by Mary Sutherland
Spanish version
BurlingtonNews Website
In 1881 the Congress of the United
States gave $5000 to the Smithsonian Institution to conduct
archeological excavations relating to the prehistoric Mound Builders
and prehistoric mounds. Mr. Wills de Haas of Wheeling, West
Virginia, was placed in charge of the project. Mr. de Haas who had
studied Grave Creek Mound at Moundsville, West Virginia, resigned
after a year. He was replaced by Cyrus Thomas and the project
continued until 1890.
The goal of the mound explorations was
to settle the question of who were the Mound Builders. Were they an
ancient vanished race as many scholars believed or were they the
ancestors of the American Indians. By the completion of the project
in 1890, over 2000 mounds and earthworks had been studied in the
eastern United States. About 100 of these were in the Kanawha
In 1894 Cyrus Thomas published his book
Report on the Mound Explorations of the Bureau of Ethnology
and proved that the Mound Builders were not a vanished race but the
ancestors of the American Indian. This was the birth of modern
American Archeology and the American birth place of the Great Lost
Race Cover-up...
Once the question of the identity of the
Mound Builders was directed away from any pre-existing advanced
cultures, the archeologists then blindly focused all their attention
on tracing the tracing the development of North American Indian
"By the 1880s, the governing
establishments of Christendom were dreading the very word
'archaeologist'. And so, archaeological digs were brought under
strict control, and their funding and undertakings had to be
approved by newly designated authorities."
"One of these, the Egypt Exploration Fund, was established in
Britain in 1891, and on the very first page of its Memorandum
and Articles of Association it is stated that the Fund's
objective is to promote excavation work "for the purpose of
elucidating or illustrating the Old Testament narrative".
"In short, this meant that if something was found which could be
used to support the scriptural teaching, then we (the public)
would be informed. Anything which did not support the Church
interpretation of the Bible was not destined to see the light in
the public domain."
The Kurgans are an 'Earlier' people than the Pharaonic
Egyptians and the Babylonians.
Kurgan means "Mound builder". In Latvian KURm - means
"mound, hill" which corresponds to Sumerian KUR.MA "a star rising",
all with the same basic root KUR- "hill, mound" as in KURgan. The
Russian and Turkic meaning is 'barrow' or 'artificial mound'.
Marija Gimbutas writes that the Kurgans Yamnaya (or
Pit-Grave culture) ostensibly started their migrations in
Southern Russia and the Ukrainian steppes at the Black Sea, reaching
Anatolia and Mesopotamia through the Balkans and Greece, across the
Caucasus then east to Central Asia and south into Iran.
migrations would account for all the mound-grave cultures we know,
even those surfacing in China (through the Tocharians) and in
the Indus Valley at around this time.
Did the Kurgans move because of
the Flood?
Was this 5500 BC at the time of
the Black Sea Shelf Submergence?
Are these the people then known
as the Sumerians in Mesopotamia who brought the tumulus
mounds south, leading to the building of the ziggurats (i.e.
baked earth instead of pure earth mounds) and thereafter the
building of the pyramids of stone (where the mound builders
perfected their system?
The initial temples of Pharaonic Egypt
were made of "mud bricks" (as in Mesopotamia), whereas building in
stone came thereafter, "mimicking" the same style of architectural
building previously used for building in mud brick. This fact led
the Egyptologist Walter Emery to conclude that the Pharaonic
Egyptian culture traced its origin back to an immigrant people,
perhaps from south Mesopotamia.
The Kurgans provide us with an "EARLIER"
people who buried their dead in a manner which must be regarded as a
technological precursor to the later burial mounds of Babylon and
Egypt, a people of Europe.
...Are the Lyran, Sirians and
Anunnaki the Same?
If the Lyran and Sirians are in fact referenced as the Anunnaki,
then would Enlil and Enki be equivalent to Lyran and Sirian An
Una Ki = An + (A)na + Ki = God +Goddess+earth = gods and goddess
of earth = male and female rulers of earth.
The Prism of Lyra the Sirians (Enki)
are depicted as interfering with the plans of a Lyran group (Enlil)
that were trying to create a species that was to have no knowledge
of good and evil.
