Races -
A to E
Races -
Races -
H to Z
AGHARIANS - (or Aghartians)
A group of Asiatic or Nordic humans who, sources claim, discovered a
vast system of caverns below the region of the Gobi desert and
surrounding areas thousands of years ago, and have since established
a thriving kingdom within, one which has been interacting with
other-planetary systems up until current times.
Reptilian beings who are said to have established colonies in Alpha Draconis. Like all reptilians, these claim to have originated on
Terra thousands of years ago, a fact that they use to 'justify'
their attempt to re-take the earth for their own.
They are
apparently a major part of a planned 'invasion' which is eventually
turning from covert infiltration mode to overt invasion mode as the
"window of opportunity" (the time span before International human
society becomes an interplanetary and interstellar power) slowly
begins to close.
They are attempting to keep the "window" open by
suppressing advanced technology from the masses, which would lead to
eventual Terran colonization of other planets by Earth and an
eventual solution to the population, pollution, food and other
environmental problems.
Being that Terrans have an inbred "warrior"
instinct the Draconians DO NOT want them/us to attain interstellar
capabilities and therefore become a threat to their imperialistic
agendas. Refer to Els.
ALTAIRIANS Alleged Reptilian inhabitants of the Altair stellar system in the
constellation Aquila, in collaboration with a smaller Nordic human
element and a collaborative Grey and Terran military presence.
Headquarters of a collective known as the "Corporate", which
maintains ties with the Ashtar and Draconian collectives
(Draconian -
AMPHIBIANS Similar to the Saurians or
Reptiloids, yet being hominoid creatures
with reptilian AS WELL AS amphibian-like features and are
semi-aquatic in nature.
May have once lived on land, yet became more
aquatic over the centuries. 'They' have been encountered near swampy
regions, rivers, etc., and have been known to attack people without
being provoked.
It is interesting that some types of
Greys AND
Reptiloids are believed to be semi-aquatic, having webbed
fingers and toes (Draconian).
AMOEBA-LIKE CREATURES over polar regions of the earth.
No name that I can find. These have shown up periodically over the
last ten years. NASA is working on this. Every time they've been
detected, all kinds of strange illnesses break out.
They don't how
they can stay alive and be in outer space
Also referred to the 'Els',
short for 'Elder Race' or simply as the 'Giants'.
Referred to in ancient Hebrew tradition, this race is allegedly
tied-in with a branch of ancient humans who broke-off from
mainstream humanity because of their vast size which had developed
over the centuries, possibly as a result of a genetic anomaly.
are said to range anywhere from 9-11 ft. and in some cases even 12
ft. in height, although in configuration they are remarkably similar
to 'International' humans. Are said to possess a means of molecular
condensing and expansion which allows some of their kind to mingle
among humans on the surface.
They have allegedly been encountered in
deep and extensive cavern systems below the western part of North
America, as far north as Alaska, as far south as Mexico, and as far
east as Texas.
They are believed to have interstellar traveling
Andromedan Council has ordered all extraterrestrial presences on
the planet, in the planet, and on the moon to be completely out of
our space.
They want everything that's ET, benevolent or not, off
the planet. This will be very interesting since there are over 1,833
reptilians living in our planet and over 18,000 grays living
underground and on the moon.
The council would like to see how we
will live with each other when we are not being manipulated by ETs,
as we have been for the last 5,723 years
Nimrod and Iraq
Nimrod was a worshipper of Anu. Nimrod unlike
Abraham did not
believe in an unseen deity. Nimrod wanted Abraham to worship Anu,
The Most High known as ELYOWN ELYOWN EL.
Nimrod was the founder of
the city of Babylon, and his most renowned architectural influence
was the construction of the Tower of Babel. Nimrod also had a city
named in honor of Anu. It was to be called Calneh or Kalneh (Genesis
10:10), meaning “fortress of Anu.”
It used to be an ancient city in Babylon, Mesopotamia.
Calneh is
often associated with Nippur, which is one of the seven cities that
was inhabited by the agreeable
Anunnaqi. Nippur was also known as
Kodesh. It was originally called “Nibruqi” meaning “Earth place of Nibiru.” It was the city of
Enlil, the Anunnaqi Eloheem, son of Anu
and Antum.
Not only was Calneh one of Nimrod’s cities, there was
Babel or Babylon, the ancient site and capital of Babylon near the
Euphrates. Erek a city 40 miles northwest of Ur, toward Babylon on
the left bank of the Euphrates; and Accad or Akkad – a city in North
Babylon and a part of the district around it are all a part of the
land of Shinar called by many “The Country of Two Rivers,” literally
meaning “plains of the flatlands.”
In the land of Shinar, today called
Iraq, is the place where the
Ancient Sumerians came to set up an advanced civilization where
you’d find pictograph cuneiform writings.
Excerpted from The Spell of Leviathan “666” (Spell of Kingu) by Dr.
Malachi Z. York
ANTARCTICAN This is allegedly a secret area of operations for both human and
reptilian beings.
It is said by some that Aryan-Nazi scientists actually developed disk-shaped aircraft capable of very
advanced aerial performance, and that swastika's have been seen on a
few aerial disks.
They may be piloted by a 'pure-bred' blond,
blue-eyed Aryan race. There appears to be more than one 'Blond'
human society involved in the UFO scenarios, and especially
subterranean human societies may have developed 'blond' hair due to
lack of sunlight.
There does not seem to be anything more than a
peripheral connection between the Antarcticans, the Telosian and the
Pleiadean 'blondes' (i.e. we will refer to the Antarcticans as the
'Aryans'; the Telosians as the 'Blondes'; and the
Pleiadeans as the
'Nordics' in order to discourage confusion).
The Antarcticans may
consist largely of 'batch consigned' pure-bred blue-eyed, blond
Aryans who became victims of Hitler's obsession to create a super
race, and as suggested by Harbinson and others most of these may be
controlled through mind manipulation and implants, being 'human
drones' who are used to keep this hidden society functioning.
massive joint humanoid-reptiloid underground system called the "New
Berlin" is said to lie below the mountains of
Neu Schwabenland,
Antarctica. It is said by some sources that this joint human-alien
force has spread terror through this sector of the galaxy,
conquering and committing untold atrocities against the peaceful
inhabitants of other worlds.
The famous abductee
Barney Hill who
along with his wife
Betty was abducted by "Zeta Reticulan Greys" in 1961, stated under
regressive hypnosis that he had encountered an evil-eyed "German
Nazi" working with the Greys on board the craft.
It is claimed that
the original "treaty" with the Greys was established by the
Thule and
Illuminati societies as early as 1933, and this
collaboration was brought into America via the CIA, which was
established with the help of American Nazi fifth column agents as
well as European Nazi's who were brought into America through
Project Paperclip and other operations.
ANTARIES Alien group that was affiliated with
the Montauk Project, but only
as observers. They look 'human'.
Further Information
ATLANS These are humans, usually described as being benevolent by
comparison to other groups, who are said to inhabit vast and complex
cavern-cities beneath southern Brazil and surrounding regions.
term 'Atlantean' or 'Atlan' in reference to these races, has been
placed upon them because of the fact that these cavern networks
along the east coast of Brazil were reportedly once a part of the
antediluvian 'Atlantean' empire.
The present inhabitants have no
direct GENETIC relation to the ancient 'Atlantean' society which is
said to have controlled these cavern systems several millennia ago,
but are referred to as 'Atlanteans' simply because they are
descendants of those who re-discovered and inhabited the ancient Atlan installations.
