by Catherine Austin Fitts
July 5, 2015
Solari Website

"Yet it must
also be recognized that nuclear energy,
biotechnology, information technology; knowledge
of our DNA, and many other abilities, which we
have acquired, have… given those with the
knowledge, and especially the economic resources
to use them, an impressive dominance over the
whole of humanity and the entire world…
In whose hands does
all this power lie, or will it eventually end
It is risky for a
small part of humanity to have it."
Pope Francis
A Papal Encyclical is a letter
concerning Catholic doctrine which is circulated by the Pope.
This week,
Pope Francis
published a new Encyclical:
Laudato Si' of the Holy Father Francis - Care
for Our Common Home. The 180+ page document sounds the
alarm regarding the global degradation of living things: people,
animals and our environment.
If this document had been authored by a professor of theology, there
would be much room for common ground.
However, it has been written by the
leader of an institution which has been the single most powerful in
the Western world for the last 500 years - a period during which the
central banking-warfare model has been busy harvesting our common
There is a profound disassociation from the nuts-and-bolts of what
the Catholic Church (and its networks and investment syndicates)
have been doing and the sources of their wealth.
This Encyclical is, if you will, a
concept piece independent of the financial and political realities
of the Vatican, the Catholic Church and its allies.
Assuming that Pope Francis first and foremost addressed the
Encyclical to bishops, patriarchs, primates, archbishops as well as
to the general population, I would like to propose several steps
which the Pope, the Vatican and the leadership of the Catholic
Church (collectively,
the "Church") might take to
integrate some of the best ideas in this document into the power
lines controlled and influenced by the Church.
1 - Disclosure
The world is struggling with propaganda, disinformation, and
significant suppression of the truth. The new Pope's efforts to
provide digital access to works in the Vatican Library on a
selective basis are a good start.
In the meantime, there is a great deal
of knowledge which the Church, its libraries and networks can share:
The Church can accelerate access
to both the Vatican Library and Archives.
The Church can publish all its
information regarding
global "black budgets."
This would include any information related to invisible
weaponry and technology driving the real governance systems
operating on Planet Earth.
In the context of understanding
what is happening to our environment, the Church can publish
all its information on
global geo-engineering and weather
control programs as part of an open discussion to
ensure that the global population and scientific community
has accurate data on what is happening to our climate.
The Church can provide open
access to
its financial information
and persuade its affiliates, endowments and churches to do
the same, including detailed disclosure on a place-based
The Church can encourage global
governments to publish their budgets and credit information
on a place-based basis. Place-based financial disclosure
will permit the alignment of financial ecosystems with
environmental ecosystems - a critical step to ensuring a
healthy environment. This will create incentive systems
which reward the health and well-being of all living things.
The Church can disclose all
information on its direct and indirect involvement in any
illegal activities, including vote rigging, narcotics
trafficking, and money laundering.
The Church can use its
shareholdings and ownership positions
in media companies to
insist on integrity in public information.
The Church can use its
in pharmaceutical and
food companies to insist on
integrity and independence of scientific research.
The Church can provide a safe
haven for scientists, journalists and other professionals
who are targeted for upholding high standards of integrity
in science and information.
2 - Individual
Slavery contributes significantly to the degradation of people
throughout our planet.
The Church can withdraw from
supporting governments, corporations or any other
organizations that support any form of
The Church can destroy the
"control files" of prominent businessmen and politicians
created through the use of its networks.
The Church can complete
restoration efforts related to
its pedophilia activities
and publish complete figures on how much the Church has
spent on all restoration efforts.
The Church can use its
shareholdings and ownership positions in government and
corporate securities to insist on a withdrawal of corporate
and government support for mind control, torture and slavery
and the compromise of individual privacy and sovereignty.
3 - Organized
Crime & Lawlessness
The primary source of environmental damage does not result from
market economics - quite the opposite.
It results from the lethal combination
of organized crime operating powerful and invisible weaponry coupled
with invasive digital systems and sophisticated financial tools on
In short, those with the ability to
kill, to destroy and to steal with impunity combine such force with
fiat currencies, unsustainable debt, resource extraction, financial
fraud, war and genocide in order to centralize wealth and power in a
manner which shrinks total wealth.
Lawlessness on a global scale must be dealt with before it destroys
our planet.
The Church can divest its
holdings in governments and corporations which engage in
these practices. It should encourage its affiliates and
members to do the same.
The Church can also disassociate
from foundations and not-for-profits that engage in these
practices or that launder profits for those who do.
The Church can make clear that
the ten 'commandments' apply not just to what we do,
but to whom and what we finance.
The Church can stop any and all
participation by itself and its networks in narcotics
trafficking and disgorge the profits of the same to the
people harmed.
