by Amitakh Stanford
27 April 2008
XeeATwelve Website
The concept of Good and Evil is not one
of balance. These are two distinct opposing Forces. Good does not
need Evil in order to survive. Evil is parasitic and depends upon
Good to maintain Itself.
The war between Good and Evil will be resolved with the eradication
of Evil and Its pseudo-creation,
the Virtual Reality. The True Light
will liberate all of Its viable True-Light beings before the total
collapse of Darkness’ Prison, Its Virtual Reality. All of Darkness’
prisoners will be liberated in one way or another, with the viable
beings eventually returning to their True-Light Creation and the
False-Light beings returning to primordial energy. This is but a
very simplistic description of the resolution of the war between the
True Light and the False Light, Good and Evil.
Darkness has re-started all of the civilizations in Its own Virtual
Reality more than once; It does this when parts of Its creation get
out of control. Sometimes It re-starts a galaxy, a planet or just
regions within the planet. These re-starts are different from
re-starts of time, the latter of which dramatically re-starts the
entire Virtual Reality – when everything re-starts and little
survives. The biblical account of the flood is about one of the
regional re-starts that was limited to only a portion of the planet,
and even that portion had some survivors.
Darkness has many agents in the Virtual Reality. Among the most
powerful of these agents are
the Anunnaki, who have much to do with
the creation story contained in the Bible. Of the many Anunnaki
races, the two most powerful groups today are
the Reptilians and the
Per-sires (Vulturites). These two groups are vying for absolute
control of the Earth.
This time the re-start of time was going to be very different from
previous ones; it was going to be a total re-start. The Anunnaki
have learned too much about the Virtual Reality, and Darkness was so
threatened by the possibility of usurpation of power that It was
going to eliminate them on the re-start. The Rescue by the True
Light started a long time ago in Earth time.
The Attas had to learn about Darkness’
programming in order to come up with ways to overcome it. The True
Light is aware that Darkness planned on radically re-creating Its
Virtual Reality with the next re-start of time. This is why the
True-Light caused the separation of the Anunnaki Elite from the
Atu-waa. The Anunnaki Elite were programmed by Darkness into
believing that the next re-start of time would be like all the
preceding ones.
Anunnaki Remnants do not have the knowledge to
re-start time.
The Attas had to wait until the final
stages of the Rescue Mission before it was safe to free the trapped
True-Light being in
the Atu-waa and separate it from the False Light
parasites before dismantling it. Had the Atu-waa not been
disassembled by the Light, time would have been re-started, and, the
Reptilians and all of the other Anunnaki races would have been
obliterated by Darkness. Darkness was then going to create Its next
version of administrators and slaves to serve It and police the
Virtual Reality.
This would have delayed the Rescue
Mission, and the suffering by the trapped True-Light beings would
have been prolonged and more of them would have been spiritually
assassinated by Darkness.
As I have written before, the Earth is critical to the Virtual
Reality because it houses the Atu-waa. The Anunnaki have been
falsely promised by Darkness that they will have full control of the
physical and astral realms of the Virtual Reality after time is
re-started. This is why the Anunnaki have been working so devotedly
towards securing the Atu-waa and trying to re-start time. Little do
the Anunnaki suspect the treachery of Darkness that lies beneath Its
empty promise and secret programming.
Darkness is not inept and will not allow Its slaves to get into such
a powerful position. Unbeknown to the Reptilians, Darkness has
already determined that they have outlived their usefulness. In the
eyes of Darkness, they are disposable beings, and would have been
discarded like out-of-date products on the re-start of time.
Darkness intends to re-design and
re-populate Its Virtual Reality. Nearly all of the old design was
going to be eradicated. Darkness wanted to destroy the Earth and its
inhabitants. It tricked the Anunnaki into thinking that they would
survive the re-start of time and become supreme masters of the
Virtual Reality. As indicated earlier, this was never to be the
case. The Anunnaki, among many other life forms, including humans,
were scheduled to perish.
But, when the Attas dismantled the
Atu-waa, Darkness could not proceed with Its plan to totally
re-start time or continue to hold the True-Light beings prisoners.
The decommissioning of the Atu-waa has sent Darkness into a
desperate frenzy. It is trying to delay Its demise by pleading for
compassion whilst simultaneously threatening, tempting, bribing,
blackmailing, lying and using other deceptive and murderous means to
try to trick True-Light beings into letting down their guard.
Darkness is attempting to further corrupt more True-Light beings and
gather them as Its prisoners to be used as ransom or fodder.
Darkness influences and controls Its pseudo-creation with
programming of all sorts. It has instructed Its agents, the Anunnaki
and their predecessors, in the partial use of programming in the
Virtual Reality. For all intents and purposes, those to whom
Darkness has given this power are operating like minor creators.
They can manipulate genetics at many levels and enhance, diminish or
mutate biological entities. Darkness has given these administrators
some knowledge of the application of programming in the Virtual
Reality to control the population.
Indeed, programming of all types has been going on since the Virtual
Reality began. In effect, everything in the Virtual Reality works on
programming. Some of the programming appears more natural and other
types seem more artificial. Natural programming includes: the four
seasons, tidal movements, day and night, sunlight, growth patterns,
births, deaths, illnesses, genetic predispositions and celestial
cycles. Obvious artificial programming includes: product and service
advertising, rules and regulations, political affiliation, religious
commitment, education, culture, and mind-control techniques.