As in North America and other continents, both
common and gnome-like humans have been encountered here, some of
which possessed advanced aerial or 'disk' technology.
The Telosians
claim to have some connections with South America, especially the
Matto Grosso region where a sister city named POSID exists in a
large cavern system underground.
BIAVILANS Refer to Agharians
BIG FOOT Sometimes truth is stranger than
BERNARIANS Inhabitants of the
'Bernard's Star' system.
Although not much has
been written about them, it seems that human beings at least in part
control this star system, along with "The Orange". Whether the Saurians have any influence or not is uncertain, however some
sources indicate a possible collaboration similar to that within our
own SOL system.
BOOTEANS Reptilians from the 'Bootes' system.
These, AND reptilian entities
from the 'Draconis' system are allegedly involved with
the 'Dulce'
scenario as well as the infiltration- implantation-control of human
society on earth in anticipation of their planned takeover at some
point in the future (Draconian).
BLUE PEOPLE The Cherokee tell of a story of a race of people that were
skinned that they came upon when they entered the lands of Kentucky.
They bragged over wiping them out, but we have recently found out
that this may not be the case and they still may exist in the tunnel
and cave systems of Kentucky and surrounding areas.
To find out more on this ancient race
BURROWERS Another mutation of the saurian or serpent race that is capable of
burrowing through the earth.
Possibly quadrupedal as well as
be-pedal, these have been known to use their natural 'boring'
abilities to create artificial tunnels like moles, or even
spontaneously produced 'cave-ins' (the latter has allegedly been
used in attempts to entrap or kill unsuspecting intruders into the
underground domains).
These may possess a highly-developed
'bio-sensing' system.
BUTTAHS Being that dwells in spiritual darkness.
The person may be
intellectually developed. The Buttah are normally associated with
nightmares, abductions and the taking of small children. They
usually come around at night. The Grey aliens who do abductions
falls into this category. The Reptilians are also part of this
group. They are usually not very physically attractive.
long ago there was a visitation long ago by Buttahs called Wacshashas who were negative, powerful, aggressive beings.
CETIANS - (or Tau Cetians)
A human race of 'Mediterranean' or 'South American' appearing,
tan-skinned humans.
Very similar to Caucasian humans on Terra except
for SLIGHT differences (slightly pointed ears, higher physical
'density' for their size, slightly broader nose, 5' 5" tall on
average, and often wear short 'Roman' or 'crew' style haircuts).
Ceti and
Epsilon Eridani are said to be a major 'convergence' of
exterran 'human' activity, and are said to be in alliance with the Pleiadeans (who in turn, according to contactees, have 'Federated'
alliances with the Vegans, the Ummites, and others).
The Cetian
alliance with the Pleiadeans and 'other' societies who have been
'victimized' by the 'Grey' predators is based on a desire to
establish a common defense against their reptilian nemesis.
CHAMELEON Reptilians genetically bred to enable themselves to appear 'human'.
Also less-humanoid appearing Reptiloids who use a form of technosis,
molecular shape-shifting and/or laser holograms to produce an
outward "human" appearance. Reports of these have surface from
underground joint-operational facilities near
Dulce, New Mexico; Dougway, Utah; Groom Lake, Nevada; Deep Springs, California; and
Fort Lewis, Washington and elsewhere.
They are reportedly involved
in some type of infiltration agenda. These 'infiltrators' can appear
remarkably human outwardly , however at the same time retaining
reptilian or neo-saurian internal organs. Often described as
appearing 'bulge-eyed' with scaly, hairless skin behind their
'disguise'. One report alleged that the 'Chameleons' may utilize
artificial 'lenses' to conceal "slit-pupiled iris'".
Some claim they
are genetically bred 'mercenaries' who are part of an advanced guard
of a planned silent invasion-takeover of human society.
underground species.
Some believe them to be human while others
see them as non-humans. These are the beings from which comes our
legends of leprachauns and trolls. Unlike the Teros, this 'little'
beings are considered 'demented' and cannot be trusted. The Teros
try to keep them under control and keep them from having excessive
The Deros live in underground tunnels, cities and under the
This group of insane cave dwellers were called Sumuwnean meaning
“the obese ones,” or Saamiym, and Abandonderos or as they are called
today “Deros,” which is a combination of the words “detrimental” and
These Sumuwneans or Deros really exist. There Chief is Yabahaan. The Sumuwneans are constantly in conflict with the group
of beings called the Duwaanis who hold the same belief, that they
too will take over the planet one day. They are born by hatching
from eggs that are four to six feet in diameter.
They grow to seven
feet and are extremely obese. The Deros who live in the caves are
degenerated so much that, they don’t have much intelligence. They
have two stomachs and their digestive system is the same as that of
a cow.
Deros and cows both chew the cud, meaning when they eat, they
chew their food and it goes through the initial stages of digestion
where it reaches a large sac that is before the true stomach. The
food is then regurgitated to the mouth for further chewing; this is
called chewing the cud. The Deros have no fingernails, toenails,
nipples, navel or rectum.
Their eyes are silver grey and they glow
in the dark. They have blonde eyebrows and a pinkish grey color
skin, much like the corpse of a Caucasian, and a pig, having not
being exposed to the inner or outer Sun.
Other than their eyebrows,
they have no hair on their bodies because of a disease called trichotillomania, and are responsible for the diseases trichinosis
and trichiniasis. They have no teeth. Their mouth appears to be full
of a gummy, slimy substance. They are nocturnal and hear extremely
They’re not very peaceful and have a strong dislike for human
beings. They are very human in appearance, yet far from it. Their
noses are long, trunk-like which is very similar to that of an
elephant. They contend that the Planet Earth was theirs originally
and will be theirs again one day.
Many people today who are obese
are descendants of the Deros. I’m talking about those people who
have a serious weight problem, weighing over 300 pounds, which is
abnormal for human beings. It is obviously a hereditary glandular
problem and is caused by over active glands.
Certain endocrine gland
disorders, such as hypothyroidism or tumors of the adrenal gland,
pancreas, or pituitary gland, can cause obesity. It is a trait of
who they are from, the Deros.
DINOSAUROIDS (Human Dinosaurs...Saurians)
From: The "NEVADA AERIAL RESEARCH JOURNAL" for Summer, 1989.
Re-print a UPI news item which appeared in a Berkley, California
"Dale Russell, curator of fossil vertebrates at the National Museums
of Canada in Ottawa, has developed a theory that intelligent life
forms could have developed from the large reptiles that roamed the
earth (in ancient times).
"Russell calls his imaginary creature a 'Dinosauroid' which would
look like a hairless, green-skinned reptile with a bulging skull,
luminous cat-like eyes and three-fingered hands...
"The amphibians evolved into a humanoid species that eventually
developed a culture that ran its course or was destroyed in an
Atlantis-like catastrophe--just after they had begun exploring
extraterrestrial frontiers. Certain UFOnauts, then, may be the
descendants of the survivors of that amphibian culture RETURNING
from their space colony to monitor the present dominant species on
the HOME planet."
DRACOS (Mothmen) The leader elite of
the Reptilians are the 'Draco'. They even have
special 'wings', which are flaps of skin, supported by long ribs.
These can be folded back against the body. They are also known as
the "Dragon Race" and their symbology usually includes the
Serpent. Also known as the Mothmen.
