by Noel Huntley 2002
Excerpted from "ETs and Aliens "
The star Sirius, the brightest in the sky as viewed from Earth, can be found in the Canis Major constellation.
It is 8.6 light years from Earth and its starlight depicts the larger of the two dogs of Orion, the hunter. It is a double star with Sirius B orbiting Sirius A every 50 years. Sirius B is 10,000 times fainter than Sirius A.
In fact billions of years ago the star Sirius B apparently imploded creating the fragments:
(Other material states that Earth was formed from fragments in the Sirius system).
Our solar system along with Sirius (double star) and the Pleiades revolve around the galactic centre every 225 million years (the reptilian cycle).
The Egyptians and Mayans were to a large degree originally Sirians.
They created methods for grounding and integrating knowledge, and built the pathways and tunnels to inner worlds and to the stars. There are many Sirians on many levels and they are mostly in the light realms.
Sirius is where the Great White Brotherhood and other spiritual councils and authorities convene to discuss the many missions and concerns that effect all within this galaxy.
The Sirians were much more benevolent and sympathetic towards Earthlings as opposed to the suppressive rule of the Anunnaki from Nibiru, and the more spiritual Sirians were able to reach Earth from Sirius A by spacecraft instantly through the aligned vortex of the Great Pyramid.
This facility was available in the event the Anunnaki resistance group interfered with the Arc of the Covent, which was secure in the vault of the pyramid base.
Note that since then major wars, the so-called electric wars, disturbed the pyramid's alignment, placing it out of resonance with Sirius but in alignment with the Pleiades, facilitating their transit to Earth.
Even though they came by advanced spacecraft technology they were very basic and in tune with the Earth. They travelled very much on foot, were runners and could cover considerable distances. The equipment they brought wouldn't work in Earth's environment.
The purpose was to speed up our evolution and test us to see if we were ready. (If Mother Earth makes the correction to this contrived distortion instead of us it could be a disaster for surface dwellers.)
When they left and returned to their original planet a thousand or so stayed behind, who added to the gene pool and to the wisdom.
These were the Andazi (see below NOTE).
NOTE: Another consciousness aiding planet Earth is the Andazi, referred to as 'fully realized,' which presumably means operating at their full, natural potential - the condition they were meant to be.
This is a consciousness residing on Earth, from our point of view, but also existent in other dimensions and not limited to any dimensions. Their energy is so basic that they are, or link with, the essence or consciousness of all things in nature but can take on any form.
When we interact with nature we will interact with them and they are naturally closely associated with Mother Nature. They are thus very difficult to detect. Fortunately for us they are completely benign and have the purpose of assisting us. They existed before our beginnings and are not oriented towards any specific race.
The Andazi are said to be the
first inhabitants of Earth and at the present time are living
within inner Earth.
The Sirians had escaped from a highly negative planet, named Arvahda in the Sirius star system, and considered technology was a measure of advancement.
They misjudged the Andazi beings, who were living in grace and in a 'Garden of Eden'. They lived simply and were totally telepathic. The Sirians viewed them a little like we view our animals; not fully appreciating their abilities. The Andazi could in fact be regarded as founders of our planet.
The Explorer books explain that the male and female energies were provided by Orion and Sirius respectively. Sirius is feminine but Orion, masculine. Women had 100% Sirius energy and men 50/50, but later a fraction more Orion or masculine.
The Lyran influence (other star systems in the Lyra constellation besides Vega) became more significant with further interbreeding - skin became light, etc. In spite of similarities arising between Sirians and Lyrans their belief system remains different.
There is great diversity amongst the Sirians not only with the lower third-to-fourth dimensional realms but over the range negative Sirians (to be covered shortly) to Sirian Light beings of the higher dimensions.
According to channel source Zoosh he came with Jehova and other Sirians. Lucifer possessed some different characteristics in addition to the fact that he had more masculine energy from Orion (his father was Orion; mother, Sirian).
In effect they are like animal-form extensions on our planet from other planets - as is the case of other creatures, dogs, cats, etc. - of more advanced consciousness from other planets, though deliberately giving the appearance of being inferior to man on planet Earth to retain the function of man being the dominant race.
The basis and reason for this is that man - the explorer race - is aiding the resolving of the karma of other ETs. This is a more difficult concept and there is not the space to deal with it here. In addition, this connection of Sirius with the ocean enables a check and study to be made of the condition of the water-creatures in relation to Earth changes.
They genuinely believe that as humans ascend into the fourth-dimensional spectrum and they in turn move into the third, from their lower spectrum, referred to as second dimensional, it will destroy them. Apparently no amount of persuasion from advanced ETs will convince them it is to their advantage. They are stuck in their thinking and suspicious of everyone. They are simply trying to survive.
They can, however, utilize a window (dimensional portal which has been allowed for them) to bring them to our present time (they cannot access our past and future as can the renegade and pirate ETs).
Note that they are being monitored from higher realms - as indeed we all are - to come to Earth to interact with humans for mutual karmic resolution and evolution. The window was specially allowed but they could not use it for return. In fact it is stated that the small Sirian planet has recently imploded due to excess negativity.
The only compatible place for the negative Sirians was planet Earth.
They come in at dimension 3.0, which means they are not readily detectable to us (probably underground) and furthermore Light workers, in their astral bodies (this is generally unknown to the human personality) are aiding the negative Sirian's transition.
They clone the Zeta body and have used this to take the blame for the cattle mutilations, conducted by the Sirians - also involving the secret government. These 'Zetas' are, however, a little larger - 4 to 5 feet tall - than the genuine Zeta body. They contain some human genes to facilitate their fear-mongering and they can be programmed to carry out orders.
Sometimes the cloned Greys operate and are seen with the cloned MIB - even disguised as humans (big floppy hats, turned- up collars, etc.), creating a ludicrous spectacle. But the MIB very much have this reputation and more so, as given in many reports and books of encounters with them.
They interact only with Earth owing to compatible frequencies (we reflect them and vice- versa).
As we evolve, leaving the third-dimensional Earth, they will inherit this but think they will be destroyed by this dimensional process. In spite of Earth's pollution, etc. it is, according to Joopah a 'Garden of Eden' compared with their planet, before it was destroyed. But it is sufficiently negative for them to feel at home. They believe that they must take over the planet by force - as mentioned, their planet has now imploded.
They provided a technology involving focused-proton radiation (the Sirian's name for it) that the government developed into high-energy lasers. The secret government has since become aware of the Sirian's deceptions.
It was a failure owing to the universal laws of soul/body relationships.
The negativity could not take effect in
a society that had a much lower level of negativity, where at least
positive and negative are fairly well balanced, that is, we also
have high positivity.