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Talk of 'Planetary Court' and Removal of 6 Billion People under New 'Earth Constitution' and 'World Government'.
The depopulationists are on the move again, pushing hard for the elimination of six billion people on planet Earth in order to bring the planet down to what's being touted as its,
But this time, the depopulation agenda may be codified by the Vatican.
Professor John Schellnhuber has been chosen as a speaker for the Vatican's rolling out of a Papal document on climate change. He's the professor who previously said the planet is overpopulated by at least six billion people.
Now, the Vatican is giving him a platform which many expect will result in an official Church declaration in support of radical depopulation in the name of "climate science."
A new Planetary Court to hold power over all nations... one ring to rule them all
Schellnhuber daydreams about a "Planetary Court" guided by a new "Earth Constitution" which would hold power over every nation and government on the planet.
As he explains himself in
this document on, he's a proponent of an
all-powerful, climate-focused world government that would rule over
the planet... a literal "science dictatorship" based on whatever
"science" the climate change proponents can fudge together each
Schellnhunber, in other words, believes a new world government can create "freedom" for humanity by dictating to it with a new Planetary Court guided by an Earth Constitution which will no doubt begin by declaring the planet can only sustain one billion people.
The other six billion or so simply have to go.
So instead of a Bill of Rights, this new Earth Constitution will be founded on a Bill of Deaths and a global government that might order the extermination of billions of human beings in order to "save the climate."
The Guardian goes on to report:
California Governor worried that too many people exist
Interestingly, California Governor Jerry Brown might welcome such a depopulation agenda organized under a new world government.
He recently tweeted about California having too many people, saying,
Gov. Brown goes on to say that climate
change is the reason the current drought is so much more worse than
anything they've seen in the past.
Fast depopulation vs. slow depopulation
Since YOU are one of the targets of global depopulation, you may want to increase your awareness of how it might be accomplished.
When it comes to depopulation, there are two approaches considered by the globalists:
"Slow depopulation" methods have been tried since the 1970's. They haven't worked.
As world population continues to rise, the global power brokers now seem to be experimenting with "fast depopulation" approaches to achieve their goal of eliminating six billion people from the planet.
Accordingly, the globalists see themselves as being compassionate for humanity by invoking deliberate depopulation, thereby preventing catastrophic, unintentional depopulation (i.e. a global die-off following the catastrophic collapse of the global ecosystem).
That's how they justify covert vaccine
sterilization programs, for example, or talk of eliminating six
billion people on the planet. In other words, when they are
murdering you and six billion of your brothers and sisters, just
remember that in their own minds, they LOVE life and are protecting
the ecosystem!
How do they kill six billion people? Twelve monkeys!
Killing one person is called murder. Killing six billion people is called "climate science."
But how do you pull it off, exactly?
(I'm not saying this is true because it
was in a movie. That would be absurd. Rather, in this case, the
movie correctly depicts the reality of how easily a bioweapon could
be spread by someone with the intent to destroy human civilization
as we know it.)
(It's sort of the perfect police state
model if you think about it, and it gives governments the
justification to insert medical tracking RFID chips into everybody's
bodies at gunpoint. C'mon you control freaks, you know how excited
you get when you think about microchipping the population! It's
The U.S. military already possesses biological weapons which could kill one billion or more
It's an undebatable fact that the U.S. military has long engineered and tested such viral bioweapons to potentially use as weapons of war.
(I previously wrote about the
airborne Ebola that ran wild
through a U.S. Army medical research facility in 1990, killing an entire building full of monkeys
before they "nuked" the building with sterilization chemicals.)
In reality, the research is merely
shifted into covert status, continuing as normal on "black budgets."
Today, the United States government possesses viral strains which
could decimate humanity in less than a year's time... and they could
be "accidentally-purposely" released anywhere on the planet without
Naturally, those vaccine shots would be manufactured without any of the mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and MSG found in vaccines given to the general public, thereby making them significantly safer.
The CDC, of course, would stay
completely silent on this pandemic, just as they've maintained
absolute silence on the confession of their scientist Dr. William
Thompson, who
publicly admitted to taking part in
scientific fraud at the CDC to hide the links between vaccines and
autism in African-Americans.
And in this scenario, guess who would be most likely to survive? People who use medicinal herbs and immune-boosting superfoods.
Those who are wiped out by the
weaponized population control virus would largely consist of the
elderly, the immuno-suppressed, and the malnourished.
...and other depopulation fanatics:
The truly hilarious part in all this is that the world's masses are already so totally brainwashed by climate propaganda that if you ordered them to voluntarily report to "eco-friendly euthanasia chambers" to save the planet by killing themselves, they'd line up in droves to comply!
Heck, they'd buy tickets!
The Aztecs did it, and that worked out just great! (Just ask all the Aztecs that are still around.)
What could possibly go wrong...?