Some programming takes on the appearance
of goodness, whilst other types are more obviously evil.
The more natural-appearing programming is affected by astrology,
numerology, logistics, timing and other factors. Genetic
characteristics such as race, gender, height, health and so on are
all part of programming. The timing of one’s birth can impact the
person’s character via astrological and numerological influences,
which are forms of programming. Although astrology and numerology
are subtle, unseen and not perceived by the majority of the people,
the impact on lives by these two influences is real. Regardless of
whether one believes in these influences, they still apply to daily
Clearly, the four seasons affect many aspects of life. Most people
are aware of the impact of changing seasons regarding temperature,
weather, length of daylight hours, biological growth cycles,
planting and harvesting times etc. Some of the subtle effects from
the seasons include mood swings, growth development and other things
impacted by the amount of sunlight in a day.
Even more subtle are the moon cycles,
which can affect productivity, growth, creativity, mood and other
behaviors. Geese and other birds migrate at various times, salmon
spawn according to seasonal occurrences, and many other similar
behaviors can be observed in nature. Daily cycles are more obvious,
such as whether a species of animal is diurnal or nocturnal. Whether
an animal is an herbivore or a carnivore is programmed into them. In
the case of trees, whether they are deciduous or evergreen is
programmed into them too.
Today, humans are being bombarded with various forms of programming
day and night. Programming is very widespread and it has become an
integral part of life in the Virtual Reality. Programming in the
Virtual Reality has the appearance of maintaining order. Apart from
controlling humans, it also affects animals and other life forms.
The programming can be obvious, as in the case of advertisements, or
very subtle, as in dream invasions and subliminal programming.
With programming, humans are coaxed to buy certain brands, do
certain things, and even to think in certain ways. Few would believe
the extent of the programming that is occurring on the planet.
Impulsive actions are often precipitated by effective on-the-spot
programming. Generally, the senses of sight and smell are first
stimulated to entice an impulsive action, such as purchasing an item
that is displayed at a check-out stand in a grocery store, or
purchasing a fast-food item as memories are triggered by smell or
another sense. Impulsive decisions are often one-off actions.
Habitual actions may have started off as impulsive ones that
continued to occur repeatedly. Smoking, drinking and using drugs are
examples of activities that can become habitual. Certain activities
have addictive qualities that can lead unsuspecting experimenters or
users into developing a reliance upon them to the point of
addiction. Once the programming is sufficiently embedded into the
victims, they will continue in their addictive behavior until the
program is broken, either by deprogramming or using overriding
programming of another sort, whether chemical, magnetic, emotional
or otherwise.
Many types of programming co-exist. When programming conflicts, the
stronger program will eventually surface and take over. Most people
are almost completely unaware of external manipulation of their
behavior. However, most people are aware of their thoughts and
actions. They can use this awareness to combat negative programming
that is being directed at them and allow more “positive” types of
programming to override the negative ones.
Unseen programming is all around us. Our basic structure is
programmed internally, about which not very much can be done.
However, there is external programming bombarding us daily that we
have some chance of resisting. If a person feels the programming of
anger, rage or jealousy working on them, they need to nip them
quickly in the bud instead of fuelling them by focusing on them. If
a person resists the external programming enough, they can deflect
it away.
The programming then aborts its mission.
Unfortunately, the external programming then seeks another target.
This is the way Darkness operates.
Compulsive activities require differing types of programming to
bring them about. Excessive behaviors are indicators of
susceptibility to compulsive programming. These are not one-off
events, they are recurring. Compulsive gambling, drinking, eating,
working, sex, phone and physical stalking, fighting, swearing are
all actions that can be programmed into the victim.
Obsessive activities are indicators of extreme susceptibility to
programming. Eating disorders, binge drinking and fanatical behavior
surrounding spectator events are examples of programming that can
manifest in obsessive behavior. However, the victims of this
programming are often diagnosed as having psychological or
stress-related disorders.
Sex is an activity to which both aliens and humans are
extraordinarily prone. Its abuse is programmed into many people and
aliens. In some cases, chemical reactions are responsible for the
programming of certain deviant sexual behaviors in humans and
animals. Pedophilia is widespread because it is being deliberately
programmed throughout the world. Whether the offenders are
pre-disposed to it, or are attracted to it for other reasons, the
foundation underlying this perversion is malicious programming.
Places can be programmed to affect people. The vibrations of people
and events associated with a location can impact people who come
into contact with the place. In this sense, the energies embedded in
the place act as agents of programming. The energies in programming
virtually affect all facets of life. Even things that appear to have
medical explanations such as phobias, psychological and emotional
disorders and even physical diseases can be induced by programming.
Aliens are prone to program humans with sleep disorders, sudden
sleepiness, insomnia and virtual paralysis.
Humans can be programmed via specific things that affect their
energy. Food, water, alcohol, drugs, occupation, wealth/poverty,
light, sounds, colors, surroundings and environmental factors can
impact behavior, health, well-being, and emotional and mental
The list of programming causes and effects could go on and on. What
is important to realize is that there are many beings performing
programming upon people at any given time. Some of these beings are
physical, and can easily be observed, and others are subtle.