The Prism of Lyra states that the Lyrans and Sirians, who had
worked together in the creation of humans, the primitive workers,
disagreed philosophically concerning their creation. While the
Lyrans (Enlil) wanted to create a species devoid of the knowledge of
polarity - or of "good" and "evil" - the Sirians (Enki) saw that
humans could not evolve spiritually without this knowledge.
Royal and Priest point
out that Enki in the Sumerian texts is sometimes portrayed as a
serpent - an evil serpent - and that perhaps this was a ploy by
Lyrans to keep humanity from following the instructions of the
Sirians who were attempting to help humankind. Royal and Priest
imply that it was the Sirian group (Enki, Serpent,
Satan) that encouraged Adam and Eve to eat of the Tree of
Knowledge in the story of the Garden of Eden, as contained in
the Bible.
The Sirians (Enki) may have been at least temporarily thwarted by
the Lyrans (Enlil) in the Garden of Eden, but it seems that
the Sirians (Enki) had the last laugh.
According to The Prism of Lyra,
the Sirian group inserted a latent DNA code in humans:
The code is triggered by an
accelerating vibration that occurs when a civilization begins to
evolve spiritually.
As Earth accelerates toward self-awareness
and fourth density (which is occurring presently),
the code is activated. Once activated, the human race unwinds
its limited vision like a coil until the expanse of 'All That
Is' becomes visible.
The Legend of Marduk
The King from Marduk was named Annu. (An/Ana,
Twins connection i.e. Osiris and Isis)
A governing body was formed later known as The Council of
Twelve (six from Lyra and six from Sirius)
Enlil (Lyrans) were given reign over one sector of Earth
and Enki (Sirians) were given reign over the other
sector. The Lyrans remained as overseers to the operations in
the valleys of Mesopotamia, while the Sirians remained with the
gold mining operations in South Africa.
The Sumerian texts relate how Enlil, while visiting the South
African mines, was informed of a revolt of
the Anunnaki miners and their
intention to abandon the mines. Enlil summoned his bodyguards in
an attempt to find the leader of the rebellion and order his
swift execution. It was hoped that the death of the traitor
would permit continuation of the mining operations without
further interruption.
When Enlil was informed that Enki was responsible for the
Anunnaki uprising, he summoned his father, Annu, and convened
the Council of Twelve to settle the dispute.
After years of elemental mining, the Anunnaki expressed to the
Council of Twelve their refusal to work in the mines.
Enlil explained to the Council that for 150,000 years, his
Marduk brothers had toiled to save the atmosphere of Marduk.
The Anunnaki could not continue to withstand the long,
grueling hours necessary for the continuation of successful
mining operations. They refused to endure the toil, sweat, and
Enki also asked for the Council’s intervention, as well as for
permission to allow his half sister Ninhursag, who was
also the Chief Scientist and Engineer, to experiment and create
through genetic engineering a mutation of existing animal life
on the planet. This manufactured genetic creation would be known
as a “lulu”. Its primary purpose would be to work in the mines
as slaves laborers to the Anunnaki.
These slaves would be genetically engineered with the necessary
intelligence to comprehend and take orders, but they would be
significantly altered for submissiveness to maintain order
within the mines and eliminate future rebellion. The Anunnaki
would never have to toil the mines again with these genetically
engineered mutations as their obedient slave laborers. The
Council agreed, and as time passed the first lulu was created
without procreative properties. These beings were the prototypes
for the first human beings created by the Anunnaki.
Sumer, one of the oldest civilization known to man,
attribute the beginning of civilization to the Marduk Gods.
This civilization was said to have begun long before humans
beings were created. After the creation of the humans the
GIANT Marduk Anunnaki became as Gods to the humans.
The humans were taught basic skills and were provided with the
contents of Anunnaki writings. These writings were given to the
Sumerians to provide them with a historical account of the
beginning of human origin.
Ownership of the lulus presented a continuing battle between
Enlil and Enki. Enlil captured some of the lulus and brought
them to an area of Sumer known as E-din. The captive lulus had
the same fate as the other manufactured lulus; they became
servant laborers to the Marduk Gods and labored in the gold
mines of South Africa for thousands of years.
