by Ellen Lloyd
Esolibris Website
Spanish version
According to the
Native Americans' legend
there is a
inter-dimensional doorway
hidden deep within
the Andes Mountains.
Apparently, this is
one of a number of
strategic stargates
around our planet.
As the year 2012 is approaching many are
asking - will the stargate of the gods now open and allow our
creators to return in their sunships?
If you possessed the key and secret knowledge and could open the
cosmic portal leading to the kingdom of the gods, would you be
prepared to travel to a world beyond your imagination and meet the
masters of the stars?
If we examine the progresses of humanity
today, or sometimes rather lack there of, we wonder if we have
reached a stage in our development allowing us to enter the domain
of highly advanced alien species.

Are we prepared to
enter the
realms of highly advanced alien species?
Readers unfamiliar with the subject will
naturally wonder what is so special about 2012 and in what way the
year is connected with the opening of a stargate. There are no
simple answers to this question.
What we do know is that
December 21, 2012 represents the end-date of
the Mayan calendar. I discussed this in my article
When will the
World End - "2012?"
The Maya Elders believe this date points to the birth of a new age
and the rebirth of Father Sun.
Many are speculating what the end-date might actually involve, a
possible spiritual awakening, the end of the world, the return of
the star gods, will the truth about UFOs finally be revealed, or
maybe nothing will happen and the year will pass unnoticed.
Students of Ufology and the
Ancient Astronauts' theory often
contemplate on the origin of advanced alien life-forms.
The possibility of aliens visiting the Earth in the past
and present times have been regularly rejected by a majority of
scientists, mainly due to the problems of interstellar flight.
Critics of extraterrestrial hypothesis
frequently repeat that the enormous distances separating the stars
are an immense problem to any race wishing to explore the galaxy.
Interstellar flight is indeed a difficulty, but for the human race.
Alien civilizations, which are thousands, if not, millions of years
ahead of us in their development have most likely discovered
appropriate means how to explore the universe. We have no right to
assume that all species in the galaxy are at the current
technological level as humanity.
In the recent years many prominent and more open-minded physicists
have proposed the idea of parallel universes, wormholes and shown an
increased interest in the existence of
other dimensions.
A spaceship
could enter what is called a wormhole and find itself hundreds or
even thousands of light years from its original position in space.
The use of wormholes as windows in space would allow craft to jump
to another space quadrant very quickly. It has also been theorized
that anti-gravity devices could open a wormhole to a parallel
Worlds unseen to naked eye cannot yet be fully comprehended, but
their existence should not be denied.
Extraterrestrial life-forms
can most likely originate from other planets as well as parallel
universes, astral and ethereal realms. A closer study of certain
reports indicate that alien beings sometimes manifest to our senses
as apparitions and teleport themselves to our world from another
This brings us to the fascinating mystery of
which are considered to be gateways of the gods.
There are places on this planet, which are shrouded in myth, magic
and mystery. These are sites where you can "feel" the presence of
the alien gods, our ancient masters. Today, I would like to take you
on a journey to Peru and explore what many believe to be the
"gateway of the gods".
According to the Native Americans' legend there is a certain
inter-dimensional doorway hidden deep within the Andes Mountains.
Apparently, this is one of a number of strategic stargates around
our planet. The doorway in Peru is located approximately 35
kilometers from the city of Puno.
At first glance the Gate of the Gods
(Puerta de Hayu Marca) looks like just an ordinary carved rock, but
it is supposed to be much more than that.