Even the energies surrounding or incorporated into a building,
house, vehicle, machine, game, or apparatus can affect those who
come into contact with them. These things will also absorb energies
from those who come into contact with them. If a house is charged
with sadness, sorrow, despair, anger, hate, depression and other
negativity, it will negatively affect those who live in the house.
Even if the house is empty, those who
visit it will be affected by it. A negatively-charged house will act
like a vampire, sucking the energies of those who visit or live
there. It will also cause disharmony and often lead to ill health.
Likewise, a positively charged house can affect those in the house
positively. There are times when a horrible place can be programmed
to appear positive to someone in order to trick the person.
The above examples touch upon the extent of the subtle and obvious
influences that can affect one’s life. The ruling elite use
artificial programming to influence people’s behavior. They have
studied and observed human behavior over millennia. They use humans
as guinea pigs in their various biological, behavioral and other
types of experiments. Their ultimate goal is to create the ideal
slaves, soldiers and administrators to benefit Darkness.
The ruling elite have learned how to apply different,
highly-sophisticated and frightfully-dangerous techniques to
manipulate human behavior. They can send people into panic or calm
them down.
They direct them to patiently wait
through long queues or stir them into a rage without any obvious
provocation. They can make lies appear truthful and vice versa. They
can make bad people look good and kind whilst making good people
appear mean and ugly. They can make white things look black and
black things look white. They can manipulate peace-loving people
into warmongers. They have learned how to extract extreme behavior
from certain ones through programming.
The extreme zealots are among the most
highly-programmed people in the world, and serve many useful
purposes for the ruling elite. Ironically, many people unknowingly
apply programming in their daily interaction with others.
Before the
alien wars escalated, most of the programming on humans
was done via radiation, food, sounds, sex, intoxicants and through
other physical agents. But, in this modern era, programming has
become more sophisticated and complex. Minds, memories and
experiences are affected by various means, including inaudible
sounds, invisible beams, electro-magnetics, radio frequency
bombardment, electronic pulses, legal and illegal drugs and so on.
Brain waves are altered via sounds, beams and other sophisticated
alien technology.
Modern programming has a hypnotic effect. Very few victims are aware
of this. In order to effectively minimize the programming, one must
first become aware of it. From that point on, many of the “spells”
woven around them dissipate or are considerably diluted. Humans can
fight off the programming, but it is not an easy battle. The alien
technology is advanced, sophisticated, surreptitious and deceptive.
The main thrust of the current programming affects the magnetic
fields surrounding all living things – plants, animals and humans.
However, humans are the main targets of the programming. Once a
magnetic field is tampered with to a certain extent, it weakens the
victim’s subtle bodies, which makes them more susceptible to
diseases, mind control and even possession of the body.
As the alien wars heat up, there is a lot of conflicting programming
circulating about, and it is causing alarming confusion. Those who
follow all programming instructions are often sent into crisis as
one set of programming influences them to do or think one thing
whilst another set of instructions bombards them with conflicting
advice. This can put them in a quandary. Those who know them may
suspect that they are going crazy or having a nervous breakdown as
their behavior becomes erratic, unpredictable and bizarre.
The conflicting programming can come from many sources, but when it
conflicts, it can cause tremendous difficulty for the victims. They
can go into depression or mania, become aggressive, fearful,
confused, withdrawn, paranoid, emotionally disturbed or suffer other
People can be programmed to support a political rally to the extent
of the group succumbing to mob rule. In these situations, they no
longer think as individuals, but as a group. That is, they behave
with the hive mentality. When this happens, the group is capable of
abnormally destructive behavior and horrible things, such as gang
rapes and lynching, arson and other disturbingly destructive
The journey of the Olympic torch has been turned into an alien
conflict, with one party programming people to protest, whilst
another group of aliens programmed people to resist the protest.
Those who are not touched by the programming can be swayed either
way back and forth at times. The whole of this pseudo-creation, the
Virtual Reality, works on programming from the micro-biological
levels up or down to all other levels. If programming were to come
to an abrupt halt, all living things would suddenly feel lost and
struggle to cope for lack of direction. Fortunately, once this
Virtual Reality is dismantled, there will be no programming. Beings
can then truly be free.
Programming is sometimes less obvious than others. For instance, the
ruling elite have deliberately programmed an insoluble conflict
between the Israelis and the Palestinians based on conflicting
claims regarding Jerusalem, among other things. Several decades ago,
U.S. president, Jimmy Carter, was the primary mover to forge peace
between Egypt and Israel.
His popularity with Israelis was at its
height. Recently, a high-ranking Israeli official called Carter a
“bigot”, a term that better describes the critic than him.
Presently, whilst the three main candidates for the U.S. presidency
are pragmatically restricted from speaking out against Israel
because they might lose financial backing, Carter does not need to
raise money for political campaigns. Carter is concerned that the
decidedly weaker and disadvantaged Palestinians be heard.
When one considers the programming, it
is more understandable why both sides fight so hard for Jerusalem.