There are elements of their
species which do not have wings -- the "soldier class" of the
species and 'scientists'
DRACO-BORGS Cybernetic forms controlled by reptilian entities.
These would also
include those forms which are animated by fallen supernatural or paraphysical entities,
whether of 'gray,' 'human-like', 'mechanical' or other
There are some who suggest that
human-appearing 'infiltrators' of this type may exist in our
society, and that certain characteristics might give them
away - i.e.
the eyes, a slightly sulfurous smell, unrefined features such as no
fingerprints or ears or other 'body' parts which seem to have a
slight 'artificial' appearance.
DRAGONWORMS These creatures are largely subterranean and have been reported on
very rare occasions.
Although a mutation of the serpent race which
lost the use of it's limbs through centuries of atrophication, it is
nevertheless apparently a part of the reptilian 'conspiracy'. The 'Dragonworms'
are reportedly very intelligent, according so certain sources.
'They' have sometimes been described as appearing similar to a giant
reptilian 'worm' or 'slug'.
DROPAS Humanoid type. Average height 3-4 foot. Crashed on the Sino-Tibetan
Border in 10,000 B.C.
Tribe of this culture still exists today.
DWARFS Diminutive humans who have allegedly been encountered in or near
caverns in various parts of the world, including northern California
and the south-eastern Arizona/south-western New Mexico region and
in some in connection to UFO's, although most reported 'dwarf'
sightings in connection to UFO's are actually sightings of the
saurian 'greys'.
These should not be confused with the small
'elementals' or 'nature spirits' which some believe are ethereal in
nature yet have the ability to appear in solid or semi-solid form at
The Dwarf races are allegedly just as human as surface
peoples but average between 3 to 4 ft. in height, although at times
they have been seen as small as two feet.
As with the 'giants' or 'Els'
this diminutivity may have resulted in a genetic anomaly which ran
it's course due to the separation of their race(s) from the
International 'gene pool'. They allegedly live in subterranean
systems to a large extent as a 'protective' measure.
And as we've
said, some allegedly possess 'aerial disk' technology and
interplanetary travel capabilities.
ELOHIMS This is the oldest group of aliens in the universe that we know of.
They are the ones that are at war with the Orions, which are the
ones that manipulate the Greys.
Giants are defined as 'Els',
El Anakims, based on the mythed 'EL-der
Race, tied-in with the ancient Hebrew traditions, Evadamic heritage,
having a very tall stature. Nephs or Nephli. Also known as
Titans. Not to be confused with the Elohims
El (Could be 'elite') May be from
the Orion group with an outpost
base inside the Planet Mars.
Some prophesize that there will come a time of a great battle
between the Els and the Serpent Race and use Revelations for the
reference. REVELATION 12:7: 'Now war arose in Heaven, Michael and
his Angels fighting against the Dragon and his Angels...'
The "Book of Enoch" from the Dead Sea scrolls says how these men
married Earth women, who bore 'giants 3000 cubits high'. (Note, a
cubit is 1 Sacred Jewish inch, so 3000 cubits would be about 250
feet.). These people may have helped build the pyramids.
Men of Renown - the red and blonde haired Aryan giants of that
epoch are dug up today all over the world, including the United
States. Red and fawn - haired mummies - 8-11 feet tall.
But the words for red and the red haired race have found their way
into biblical names - all of the following denote the Race that
formerly ran the 'Garden of Eden' Adamites Scythians, Phoenecians -
from the root phoinos or blood red.
The Garden of Eden in Greek
literature - the Garden of the Hesperides - and as Dionysius Periestis once said ' the Hesperides whence tin comes dwell the
sons of noble iberes' - tin comes from south UK at Cornwall.
garden was known as the Fortunatae Insularae, the fortunate isles of
Bretannides, or Ultima Thule - the farthest land.
information in
Biblical History and Prophesies of the Els.
EVA-BORGS Cybernetic forms controlled by 'human' entities. OR humans who have
been implanted or surgically altered to such an extent that they
have become cybernetic in nature, yet still retaining a soul-matrix
Back to Contents
Alien Races G
GIZAN - (or Gizahn)
The ’Gizeh People’ have been referred to by the Pleiadians (Billy
Meier contacts) as well as others.
This ’may’ have some connection
with the strange ’people’ and technology allegedly encountered in
deep labyrinthine recesses beneath Egypt, who were sometimes
reportedly seen by explorers, and who are said to dress like ’ancient Egyptians’. There is allegedly, according to
Leading Edge
Research, a huge cavern deep beneath Egypt which is inhabited by
people with close ties with the U.S. ’secret government’.
sources indicate that the ’Giza People’ may be a ’controlled’
society with the reptilians being the dominant power, although there
is still much mystery as to what the "Gizeh Empire" is all about.
GRAILS These are saurian ’grey’ type entities which are apparently somewhat
taller than the usually-encountered greys yet with extremely thin
’rail-like’ torso and limbs yet very strong.
GREENS, THE Humans of ’normal’ size, yet who
possess an olive-green skin color. They claim to be from a
subterranean or cavernous realms beneath Europe which they refer
to as ’St. Martin’s Land’.
GREYS, THE Zeta Reticulans (See Star Map) This is the group of aliens who abducted
Betty and Barney Hill in
1958. and these are the ones who have supposedly been doing the
majority of the abductions. They are said to have no emotions and
little regard for human life .
The dim point of light known to us as
Zeta Reticuli is actually a
binary star system, and its two stars are each very much like our
own yellow sun. It is not visible in the northern hemisphere. In our
(Earth) sky, it is approximately equidistant between the
constellation Orion and the Celestial South Pole.
The constellation
Reticulum is a fairly small collection of faint stars, of which zeta
is barely visible to the naked eye even though it is relatively
close to us at approximately 40 light years ~ right around the
corner in Galactic terms. (click below image)

They ’feed’ off of human and animal vital fluids by rubbing a
’liquid protein’ formula on their bodies, which is then absorbed
through the skin.
Like typical reptiles which shed their skins the
’waste’ is excreted back through the skin. The Greys range from 3
½ to 4 ½ ft. tall on the average, with skin colors ranging from
gray-white to grey-brown to gray-green to grey-blue. Aside from
feeding off of human and animal proteins and fluids, they also
allegedly feed off the ’life energy’, the ’vital essence’ or ’soul
energy’ of humans as do other reptilian species.
This is why those
humans seen working with the Greys (implanted and programmed
’drones’, whether willingly or unwillingly) have appeared ’lifeless’
and ’emotionless’ to the witnesses who observed them.
The Zeta’s or
Greys live in the Constellation "Reticulum" by the Star "Zeta 2 Reticuli" a planet was discovered there and then suddenly taken off
the list!
Further descriptions on Greys.
The larger Grays apparently have some vestigial reproductive
capability, and some of the hybrid species that have been cross-bred
with the [taller] reptilian species have full reproductive
The brain capacity is estimated to be between 2500 and
3500 cc, compared to 1300 cc for the average human. Due to the
cloning process, the neural matter is artificially grown brain
matter, and the Grays have known technology that enables them to
insert memory patterns and consciousness into clones in any manner
or pattern that they wish.
The Greys consume nourishment through a process of absorption
through their skin. The process, according to abductees who have
witnessed it, involved spreading a biological slurry mixture that
has been mixed with hydrogen peroxide [which oxygenates the slurry
and eliminates bacteria] onto their skin. Waste products are then
excreted back through the skin. Many abductees have noted that the
Greys have a distinct series of odors...