Stargate in Peru
The story of the alleged stargate in
Peru was first reported a couple of years ago by Paul Daemon.
few new discoveries have been reported since then.
The door is difficult to access and has unfortunately never been
completely explored, but it is believed that this could be a portal,
which leads to the land of the gods.
Many strange and unexplained sightings have occurred here and people
who live in the area are scared to visit the place after dark. The
fact that locals are often unwilling to talk about their remarkable
experiences makes it difficult to draw the line between rumors,
fiction and true events. Nevertheless, we can still get an overview
of what is taking place in this region.
Witnesses have reported sightings of tall men with light hair and
fair skin. These beings are often accompanied by blue and orange
balls of light. These unknown creatures come through this portal and
silently vanish back again. Who are they and where do they come
from? The locals are convinced that the doorway leads to the land
and home of the ancient gods.
On certain occasions the gods return
through this portal for a short while to inspect their Earthly
domain. Thereafter they disappear back to their world.
As I explained in my book
Voices from Legendary Times and in
my article
When will the World End - 2012?, ancient
civilization world-wide shared a universal belief in world cycles.
The legends and myths we find in Australia, America, Africa, Europe,
Asia all relate a story telling us that our current world is neither
the first nor the last one. According to ancient records and
beliefs, at least four marvelous worlds have already been destroyed
due to global cataclysms in the past.
People living spread out in the small villages throughout the Andes
think that the strange visitors observed near the doorway are the
ancient gods who in prehistoric times came down from the skies and
created life on this planet.
There is a common belief that before the emergence of the next world
the ancient gods will arrive to inform and warn about the coming
destruction. The natives do not fear the impending changes because
although they know the ancient prophecy must be fulfilled, they have
deep faith in their gods.
In the same way the Christians believe in
the second coming of Jesus Christ, who will come and rescue them in
times of despair, people here believe the returning sky visitors
will take the inhabitants to safety and protect them from all kind
of catastrophes.
Not only have remarkable tall beings been seen vanishing through the
mysterious doorway in the mountains. This place is also famous for
the huge number of UFO sightings. Glowing disc-shaped spheres are
observed frequently in this area, as well as in the vicinity of Lake
Titicaca and
Marcahuasi, another powerful cosmic portal in Peru.
People, who had the chance to visit and explore the door, describe a
feeling of energy flowing through the body when touching the rock.
Others have had visions of stars, illuminated areas and brilliant
gas clouds. A sense of free fall has also been reported among the
One ancient legend tells there is a key to the portal, a golden disc
that enables the owner to open the gates and enter the kingdom of
the ancient sky masters. This legend goes far back in time, all the
way to the foundation of the Incan empire. According to the natives,
Amaru Muru, later known, as Manco Capac was the first priest king of
the Incas.
The true origin of Amaru Muru is a mystery. Some say he
was born at the legendary mountain cave, Tampu Tocco.
During his childhood, he was taken up to
the Sun God and later returned back to the Earth. Another version of
the story is that Amaru Muru was a Lemurian sage. Shortly before the
destruction of the continent he was sent together with other sages
to various parts of the world. Their mission was to create new
civilizations and they all carried with them a number of sacred
objects and secret records from the legendary continent.
Amaru Muru and his wife arrived in light ships in a Peruvian valley.
Several temples and cities such as for example
Machu Picchu, Cuzco,
Tiahuanako were deliberately built over powerful vortexes. In
time Amaru Muru's empire included not only Peru, but stretched all
over South America.
He also established the so-called
Brotherhood of
the Seven Rays.
Hidden in a monastery deep in the Andes,
this mystery school continued to follow the sacred
In addition, the monastery also preserved the valuable
objects brought by Amaru from the motherland. Among one of these
objects was a certain sacred solar disc. The disc was rarely seen
and most of the time it was stored in a hidden chamber.
Apparently the golden disc was only removed from its place "in
transcendental times or occasions of a cosmic character."
In other words, the disc was used when a
cosmic catastrophe was approaching and there was a need to open the
gateways to the kingdom of the gods. This precious golden disc is
supposed to be the key to opening the mysterious cosmic door. It is
interesting to note that archaeologists, who have examined the rock
at Hayu Marca, discovered a small circular depression next to the
It has been speculated that this depression was perhaps
intended for placing the golden disc, the key to opening the door.

Many sacred temples, cities and monuments world-wide are considered
to be built over what appear to be vortexes. Invisible Earth energy,
so-called ley lines connect a number of sacred ancient sites.
Possible vortexes are supposed to exist in,
...simply all over the world.
Now let us return to Peru.
Earlier I mentioned the Marcahuasi, a
place where Heaven and Earth meet. It is undoubtedly one of the most
remarkable places one can visit. It is not an easy task to get to
the Marcahuasi plateau, which is located high in the Andes at a
level of 12,000 feet above sea level.
Marcahuasi is said to be a place beyond the veil of time. The
Monument to Humanity and other sculptures remind us of all the lost
and forgotten races, who lived in worlds prior to our own. Marcahuasi is in many ways just as mysterious as the cosmic doorway
at Hayu Marca. People who have visited the Marcahuasi plateau have
witnessed incredible sightings of unexplainable kind.
Unidentified flying objects have been
seen hovering over the area on a number of occasions.
There is a theory that there is a powerful stargate located in the
vicinity of Marcahuasi. The locals have reported strange beings
walking around the area during day and night. Do these creatures
come from inside the Earth or from another dimension? Currently
there is no answer to this question and all we can offer are
speculations. People have been seen vanishing and appearing again
out of nowhere. Cases of levitation have been reported on several
It is believed Viracocha taught his ancient secrets here at one of
the great mystery schools, a temple of the ancient masters. When you
spend some time in this region you can achieve a state of higher
Your state of awareness and your spirituality grows
at this remarkable place, where you feel the presence of the cosmic

Both Peruvian Stargates are concealed
and the knowledge how to use them is not lost, it is only kept
Could there be a specific reason
why the inter-dimensional gateways are located in hidden and
difficult accessible regions?
Perhaps the ancient gods did not
want us to find and use the doors leading to other worlds?
Perhaps our wisdom and
consciousness have not grown enough and we are not allowed
to enter alien inhabited worlds?
If we had the possibility to
cross the gate, could we embrace extraterrestrial life in a
peaceful manner?
I leave these questions to the reader to
The Mayan prophecy says the great
Quetzalcoatl will return through a stargate in a winged flying craft in December 2012.
If that is
correct, I wonder if we are prepared to come face to face with
our creators.