by Wes Penre
extracted from "The
Marduk Issue and the Earth-Bound Anunnaki"
May 5, 2011
WesPenre Website
Spanish version
The reader, who has followed me this far may wonder; if Marduk and
Anunnaki stayed here on Earth and Marduk is still, after
thousands of years, King of Earth (in that sense could perhaps been
seen as the Biblical Satan), left here to rule for another 3,600
years by "God" (Anu/Enlil) after been cast him down from "Heaven",
It's not that simple.
Humans, also called Lulus, breed
uncontrollably, and we are soon reaching the 7 billion mark. That's
a lot of people to control; especially if you want to do it in
secret. The decision to have 7 billion people on the planet at the
same time is a divine decision, and nothing Marduk could do much
What he does with the 7 billion, on the
other hand, is another thing.
When we look upon the power structure on Planet Earth today as
average human beings, we may feel small, insignificant and helpless.
Even if we don't like how we live our lives, we may feel we are
"stuck within the system" with no power to change it. Still, the
Anunnaki who are still on Earth do not exceed the amount of
300+ individuals, compared with almost seven billion humans.
We know that these Anunnaki beings are
highly intelligent and advanced (at least technologically and
intellectually), and they use a few thousand human hybrids (the
Global Elite) to be their CEOs over
Marduk's global Empire.
They are still in great minority, so
they need to control us by some kind of very clever master plan.
This is how it's done in general:
The Anunnaki keep themselves
hidden and pull the strings from behind the scenes. The
Ša.A.M.i. have always ruled from within councils, and the
Council of 12 was the superior council while the Anunnaki
were here on Earth in larger quantities thousands of years
The original Council of 12
is no longer, according to
a Ša.A.M.i. informant
during LINK meetings, the ruling council on Earth. However,
in old Nibiruan tradition, Marduk, here on Earth, has set up
his own Council of 12, which is now his own Royal
They use the purest hybrids on
Earth; some of them being direct descendents of the old
Anunnaki Lords in the ancient past.
The purer your bloodline, the
more power you are delegated. These hybrids are put in
charge of politics, business, education, media,
entertainment, banking and think tanks, to name a few. In
other words, they are positioned where they can control the
most people.
With their money scam (the
banking system) they are able to keep whole nations under
their thumbs, and make people in general dependent on money
for their survival.
They use their ancient method of
"divide and conquer" by something we call
When the Global Elite, through
their alien masters, want a change in their structure;
whether it's local or global; and they know people in
general wouldn't agree to the changes, they create a problem
big and traumatic enough for the population in general to
cry for a solution (this is the "reaction"), and then the
same people who created the problem in the first place now
present the solution they wanted all the time.
Out of fear and terror, people
are now willing to accept the solution they wouldn't even
consider before. A typical example
is 9/11.
The attack is the "problem";
they get a "reaction" from the people to do something about
such horrible terrorist attacks, and the U.S. government
tightens the belts on us with harsher national security;
allowing people to be monitored, stripped, controlled,
restricted, creating new laws where it's easier to control
the masses, and so on.
This is happening on an almost
daily bases. They are using fear as a weapon, and
unfortunately, we humans fall for it almost every time.
Of the 300+ Anunnaki who stayed
on Earth, the majority of them (around 200) are loyal to
Marduk and some are still loyal to the Kingdom (Nibiru).
So right there we have the same
conflict again between,
So they are still using human
soldiers as cannon fodder in their petty wars against
each other in an attempt to win power over to their own
Both sides are using the Global
Elite members as their puppets. Wars are also a great way to
keep the population from increasing in numbers too much, as
well as manmade fatal diseases, viruses, vaccinations,
prescription drugs, food and sweets that are poisonous to
your body system, to name a few.
The whole power structure on
Earth is built like a pyramid, with the Council on the top;
the Global Elite purer hybrid power bloodlines right
underneath; less pure hybrids under them; and under them,
hand-picked humans who have the brains to be able to do the
job and can be manipulated easily enough by promises of
power and wealth.
Most of the latter have no idea
whom they are actually working for; everything is on a
need-to-know basis to keep the truth away from people. With
those "regular" people, or those of watered-down bloodlines
put in important positions, blackmail is often a common way
to keep them loyal to the cause.
Very commonly, they are offered
young, beautiful women (often underage girls or boys) to
have sex with, without their wives knowing about it, and in
the future, if they refuse to cooperate, their dirty laundry
is hung out in public.
Hence, the many suicides in high
places, and high level officials with their crimes being
exposed in the media.
The situation is further complicated,
because factions of the Global Elite have signed contracts with
other alien species, like
the Grays/Reptilians and
the Verdants, creating more civil
unrest, conflicts and wars, making this whole planet a giant war
zones, with the great majority of people having no idea what is
going on.
Most of these bonds were made through
TTPs (Technological Transfer Programs), where we got technology in
exchange for what they wanted from us.
In charge of the
human Global Elite (the human
hybrid parts of it), are the Rockefeller and the
Rothschild banking families (see 'The
Secret Order of the Illuminati').