The larger Greys have a more pronounced nose... According to some
government sources, these extraterrestrial biological entities
called themselves the EBAN.
It is with the larger Grays that
elements of the government made a series of diplomatic agreements in
the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s...
The Greys are involved in the stockpiling of humans [including
children] for use as a food source for the Reptilian species [and as
a lesser food source for themselves?]...
[Alien Life Form] ALF, term used by the government to describe the Greys
in terms of being a malevolent life form.
The deal with the Greys is
that their field around their body is different to ours to the point
where merging of the fields ends up creating physical symptoms [the
"body terror" mentioned by people like Whitley Strieber].
The field
around them is in direct opposition to ours. It is an ANTI-LIFE
field, as these specific species are on a devolutionary spiral. They
are akin to soldiers of fortune, and ’offer’ their advanced
technology in trade for things they require. They are experts at
manipulation of both the human body [through manipulation of the
fields] and the human mind. They require blood and other biological
fluids to survive.
They abduct humans and animals in order to
acquire these fluids. They implant small devices near the brain
which potentially gives them total control and monitoring
These devices are very difficult to detect. The analysis
of the devices by technical staff has produced a description that
involves use of crystalline technology combined with molecular
circuitry and these ride on the resonant emissions of the brain and
the various fields of the human. Information is entrained on the
brain waves.
It appears that all attempts to remove the implants
[1972] have resulted in the death of the human...
(This is usually due in part to the fact that the implants are
attached to major nerve centers, and once attached the nerve tissues
grow in and around the implant essentially making the implant a PART
of the nervous system. When relatively unsophisticated medical
procedures are used in an attempt to remove the implants, major
nerve centers are damaged as a result, causing severe injury or even
death -
Various descriptions of the ALF’s relate the following
Between 3 to 3 1/2 feet in height, erect standing
biped, small thin build, head larger than humans, absence of
auditory lobes [external], absence of body hair, large tear-shaped
eyes [slanted approximately 35 degrees] which are opaque black with
vertical slit pupils.
Arms resembling praying mantis [normal
attitude] which reach to the knees, long hands with small palm,
claw-like fingers [various number of digits - often two short
digits and two long, but some species have three or four fingers],
tough gray skin which is reptilian in texture, small feet with four
small claw-like toes, organs that are similar to human organs but
have obviously developed according to a different [mutational]
A non-functioning digestive system; two separate brains;
movement is deliberate, slow and precise; alien subsistence requires
that they must have human blood and other biological substances to
(Other indications suggest that originally they did not
human blood, but once having used human blood for this purpose they
have since acquired a racial ’addiction’ to this ’vital’ substance.
This goes far beyond just mere physical hunger, since the
Grays/Reptiloids tend to feed off the human life-energies resident
within human blood plasma, in what may be considered a vampirial
type of hunger for human vital fluids - Branton).
In extreme circumstances they can subsist on other [cattle] animal
Food is converted to energy by chlorophyll by a
photosynthetic process [this supports results gained from autopsies
at 29 Palms underground base where it was seen that their ’blood’
was greenish and the tissue was black]. Waste products are secreted
through the skin. The two separate brains are separated by
mid-cranial lateral bone [anterior and posterior brain].
There is no
apparent connection between the two. Some autopsies have revealed a
crystalline network which is thought to have a function in
telepathic [and other] functions which help to maintain the
group-consciousness between members of the same species.
of group consciousness in this species does have a disadvantage in
that decisions in this species come rather slowly as the matter at
hand filters through the group awareness to those who must make a
MORE ON THE GREYS The Greys are primarily situated as
4th density beings, although
there are a small number that are 3rd and 6th density. To 3rd
density humans they appear cold, cruel and heartless.
They are, in
fact, extremely curious about all aspects of existence, highly
analytical and devoid of sentimentality. They can experience
emotional manifestations radiated from the terrestrial 3rd density
human, and use this ability generally as a mood-elevator. The Greys
manipulate humans in order to create situations of conflict or
extreme pain and emotion to acquire these sensations. They are, in
effect, sensation junkies.
The Greys have the ability to pick out our emotions, thoughts and
experiences. For them, this is the closest they can come to
experiencing feeling.
To those beings who have some form of ethical conduct, the Greys
appear psychotic and degrading. They are masters of mind-control and
mental implantation technique. Their physical attributes reflect
their psychotic souls - we could easily consider them to have
anti-social attributes as well as tendencies toward megalomania and
They have been described by some as being absolutely mad. To make
matters worse, they are performing other actions with terrestrial
humans that are quite perverse.
The Greys are playing a game with us that depends heavily on
maintaining a situation where humans view themselves as limited,
fatalistic beings with no control over their own destiny. They
continually manipulate humans
that is playing the domination/control game.
Several sources refer to the Gypsies as having some connection with
the UFO mystery.
Other sources suggest a connection with high-tech
subsurface kingdoms such as Agharti, etc. The knowledge which the
Gypsies allegedly possess of an ancient war, UFO craft, and so on is
supposedly a carefully guarded secret among various Gypsy tribes.
Some claim to have traced the Gypsies back to ancient India or
surrounding regions.
The infamous
Philadelphia Experiment
source, Carlos Allenda, was allegedly part of a Gypsy clan with
knowledge of past and present "history" on alien cultures which have
interacted behind the scenes in Terran affairs.
More information
Back to Contents
Alien Races H to Z
HAV - MUSUVS - (or Suvians)
Prominent in Paihute Indian tradition,
the Hav-Musuvs were allegedly
an Egyptian or Grecian-like sea-faring race who discovered huge
caverns around 3 to 5 thousand years ago within, and later deep
beneath the Panamint Mountains of California.
Within these they then
established their vast underground cities. When the inland sea (now
Death Valley) which connected the ocean in ancient times dried up,
they had no way to carry on trade with other parts of the world. As
a result of this, according to
Paihute Indian tradition, they began
to build and fly ’silvery eagles’ which became increasingly advanced
time went on.
They then evidently established interplanetary and
later interstellar travel, exploration and colonization.
This huge
facility is now operating as a MAJOR Federation base on earth, and
possesses huge chambers with differing environmental, atmospheric
and even gravitational conditions to accommodate the various
visiting Federation dignitaries.
Homins" is the name given to large, human-like creatures
that are reported across the world.
’Hybrids’ possessing reptilian and human genetic coding yet who
possess a human soul-matrix.
The Hyades in the constellation Taurus, like the Pleiades and Vega,
are said to have been the destination of yet another group of
refugees from the
ancient Lyran wars.
HYBRIDS - Reptilian Since human and reptilian beings are genetically so different in
their physical make-up a natural ’hybrid’ between the two is
impossible. However an unnatural GENETIC alteration, in essence
’splicing’ human and reptilian genes, has allegedly been
Even if this were accomplished the offspring would not be
an actual ’hybrid’ (half human - half reptilian) but would fall to
one side or the other. Since reptilians possess no soul-matrix as do
humans but instead operate on a ’collective consciousness’ level,
the ’hybrid’ would be human or reptilian depending on whether
they/it was born with or without a soul-energy-matrix.
In most cases
one might tell the difference if the entity had round-pupils as
to black opaque or vertical-slit pupiled eyes; or five-digit fingers
as opposed to three or four; or external genitalia as opposed to
none. This may not always be the rule, especially when the
’chameleons’ are considered.
