by John Winston
from 'Humanity's
Extraterrestrial Origins'
by Dr. Arthur David Horn
Jan. 26, 1995
ThinkAboutIt Website
Spanish version
Humanity's Extraterrestrial
Arthur Horn
archived 11-01-99
donated by L. Savage
ReptilianAgenda Website
Author of "Humanity's
Extraterrestrial Origin: ET Influences on Humankind's
Biological and Cultural Evolution".
He is an
anthropologist, and a scientist, and believes ETs were
heavily involved in our biological, cultural, and
evolutionary development, even starting our first
civilization. Unfortunately, the negative forces have
mostly been in control throughout the 300,000 or so
years of history. He was bothered by the extremely rapid
rise in humans in the last 10,000 years or so.
spiritual event happened that changed his mind about
Darwinian evolution and has set out to study the
spiritual and physical world.
Dr. Horn is from a small Kansas town and was raised in a
Christian family. He was bothered by the different sects
and strife throughout history and eventually became an
atheist. His engineering interests shifted to
philosophy, but since he was drafted into the army, he
spent a lot of time reading Darwinian books.
He became a
Darwinist and eventually got a PhD in anthropology at
Yale. He married Lynette, a very spiritual person, in
1988 and in 1989 they had a spiritual experience that
caused him to abandon his materialistic point-of-view.
He resigned his professorship at Colorado State and they
moved to the Mt. Shasta area of northern California.
For him the Mesopotamian accounts of our origins are the
best. There are many holes in
Darwinism, that is not
recognized in academia. For example, for the origin of
life on this planet, as currently stated, the odds
against random chemical combination are calculated to be
so unlikely, that it can be ruled out. Also, the fact
that homo erectus lived for a million years, but only
25- 30,000 years ago the Cro-Magnon man, a fully modern
human, suddenly appeared...
The tradition of oral history made it possible for us to
have very old records. The Mesopotamians made copies of
the Sumerian cylinder-seals, and the same accounts can
be found in Acadian and Babylonian histories. There have
been many, many mistranslations because we didn't have
the knowledge to make sense of them.
Dr. Horn relied heavily on
Sitchin material, saying this
should be viewed as our real history. We were created as
a hybrid race from native hominids to replace workers
that had revolted, in their gold mines. Our father is
Anunnaki and our mother homo erectus. The first were
infertile, however, and the chief engineer, Enki, was
called on to make us fertile.
The cloning through use of
"Adam's rib" was the first genetic engineering on
humans. Chapter 2 of the Bible reports on this. He
differs with Sitchin that there is only one type of
hybrid, since there is evidence of other attempts at the
Agriculture was begun, even though hunting and gathering
was easier. This led to over population which lead to
the spreading of diseases and droughts that were
designed to control mankind. The first civilization had
a few elite that dominate the rest, just like today.
The Anunnaki and the first humans had
characteristics. They had faces that resembled frogs,
with 3 fingers and 3 toes. The Anunnaki had
shape-shifting abilities, and
some Sumerian statuettes
are definitely reptilian. Around 3,000 BC many ETs left
Earth and the regressive ETs took over. (Horn says that
progressive ETs were responsible for cloning us but
regressive ETs saw an opportunity to dominate and did
so.) They have kept us controlled by distorting and
altering our spirituality. The massive cover-up
continues today, and Darwinism is part of this. They
don't need the
secret societies anymore, since they have
secret government.
All birds and mammals bond with their offspring, and at
least one parent cares for the young. Reptiles don't do
this. Reptilians are less capable of spiritual
evolution. The typical grey seems to have lost its
emotions by being bred out and reproducing by cloning.
We humans have the responsibility to straighten this
out. Now that we know all this, we can make a conscious
decision to evolve spiritually. The progressive ETs are
helping with this in the form of individual inspiration.
However, the regressive ones appear to be doing this
too, but are lying to us.
Our spiritual evolution
depends a lot on our emotions - most especially love.
Throughout my life it seems that the
subject of Ea has cropped up from time to time.
When I was a
child I was taught about the serpent in the garden of Eden. Next I
was told that Ea was the same person as Enki, who was a space
person from Sirius and he helped out mankind. Last of of I made a
trip down into the Malibu area of Calif. to see a 30,000 year old
city and was told that the word California comes from the name of
two deities.