The ruling elite have so programmed humans – criminals/cops,
soldiers/civilians, warmongers/peace activists etc. – that human
activities have counter-parts programmed into them. This
contradiction has become an accepted way of life due to even more
Darkness evolves and refines Its programming through Its agents. The
modern mind-control technology is an extension of Darkness’
foundation of programming.
Many memories are tied to magnetism. All types of beams can affect
magnetic and other subtle fields of living things and impact their
respective memories. As the Earth’s icosahedron falters, the
planet’s magnetic field will deteriorate and de-magnetization will
commence. The weakened Earth’s magnetic field will destabilize the
programming and result in chaos.
When this occurs, both human and
alien ruling elite will lose control of their systems, and they,
too, will be affected by the mental chaos.
When people become aware of the conspiracy behind the programming,
they can begin the process of de-programming themselves. True-Light
beings are attracted to Good. Darkness created illusional goodness,
which is really only the appearance of goodness. This façade of
goodness is in the Virtual Reality to keep the True-Light beings
trapped in it.
Had Darkness not mixed the trapped
True-Light particles with Its False-Light particles, there would
probably not be the necessity for Darkness to create the appearance
of goodness in this Virtual Reality. When the True-Light particles
are removed by the True Light, only Darkness will remain in the
entire False-Light creation. At that time, pure Evil will express
throughout the entire Virtual Reality. The façade of pseudo-goodness
will disappear completely.
Certain companies try to influence potential customers with
programming. Some governments try to indoctrinate their citizens by
it, some religious leaders use it, and physical aliens employ it to
manipulate humans in various ways. Some programming also comes from
the subtle realms. Darkness programs Its agents to program others.
The programming goes through level after level after level.
People would be amazed and incensed if only they knew the extent of
the programming that they are subjected to every day. Most of the
humans are now more like robots than thinking beings, following the
dictates of the programming. They do very few things of their own
Aliens are not so much like humans as many would want you to
believe. They are very different, and much of the programming
directed at humans has little or no effect on them. Aliens have
learned how to manipulate the energy centers in the subtle bodies of
humans. It is through this manipulation that much of the
programming, tracking and selection of humans occurs.
Aliens have genetically engineered shrunken auras for alien beings.
This has many advantages, especially in the alien wars. For
instance, humans are much more susceptible to programming and
interference of their physical and subtle bodies. This gives the
aliens an immense advantage over humans, who have little or no
understanding of the external effects on subtle bodies. Those who
have some knowledge of protecting their subtle energy centers and
contracting their auras at will have better chances of minimizing or
avoiding severe attacks on their subtle bodies, whether caused by
humans or aliens.
Many have reported seeing light around aliens. Often they appear
with illuminating displays of blue lights about them that can fill
entire rooms. This is not auric light.
Whilst alien bodies are genetically developed to be able to more
easily fend off programming than human bodies, when alien centers
are opened, they can let in massive programming very rapidly. Their
shrunken auras bring the energy centers even closer to their
physical bodies, such that, once opened, the downed floodgates can
allow the programming to swamp the aliens quickly.
In extreme cases, subtle bodies can be captured and placed into
astral prisons. Some humans and aliens also have problems because
their astral bodies are imprisoned in astral prisons. There are
human and alien prisoners in these prisons that have been
constructed by physical aliens.
One such prison exists several kilometers northeast of Warwick,
Queensland. Whilst passing through it on the physical property where
this astral prison sporadically interfaces with the physical
dimension, there was a break due to energy interactions. A
particularly nasty alien prisoner escaped through a temporary
opening and latched onto a human who was with us. It “hitched” a
ride until I noticed it and disconnected it from the human. In the
process, it was flung back to the astral prison.
There are many such prisons, large and
small, that touch on the Earth.
Aliens sometimes
abduct humans to program them. Although alien
abductions are real, there are many charlatans presenting false
accounts for various reasons. These lies discredit the genuine
cases. They can be done by individuals for financial or other
reasons. However, many of the false accounts come directly from
governmental sources. Ultimately, aliens are behind the discrediting
of alien accounts because they do not want to be suspected by
Aliens also use channelers and psychics and give them information
that appears rational and informative about aliens and their plight.
Many egos are inflated in the presentation of these alien accounts.
But, these accounts are not totally true as the aliens are hiding
their nefarious intentions.
UFO abductions are widespread, even though they are hard to prove.
They began a long time ago, although there has been a flurry of
reports of them in the last half century. Like the subject of life
after death, even the existence of UFOs is hotly debated. Thus, many
are reticent to accept the possibility of UFO abductions. Denial of
UFO abductions does not stop them from happening. However, those in
denial of the phenomenon still have a strong voice in human
Aliens who abduct people generally tamper with or block the memories
of their victims. They use frequencies that distort the time/space
continuum and mask memories of certain events. Those who have
remembered abduction experiences have related very traumatic events.
Most people think of an abduction as being a physical taking of a
body into a spacecraft, but this is rarely the case. Usually it is
only the subtle body that is taken on the craft.
Some of the supposed alien abductions are really conducted by
earthly governments. This confuses matters even more. These
activities are very dirty and more complicated than people think.
Abductions conducted by governments are usually physical ones. The
aliens do not want to provide governments with the technology for
subtle-body abductions.
