with, the Office of International Treasury Control - a shadowy bank operating under the auspices of the United Nations.


The defendants?

  • The United Nations

  • Silvio Berlusconi (former Prime Minister of Italy)

  • Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the U.N.

  • Italian Republic

  • Office of International Treasury Control

  • World Economic Forum (WEF)

  • Giancarlo Bruno (Former head of the banking industry of the WEF)

Also mentioned in the lawsuit are people connected with:

  • The Knights Templar

  • The Free Masons

  • The P2 Masonic Lodge

According to the lawsuit, the Dragon Family, who were entrusted with bonds by the Kuomintang in the 1930s as part of a "loaning" arrangement to protect gold from Japanese seizure, appointed Neil Keenan as their agent in early 2009.


The Dragon Family, a secretive and informal organization operating above the political divide between China and Taiwan, had entrusted Keenan with bonds worth a staggering $1 trillion, including accumulated interest.


The plan was for Keenan to use the assets gained from the bonds to invest in Private Placement Programs, which would benefit a wide range of global humanitarian purposes.


However, things took a dark turn when Keenan met with Daniele Dal Bosco, a "trustworthy Vatican banker" and agent of the defendants, in September 2009.


Dal Bosco, who had knowledge of the bonds' whereabouts, was sent by the defendants to meet with Keenan and hold the bonds for "safe keeping," with the ultimate goal of placing the assets into the PPP for humanitarian efforts.


But, as the lawsuit reveals, Dal Bosco had ulterior motives.


According to the lawsuit, Dal Bosco sought to perpetrate a fraud by selling or placing the bonds in the global marketplace through stealth, conversion, and bribery. He even attempted to bribe Keenan with $100 million to release the bonds to him without informing the Dragon Family. Keenan, however, refused to play along.


What happened next is a complex web of deceit and corruption, with the bonds disappearing underground and ending up in the hands of powerful individuals.


The Dragon Family, determined to seek justice, has allegedly tracked the bonds and is still taking these individuals to court to demand retribution.


The discrepancy in the face value of the bonds and the amount of the lawsuit may seem puzzling, but it's easily explained. The bonds were originally issued in 1934 with a face value of $145.5 billion.


However, with the value of gold rising and accrued interest, the total value of the bonds has ballooned to a staggering $1 trillion.


The bonds at the center of this controversy have been dismissed by some as forgeries, citing obvious flaws and misspellings as evidence of their inauthenticity.


However, according to the lawsuit and expert opinions, these imperfections were actually intentional, designed to facilitate the bonds' dismissal if they were ever seized by individuals on the open market.


This clever ruse was meant to conceal the bonds' true value and authenticity, which are verifiable through numbers and markings kept on file at the Federal Reserve (FED), UBS, and The Bank for International Settlements (BIS).


These institutions, it seems, are well aware of the bonds' legitimacy and are obligated to honor them.


The most intriguing aspect of this case, and one that is purely speculative, is the possibility that the Dragon Family deliberately allowed the bonds to be seized and handed over as part of a complex scheme to expose the entire system.


This theory suggests that the Dragon Family is playing a long game, using the lawsuit as a means to an end, rather than an end in itself. If true, this would imply a level of strategic sophistication and cunning that is rare in the world of high finance.


For those who remain skeptical, the case can be verified as authentic through a simple visit to Pacer, a government-run public access site for court cases in the U.S. Registration is required, but once logged in, the case can be searched and downloaded for a fee.


Alternatively, it can be found HERE.


The case is being represented by William H. Mulligan Jr. of Bleakley, Platt & Schmidt of White Plains, N.Y., whose website can be found HERE, although it too fell victim to the Great Internet Cover-Up of 2020.





February 16th, 2012 - Lord James of Blackheath


In a daring and explosive exposé, Lord James of Blackheath, a veteran member of the British Parliament, took to the House of Lords in 2012 to blow the lid off a colossal bond and money laundering scheme that had been festering in the shadows for years.


According to Lord James, a staggering $15 trillion was surreptitiously siphoned out of US banks and into the coffers of HSBC in the UK, with the alleged owner of this vast fortune, Yohannes Riyardi, claiming that the US Treasury had pilfered his entire $36 trillion fortune to artificially prop up the value of the US dollar.


The plot thickens with the revelation that Riyardi had sent Lord James a copy of a contract, signed by the likes of Alan Greenspan and Timothy Geithner, detailing a clandestine meeting between the US government, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and the International Monetary Fund.


This contract allegedly outlined a settlement in which the Federal Reserve Bank would purchase bonds previously issued to Riyardi, backed by a staggering $15 trillion worth of gold assets.


If true, this would imply that Riyardi, representing ancient Asian bloodlines, had attempted to collect on these bonds, only to be met with a cash settlement that conveniently avoided any public scrutiny.


