May 21, 2023
GalacticAnthropology Website

In the beginning of her career as emissary Elena Danaan often did
'live-channelings', as they were called back then.
Her implant was
used to communicate with people like,
Thor Han, Myrah,
Annax and
Coron, 1
...whose answers and updates were shared live.
listening to one of those oldies that Elena did with Elisa, 2 I
learned something about a war between the Laan and
the Anunnaki that
would have had disastrous consequences.
This post reflects on that
The Laan are lion-like humanoids that originally lived in
the Lyra
system, but like all other humanoids back then, spread across our
galaxy after the Lyran War. 3
You can read more about the Laan on.
Coincidentally we recently talked about feline-humanoids too.
The Anunnaki are frequent visitors on this website. They are a
complex bunch of people. The recent state of affairs would be that
the Enki-faction would be the only Anunnaki faction left in our
solar system.
Enlil, representing the malevolent part of the family
would have been tried and is sent to some kind of prison planet.
A lot can be said about the Anunnaki, but for now I would like to
focus on this point in history, when they fought the Laan.
Let's first listen to what Myrah has to say about this war:
Elena Danaan
is in live contact with Myrah,
a science officer who
used to work on the Excelsior
This war between the Laan and the Anunnaki came up after a question
on our Moon. 7
Myrah told us about there having been four moons in
our history.
She said:
"The third one has
been destroyed in the wars between the Anunnaki and the Laan
from the Lyra System.
This one was destroyed and caused great
damages on your planet. Great damages and floods and destruction
of entire civilizations.
It was absolutely
It's not a simple task to place the war between these two factions
within the rest of the information that Elena Danaan received.
are similarities and differences. Let's first compare it with is
called the Terran Wars in Elena's first disclosure book.
Here we can read:
"Laani discovered
Terra about a million years ago and settled a colony there,
starting genetic experiments on the indigenous hominids.
after, the Ciakahrr empire arrived at their turn and the two
factions fought in a series of historical conflicts, called the
Terran War.
This was violent and different parties joined such
as the Anunnaki, who had until then been cooperative with the
Laani on the basics of territorial agreements.

Sumerians with bomb?
Snapshot taken from a random video
The Ciakahrr wanted to enslave the genetically upgraded Terran
species while the Laani and the Anunnaki had better plans, a
little more ethical.
The result of these long series of fights,
rescinding entire civilizations, eventually ended by a faction
of the Ciakahrr and Nagai redrawing underground, while the rest
of the troops left the Terran system". 8, p.185
In Enki's account of our history as written down by Elena Danaan in
her third disclosure book, 9 the term 'Terran Wars' is not used.
It seems however that this conflict is described under the heading 'The Great Wars and the Ciakahrr Empire'.
Notice the similarities
(and differences) with the story about the Terran Wars:
"100.000 BC - Chaotic events took place around 100.000 BC, ignited
by the intrusion of an offshoot from
the Ciakahrr Reptilians Empire.
Following horrendous territorial conflicts between different
extraterrestrial factions, we see the first Inner Earth migration of
some groups of populations, to subterranean territories." 9,
A page further we can read about how the young
Galactic Federation
of Worlds got involved in this war:
"…Lead at the times by
the Pleiadeans, it gathered diverse galactic organizations, alliances
and minor confederations into a larger and unified structure.
rage of battle to keep territories out of the hands of the Ciakahrr
caused tremendous casualties and it was a very painful lesson for
the thing young Pleiadean Galactic Federation.
They decided to
redirect the goals of the Federation towards different ways of
defending justice in the galaxy, relegating war as the last
option." 9, p.499
It seems as if we are confronted with three different perspectives
on the same wars.
Myrah explicitly talks about the wars between the
Laan and the Anunnaki as opposing parties, in both of Elena's books
the Ciakahrr are presented as the main opponents.
The Laani aren't
even explicitly mentioned in the account in The Seeders. 9
In the
account in Elena's first book it is ambiguous whether the Anunnaki
joined the side of the Ciakahrr or the side of the Laani ("This was
violent and different parties joined such as the Anunnaki, who had
until then been cooperative with the Laani on the basics of
territorial agreements").
Enki's account doesn't mention the role of the Anunnaki at all in
these wars, which is also remarkable.
They probably fall under,
'Following horrendous territorial conflicts between different
extraterrestrial factions'...
Could it be that the ones who write
history always tend to portray their own roles a lot better than
they have been in reality?

Anunnaki, Kur and the Laani
Another interesting thing is that only Myrah's account mentions the
destruction of that Moon.
You can't read anything about that in the
Could it perhaps be that Myrah has been mistaken, or is there
another reason for not mentioning this vital element in those wars?
Well, I think we could use some further clarifications on these
what happened to that moon, who were fighting, what were the
results, what was the role of the Laani and the Anunnaki?
Interstellar Contacts
Get to know
a bit more about her at:
Elena on her Second Implant in her Shoulder
What came first the Lyran or the Orion Wars?
Two or three Lion-like Species from the Stars - The Laan, The
Paschats and yet Another?
James Gilliland talks about Feline-humanoid Species
Anu, Enlil and Enki and the Meeting with the Four Councils
The Moon
- Artificial and Natural at the Same Time?
Danaan, E.
A Gift
from the Stars - See pages 184-186 for the Laan
Danaan, E.
Seeders - See page 498-500 for the Great Wars
I took
this snapshot from a video called 'History
of the Pleiadian and Anunnaki Wars'. I haven't watched
that video. I only took out that snapshot, because it seemed
I took
this from a video that Robert Earl White made on the Laani (see
Lyrans /
Laan Cat Like Extraterrestrials. Who Are They? Galactic History
About Cat Humanoids). I do recommend this video. It also
talks about the Kur. 12
The Kur and their Role in the Altering of the Human Genome
Smart Space Suits and Frequency Belts - Technology from the
Galactic Federation of Worlds Elena explains why she was
wearing this Star Trek suit, for the fun of it, really.