After much time had passed the God Enki bestowed the gift of
procreation upon the lulus. Enki had fallen in sympathy with
them; no doubt because of their similarities to the Gods. The
gift of procreation made the lulus full-fledged human beings and
assured them a continued lineage of human beings to come. The
lulus considered this gift of procreation to be a blessing from
their God, Enki.
Enlil was not pleased with Enki’s decision to
further alter the lulus and provide them with procreative
capabilities. Enlil felt the slaves were not as productive as
they had been prior to being given the gift of procreation, and
he felt that the slaves had became a nuisance. He decided there
was no other option than to drive the slaves out, far removed
from his sight. The Adamu/lulu (humans) were driven out
of the garden into the Zagros Mountains.
Enki took pity upon these exiled creatures.
Sitchin parallels this
story with the biblical account of Adam and Eve being exiled
from the Garden of Eden. The new homo-sapiens, those with
procreative ability, were driven from Enlil’s presence away from
their homeland Edin. (The Sumerian records and Sitchin’s
interpretation of same implied that there were many Gods.)
As history evolved, the idea of many Gods could have evolved
into the condensed image of one God.
Previously, we mentioned Marduk’s planetary cycles wherein the
planet would periodically align itself within the pathway
between Jupiter and Mars (which is strangely reminiscent of the
"...the dawning of the age of aquarius”.) This planetary
realignment occurred in cycles approximately every thirty-five
hundred earth years. It was at about the time of the advent of
the next thirty-five hundred year cycle that Enlil knew that
Marduk’s alignment would create earth changes of tremendous
The Anunnaki scientists predicted an enormous tidal wave
the magnitude of which would threaten the survival of all
inhabited parts of the world. Enlil did not want the lulus to
know of the ensuing disaster. He persuaded the Council of
Twelve to suppress this knowledge from them. He was
apprehensive of the panic and fear that would be generated
throughout the land.
It was also at about this time period in Sumerian history that
the new breed of Earthlings began to increase in numbers upon
the face of the earth. The Sons of the Gods took as their
wives the daughters of the earth-human beings, hence mixing the
blood of the lulus with the blood of the Gods from beyond
the heavens. Enlil discouraged this and thought of a way to
destroy all flesh. This also is a strange parallel to biblical
references to "...the end of the way of all flesh."
Enki was protective of his creations but because he wanted to
avoid panic and maintain control he refused to tell the humans
of the ensuing floods. He formulated a plan and Ziusudra
(Author's note: striking parallel to Biblical story of Noah) was
summoned. Enki told Ziusudra to stand behind a
wall of reeds and converse with the wall.
Enki told the wall to relate to Ziusudra that there would be a
horrific flood.
Ziusudra was told to,
"...gather your family together
and all of you shall make a secure boat. This boat shall be
made of the best quality materials to secure it from the
seeping waters yet to come. Put enough food on the boat for
all of you to consume freely and two of each of the animal
creatures who co-habitate upon the land with you then
shut-up the door. Do not open the boat until all signs of
the raging flood waters are gone and the sea is calm.”
Enki was satisfied that he
had protected part of his creations and, unbeknownst to Enlil,
had assured the survival of at least one of the families of the
genetically engineered human beings - Ziusudra and his family.
The Anunnaki Nefilim would also have to leave the Earth
because of the torrential flood waters that would engulf its
entire surface. They remained in orbit until such time as the
Earth could again be inhabited.
After the great flood was over the Earth was repopulated by
Ziusudra and his family. The family had been blessed with the
knowledge of agriculture, and the Earth yielded plentiful food
and bounty for its inhabitants.
The Sumerian texts state that the Anunnaki (Marduk) returned to
Earth after the deluge. Although they retained ultimate power and
control as the stewards of the Earth, they also formed a benign
allegiance to the surviving human beings. Later, they helped the
human beings to build the ancient royal cities. Even modern
archaeologists cannot fathom how ordinary man-power could have moved
gigantic pillars and slabs and set them to such exacting
specifications. The Marduk also held Councils, which would pertain
to the future of the Gods and their continuing association
with Man on Earth.