Some of the hybrids without souls are
’fed’ with human soul-energy in an attempt to engraft an already
existing human soul-matrix into the hybrid.
HYBRID - GREY The following description is of a hybrid female, approximately 15
years old.
Height is five feet, three inches; skin color is pale
white/grey. The head is slightly larger and rounder than normal. Hair
is dark, high above the forehead and worn in a long ponytail. The
face is very fine featured and attractive. Method of communication is
telepathic. They consider themselves human, not Grey, in almost all
They care about the Greys, as any child would a parent,
but find them boring. The desire for human contact is great. Their
capacity for emotion is as great, if not greater than, humans. Their
intellectual capacity is well above human standards.
Very likely to
except the capabilities of both races.
HUMAN TYPE A: These are of a genetic base similar to humans of
earth. They appear of "normal" height (5-6ft?) and tend to be
fair-skinned with blonde hair. These entities have been abducted by
the greys or are the offspring of abductees and have been trained by
the greys as servants. These entities are totally subservient to the
HUMAN TYPE B: These are aliens of similar genetics to earth humans
and also, it seems, of the humans that serve the greys. These are
from the Pleiades and are also of the blonde, fair-skinned
appearance. This type is of a genuine highly evolved, spiritual,
benevolent variety and have a kinship toward humans and are the only
aliens to be truly trusted by earth humans at this time. They had at
one time offered to be of assistance to earth leaders in dealing
with the alien situation here but were rebuffed and so have taken a
kind of "hands off" approach for the time being. These aliens are
supposedly the forefather race of humankind. These are apparently
not on earth much at this time due to serious problems in the area
of their home.
HUMAN TYPE C: Very little is known about these. They are supposedly
another of the highly evolved, spiritual type of great benevolence
to earth humans. I understand that their appearance is similar to
other human-type aliens. They are from Sirius and don’t appear to be
much involved with earth happenings at this time other than being
concerned about the Grey scenario. They could desire to be of help
to humans.
There are other known human type aliens of this "more highly
spiritually evolved" nature that are apparently aware of the
situation on earth and considering some possible course of action.
These are from Arcturus and Vega.
The following article appeared in the summer 1993 edition (vol. 3
no. 2) issue of UFO Universe magazine.
[GROUP A] Non Earth-Born Humans
This GROUP consists of three peoples from three distinct colony
zones, namely Sirius, Pleiades and Orion. Genetically, they are
nearly identical to Earth-born humans with the following exceptions.
Abductees refer to these beings as the talls. Males average up to
approximately seven feet in height; females, six and a half feet.
They are extremely fine featured, pale in complexion.
Eyes are
almond shaped, slightly slanted with a natural black liner, much
like the renderings of ancient Egyptian royalty. There are three
hair colors apparently related to colony origin: blonde (Pleiades),
red (Orion), and black (Sirius). The
insignia of these combined
human races is a triangular arrangement of three spheres.
symbol has deep significance, and is found throughout Earth history.
History records these beings as goddesses, gods, devas, etc. A subgroup of GROUP A females is in command of most Terran projects.
[GROUP B] Earth-Born Humans
These are Homo Sapiens whose origin is the planet Earth. They can be
divided into two separate classes.
[Class A] (Ancient) - These humans were the companions and house
servants of a GROUP A military mining and occupation force. When
this force left the Earth sometime between 1,000 BC and 3,500 BC, it
was decided to remove all humans that had been in close proximity
with them. It was felt that leaving them would only further disrupt
normal human development. Class A humans are on an equal level with
GROUP A and cooperate fully in all Earth projects.
[Class M] (Modern) - These humans are working on the same
cooperative level as Class A. They were taken from the Earth in
modern times. During some abduction projects, twins (either
identical or fraternal) are induced in a female subject. During the
first trimester, one of the fetuses is removed. It is then grown to
maturity by GROUP A. Abductees will meet their twins during some
abductions. Very limited contact has been made by these humans.
[GROUP C] Genetically Modified Earth-Born Humans
These humans are comprised of two classes and should not be confused
with GROUP D Greys.
[Class W] (Workers) - This class is the smallest in physical
stature. They are described as approximately three and a half feet
in height, large head and eyes, pale white in complexion. These
workers were created by GROUP A through genetic modification of
Earth human fetuses. Their function is to perform menial tasks
requiring limited reasoning abilities. In mental capacity, they are
equivalent to a five year-old child. They are incapable of violence
and, in some cases, are kept as companions by GROUP A individuals.
[Class T] (Technicians) - These humans are basically the same as
Class W. they are slightly larger, at approximately four and a half
feet in height. Their complexion is tan or yellowish. Their
reasoning and deductive abilities are higher. This allows them to
perform more complex operations. They are often seen operating ship
controls and in transport activities.
Both Classes W and T are telepathically camouflaged to appear as
Greys to abductees. This is done to conceal the true nature of
It is felt that perception of
GROUP A maintaining a human slave
population would hinder future contact efforts.
This point will undoubtedly be a source of much heated debate in the
near future.
Approximately 4-5 ft. tall, with ’Iguana-like’ appearance yet
’hominoid’ configuration.
They have sometimes been seen wearing
black, hooded ’monk’ robes or cloaks which conceal much of their
saurian features, which include tails. These have been reported as
being extremely dangerous and hateful towards humans and lesser-ranking Reptiloids such as
Greys, and like all other branches
of the ’serpent’ race they utilize black witchcraft, sorcery and
other forms of mind control against their enemies.
They appear to be
a dimension-hopping sorcerer or priest class among the reptiloid
Small hairy humanoids with cloven hoofs which inhabit deep caverns
beneath South America and elsewhere.
They may be members of a fallen
pre-Adamic race which possessed angelic, animal AND humanoid
characteristics. Now allied with the reptilians.
They have been
known, according to natives, to ’kidnap’ women and children down
through the ages and many stories are told of South American tribes
who have battled these creatures with machetes during certain of
their forays to the surface in search for women, children or food.
Residents, either permanent or temporary, of the various different
secret-society-connected top secret-government ’underground
installations’, bases or colonies throughout the United States and
the World.
Some of these groups may possess advanced technology
enabling them to travel to various other planetary bodies in the
solar system. This group is international in scope and may be
tied-in with the
Alternative 2 and 3 scenarios.
This is allegedly a planet on which human beings live or
once lived.
They apparently arrived on that planet some
thousands of years ago according to certain ’contactees’, and had all along retained dim memories and legends concerning their ancient home world, planet
earth, where their ancestors lived long before their colonization of
the planet ’Janos’.
They are said to be like Terrans, although
somewhat oriental and slender. A group of refugees is said to have
left Janos centuries ago in a huge carrier vessel of roughly
donut-shaped configuration after an asteroid or meteor shower
devastated the surface of their planet, causing a chain-reaction in
their nuclear power grid, loosing deadly radiation into the
atmosphere and unto the underground tunnels and ’cities’ which they
had built beneath Janos.
They apparently remembered the star-route
back to earth, and the latest reports stated that they were in a
high orbit somewhere ’near’ the earth and are seeking contact with
earth governments to exchange technology for a place to live on (or
the earth, in the tradition of the TV series ALIEN NATION.
light of other revelations and lack of confirmation from other ’contactees’,
this might be a ’staged’ Draconian propaganda operation; on the
other hand the account MAY be legitimate.