Many abductees have reported lost time. Time is not constant. It
moves at differing intervals depending on circumstances. Most humans
perceive time on Earth as having 60 seconds in a minute and so on.
When time is stretched or contracted, the clocks continue to tick
off the seconds, but things are different. One can get many things
done in a short interval when time is stretched, and fewer things
done when time is contracted.
This is not solely a perception of the
participants, but can affect whole areas simultaneously.
Whilst some movies are boring and appear very long, this is caused
by the viewer’s disinterest in the activity. Likewise, other shows
are interesting and seem to go by quickly. These examples have
nothing to do with time stretching or contracting. All things being
equal, in stretched time situations, people can accomplish many
different activities within a time frame that would not physically
accommodate the activities.
A week ago we went through a time-stretching episode. We were
travelling in our car up a gradient and approaching the summit of a
mountain pass. A semi-trailer appeared from nowhere and was driving
in our lane at approximately 40 km/h. We moved into the fast lane
and began to pass it at about 70 km/h. Even though the gradient was
steep, the truck began rapidly accelerating as we were passing it.
We have travelled this road many times and have never seen heavy
trucks able to accelerate at this steep point of the road.
When we were alongside the truck, it veered into our lane and forced
us into the oncoming traffic lane. As we approached a corner, an
oncoming semi-trailer honked and veered towards us. We were
sandwiched in the middle with only a few meters to get through a
“window” before being crushed between the two vehicles.
Time was shifted to allow our car to shoot through a space between
the two trucks that would not be physically possible if time were
constant. The two trucks appeared to move in slow motion for a
couple of seconds whilst we drove through the “window” created by
the time shift.
The truck driving up the mountain travelled in such a way as to defy
earthly physics by being able to instantly accelerate up the slope.
This is because the truck was an alien vehicle. While we normally
remain under cover, we had to employ alien technology to diffuse the
alien attack.
This event caused us little alarm and we forgot about it until the
next morning. The nature of a near-miss, traumatic occurrence such
as this involving a time shift can often cause a temporary loss of
memory. That is why there are often temporary or permanent memory
losses regarding sightings and other types of encounters with
The recent protests against China regarding the Tibetans’ plight are
examples of organized events masterminded by the agents of the
ruling elite. Mass programming is extremely effective under the
circumstance. As expected, the rallies were well supported by some
powerful figures behind the scenes in countries strongly aligned
with the Vulturites.
Also, as expected, the protests were
weak in Buenos Aires where the people were programmed to show no
interest in the protests due to the stronger programming by a
different alien group. People of any nation can be programmed to
react or not to react strongly to events such as natural disasters,
certain crimes or Olympic torch processions.
As previously mentioned, all living things in this Virtual Reality
have magnetic fields surrounding their bodies. There is a loosely
defined region or envelope of subtle energies that is commonly
called an “aura” emanating from everything in nature, including
human beings and animals. The human body is composed of the physical
body and subtle bodies. The part of the aura that is closest to the
human body is often known as the etheric body. The etheric body has
a matrix of energy vortexes that are often called “chakras”.
The aura is relatively fragile in that it can be easily invaded and
imposed upon by outside forces. A person’s physical, emotional and
mental state can affect his or her auric defense systems. For
instance, drinking alcohol, consuming legal and illegal drugs,
pornography, highly charged negative emotions such as intense
jealousy, hate, fear, frustration and so on can pollute, cause
blockages, weaken the energy centers and “loosen” the etheric cover
to the extent that it allows unwanted intruders into the person’s
aura, or, worse still, to take possession of one of the chakras.
When this happens, it can cause an
astral being to manipulate, influence or control the victim. For
example, an astral entity who loves alcohol can influence an
abstainer to drink heavily. Likewise, a non-gambler could become a
compulsive punter. In some cases, the entity could encourage someone
to kill another. These are some of the negative effects of
the dimension breaking down, people
are becoming more vulnerable to astral attacks and body snatching.
The next nearest body to the etheric is called the “astral body”.
The astral body is a non-solid duplicate of the physical body, which
is the subtle vehicle used by humans and animals in out-of-body
experiences and during astral travels when the physical body is in a
state of sleep or repose. The human subtle bodies, be they etheric,
astral or beyond, make humans vulnerable to external attacks,
manipulations and invasions, which all ultimately affect the
physical body. Although humans can derive healing and other benefits
via these subtle bodies, the negative effects outweigh the
If a living person’s astral body is completely or partially trapped
during a non-waking state from trauma or otherwise, it can affect
the physical well-being of the person. This can manifest in the
physical as some form of medical, emotional, mental or other type of
malady. The person can feel panicky, withdrawn, not with it,
depressed, anxious etc. for no apparent reason. This is why people
are sometimes so driven to visit a site of an accident or crime
scene to be re-connected with their entrapped parts of their astral
bodies in order to be put back together, so to speak. Often, their
so-called problems dissipate after the visit.
Darkness and Its agents have also established astral prisons to trap
many people during their sleep hours or when they are out-of-body
voluntarily or involuntarily. Sometimes, a person falls into a coma
because so much of their astral body has been imprisoned that they
cannot get back into their physical body.