The God Enki initiated a race of human leaders further
enhanced with Anunnaki genes, the Shepherd Kings... The
Gods taught these future leaders the advanced scientific
knowledge of the Anunnaki. Even today
this royal blood line is
alleged to come down through these kingship bloodlines. It has also
been suggested, which I agree with, that what we believe to be the
small grey 'aliens' are in fact androids developed and used by the
Anunnaki as 'watchers' over the creatures of Earth.
If we are ever able to positively determine the existence of a
tenth planet then we can logically
assume the existence of the planet Marduk/Nibiru. Further, we
can then assert that the stories of the Anunnaki are true.
Following is what we do know on the
events happening around this time.
In the 1960's a group of physicists from Boeing got together to
launch a private study aimed at explaining the many anomalies of
the Earth and other planets of the solar system that could not
be explained by normal physics. What they concluded supported
Velikovsky's proposals.
They came to the agreement that around 5000BC, a huge body,
Jupiter, careered through the solar system. This threw the outer
planets into disarray, so explaining their present anomalies of
spin direction and speed.
Jupiter crashed into a planet that
once orbited between where Mars and Jupiter are today and the
debris from this planet, they said, can be seen the otherwise
unexplained asteroid belt that occupied the space between Mars
and Jupiter. Possibly one of the three Atlantean cataclysms,
could have destroyed in stages, happened around 10500 BC and was
caused by a close pass of the Earth by Mars, which has been
knocked out of the original orbit.
James Churchward says there
are enormous 'gas belts' and chambers under the Earth and when
these 'blow' on a vast scale, the land is destroyed. He says
that gas belts ran under both
Lemuria/Mu and
Churchward explains that civilizations existed for tens of
thousands of years before Sumer emerged. Central to these
Sumerian accounts were the 'gods' the Sumerians called the
Anunna (Sons of An). Their later Semitic names were
the Anunnaki (Those who from
the Heaven to Earth Came) and DIN.GIR (The
Righteous Ones of the Blazing Rockets).
The Anunnaki were a
reptilian race from the stars.
The Sumerian tablets describe a collision between the moons of a
planet they called
Nibiru and one orbiting between
the present Jupiter and Mars. The debris from the collision
created what the Sumerians called 'the Great Band Bracelet'...
the asteroid belt.
The Boeing physicists suggested that part of Jupiter broke away
on impact with another planet. This is the body we now call
Venus, they concluded. It was projected towards Mars, destroying
the atmosphere and life on that planet. After devastating Mars,
the 'Venus' comet was caught by the gravitational pull of the
Earth, they aid.
It made several orbits of the Earth,
causing the tidal wave and devastation that ended the Golden Age
and hurled vast quantities of ionized ice at the poles. In
momentum then hurled it into is present orbit as "Venus" the
plant. Synchronistically, the most ancient Mesopotamian and
Central American records don't include Venus in their planetary
accounts, but the later ones do, and there was a focus in Venus
with human sacrifices made to it.
Velikovsky, Boeing physicists and an increasing amount of other
researchers today bring the time scale for the end of life on Mars
to within the period that saw the end of
Atlantis and
Brian Desborough suggest, along with others that the Golden Age was
the result of many extraterrestrial and other dimensional races
visiting the Earth and operating openly among the human population
in a long period of at least thousands of years.
That the earth was much closer to the
Sun before these events and that Mars orbited in the area the Earth
now resides. Dr. CJ Hyman and C. William Kinsman suggested that the
Earth once followed the present orbit of Venus and that Mars was
located in the present Earth orbit. Ancient legends say that Earth
days and years were once shorter than now and humans lived for far
longer. The closer orbit to the Sun, Desborough says, would have
demanded that the first Earth races would have been black, with the
pigmentation necessary to cope with the fiercer rays of the Sun.
The Sumerian tablets describe that the Anunnaki left the earth
before the great catastrophes... and the people who sheltered deep
underground or in the mountain ranges above the flood water which,
according to the Boeing study, could have reached heights of 10,000
feet. The earth is riddled with tunnels and caverns, natural and
created, which date back to the ancient times.
After the catastrophes, the people came out of their shelters and
the Anunnaki returned.