The first was called Kali and the second
was called Ea. Kali was changed into the word Cali and the last part
of California was changed from Ea to Ia. They put a word in the
middle which is the word Form which was changed to forn.
We then have the name Kali form Ea or California
which means Kali and Ea formed the land.
Here is some information that will make
it make a little more sense.
We have seen that the entity Enki
(or Ea) is portrayed in the Mesopotamian historical epics
as having played a crucial role in the genetic engineering of
modern humans, and he consistently championed the cause of
humans, usually in the face of considerable opposition from
other "gods",
the Anunnaki.
Enki, who is identified as the chief
genetic engineer of the Anunnaki and half-brother of Enlil in
the Mesopotamian creation epics, is identified as a Sirian, "who
protects humanity", in The Prism of Lyra by
Royal and
This channeled information certainly
fits in well with the historical information we have reviewed.
The reader will recall that we have evidence of entities from
the vicinity of
the double star Sirius being involved in the
ancient affairs of humans from the oral traditions of
the Dogon tribe of west Africa.
This, plus historical data indicating that ancient Egypt was
involved with entities from near Sirius leaves little doubt of a
Sirian connection with ancient mankind.
Enki's frequent compassionate behavior he displayed towards the
human slaves of the Anunnaki bespeaks of an
entity that was much more spiritually evolved than the Anunnaki.
The Anunnaki would not want their slaves to know of an entity
who had their best interests in mind and was actually trying to
help them.
On the other hand, the Anunnaki apparently needed the
skills of Enki, especially in the genetic engineering of their
slave species. It seems probable, therefore, that the Anunnaki
would try to distort accounts of Enki, the Sirian, even to the
point of making Enki one of their own.
The Prism of Lyra the Sirians
are depicted as interfering with the plans of a Lyran group that
were trying to create a species that was to have no knowledge of
good and evil.
How "the Lyran group" was related to the Anunnaki
of the Sumerian texts is not made clear.
Perhaps, the Lyrans of The Prism of Lyra and the Anunnaki of the Sumerians are one.
perhaps we are looking at different levels, where the Anunnaki
of the "twelfth planet" in our solar system are actually
carrying out the wishes of a "Lyran group" unknowingly.
In any case, The Prism of Lyra states that the Lyrans and
Sirians, who had worked together in the creation of humans, the
primitive workers, disagreed philosophically concerning their
While the Lyrans wanted to create a species devoid of
the knowledge of polarity - or of "good" and "evil" - the Sirians saw that humans could not evolve spiritually without
this knowledge.
Royal and Priest point out that Enki
in the Sumerian texts is sometimes portrayed as a serpent - an
evil serpent - and that perhaps this was a ploy by Lyrans to
keep humanity from following the instructions of the Sirians who
were attempting to help humankind.
Royal and Priest imply that
it was the Sirian group that encouraged Adam and Eve to eat of
the Tree of Knowledge in the story of the Garden of Eden, as
contained in the Bible.
The Sirians may have been at least temporarily thwarted by the
Lyrans (the Anunnaki?) (JW: They spell this word two ways in
this information - Annunaki and Anunnaki), in the
Garden of Eden, but it seems that the Sirians had the last
According to The Prism of Lyra, the Sirian group inserted
a latent DNA code in humans:
The code is triggered by an accelerating vibration that occurs
when a civilization begins to evolve spiritually. As Earth
accelerates toward
self-awareness and fourth density (which is
occurring presently),
the code is activated.
Once activated, the
human race unwinds its limited vision like a coil until the
expanse of All That Is becomes visible. It was their way of
allowing humanity to eat from the tree of life after all.
Perhaps your latent DNA code implanted by Enki or other members
of the "Sirian group" is becoming active as you read this book.
In any case, it is safe to say that entities from a planet near
Sirius were very much involved in our biological, cultural and
spiritual evolution/creation.
So there you are folks.
Maybe that is why so many of the
star-seed people are now waking up and saying,
"Why am I here, what am I here
for, I've got to figure out who I am and what is my