JAWAS Another group of extraterrestrials has been termed the ’Jawas’, after
their resemblance to the creatures in the film, Star Wars.
This groups is distinguished by their clothing. They wearhoods and
robes, are generally short, 3-4 1/2 ft. tall and
their faces are concealed by the shadows thrown by their hoods.
There has been reports that this species has glowing
K-Group, which was short for the Kondrashkin.
They have pale skin
that had a slight greenish tint and almost no hair. They looked
human, and have to bleach their skin and wear wigs. They have been
periodically involved with covert projects since the 1940’s.
Connected to
Montauk Projects and other
Black Op Projects
Humans allegedly living on a colonized planet known as ’Korender’.
Perfectly ’human’ in proportion yet 4-5 ft. tall on the average. Gabriel Green described alleged contacts with this group in
publications during the late 1950’s - early ’60’s. The accounts
published by Gabriel Green were rather fantastic, although perhaps
no less so than some other accounts.
Robert Renaud is one of the
main "Korendian" contactees, and he claims that they have a large
underground facility somewhere in Massachusetts.
The Korendians
claim alliance with the Arcturians and are part of a massive
collective Alliance of worlds who lean more to non-Interventionism
than to direct Interventionism.
LEVIATHANS Sea saurian ’sea serpents’
such as the so-called ’Loch Ness
Loch Ness has been the site of much occult or paranormal
activity including UFO activity, ’Grey’ sightings, etc.
Crowlay, the Satanist-Illuminist founder of the O.T.O. or
Templi Orientis, claimed to be in contact with ’The Beast’ of the
He owned a mansion on the shores of the loch and this same
mansion later became the residence of the British occultist Jimmy
Page, who not only played with the British Rock group Led Zeppelin
but also owned a large bookstore dealing with witchcraft and the
Being aquatic
in nature and having lost the use of their limbs via atrophication
and mutation, this branch of
the "serpent race"
is allegedly used
for long-range ’psychic’ warfare and occult manipulation of the
human race.
LEVERONS Alien Group that is affiliated with the Orions. Associated to
Montauk Project. Listen to
Mary Sutherland interview John Meloney as he describes
these Light Workers, Where they are from, his and his wife’s work
with them as they learn how to use the human body as a tool to work
on this earth plane.
LYRAN Supposing that the human inhabitants of Lyra (who are said to have a
common origin with Terran humanoids) were driven out of that system
several million of years ago, then it is likely that some of
the present day inhabitants of the ’Lyra’ constellation may be of reptiloid descent.
the Lyran wars which are mentioned in
several ’contactee’ accounts, a mass exodus’ of humans reportedly
left the system and escaped to the Pleiades, the Hyades [which are
130 light-years from earth in the Taurus constellation], and to
which is also in Lyra.
This region, like our own system, may still
be a ’battleground’ between saurian greys and humans.
MARTIANS Inhabitants of the
planet Mars, both human and non-human, including
the alleged inhabitants of the two Martian ’moons’, which many
believe to be artificially-hollowed asteroids, one of which
Phobos - is said to be under the control of the "original" Greys,
or self-reproducing Greys which are the "hosts" for the
"clones" which operate from various space stations that are
disguised as planetoids.
(It is from these "carrier" ships that the
abduction, implantation, programming, mutilation, infiltration and
other projects are carried out against planet earth).
It has also
been suggested that thousands of years ago the surface of LUNA and
Mars were much more ’habitable’, that the surfaces of
these bodies may have been decimated after passing through the
asteroid belt or an ’asteroid storm’ (consisting of debris which
’may’ have been torn
from a planet which apparently existed between Mars and Jupiter at
one time - possibly destroyed by a close encounter with another
planetary body in the tradition of
Velikovsky’s theories).
It is
believed that ancient ’ruins’, possibly thousands of years old,
have been seen on both ’planets’ and that these attest to such a
MIB’S Also referred to as the ’Men In Black’
or ’Horlocks’.
These are apparently in many cases humans
who are controlled by draconian influences, although other ’MIB’ have been encountered which do not
seem human, but more reptilian OR synthetic. The ’MIB’ have been
encountered often after UFO sightings, usually intimidating
witnesses into keeping silent about what they’ve seen (many of the witnesses
may be ’abductees’ with suppressed memories of the event).
’threats’ appear to be motivated by attempts to utilize ’terrorism’,
’fear’ or ’intimidation’ as a psychological
weapon against witnesses. This ’weapon’ may not only be used to keep the human ’MIB’ under control, but by the human MIB’s themselves.
’They’ are often, though not always, seen in connection with large,
black automobiles, some of which have been seen disappearing into
mountains - as in the case of one basing area between Hopland and
Lakeport, California - canyons or tunnels or in some cases
apparently appear out of or disappear (cloak?) into thin
Most humanoid MIB have probably been implanted by the Draconians and are essentially their
’slaves’. Bio-synthetic forms possessed by ’infernals’ also seem to play a part in the MIB
scenario, as do subterranean and exterran societies.
Sirius, at only
9+ light years away, has been identified as a major exterran MIB
center of activity, with a subterran counterpart existing in
ancient antediluvian ’Atlantean’ underground complexes which have been
’re-established’ beneath the Eastern U.S. seaboard.
These could be considered ’Almost Humans’. Made with animal tissue
and depends on a computer to simulate memory. A memory the computer
has withdrawn from another human being.
The Almost Humans may also
fall under the category of the ’zombie’ type aliens.
MOON-EYES, THE A race of peaceable humans some 7-8 ft. tall, with pale-blue skin
and large ’wrap-around’ eyes which are extremely sensitive to light.
They MAY be the same as the large humans allegedly encountered on
the moon by our ’astronauts’ according to John Lear and
others, who in turn were silenced and not allowed to tell what
they saw. These people may, according to some accounts, be
allied to the ’Nordics’ and/or ’Blondes’.
They claim to be descendants of Noah who traveled
to the Western Hemisphere a few centuries following the deluge and
discovered ancient antediluvian cavern systems and ancient
technologies which had been abandoned by the antediluvians in deep
subterranean recesses. They have been encountered mostly in deep
cavern-systems beneath the general region of the Ozarks-Arkansas and
surrounding regions.
The only real evidence we have on their
existence is an early report of the Cherokee Indians telling of a
blue-skinned race that they encountered.
MOTHMEN Largely subterranean, pterodactyloid-like hominoids with bat-like
Sometimes describes as
possessing ’horns’
and thus are
considered very similar to the traditional depiction of the ’devil’,
according to certain individuals who have encountered them.
Although often referred to as ’Mothmen’, this title might be a little
These creatures - which have also been referred to as
the Ciakars, Pteroids, Birdmen and Winged Draco - have been
encountered near underground systems near Mountauk Point, Long
Island; Point Pleasant, West Virginia; and Dulce, New Mexico. (identical to the
Sumero-Babylonian UTUKKI, a demon of the KI GAL or
NAGAS Also referred to as the ’Reptoids’,
’Reptiloids’, ’Reptons’,
’Homo-saurus’, ’Lizard-men’, or the ’Large Nosed Greys’.
They play a
significant role in the legends of India and Tibet where they are
considered by some to be demoniacal residents of a subterranean
realm. They are described as being around 7-8 ft. tall and of
various colors, grotesque, but most often moldy greenish with scaled
crocodilian ’skin’.
Allegedly descended from a branch of bipedal sauroids which existed thousands of years ago on earth and via
mutation and natural selection developed the brain-body coordination
necessary to develop a technology.