It's no coincidence that Riyardi chose to confide in Lord James, a longtime thorn in the side of corrupt British Parliamentarians. Lord James, in turn, has bravely brought this information to light.


One cannot help but wonder what other skeletons are lurking in the closets of Western banking entities, and what other secrets are waiting to be unearthed.


The fact that Lord James's presentation is met with visible nervousness and trepidation underscores the gravity of the allegations.


The powers that be never intended for this information to see the light of day, and it's clear that Lord James is aware of the risks he's taking by speaking truth to power.


As he so eloquently puts it, the sheer magnitude of this corruption is a ticking time bomb waiting to be exposed.


The question is,

will anyone be brave enough to take on the entrenched interests and demand justice?






June 2012 - Libor Scandal


The Libor Scandal, a brazen example of insider trading and rate-rigging, has blown the lid off the largest and most egregious Ponzi scheme in human history.


The fact that Barclays Bank of England, a behemoth of the financial world, was caught red-handed colluding with other banking giants to manipulate global interest rates for their own selfish gain is a damning indictment of the entire system.


The mainstream media was predictably initially slow to pick up the story. The Huffington Post, one of the few outlets to cover the scandal, was forced to call out its fellow journalists for their complicity in ignoring this earth-shattering news.


The article's warning that "interest rate manipulation might very well have kept your town or state from hiring fire fighters or teachers, from paving roads or paying for indigent care or after-school programs for your kids" is a scathing critique of the human cost of this scandal.


The lawsuit filed by the CFTC against Barclays on June 27th, 2012, is a rare example of a regulatory body actually doing its job. But let's not get too excited.


After all, the CFTC is still a part of the same system that enabled this scandal to occur.


The fact that the lawsuit is available for download is a small victory for transparency, but it's a drop in the ocean compared to the vast sea of corruption that still remains unaccounted for.


Independent financial analysts like The TBWS Daily Show and David Wilcock have done a far better job of exposing the truth behind the Libor Scandal, but their voices are still drowned out by the cacophony of mainstream propaganda.

"The CFTC is the financial investigation branch of the Department of Justice. The personnel who enforce the law on behalf of the Department of Justice are the U.S. federal Marshals.


The US federal Marshals are the only entities legally capable of taking down this cabal - which has seized control of the world and its resources to an astonishing degree.


The Marshals are allowed to cross state borders, and can enlist the support of the police and the military to aid in their enforcement of the law.


These tools are absolutely critical in defeating such a vastly interconnected entity."


The Libor Scandal has been extensively covered by various news outlets, including Zero Hedge, Yahoo Finance, and BBC News, each shedding light on the intricate web of deceit and corruption that has ensnared the global financial system.


CNN Money implicated a slew of other major banks in this financial manipulation, exposing the far-reaching tentacles of this scandal.


The article's revelation that Barclay's top brass, including chairman Marcus Agius, CEO Bob Diamond, and Chief Operating Officer Jerry del Missier, all resigned within a span of two days, illustrates the gravity of this situation.


The sheer scale of this scheme is staggering, with a whopping $350 trillion dollars of illicit financial swaps and insider trading tied directly to Barclay's Bank and its cohorts.


This is not just a case of a few rogue banks; it's a systemic problem that has infected the entire global financial system.


And yet, despite the overwhelming evidence, the mainstream media had been slow to acknowledge the true extent of this scandal. But even they could no longer ignore the facts, as evidenced by CNBC's June 2012 report, in which several hosts brazenly declared on live television that "we are all slaves to the central bankers."


The mainstream media's selective blackout of a Reuters report on June 27th is just another reminder of the complicity between the press and the financial elite.


The report, which can be viewed online, reveals that five of the largest U.S. banks were busy crafting "living wills" - a euphemism for plans to wind down their operations in the event of closure.


The plans, which were mandated by the Dodd-Frank financial reform law, were a desperate attempt to address the systemic risk posed by these banks. The plans themselves were expected to be lengthy and complex, with some stretching to as many as 4,000 pages.


This is a far cry from the simplistic assurances of Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan's CEO, who claimed that the bank's contingency plan would allow it to fail without costing taxpayers a dime.


The article also nods to the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, which separated commercial and investment banking in an effort to restore the nation's economy during the Great Depression. This is a measure that many have been advocating for, but to no avail.


The fact that other major nations have been imposing similar requirements on their big banks in the past years is a telling sign that the global financial system is on the brink of a major overhaul.


Whether this signals the end of centuries of financial tyranny or the dawn of a new era of cabal-controlled monetary manipulation remains to be seen.


One thing is certain, however: the enormous financial changes on the horizon will have far-reaching consequences for every person on the planet.



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