Most of the mind manipulations carried out on humans are performed
when the victims are asleep or in a twilight state. Many of the
alien abductions of humans are astral abductions. Most of the
physical abductees and astral abductees have very little or no
recollection of the abductions.
In a physical abduction by aliens, the victim’s physical body is
removed from its physical environment and physically taken to a
spaceship. However, when physical abductions are carried out by
human agents of governments or other organizations, the victims are
taken to a physical location that might simulate an alien spaceship.
In an astral abduction by aliens, which is far more common than a
physical abduction, the victim’s astral body is abducted whist the
victim is asleep or otherwise in repose.
When the astral body is invaded by any
intruders, there will be trauma suffered that will eventually
translate into the physical body and surface as physical, emotional
and mental symptoms.
The places where the invasive activities occur are often remembered
by the victims as hospital-like settings. Sometimes the victims can
remember being in a hospital. Sometimes it can be a seaside resort
setting or a floating tank. Others appear in a beautiful garden.
Some others can remember being in a spacecraft. Some theatres can be
remembered as nightmarish whilst others can be recalled as pleasant
or familiar.
Often, the memories come in a childhood
setting. Because of this, most people think it is a dream. Most
people do not remember anything for many weeks, months or even
years. Then, they think that they are recalling a vivid dream.
Sometimes, something in the physical sparks off a memory and they
get a sense of familiarity or déjà vu because they do not recall
being abducted. Besides, the perpetrators often place false memories
into the victims to replace the actual abduction.
However, there are those whose minds were able to override the
inhibitions that temporarily block the memories, so that it is
possible for the victims to eventually remember parts of their
abduction. Even if the victims do not recall the abductions, it does
not prevent them from having the symptoms of the trauma manifesting
in their lives. In one sense, this is worse than those who can
recall their abductions because they do not know what has happened
to them.
Victims of abductions are often treated by medical doctors who are
unaware of the possibility of alien abductions. They, in turn treat
the alien assault as being an internal problem that is affecting
their patient’s thought process, mental state, emotional well-being
etc. They attribute these symptoms to stress, genetic
pre-dispositions, mental illness etc. In prescribing medicines to
treat the symptoms from the abductions, the doctors are
inadvertently masking the victim’s memories and recall by dulling
and weakening their etheric, astral and other subtle bodies.
doctors mistakenly believe they have successfully treated a patient
when the patient no longer complains about their nightmares.
Ironically, the medications make the victims even more vulnerable to
external invasions, attacks and possession of their physical bodies.
The side effects of the drugs can include hallucinations, compulsive
behavior, violent episodes and severe mood swings.
Treatment with certain drugs, especially
on long-term basis, can weaken and pollute the chakras temporarily
or permanently which makes the person vulnerable to possession or
leaching of astral beings on their subtle bodies to manipulate their
actions. Some patients describe having someone in their mind telling
them to do something against their will. This is usually the sign of
invasion, manipulation by physical or astral beings or by the
leaching of thought patterns that are floating around in the ether.
When a person loses control, it can be due to possession. When the
possession is only partial, the victim can fight off the invasion by
exerting his or her own will. But, when there is a full possession,
it is harder to “evict” the invaders.
Aliens have the technology to manipulate the human auric system to
bring about their desired results. They can manipulate brainwaves by
stimulating various parts of the brain. This amounts to very
serious, sophisticated mind alteration and/or control. Many current
political, military and civilian figures are in such a state from
alien manipulations of them. This leaves human beings in a
precarious state indeed.
The first thing that people can do at this stage of
the alien wars
is to realize that alien beings are at war with humans.
Once the
alien programming that causes people to deny alien existence is
broken, the victims and other humans can begin to see through the
alien agenda. After it is seen through, resistance can occur. This
resistance has to come from the individuals, who steadfastly refuse
to conform to alien commands.
People need to rely upon their intuition to guide them away from
alien-programmed behavior towards human affairs. This is not an easy
task at first because what you think is intuition could be
programming by the opposition. Thus, one has to make an effort to
refine ones spiritual energies sufficiently to allow guidance from
the True Divine Source.
When thoughts, impulses, suggestions and other things pop into one’s
mind, people should sort through whether they are internal things or
come from external bombardment. The external things are the things
to be resisted. In the past, constant bombardment by news,
information, advertisements, educational, religious and political
materials were the main means of brainwashing and persuasive
influence over others. Today, the brainwashing is much more subtle
and sophisticated so that very few even suspect it is occurring.
Sounds and beams are used to weaken people to make them susceptible
to suggestions. The brainwashing is so prevalent now that crowds can
be quickly gathered and turned to promote or resist whatever the
programmer desires. Often the physical message is opposite to the
programming. That is, people are told one thing in the physical and
given an overriding, powerful opposite command.
For example, a politician could espouse
racial and religious equality and peace whilst sending the
subliminal message of bigotry and war. An earlier example of this
being applied in the physical was shown by Shakespeare in Marc
Anthony’s oratory over Julius Caesar’s body. Anthony kept repeating
supposed praise of Brutus whilst all the while stirring the crowd
against him. Anthony’s speech was a very crude form of what the
aliens are doing to humans today.
Everyone is subjected to bombardment from thought patterns floating
in the ether, from physical things they see and hear everyday.