Some species still reportedly
retain a visible ’tail’ although much atrophied from their
supposedly extinct’ saurian ancestors. Some abductees claim that the
"lizard" people resemble a humanoid version of a Velociraptor.
a reputed
battle in ancient times between a "pre-Scandinavian" race from the
Gobi region and a Reptiloid race based in Antarctica, the reptilians
allegedly lost the battle for domination of the surface world and
were driven into underground networks in which they eventually
developed aerial and space technology.
The Nagas are said to have appeared at the birth of Gautama
Siddharta, who later became "Buddha".
B) The ancient "well" of
Sheshna in Benares, India, is traditionally
where the "YOGA APHORISMS OF PATANJALI, a classical guide to students
of Yoga, was written." This "well" is said to be an entrance to one
of the Naga’s underworld lairs.
Sherman Minton states that "Sheshna’s well", an alleged opening into
the underground reptilian underworld of "Patalas" [consisting of
seven worlds or cavern levels], may be seen today in Benares, India,
"...It has forty steps leading down into a circular depression
to a stone door covered with cobras.
This is said to lead to PATALA,
the reptile netherworld legend of the Nagas, the "serpents" which live in extensive
underground palaces in the rocky Himalayas. It is believed that
these creatures are able to fly in space and that they possess
amazing magical powers and intelligence.
They are not too fond of
man if he is a curiosity seeker, explorer or mountaineer. According
to the sacred(?) tradition of the Hindus, the deep caverns of the Nagas contain fabulous treasures, illuminated by flashing precious
The subterranean abodes are known to be in certain parts of
both the Himalayas and Tibet, particularly around the Lake of the
Great Nagas - Lake Manosarowar."
NORDICS (Wingmakers?) Blonde, Blue-Eyed, Angular Faces.
Although Nordics are humanoid and externally almost identical to
humans. There are subtle differences in the Nordic alien physiology,
and most of them are based on the living conditions that they have
grown up in. Their planets are extremely hot and dry, and have a low
oxygen content in the atmosphere.
They have a larger lung capacity
than humans and have a copper based blood in order to carry oxygen
more efficiently. The eyes are protected by inner lids and can allow
them to see into the ultraviolet range of the spectrum. They have
only 28 teeth, as they lack a back pair of molars. Their heads are
longer than humans.
The brain case is about .2 mm thicker and the
bone is harder. The brain is the same as the human brain as far as
structure and size is concerned, except for the midbrain area, where
there are functions that allow telepathic and telekinetic skills. It
explains the psionic powers of the Nordics.
They average about 2
meters in height. Females about 1.7 meters. They have no sweat
glands. The skin allows moisture to be drawn from the air as well as
moisture to penetrate. The heart beats at around 242 beats per
minute, and the average blood pressure is 80 systolic and 40
diastolic. They have extremely dilated blood vessels.
The heart is
located where the human liver would be. The cartilage that would
protect a human heart extends down 3.5cm further in the Nordic in
order to protect this structure. Blood cells are biconvex in
contrast to the concave cells of humans. Kidney type functions only
allow about half the liquid consumed to be excreted.
The rest is
evidently put back into the system. Urine is thick with minerals and
appears in color and texture to freshly pumped crude oil. Feces are
dry pellets with all moisture removed. The adult Nordic can regulate
the amount of adrenaline in their body. They have no pineal gland.
Nordic females are capable of being impregnated at any time, but the
males are capable of impregnation about once a year. The period of
incubation is three to five months.
ORANGE, THE These entities largely converge beneath southern Nevada, northern
New Mexico and possibly Utah.
Some sources refer to a:
[1] ’human’
race with stalky yellow, red or orange hair, others of
[2] a genetically-altered,
humanoid-reptiloid strain or hybrid. They
are often described often as having a humanoid form yet certain ’reptilian’ genetic features. They are also said to possess
human-like reproductive organs, and possibly (or not) a human
’soul-matrix’, and therefore a divergent branch of the human race,
or reptiloid race depending on which ’type’ of Orange one is
referring to. as some accounts suggest there MAY also be
[3] orange-colored reptilians which possess
no soul-matrix. Refer to ’hu-breds and hybrids’ Some of the "Orange" allegedly have
connections to Bernard’s Star. These may also be the Native Amerian’s Sitecah or
Red Giants. In 1911, miners were digging out
layers of bat guano from a cave located about 22 miles southwest of
Lovelock, Nevada, when
they happened upon the mummified remains which would have stood 6
1/2 feet tall alive. The mummy was still crowned with ’distinctly’ red hair. The ancient legends of the local
Paiute Indians described a race of red-haired giants who were the
enemies of many Indian tribes of the region .
Orions which come from the stars in the Orion constellation are a
group claimed to be working with the government on Black Op
They are very heavily involved in influencing the world
population through the use of mind control. They have also been
doing genetic work in which they alter a human sperm and ovum to the
extent that all offspring will produce hybrids with new
characteristics. Humans will mate and create children with alien
genetics. That’s one step beyond the average abduction scenario.
Some claim that ’negative’ entities have been associated with some
of the stars in the Orion constellation. Other sources claim that
the Orion Nebula is a cosmic ’doorway’ to ’infinity’ or the realm of
the Creator, which transcends the time-space-matter universe.
astronomers claim that a huge, beautifully-illuminated multicolored
’light’ has emerged from the "nebula" and is on an intercept-course
with Earth, although at a rather leisurely pace and at this rate
this ’light’ or ’star’ will reach earth approximately 3000 AD (give
or take a hundred years).
Could this have something to do with the
prophecy in Revelation 21? Since the Draconians are attempting to
conquer the ’heavens’, they may have made futile attempts to enter
the ’Eternity Gate’ and intercept the emerging ’Light’ (’War In
Heaven’ between Michael and the ’Dragon’?)
may explain the alleged presence of the Draconians in the Orion
constellation, although certain ’human’ groups have allegedly become
curious of the ’Eternity Gate’ as well. The Orion open cluster
itself is the base of a joint Reptiloid - Grey empire called
Unholy Six, which has been working out of NEMESIS in an effort to
sabotage the human presence in the SOL system.
Many of the
"planetoids" that have entered this system and have made observable
"course alterations" are arriving from
and the
Orion-Draconian EMPIRE.
PHILADELPHIA PROJECT ALIENS I refer to them as this because I wasn’t given a name for this type
of alien.
They were detected as one of their ships got caught up and
sucked in with the Eldrich, which ended up 40 years , August 12,
1983, later at Montauk. They were about 6 foot 5 inches tall. They
were essentially human in appearance. They had dark leathery skin.
They had no hair. Where they came from is not for sure..
According to TAL LeVesque (Jason Bishop):
Having been within arm length of REPTOIDS, I did get to observe
various details. They wore no clothes. But, they did have a "UTILITY
BELT", with several unusual things on it.
One "device" had a small
orange light on it. When this is touched, they simply "disappear". I
have quickly moved into the spots where the REPTOIDS were, instantly
after they disappear. There was no temperature anomaly in the ZONE.
I had expected it to be "cooler" in the area (if they were draining
energy to manifest, like happens in various kinds of apparitions).
They did change density at times. They made heavy footsteps, in the
hallway, on the wood floor. And could walk through the walls. They
"glow" an electrical blue/greenish color, like some kind of AURA.
