- Descent of Ishtar to The Nether World
- Inanna and Ebih
- Inanna and Enki - The Transfer of the Arts of Civilization from Eridu to Erech
- Inanna's Descent to The Nether World
- Inanna y Enki - La Transferencia de las Artes de la Civilización de Eridu a Erech
- Istahar-Asterah's and Lilith's Origins
- Kabbala - Lilith as God's Consort
- Kabbala - Lilith, Samael and Blindragon
- La Terrible y Sensual Lilith - Madre de Demonios y Diosa de la Oscuridad
- Lilith
- Lilith and The Moon
- Lilith as The Serpent
- Lilith - Before The Alphabet of Ben Sira
- Lilith - De Demonio a Diosa Oscura
- Lilith - From Demoness to Dark Goddess
- Lilith, Inanna and Hillary
- Lilith in Astrology
- Lilith in Jewish Mysticism - Treatise on the Left Emanation
- Lilith the Demoness
- Lilith - The Woman Adam married before Eve
- María Magdalena... "Bajo el Signo de Ishtar"
Additional Information
- Dioses Neo-Vampiros, Demonios y Hadas
- En el Fin del Patriarcado - Hacia la Síntesis Alquímica de Una Nueva Cultura
- Ereshkigal - Gobernanta del Inframundo Sumerio y la Deidad más Temida en el Panteón de Mesopotamia
- Ereshkigal - Ruler of the Sumerian Underworld and Most Feared Deity in Mesopotamian Pantheon
- Halloween - La Estación de la Anciana
- Halloween - Season of The Crone
- Lilith - A Dramatic Poem
- Neo-Vampire Gods, Demons, and Faeries
- Owl of Wisdom - Illuminati, Bohemian Club, Schlaraffia, James Gordon Bennett Jr.
- The Angelic Influence
- The Pistis Sophia Unveiled
- Ishtarism Coming Out of The Closet In American Churches!
- El Regreso de Inanna - por V.S. Ferguson
- Inanna Returns - by V.S. Ferguson
- Inanna Hyper-Luminal - by V.S. Ferguson
- Bohemian Grove - Main File
- Pistis Sophia
- The Babalon Working - Liber BABALON
- The Books of Adam and Eve - Main File
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Return to Sumer and The Anunnaki
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