by Ethan Huff
September 19, 2024
CarbonDioxide.News Website

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Scheduled for a Netflix launch on September 18 (2024) is a
new docu-series from billionaire
Bill Gates that
pushes the notion that,
"we have to give up hydrocarbons almost
entirely," among other anti-human ideas.
Because the climate is currently not to the
liking of Gates and his acolytes, major changes are needed to stop
the human herd from living... all "for the planet."
Even though he jaunts around the world in his own
climate-polluting private jet, as do Netflix's executives, Gates
feels as though,
humanity needs to be muzzled
and confined as people's carbon footprint is
tracked, monitored and controlled at all times.
If such ideas sound dangerous and loony to you,
it is not because they actually are, according to Gates.
The problem is,
"misinformation" that Gates hopes to
quell by unleashing artificial intelligence (AI)
robots to police the Internet for wrongspeak...
The five-episode docu-series will address
a variety of anti-human topics that excite Gates.
There is subject matter about,
Gates says his family's carbon
footprint is no big deal
The human herd has been growing increasingly
agitated at the nerve of Gates (and others like him), who
are trying to
depopulate the planet with their
mass suicide plans for total control...
Gates has this
covered, too...

"I buy the gold standard of funding
Climeworks to do direct air capture that far exceeds my family's
carbon footprint and I spend billions of dollars on climate
innovation," Gates responded pridefully when pressed by BBC News
last year about his extravagant and highly polluting
Another of Gates' wild ideas is,
to create a three-day work week to be powered
by AI...
He feels that the best candidate to get this done
Kamala Harris
rather than Donald Trump,
which is why he endorsed her for president.
"I think it's great to have somebody who's
younger, who can think about things like AI and how we shape
that in the right way, and I certainly offer up my opinions to
the politicians who are interested," Gates said.
"So it's going to be an interesting
Gates has had longtime delusions of world
Since his days at
Microsoft, Gates has been
funneling cash into projects that,
aim to eliminate people and
replace them with whatever benefits himself and his growing
"That's the problem with the extreme
wealthy is that they start believing they can rule over the
rest of the world",
...one commenter wrote about how all
billionaires are basically the same - they are all filthy rich,
generally bored, serve no worthwhile purpose, and suffer from a
Napoleon complex...!
"I'll take Gates' climate edicts
seriously when he parks his private jet, moves to a grass
hut, and starts traveling overseas by rowboat," wrote
Others pointed out that Gates is still trotting
out the long-debunked myth that carbon in its many forms is somehow
measurable in relation to the always-changing climate.
"The leading climatologists from the top
schools, including European universities, Nobel Prize winners,
and NASA's top climate data people - all of them have debunked
the CO2 myth," one
"These are the scientists who come right out and say they had
been exaggerating about climate change or at least keeping the
lie quiet because if they did not, their jobs or grant funding
would have been cut off.
That whistleblower crowd is getting bigger
and bigger every year as more and more retire."
Bill Gates is a