The head is similar to the Reptilian Humanoids on the TV Program
The head was more cone shaped, like the "YETI" kind of
have. In fact, the REPTOIDS are built like Big Foot. The one has
SCALES, the other has HAIR. The Eyes are "slit" SERPENT-like. Very
strange, "flame-like" and flickery. Three fingers and an opposing
thumb. With claw-like Talons (on fingers and feet). A small tail.
Large Scales, like a "Breast Plate" on the chest. The scales were
smaller where the body is flexible, like around the elbow. The
Scales were like a SNAKE. I guess that is why some call them "The
SERPENT Race". The Scales were mostly green to very dark green, on
each scale(a variation of color). They are "Telepathic". Very quick
IDEAS driven by Images and geometric Impressions. NOT a "linear"
form of communication, like words. More, of a Symbol or Image
Language. They DO react to your "thoughts". They can "overwhelm" you
with DATA (it seems like "thought compression". It can take you a
long time to assimilate their "TRANSMISSION" and integrate it.
awhile I "saw" the language, as FRACTAL "Mandelic" Hyper-Spheres or
"THOUGHT FORM" constructs, to pass DATA. These sucks are
freaks. Highly Intellectual. Limited Emotional response (Hate, Fear
and a "short circuit" Confusion state (mild Panic). You can think or
do "the UNEXPECTED" and they do "freak out". So... stay calm and
centered. They RESPECT that.
Then they "THINK" you are dangerous.
But, if you Fear them, they will taunt your weakness and will DISrepect you. Careful, don’t DIS-"REP" them either. They are no
better than you. I "glean" they want something WE have. Something in
our SOUL Nature. We can "Shift" to Theta "BALANCE" and LINK to the
SOURCE. They are TOO far into analyzing. Unbalanced. They like DRUGS
like cocaine, opium, Magic Mushrooms and "milking" humans for
They can’t get INTO your Mind without you having the
opportunity to get into their REPTILIAN Brain, too. They KNOW alot
about the outward form of creation. They KNOW the "Force"... but,
behind that is "The SOURCE". They NEED us, we don’t need them.
(But what do they need... Our Vital Source... Our Life Source.. Our
Soul Force... Sutherland)
"...[Brazilian] Jefferson Souza claims that the following
revelations are from the personal notes and scientific diaries of a
scientist who was commissioned by the U.S. Government over a period
of several years to visit all crash sites, interrogate captured Alien Life Forms and analyze all data gathered from that endeavor.
Eventually this person was discovered to have kept and maintained
personal notes on his discoveries and was therefore scheduled for
termination [not just "job termination"!]... which he narrowly
Following 33 years of investigations, he went in to hiding
in 1990. Here is some data which this anonymous informant reportedly gathered
on the Reptilian type alien entities:
Average Height: Male - 2.0 Meters; Female - 1.4 Meters
Average Weight: M - 200 Kilos; F - 100 Kilos
Body Temperature: M - Ambient Temperature; F - Ambient Temperature
Pulse/Respiration: M - 40/10; F - 40/10
Blood Pressure: M - 80/50; F - 80/50
Life Expectancy: M - 60 Earth Years; F - 23 Earth Years
Cold-blooded like all reptiles, the
Reptiloid is found to flourish
in a warm, tropical clime [normally artificial... big caves].
imperfect respiration providing just enough oxygen to supply tissues
and maintain the processing of food and combustion, their
temperature can be raised only a few degrees above the ambient [this
suggests that ’heat’ weapons, like flame-throwers and so on, may
prove to be very effective and fatal to this species under battle
The reproductive system is
ovouniparous, with eggs
hatching in the oviduct prior to birth.
The underdeveloped Reptiloid
[for faster activities, physical activities] results in a
slowness and simpler city of movement.
The Reptiloid eye is composed
of thousands of microscopic facets, each facet with its own
independent protective lid. The eye is almost never closed entirely
during waking hours; rather, sections of the organ are shut down in
conjunction with the dominant light source.
The reptiloids survived
’hidden’ inside the Earth [within] Big Caves Underground.
Additional Information in
The Reptilian Blood Legacy.
Sirians are usually described as about 6½ feet tall, blond hair
cut very short, and blue eyes that have a cat’s eye vertical pupil.
There has been some discussion as to whether these negative Sirians
are part of the Kamagol II group that built the records chamber
under Gizeh, but that has not been established.
The negative Sirians
are considered part of the Orion group that is playing the
domination/control game.
SHINING ONES Tibetans and American Indians both refer to
’shining beings’ they
encounter in isolated spaces during secret religious rituals.
are humanoid and ’lit within’. They guard sacred sites on earth,
’holding them in trust for a future of wonders’ and are bearers of
great wisdom. These may be the counterparts of the Celtic fairy
traditions. Some abductees, including Betty Andreasson have
reported such beings.
Science fiction writer PHILIP K. DICK* wrote letters at great length
beginning in February 1978 referring to encounters with just such
shining beings. He wrote half a million words on incidents between
him and the light beings over a four year period before his death in
1982. Dick found himself kept awake at night by,
’vilent phosphene
activity... within my head it communicated with me in the form of a
computer like or Artificial Intelligence system like voice, quite
different from any human voice, neither male nor female, and a very
beautiful sound it was, the most beautiful sound I ever heard... the imposition of another human personality unto mine produced
startling modifications in my behavior...
Some living, highly
intelligent entity manifested itself inside me and around me, but
what it was , what its purpose was, where it came from... each
theory leaves some datum unexplained...and I know this is not
going to change’. I have the impression that a ’master gameplayer
and magician and trickster’ is involved."
Dick’s insistence that it
was both another ’human personality and that it had a computerlike
voice, supports the theories being presented here.
If the shining
beings that ’imposed’ itself was both a robot and an emissary from a
human source, this makes perfect sense.
PHILIP K DICK was a very influential writer, so much so that an
ANNUAL AWARD IS GIVEN IN HIS NAME. His stories were made into movies
Source: 1996 Nuwaubian Calendar, “Extraterrestrial Amongst Us
The Teros, which is short from integrative or constructive, are a
subsurface race that usually keep the Deros in check.
The Teros,
were the original tribe of the Lunarians who came to this planet to
dwell beneath the surface of the
Earth. They are referred to as
the Sunaynans, meaning “The Yearly Ones.” The Deros were for
disagreeable people and the Teros, were for agreeable people. Their
chief is named Laamsa (right photo).
The Teros came from the planet Jomon in the
star constellation Arcturus which is in the
constellation. Arcturus, the red giant, the fourth brightest star in
heaven is where much mixing took place. The Sunaynans have 48
chromosomes instead of the normal 46 that Earth people possess.
The Tero’s chromosome structure is so different from Earthlings that
when mixed with certain humans, it caused a defect of 47 chromosomes
which today is called “Down’s Syndrome.” Their children are usually
born with breathing defects as well as congenital heart disease and
they also have poor digestive systems.
Their immune system is unable
to function properly and they are more apt to developing leukemia.
The Teros that have an abundance of pigmentation in their skin are
descendants of the Shuyukh. Those who are lacking pigmentation are
descendants of the Halaabeans, Flugelrods or Hulub. The Teros bored
further into the Earth and were able to keep their sanity. Because
of cross-breeding, the Teros took on different forms.
Some look so
human they can come to the surface and not be noticed.
ZOMBIES Humans with
alien brain implants programmed to help overthrow
Mankind in the NEAR FUTURE.
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