Television, books and conversations affect them with programming on
their subtle bodies. The programming on the subtle bodies is
constant. Darkness created the subtle bodies to make it easier to
control the thoughts and actions of victims with programming. Some
people foolishly participate in activities that weaken their
resistance to external programming and manipulation.
Sometimes the programming takes the form of depletion of life force
energy, or, worse still, vampirism, which can be done deliberately
by those who know how to siphon energy from others. There are also
ignorant “ energy vampires” who latch onto others without knowing
they are stealing huge amounts of energy until the victim is so
depleted of energy that they are exhausted to the extent of feeling
sick for days. This will occur more frequently as the shortage of
energy becomes more critical all over the world.
The human brain can be easily blocked and manipulated.
Anaesthetic drugs and
sevoflurane gas are some of the agents that can do just that,
but their effects are extremely complex and deleterious to the
physical and subtle bodies. For instance, most patients cannot
remember a surgical procedure performed with general anaesthetic.
Those who can remember usually do so because they were in an
out-of-body state and hovering in the operating theatre. Near-death
experiences demonstrate this. All of these occurrences have
connections with their subtle bodies. The ruling elite are now
working on a drug that will wipe out people’s memories of surgery in
the name of mercy so people will not remember their traumas or other
This drug will be used in many places
for nefarious reasons, in many crimes committed by individuals,
organizations and governments. The memory wiper will have far
reaching applications.
Strobe lights and black lights can alter one’s perception of time
and space. Other types of extreme lighting conditions can noticeably
affect moods and dispositions. Certain types of music and noises can
severely affect people’s behavior and actions. All of these are
forms of programming used in the physical on physical beings.
Chemical programming can be very intense, whether administered
voluntarily or involuntarily. LSD and other psychedelic drugs,
peyote cacti, psilocybin mushrooms and other plants can induce
dimensional shifts by affecting people’s brainwaves. Under general
anaesthetic, people are oblivious to painful and traumatic events
occurring to their bodies.
Chemical programming can be so strong that it can push the subtle
bodies to other dimensions, numb pain and block memories of events.
Under the influence of certain intoxicating drugs at certain levels,
people can be awake and actively performing activities without
having any memory whatsoever of the events afterwards. The most
common of these would be alcoholic blackouts.
The perfect soldier for the ruling elite is one who will function
physically and commit atrocious acts with no memory of the
activities. This is the most dangerous and horrible type of soldier
that is created by Darkness’ agents. This is an extreme form of a
psy-op victim.
The actions of certain lone gunmen are robotic, totally programmed,
non-conscious events. However, most lone gunmen have some awareness
of what they are doing and retain memories of what led up to the
shooting. Especially those of the latter category are usually
eliminated right after they strike their targets to protect the
programmers from being suspected. The elimination of lone gunmen can
be accomplished by programming the lone gunmen to take their own
lives, or they are terminated by the programmers’ agents who are at
the scene.
Lee Harvey Oswald’s case was an early, crude example in the
development of the lone-gunman model. There were many footprints and
clues left behind in that case that required the cover-up to reach
the highest levels of the American government, to the extent that
“magic bullets” are officially used to explain away everything to
point all of the guilt at Lee Harvey Oswald. From this episode, the
authorities learned that lone gunmen had to be eliminated at the
scene to avoid messiness and “magic bullets”.
The lone-gunman model has since been refined and is now very
sophisticated. The ideal targets of the lone-gunman programming have
certain emotional profiles that land them into treatment where their
minds are tampered with by various means.
This type of target has a built-in
profile to explain their crazed behavior. If the lone gunman has no
such pre-existing profile, the programmers will invent one to tie it
to the assailant. In most cases, the general public is totally
oblivious to the complexities and conspiracies surrounding
lone-gunman strikes. Alien technology goes far beyond what human
hands can do. Aliens can create lone gunmen by directing beams and
inaudible sounds at the victims to carry out alien commands.
Any government that acquires this alien
technology will be able to do the same.
In one sense, lone gunmen are not too different from suicide
bombers. Although both appear to be willing participants in the
events, the former are usually duped by wicked manipulators whilst
the latter are ideologically stirred to sacrifice themselves for a
Those who inspire suicide bombers often take the credit; lone gunmen
are supposed to be individual “nut” cases. The secret responsible
parties hide in the walls like cockroaches. Anyone with mind-control
technology can unleash lone gunmen. Ironically, the authorities dare
not expose them, even when “renegade” lone gunmen emerge.
Darkness is jealous of the True Light. Simply put, the Virtual
Reality began with a single thought by Darkness. Then It formed the
first alas to secrete and protect Its thoughts from exposure.
Secrecy is an important ingredient in the construction and
maintenance of Darkness’ Virtual Reality. Secrecy can be used for
selfish or collective material gains. Secrecy and secrets drive the
Virtual reality. Darkness thrives on it.
Darkness created all things in this Virtual Reality and tainted them
with varying degrees of jealousy. Jealousy can range from apparently
harmless envy and seemingly natural sibling rivalry to obviously
more serious national jealousies, where one country jealously
pursues another that has become powerful and wealthy.