They have been the visible rulers for a
couple of millennia, but under different names. The Rothschild's
were previously called the Bauer's, for example. Both families are
royal and go back to old Sumer, and further. There are 11 other
ruling Elite families as well, whom also go back to the Anunnaki.
They are, according to researcher and
Fritz Springmeier:
Li (Chinese)
van Duyn
Merovingian (European Royal
The following families are also
interconnected with those above:
So what is the difference between
"regular people" and those who are of the ruling Elite, or connected
to them by blood?
First of all, many of them are descendents of the old Hebrews, and
are therefore the Enlil's (YHVH's/YeHoVaH,s)
chosen people in the Bible. They have been put near the top
of the pyramid to rule over the rest of mankind.
According to Sitchin's translations,
they were not meant to rule us with an iron fist like they have over
the last millennia, and kill us off and treat us like slaves and
cannon fodder. The intention was apparently to govern us until we
could manage by our own as a human species.
We know that this never happened; they
were immediately, under Marduk's command, drunk by power and wealth,
and became the Ruling Elite we see today. They have no intention to
set us free.
But like I insinuated before, I don't
think the intention ever was to let us rule the planet. The
Hebrews, who were the Enlil's 'chosen people',
were taken advantaged of by Marduk, and bribed. So they simply
changed side. This is my belief.
What I find notable is that king Anu and the Enlil got these strange
epiphanies from Galzu, the mysterious person, and right there
realized that we are all ONE and humans need to get Earth to rule
over themselves.
So why, then, did they leave Marduk
here, too rebellious to come back
to Nibiru, knowing he would make a
mess down on Earth? If they loved their "children", as they
apparently call us, would parents leave their kids with mass
2000+ years have passed since they were here last
and nuked the Sinai Spaceport and
Sodom and Gomorrah before they left. This means that they left
between two Nibiru crossings, which is of some importance, because
if they did, they can come back before 2060-2095.
Their return doesn't have to exactly
coincide with Nibiru. They know interstellar travel and can come
through stargates and
Einstein-Rosen Bridges as they
Still, it's probably in their interest
to come after the cataclysm that will follow around the time for the
However, one may think that if they have
had 2,000 years to evolve, they potentially could have come a long
way. But keep in mind that 2,000 years, ~ 2/3 šar, which is 2/3 of a
year in their terms.
They don't count time as we do.
We may argue that they are also
inter-dimensional and multi-dimensional, which would perhaps speed
up their progress, but if we look back on their history, they
haven't developed hardly at all the last 500,000 years.
They have always been the same warrior
race with bloodlines fighting against bloodlines (as above, so
below). It's hard to believe that they suddenly, in no time at all
(in their terms) have developed so amazingly fast, relatively
speaking, that they are now mature enough to govern us peacefully.
Dr. A.R. Bordon is telling us
they use
nano-technology to develop
their biominds until they now have almost reached Oneness.
This is hypothetically possible, I
assume, but it concerns me when I listen to Dr. Bordon, and by the
same token read the following from his essay, "The
It is reported by members who have
attended the conferences that they are near the completion of
their cycle on oneness, wherein all knowledge and mind resources
are used in service to the common.
This, it was said, can only be
possible when the diversity of biominds of each member remains
an individuality while simultaneously being interconnected to
the Ša.A.Mi. all-one by low-powered, low-energetic means that
utilizes the planet’s life belt energetics - something akin to
what Earth enjoys in the form of Schumann resonance.
There is yet much we don’t quite
understand about their system of oneness, as there are
technologies used to enhance the common biomind that are beyond
our level of technology at this time.
However, we do now possess a
theoretical understanding of how it all works.
(Bordon, A.R., 2007: "The
LINK - Extraterrestrials in Near Earth Space and Contact on the
Ground", p. 42.)
Here he says there is much we still
don't understand, but should we then accept that we don't understand
and take the Ša.A.M.i. suggestions to heart? How can we trust them?
Let's pretend that you and I were a team
and traveled around the world ten years ago and killed people left
and right and played silly, but vicious power games which we thought
appropriate, raped women and minors, plundered and dedicated
ourselves to the worst criminal acts, and then disappeared for ten
Suddenly, we come back and tell people
that what happened ten years ago was in the past, and we are "clean"
Would anyone believe us? Would they have
a reason to? No. They would need so much more proof than our words.
The ETs can tell us anything they want us to believe. A.R. Bordon
told me their science group has developed "BS detectors" over the
last 20 odd years, and that the ETs could maybe fool one or two of
them, but not the whole group.
I'd say: "why not?"
It's easy to be arrogant about our own
brilliance and think we can compare even our most brilliant minds
with those of the more developed ETs. I believe that if they want
to, these ETs can pass any BS detector we may be able to develop at
this time, with the ease of a thought (and perhaps a laugh).
I also have reason to believe that the
other alien species that show up on the LINK meetings are from the
same confederation, just pretending they are not working together.
You don't think aliens can be that
We can, so of course they can...