4 - Debt &
Fiat Currency
No less than The Economist has rightly pointed out that we are
chocking on debt, in part because we provide enormous tax subsidies
which encourage debt (see
The Great Distortion).
Debt throws people out of alignment with
one another and with the environment around them. Ditto
fiat currency which is used in a manner to
debase global populations and economies.
We must shift to an equity-based financial system which facilitates
the free flow of equity unencumbered by the intervention and control
of organized crime.
An equity-based system - which includes
the financing of small businesses, small farms and local economies
with equity - will permit us to evolve a financial system in which
we can generate wealth from healing our environment and reducing
The Church can encourage these
changes by shifting the significant funds it manages
as well as those managed by its networks.
The Church can encourage
governments to reduce laws and regulations that prevent the
local circulation of equity or that prevent the creation and
success of local currency systems.
5 -
Sovereignty is Sacred
A global culture is one which respects the sovereignty of every
We respect human rights. We respect
property rights. We respect privacy. We respect the right of each
human being to make up their own mind.
The Church can withdraw its
investments from all governments and corporations (including
media) which
compromise people's privacy
or which manipulate them via
mind control techniques,
entrainment technology, subliminal programming or
The Church can actively
encourage its priests and networks to bring transparency to
mind control techniques or any efforts to mislead people
The Church can offer sanctuary
to scientists, government personnel or journalists who bring
transparency to these efforts.
6 - Capitalism
- Let's Try It
Before we dismiss capitalism, we should try it.
Organized crime is not capitalism. It is the application of force to
control and to get one's way.
Market economics can solve many of the
problems before us - but we have to unleash markets to work rather
than prevent them from operating and then blaming the subsequent
"mess" on them.
The Church can call for all
monies stolen by illegal means in the last two
decades to be returned, including trillions which have
disappeared from the US government or which have been
accrued as a result of financial frauds prior to the
The Church can refrain from
blaming our current situation on the people who have been
harmed by these thefts or from insisting that the subsequent
economic damage is a result of the victims' poor values or
The Church can withdraw its
investment from financial institutions, governments and
corporations that:
Engage in market rigging
and intervention.
Provide unlawful or
unethical support to cartels and monopolies.
Engage in the purposeful
suppression of technologies which would ease the
harm we are doing to the environment.
The Church and its affiliates and
members manage trillions in real estate and financial assets.
As one of the most significant
capitalist organizations/investment networks on our planet, it can
institute policies to ensure that it does not invest in companies or
governments which behave in the manner described in the latest
Encyclical and that its real estate is not used to support such
Vatican II, the Church forced the
sale of significant real estate holdings which were serving
communities. The proceeds from these sales were reinvested in
corporate securities.
The Church can ensure that the Orders
for whom these funds are managed have access to full transparency
about these investments and are permitted to institute policies
which ensure that these investments are managed in accordance with
the goals of this Encyclical.
7 - War
Published global military expenditures were $1.7 trillion in 2013.
Add secret black budget expenditures and the total was likely
much more.
These funds - combined with savings from
destructive behavior such as gambling, narcotics and alcohol - could
be shifted into investment in healing our environment, our education
systems, our health care systems and revitalizing global
8 - Invite
Both the Church and our planet are dynamic living systems.
Moving to a healthy global culture and
aligning our financial ecosystems with our environmental ecosystems
is a journey.
The Church can encourage its
entire network to adopt these goals in their lives so that
achieving them is a partnership of the many for the benefit
of all.
The Church can publish an annual
report on its efforts to take responsibility and to achieve
these goals internally in its own operations, asset
managements and investments and to invite feedback from all
of its constituents to help it do so.
9 - Wise as a
There is often a risk that any important policy will be
misunderstood or misused by those who are centralizing control and
The G-7 nations have experienced a
financial coup d'état. A great deal of money and assets have been
shifted out of sovereign governments into private hands - either
illegally or under the guise of trillions in bailouts and
quantitative easing - while liabilities have been shifted back into
Now that these transfers are complete, it would be convenient to
blame the victims and to abrogate their pensions and other savings
plans and promises.
It would be unfortunate if this
Encyclical were used to justify the value of doing so in the name of
"reducing consumerism" or to politically outmaneuver the victims by
accusing them of being "selfish."
Economies function on trust and such trust must come from honoring
our agreements. As Pope Francis understands, it is easy to blame the
victim and to take from the powerless.
Utah Phillips
once said,
"The Planet is not dying, it is
being killed. And the people doing the killing have names and
We commend the Pope for calling out for
a cessation of the debasement of all living things.
Let us hope that his latest Encyclical
starts ringing doorbells - beginning with the opportunity to do so
in the Church and in the Church's asset and investment portfolios...