A person who is burning with jealousy of another’s beauty,
happiness, success, wealth, popularity, career can invent and spread
lies and inflict bodily harm or use other means to discredit or
destroy the object of his or her burning jealousy.
Professors who are envious and threatened by their gifted students
and their wonderful research work can be programmed to go about
destroying students’ credibility and work. Likewise, jealous
students have corrupted and destroyed the credibility of their
teachers. This was especially seen in the case of Aristotle trying
to usurp Plato’s work.
So-called best friends are betrayed because of jealousy. A jealous
partner can commit murder because of jealousy. Parents, children,
siblings, business partners and members of all types of
organizations can fall victims of jealousy or can become infested by
it. Jealousy can distort and blind one’s perception of truth and
A person who is jealous of a friend’s success can perceive the
friend’s success as undeserved, their wealth as being due to greed,
and their popularity as being the result of deception and fraud. In
other words, the jealous person cannot bring himself to be happy for
a friend or relative in any facet of life that the jealous person
To hide their failures and inadequacies,
the jealous people attack those who are happy and fulfilled. They
want to drag everyone into their miserable, pathetic state in order
to quench their jealousy. Happiness, success and comfort are things
that are despised by jealous people. Jealousy is a programmed trait
that was created by Darkness.
Jealousy has serious by-products that impact everyone in the jealous
person’s life. For example, a pretty girl can be so affected by
jealousy and attacks from a jealous person that she will try to make
herself less attractive in order to appease her jealous friends; a
high achiever will deliberately make mistakes in order to score
lower marks so as to be accepted by jealous peers.
This, in turn, causes undue stress,
anxieties, inner-conflict, insecurity and other types of negative
emotions for the victims of the jealous assailant. Jealous men have
been known to bulldoze neighboring gardens to allow them to sleep
better knowing that they have blighted their neighbor's beautiful
gardens. Jealousy has spawned many murders, feuds and wars.
Ultimately, the entire Virtual Reality was established on
programming, with the primary emphasis on jealousy. From jealousy
sprouted racism, class distinctions, crimes, delusions of grandeur,
“improper” pride, hate, greed, arrogance, ego, selfishness,
superiority, destruction of all forms, and secrecy of all types
(individual, co-operative, corporate, national etc.). Lust, hate,
fear, emotional love, death, doubts, supposed spiritual advancement,
lies, fraud, deception and many other dark seeds of jealousy infect
the entire Virtual Reality. Darkness feeds on the powerful emotions
of jealousy, hate, fear and so on to empower Itself and maintain Its
Virtual Reality.
Instead of allowing negative emotions to fester, one should channel
them into positive actions that diffuse the negativity. Darkness
thrives on negativity. Instead of harboring jealousy concerning
someone’s achievements and allowing the negativity to fester, cut it
off as early as possible. By severing the negative energy through
focusing on something positive, many of the effects of the
negativity can be overcome.
A jealous god will destroy anyone or anything that stands in its
way. It will cause separation and distrust of others to keep its
empire secure. The myth of the tower of Babel demonstrates how far
Darkness will go to separate others to maintain Its mysteries,
secrets and power. In the last days of this Virtual Reality,
unprecedented displays of jealousy, in form and degrees never before
encountered, will exacerbate misery and suffering on the planet.
In the True-Light Creation, there is no jealousy. There is no fear,
suffering, poverty, lies, secrets, conflict or death.
The Virtual Reality thrives upon conflict and war. Without wars, the
entire Evil system would eventually collapse. Darkness’ agents wear
masks of war and masks of peace, but, both types spread conflict,
killing and wars.
There is a saying amongst the Chinese that the Chinese people are
like sand and cannot unite for the common good. But, the new
generation of Chinese are very different. They have seen how easily
a country can be bullied and swallowed by another powerful agent
using the divide-and-conquer strategy, such as that presently being
attempted in Tibet. The Tibetan crisis will only strengthen Chinese
resolve. It will help to unite the people into a stronger nation.
Another saying amongst the Chinese is that no matter how much
disharmony there is in a family, differences are set aside when
there is an outside attack on a family member. In other words, they
put on a united front to defend the family. Moreover, there is a
distinct, and powerful force supporting the Chinese nation at this
time. This force is holding together the entire nation and working
to unify previously separated parts that had fallen victim to the
divide-and-conquer scheme.
The chosen earthly leader of the Reptilians is a royal figure
residing in Great Britain. The chosen earthly leader of the
Vulturites wears the mask of a religious figure. These two beings
are in serious conflict, even though it is not obvious in the
physical to most people.
The Reptilians will maintain their critical positions well. But, the
Vulturites are mobilized and have seized opportunities and
strengthened their position. If the Reptilians remain complacent and
continue with their façade of appeasement, they could be in for a
rude awakening. In the end, the real losers are the humans, who are
caught up in the midst of alien wars. Humans are pawns, fodder,
prisoners and slaves of the evil aliens.
The Great Hawk, under the Vulturite push, is rapidly absorbing
European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern countries. The Eagle is
directing the Great Hawk in its march to the Ural Mountains.
It is possible to avoid some of the programming by exerting one’s
In these unsettling times, one can
strive for inner calmness and patiently await liberation and final
unification in the True Light.